Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    How are things going? @tcunbeliever
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday 11/2 - I tracked food, and I was mostly on target...carbs were a bit over, but protein was good and total calories were good...I don't think I did any working out, but I totally don't remember because that's what I get for waiting so long to write in here...I think I spent the evening setting up for the party instead of working out, but I did get some walking done on breaks.

    Saturday 11/3 - Today was the halloween party...did beer & yoga in the morning, and got some walking in while shopping...didn't track food, but probably drank most of my calories, and I really didn't even drink much, a couple beers, a couple bowl of chili...and I think I had something for lunch, maybe, maybe not

    Sunday 11/4 - Cleaned up the house and started putting things away after the party, then headed to the beach house for a few days of work there. Got there too late to do any real yard work, but did walk down by the bay park with my daughter and get some exercise time in on the way to the grocery, plus walked home from the shopping, so that was a nice way to loosen up after sitting in the car half the day...had one beer before dinner, but no drinking after dinner.

    Monday 11/5 - Today was off and on rainy, but I got some walking done in the morning and I spent a considerable amount of time clearing brush in the morning and again in the late afternoon - had to give my gloves a chance to dry before I could tackle more. Lunch was turkey/roast beef with a bit of white american...dinner was chicken mac & cheese, no drinking, but I did snack on some popcorn late at night!

    Tuesday 11/6 - I voted today!!! I also didn't track food and had a couple glasses of wine....workout included brush clearing, 1 round of glutes, and some yoga just to loosen up the road travel kinks...back home and ready to "start" the week a bit late.

    I think I'm going to make it a goal not to drink any more alcohol the rest of the week, it seems to slow my weight loss even when I make it fit in my calories, plus with the halloween party season I just feel like it's gotten a bit crazy and I am less likely to track at all (much less accurately) when I have been drinking.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday - day was good-ish...walking at lunch, no workouts in the evening, but only 15 min of abs was planned anyway, so that's not a huge food was a bit crazy, I planned lunch and apparently it wasn't enough food because I was SOOOOO HUNGRY when I got home, I went a bit crazy with the today I brought a bit more food for lunch, and still a protein heavy focus.


    I got on the scale this morning and was 158 again...still??? Usually I am very diligent about staying 150 +/- 5 and I wasn't that worried about it when I saw 158 last Thursday because Friday started Lucifer's Waterfall, and that does tend to cause me a lot of weight gain in the form of water...but that's all done now, and I'm still 3 lbs over my maintenance goal.

    I recalculated my maintenance calories based on my current weight and 18.3% body fat (per the scale this morning) and I have set myself to a 1.5 lb loss per week and adjusted for the calorie/carb cycling, and keyed all my new goals into MFP.

    I also noticed that my training days were off, I shifted some of the workouts for Nov and I didn't mark the "training" days so I was out of sync there, and so I marked it on the calendar so I would remember.

    All in all it's about a 200 cal drop on my training days and a 150 cal drop on my rest days, so for me it's all about sticking to the goal and keeping calories in line. I will avoid alcohol except for special occasions like thanksgiving day, and the same for sweets, but I may actually skip the sweets for thanksgiving and aim for an all protein kind of day...we will any case, it's time to reign in the tracking and stick to the workouts and reap the rewards...fluff needs to go, don't want to carry this into next year with me!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - This was a good day...I didn't even eat all my calories, but they were within target AND I even got the last slice of pumpkin roll and my carbs were still under goal...thank goodness that is gone now, the candy isn't much of a I stuck to my protein heavy plan, and I knew I wanted to work out when I got home, so I had a big big protein snack before a little walking done during lunch and ballet time, then did 2 rounds of glutes and the whole shoulder workout...I planned for 3 rounds of glutes, but since my hip flexor started acting up and this month is glutes 6x/week, I figured it was better NOT to push it and instead to lose one round and keep the momentum.

    Tonight is 2 rounds of glutes, plus Dynamix, plus it's my first "rest" day calories on the new plan, which are quite low and will be quite a challenge...and I have lunch out with a friend...I will keep to a protein heavy focus, and if I get desperately hungry I will go for eggs since they are filling, good protein, and pretty low on calories.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday was solid...walking on breaks...lunch with a friend, and I even kept it healthy...dinner was on target, and glute work was done with great effort, no slacking at all, totally 100% in...I did skip the dynamic stretching and opted to go to bed at 9pm instead...a full 9 hours of sleep, it was glorious!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday was was actually in line which was kind of easy for an up calorie day...I did lots of walking in the morning and afternoon playing Pokemon Go...but I ended up hanging with a friend and watching Christopher Robin instead of doing my strength training...didn't get home until almost midnight, and it was just too late and I had no energy.

    Sunday so far I have done all my Sunday workouts, and Monday is a yoga day, so I can actually do my strength training today (back/bis I think) and still have sufficient recovery. But today is a down calorie day, so that will make it a challenge.

    I got on the scale and I'm down almost a pound, so the plan is working at least, but I do still consider it critical to get that upper body strength training done.

    On the plus side, I am shopping for some cute christmas fabric for a new holiday dress today...and I kind of need to pick out a pattern too...maybe...I might already have one I like...not decided yet.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Oh I really want to see Christopher Robin, how'd you like it?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    It was super cute...very predictable, but still worth the watch.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday...awesome on workouts, all of today's plus the missed upper body from Saturday...awesome on food, though this whole new low calorie plan sucks and I totally have to key in advance and play to make things fit...but, I'm getting better at it and I'm very excited about actually staying on plan!!!

    Also, bought some cute purple Nightmare Before Christmas fabric for my christmas dress, so I can start working on that...and I made a keto cheesecake for the food day tomorrow.

    ...and tomorrow is another low calorie day so a food day is going to be quite a challenge...


    The life of weight loss is hard, but rewarding!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday actually went amazing...I had cheesecake and veggies for lunch (no dip) so kept it in check during food day but then was starving when I got home so I made good choices and chowed down on ham and lunch meat...then I wasn't hungry for dinner so I just had a measured amount of trail mix...calories were in line and carbs were close to in line. Exercise was walking at lunch and breaks, plus 2 rounds of glutes, yay me!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Yay for a good Monday! How are things on the home front?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Things have been better at home...we have had many long talks about expectations and I gotta totally give him credit for stepping up and meeting them (finally)...some days are still better than others, but currently I have hope that we may be able to work things out.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday, diet and exercise on target, except I was craving something sweet after dinner so I did have some trail mix which put me a few calories over goal, but not much, and way better than snagging a candy bar...and, of course, things are not going well at home again...not terrible, just not super great, we are going to give it another month and see if we can smooth this out, but I'm so tired of the constant roller coaster.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday, diet on the verge of target, but still on target...I indulged in a whole milk latte this morning, and then had a super stressful afternoon meeting and had a fun sized kit kat and some peanut butter which was delicious but maybe I could have lived without it...walking was done...that's about it, took the girl to ballet, had to run and pick up some sushi for dinner and medicine for the child, because apparently it's just crazy to think some other adult might do those things...<sigh>...overall good.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'm glad I read all the post before replying because otherwise I would have looked like a complete *kitten*.

    I hope the rollercoaster ends soon. Positive thoughts sent your way.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was food was good except I did snack on a few potato chips while working out and cooking and didn't log those...exercise was walking, missed my afternoon walk because I got stuck on a conference call...then did 3 rounds of glutes that evening...was supposed to also do shoulders but since I got stuck at work late and had to taxi the child, I ended up just eating after glutes and it was already 9pm, so I will skip shoulders or maybe try to fit them in tonight.

    Tonight is working the football game, but I have been coughing off and on all day, so not sure if I'm coming down with something or not...may try to stay home if I feel crummy.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday was probably over in food, but I had trail mix and a BBQ sandwich, so mostly protein and I was on my feet working and running food and cleaning bleachers all night...not going to sweat the extra calories, I doubt it put me over maintenance given the higher activity level for the night.

    Saturday I didn't track, but I was pretty good...latte in the morning...then a sandwich at lunch and food at D&D...I only had half a cookie, a bit of trail mix, and a couple ciders...then I didn't eat after getting home because it was late, so that was good.

    Sunday was probably way over. I just had coffee in the morning, but then had a club meeting at an italian place, so we had spaghetti and meatballs and break and chicken salad of some type...which was all way too carby for me and kind of set off an all day carb craving...I did make cranberry sauce after getting home so I was active, but I have a few beers, and some bread, and some pasta, and I didn't track but it was probably way more than I needed to eat...and I did have some pork and veggies in there, so not all bad in the nutrition department.

    Today is probably going to be a "fight the carb craving" kind of day, but I have a high protein lunch and dinner planned, so by tomorrow I should be totally past the carbing it up repercussions.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday went within goal...the ballerina had an extra practice that was supposed to be 30 min and ended up being 90 min...I would have minded less if they had just said 90 min from the start and I could have spent that time walking instead of rushing back to the studio just to sit for an extra hour. Didn't get home until almost 9pm, then was super hungry and had to fix parts of dinner which was annoying, but par for the course lately, so no evening workout and still didn't get to sleep until around midnight...on the plus side, I did do my walking at lunch/breaks, plus at least a small amount of walking while she was in class, so not a total loss in the activity department.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    ...the holidays are so quiet around here... was in line...exercise was walking plus did one round of glutes...skipped upper body mostly because I was just so blah...did shopping for Angel Tree after work, and really could have rushed and got more done, but was just feeling terribly unmotivated...

    I think maybe doing the glute routine all the time is getting super old and boring and I just can't sustain boring, maybe it's time to switch back to BBL or something (anything) other than that glute routine...I want to keep the 50lb deadlifts, those always seem to work all the right places...maybe I'll try upping that to 60lb and ditch the single leg one...I do those at 30# because *balance* so maybe I could get the same work and condense it into fewer exercises and just add in some band work as filler...hmmmm...I just need some kind of change.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday - food was in line despite a couple ciders, and I did all 3 rounds of the new glute routine plus all my walking for the day!!!

    Thursday - did 2 rounds of the new glute routine, then started cooking for the holiday and no way I'm logging today's food because there was just so much...I mostly kept to keto, loaded up on turkey and ham, then just has like a tiny spoon of everything else so I could taste the variety of stuff...was pretty good for dessert and only had one slice of pecan pie with some vanilla ice cream, and didn't even eat the whole thing.

    Hope everyone had a great holiday!!!