Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday...good and bad...bad, maintenance calories...good, did another arnold workout...80 min...these workouts are killer...another good, I didn't feel crazy sore from yesterday's, that's cool...I might be fluffy still, but I'm about to get badass muscular!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was nice, lots of visiting and lots of good food...some wine...

    Tuesday was mimosas all day and some food, but really not much...mostly just all day drinking...and some napping...and some relaxing and watching movies...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was not quite good...I only brought 4 eggs for lunch because I "wasn't feeling hungry"...that's such a mistake...I need to always always always go with home super hungry and just devoured a bunch of food and bueno...then I had an upset stomach and didn't finish my weights either...however, I did combat in the morning, and my walking, so that's cool...and it's lucifer's waterfall and it's just being a giant mess this month, so UGH...

    Tonight hubs and kids are gone visiting family, so I plan to finish the previous weight session since I need to get baseline weights for that routine anyway...and then do tonight's session as well...that's the plan...and then long hot shower...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - this was a great day...stayed carnivore-ish, did a high calorie day...walking, weights - so I finally have a baseline on all the weights and I start FOR REAL next Wed.

    Friday is planned and I feel good about my planning because I accounted for a night snack when we get to the beach house...normally I don't account for that and then I'm like way over for the day.

    This 4 day weekend I have 2 main goals...stay carnivore and walk, no driving to the store, only walking...and no drinking or eating junk, just get the protein eaten...there will be lots of heavy duty yard work, so I'm not going to try to do any weights or working out beyond getting some walking done...and it's new years but I don't want to drink to celebrate, I just want to stay on target...we can celebrate with steaks and shrimp or something that will keep me carnivore!

    I may or may not be online - sometimes the app works on my phone, sometimes it doesn't...though it seems to be working more often with the iphone than it did with the android. I will try to stay logged and updated, but updates may be shorter since typing on the phone is a pain.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope you enjoy your weekend and your New Years!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday went mostly according to plan. Changed up the late night snack but for the better. Travel was smooth even though traffic was heavy.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday, a bit over on food but not too crazy. I was just sooooo huuuungry and I blame it on the two hours of intense physical labor. But I did stick to the food plan and so I’m pretty happy with the day overall.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    so...I got a bit behind...

    Sunday was more yard work, though less clearing land and more garden cleanup so less physical. I don't think I tracked food, so not sure how I was there, but no drinking and no sweets, so probably on plan. Walking to the store, no driving.

    Monday was raining lightly most of the day, so we just stayed in and watched them demolish the abandoned house next to us, which was pretty cool to see. Walking to the store, though we did drive some to play pokemon and hit a couple raids.

    Tuesday was travel day, so we had sandwiches in the car and then black eyed peas for dinner at mom's...I also had a couple glasses of wine, but since I was driving I didn't have much.

    ***---HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    2018 in review

    I started 2018 at 151 lbs, a 28" waist, and 20.6% body fat...I have ended the year at 161.2 lbs, a 29" waist, and 17.3% body that means in a year I have gained about 13 lbs of lean mass and lost almost 3 pounds of fat...I know I have put on about an inch of muscle in my arms, and probably more than that in my legs but I don't have that paper in front of me right at the moment. I also haven't done new photos this year, but I know from looking at the ones a month ago that my back is way more muscular, and I have great muscle definition in my arms and legs compared to a year ago - the progress is just startling. Unfortunately, my tummy is getting a bit fluffy and the love handles are making a comeback. The downside to being slimmer and fitter is that it makes the chubby areas so much more visible and out of proportion. I also have lost that wrinkly cellulite look to my upper thighs, though some of it is still hanging around my glutes, it's nowhere near the level it was a year ago. Oh, and my glutes are back to being totally spank-tacular!!! My daughter poked me in the belly only to be shocked and amazed at how much muscle is under there, so under the fluff is strong, I just need to trim down a bit.

    This was a rough year at a personal level, and plagued with problems in my marriage that I just never really had to struggle with before. My husband had some kind of a midlife crisis and bout of depression and pretty much stopped acting like a husband or a father which really put a lot of strain on our family life and on multiple occasions it was very close to being over.

    2019 plan

    I would like to get down to about 15% body fat. If I can maintain the 133 lbs of lean mass and drop about 5 lbs of fat, then I should be there and I think that's reasonable. I actually wouldn't mind putting on some more muscle, but I definitely want to cut the fluff, that's the priority.

    I am totally super excited about doing the "arnold smash"'s based on arnold's workouts when we was mr universe and it's a solid 90 min of lifting 6 days a week. I'm very excited about increasing the intensity of my lifting!!! Like a squealy little girl in a pet shop!!!

    I'm still more fluffy than I would like, so for the start of the year I'm going to alternate the arnold smash and unlimited protein with p90x3 lean and calorie restriction.

    Not sure what I'll do for the second half of the year, I will play that by ear and tweak after I see what kind of results I get.

    As for my personal life, things are going better at the moment. We are doing a couples workbook thing, which is very freudian and annoying, but does have the advantage of structuring some relationship talk every week and that part really does seem to help. My husband has stepped up his self care so he is now dealing with his issues instead of just being delusional or in denial or whatever. We have delayed any kind of final decision regarding our marriage until the end of February, and we have agreed that there will be no further delays in making the decision, this is the final make it or break it moment. So, I am hopeful that we can work things out and absolutely committed to not living this kind of a marriage forever, so it will work out or it will end and one way or another this awful chapter of life will come to a close.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited January 2019
    I'm really sorry things in your personal life have been rough but I am glad to read that there is improvement. I hope it works out!

    Awesome job on your progress in 2018! I have no doubt you'll be successful in 2019! I'll be here following along =)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was good - only the plank challenge and crunches challenge, but I did them, and food was on-plan.

    Thursday was good - didn't go to work because I was just super tired and took a rest day, but I did do my new weight routine and the plank and crunches challenges, plus food was mostly on plan with the exception of a few whiskey/soda/lime drinks after dinner.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I'm not doing very good at keeping up with this journal so far this year...I really need to get on top of that and stay on top of that...the holidays are over, time to let go of that as an excuse.

    Friday was good, I felt sick most of the day, just super busy...I was supposed to go home and have the evening to workout and cook dinner but plans changed without anyone bothering to tell me, so I ended up having to take my daughter to dance was cool, but it also meant doing my workout after that, and then eating super late, and then getting to bed even later after my food settled a bit...but hey, workout (bicep/tricep/forearm) was done and most eating was ON PLAN.

    Saturday was an early morning and dance, plus lots of grocery shopping during dance, then home and workout (sholders/legs), and lots of cooking and prep. Food was mostly on target...I didn't log so I don't really remember what I ate...sushi at lunch, smoked salmon philly roll...meat/cheese as a snack...scrambled eggs with turkey at yeah, mostly on target other than the sushi.

    Sunday was visiting with a friend who has recently had surgery, so all that food prep went into play...we took over a caesar salad, lasagna, zucchini noodle lasagna, baguette and roasted garlic butter, and rugula for was good...I actually didn't eat anything before going, so my only meal of the day was a good sized bowl of salad, 2 pieces of the z-noodle lasagna, 2 pieces of baguette, and one raspberry rugula, oh, and 3 glasses of wine...not too much food for the day, and still keto but not carnivore...I'm really not sure I can do this carnivore thing since I do really love my veggies...after getting home around 9:30pm I opted to do my workout (chest/back), but only the first set of everything since the first set is 45% of the reps for most of the exercises (30 reps) but it's a light weight...between the new routine and the time in the car and visiting, my back is not super happy with me and I don't want to overdo it and be injured...but I also don't want to skip and lose the momentum I already, first set only...and my back was a bit twingy by the end, so I'm glad I limited it to just the first set but I'm also glad I did something...after workout I had bologna and cream cheese because I was so very hungry, then shower and off to bed.

    And my TV died, and I can't get the PC to play my combat disks, so now I desperately need a new TV if I'm going to do my morning workout. I kind of did it from memory this morning, but it was super boring without music to time with.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday...did morning combat in a half hearted lackadasical kind of way since I didn't actually have the video to follow...walked at lunch...arnold smash in the evening (bi/tri/forearm), plus the plank/crunch was a little low on protein, but so delicious and within calorie goals, which I'm tracking but not being strict about because the whole point is to eat as much protein as I want....I'm so very happy with the new lifting routine, though it is super hard to get 90 min. of lifting done, but I'm happy that it's something completely different, and I'm happy that I feel sore all the time (because apparently I'm also a bit crazy) and I feel like the intensity is something that I need right now...December was kind of meh in the workout motivation, but this new routine is making January totally all about that workout!!!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Sounds like 2019 is off to a great start! If you work some climbing into your workout routine, you'll get a full body workout in half the time :D

    I'm a climbing junkie so I want everyone to try it lol
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited January 2019
    I'm not doing very good at keeping up with this journal so far this year...I really need to get on top of that and stay on top of that...the holidays are over, time to let go of that as an excuse.

    You aren't alone.

    Also, I'm glad you found a workout that gets you excited again!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    edited January 2019
    Tuesday was pretty amazing...I didn't want to do my lifting because I am so tired/sore in the muscles, but I did it anyway...and food was actually within my calorie goal and protein goal - wow, totally amazed by that!!!

    I'm glad today is a rest day, because a week of this new routine, and I need a day off!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I have a pair of jeans and matching corset - they are beautiful with soft blue and rose pink chiffon and I bought them about a decade ago as goal garments to spur my weight loss.

    The jeans were supposed to be a size 4, but arrived as a size 2 - they are runway leftovers, so one of a kind and can't be exchanged for a different size. At the time I was a size 7 (135 lbs, can you imagine I gained 25 lbs and dropped 4 sizes, currently in a size 3)

    I can get into them, but I cannot button/zip them. This year is my last round of trying to get into them, because I'm a little chunky right now but by June I should be down (hopefully) to about 15% body fat, and I don't think I want to go any lower than that. If they don't fit me at 15% body fat then it's hip bones and muscle and I'm not sure I will ever be able to get any smaller. They are crazy snug in the thighs even near the knees and that area is quite visibly mostly muscle even now.

    I'm totally excited to try once more to get these jeans on, but I'm also a bit sad that this might not work and I may have to find them a new home, because they are way too beautiful to just be tossed into the goodwill pile.
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    That's really interesting to buy clothes as "goal garments." Mine are usually just the old ones I used to fit into and didn't want to get rid of! Good luck fitting into them, but if your body shape doesn't like the jeans, it's just because we can't all be a size 2! Bone structure is a thing :)
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    That's an idea I've never thought about. I'm like megbeveridge93 and just have some that "used' to fit. Good luck!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thanks for the input - I am hoping it will work and I will be looking like a super model strutting down the grocery store aisle!!!

    Wednesday was was a rest day, and thank the old gods and the new because my lower back was pretty unhappy with me all day...too much time sitting I, I did my plank challenge though I had to modify with just an arm out to the side but still kind of stabilizing me instead of up in the air, the balance just isn't crunch challenge was sit-ups, which I skipped because after 5 my lower back was super unhappy, no way I'm getting to was on target all day, and within calorie goals WHUUUUUT, not sure how that even happened given how hungry I was most of the day but I ate big meals and then was satisfied, what a concept...I may try to put more effort into making it happen more since that will help with the trimming up goals...January is all about building muscle, but some of that energy can come from fat I already have, I'm cool with that. I was super thirsty and had just a boat ton of water, so maybe that's why the food stayed reasonable???

    I did get picked on in the lunch room by a coworker...he was saying something about how many eggs I was eating...I told him that it was only six and six is like a normal amount of eggs to eat...he laughed and said, yeah, for a family of four...made me giggle...made another girl who was in there was fun!!!