Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday was good-ish...I'm giving up on carnivore, it just is not for me...I had a salad at lunch, it was magical...and a bit of ramen with my eggs and kielbasa for dinner, which was also pretty tasty...I am going to try to cut back on the dairy, I feel like that got a little over the top with carnivore...I did my Arnold Smash bi/tri/forearm and totally knocked it out of the park...but I did indulge with some whiskey/diet while re-watching season 1 Game of Thrones...still headed to bed at a decent, overall, not perfect, but good-ish.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited January 2019
    What are some of your favorite salad fixings?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday - completed my shoulders/legs, that was so all the shopping done plus did some craft/cosplay shopping, but the boot shopping was a waste of time, everything I liked was not in my size...lunch was spinach and eggs, dinner was chicken alfredo over broccoli instead of pasta, it was sooo good and I couldn't even finish it, but still good.

    Sunday - completed chest/back except for the crunches and calf stuff, just ran out of time and was hungry...lunch was at a social event, so veggies and dip mostly plus a piece of ham and a chicken thigh (my favorite part)...dinner was asian salad with vienna sausages because the kids ate all the chicken before I got done with weights...but it was cool, I love those little canned things, so delicious!

    Favorite salad fixings...usually I just use whatever is laying around...I like spinach or romaine or mixed greens for the lettuce...and I try to have some kind of meat like leftover chicken or roast or whatever, but if there aren't leftovers then I'll just use lunchmeat or canned meats (love canned chicken with basil and tarragon, so yum)...usually I do shredded cheddar or feta or bleu cheese, but I may be cutting that out...and then olives or pickles or pepperoncini to give it some more favorite dressing is bleu cheese, but I'll also use caesar or ranch or some kind of vinigarette depending on what we have at salt and pepper...I like to change it up so it's a bit different if I'm having salad frequently...I also love the pre-mixed salads at costco, like the caesar and the asian and such where you just dump everything into a bowl and toss it all together...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Lucifer's waterfall...really...are you fracking kidding me...I mean, it's good that there's no cramping and bloating and such, but a little warning this morning would have been nice...I'm in a dress and a thong, this is not how I usually prepare for this event...<sigh>
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Today was good...I didn't sleep well, but got up and did combat anyway...did my walking...did most of my weights...I did cut them back a bit because I'm just feeling super crappy with the time of month...but I did all the weights that needed to be done, just skipped the crunches and legs because my belly is already crampy and least the bi/tri/forearm are done.
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Girl I feel ya! I got my challenge workout in and a house walk done but gah not the best feeling couple days. I ate ALL the food! Still not happy and didn't get that craving filled but oh well I can't possibly eat anything else. Hope things get better for you soon!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    This weekend I couldn't even work out because I had such bad pains! Not from lucifer though, just some reaction to too much protein I think. Good for you working through it!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was kind of lame in the workout morning combat because I either didn't set an alarm or turned it off in my sleep, so I got up way late...walking was done, yay...and then we had haircuts and dinner out and didn't get home until almost 10, plus, my daughter's pointe shoes still needed to be no evening weights and I didn't get to bed until midnight.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Also for Tuesday...carbs were way over because we had pizza for dinner, but calories were in line and protein was pretty close to the minimum, which is not terrible since I didn't lift and didn't need the extra protein anyway.
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Yummmm pizza! How does that fit in with your keto? Do you have to eat extra protein and fats to balance the carbs?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I don't do anything to balance out the carbs, I just suck it up on the days I choose to indulge. On the plus side, if it's a day where I actually do my lifting, I can have the extra carbs and totally stay in ketosis - based on how I feel anyway...but since I didn't lift last night, I did wake up with a headache this morning, and I totally wonder how much of that was the carb indulgence without burning them off versus just the weather doing funky things...yesterday it was bitter cold, today is warmish, tomorrow is super warm and raining cats and dogs...the weather shifts tend to trigger sinus headaches for me anyway, so it's tough to determine if weather alone would have caused a headache or if the carbs helped that happen.

    Generally I choose to stick to keto as much as humanly possible...but at group gatherings, that just isn't always possible without being a giant pain in the *kitten*, so I will just eat what's available and suffer the consequences.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    fu MFP for kittening up my language...this is an adult aren't my can't tell me what to do!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    ...and reading about everyone having flooding problems when we are supposed to be having massive rains tomorrow...<shudder>...fills me with trepidation...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was on morning workout, but walking weights because it's rest day and my turn to taxi the was within goal, so that's cool...I'm still a bit sore from chest/back on Sunday, so increasing those weights was a good call.

    3 weeks of Arnold Smash done, and one to go...didn't do before pics, but looking forward to the after pics...I think my last progress photos are from Halloween.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Earlier today my newsfeed was working, but profile pages were not...and now all of it is down...again...<sigh>
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    I hope you feel better tomorrow and have all kinds of energy! Maybe you will sleep better tonight too and not oversleep in the morning! Mine didn't last near as many days this time. The cravings were just crazy and now I feel like I'm starting keto all over again. I crave something sweet after every meal now. I guess it's time to start trying to break it again even though it's been keto approved it's still not helping my progress and still triggers that sweet tooth.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was was on target...walking was done...weights were lifted...I did the shoulders and legs that I missed Tuesday...since my lifting week starts on Thursday and the month ends on Thursday I could do a whole weekly routine before the end of the month...I'm going to be strict about calories next month, and go back to the carb/calorie cycling...did all my math and I'm all set to key it in next Friday...2 high days per week and the rest low...exercise will be mostly core, yoga, and cardio, plus just maintenance level of lifting...should be cool, and hopefully slim me right up because I'm starting to just feel like a chunky monkey!!!
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Good luck with your plan for next month! Sounds like a great one! Sorry you're having problems with MFP lately. Hopefully it will all work out soon.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday - I had a really delicious salad from the new pizza place next door to it was happy hour but I was driving, so just a bit of wine and some cheese curds, and not crazy on the calories.

    Saturday - after ballet headed to the beach house...I didn't key my food, but I had ham/turkey and cheese rollups for lunch...then dinner was a nice steak and salad...then way too much wine...this keto eating, I thought I was starting to get the hang of it, but apparently not...I was just watching TV and sipping on my wine, and then the next thing I knew I was totally trashed and falling asleep...I really need to start counting my drinks and then cut myself off at 4 because I'm really quite trashed after 4 drinks.

    Sunday - totally hungover all morning...headed home in the intake was very low, but plenty of fluids and some salt, finished off the wine with, no workout, but not crazy on the food either.

    I tried to log in to MFP repeatedly over the weekend...I guess I will have to take the time to uninstall/reinstall that app because it isn't working. It was annoying not to be able to log my stuff as I was eating it, but I'm pretty sure I got it all accounted for after the fact...I really would rather the app worked.