Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was solid - food ok, exercise done including P90X3 Eccentric Upper...home life is better, he's helping out and doing his job more, plus getting all the stuff done that has been promised like all year and yet somehow wasn't a priority. He's also going to call the insurance and see about talking to a mental health professional since he thinks it might be depression. There's plenty of room for progress, but at least some kind of action is being taken.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Heading to NJ for a funeral today and won't be back until sometime Wed phone is totally fracked up, so I'm not sure if I will have internet...hopefully I can get the activation to finish and then I will actually be able to access/install MFP. If I can track, I will, but the choice of where to eat is totally out of my hands.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Im glad he seems to be going in the right direction, I hope things continue to improve though it sounds like it'll take some time.

    Sorry for your loss, safe travels.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Food on the trip was sooooo amazing and delicious and I had way too much of it...but probably only about 1K over goal, so that's not too bad.

    I'm very tired but hoping to rest up a bit over the weekend...which seems unlikely since my husband will be out of town and I'll be juggling all the kid activities, but whatever.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Yesterday was good on food, a little under on protein and a little over on carbs, mostly because I decided to indulge in a very thin slice of 7 layer cake...haven't had that since Martin's closed, I can find the other Ukrop's products at other groceries just not that particular cake...and let me firmly state that from a real Italian bakery it was even more delicious than the Ukrops version...I think they put some kind of liquor into the chocolate fudge frosting and it was a whole new level of flavor.

    It did give me a giant sugar crash and I took a 30 min nap at the ballet studio...but it was raining so walking was not an option anyway...and I did spend the other 30 min reading.

    Exercise was just walking, by the time we got home from ballet and I had some dinner (my husband made BBQ ribs before he left), I was tired and went to bed. I would like to say I went to bed EARLY but the sad reality is, I just went to be ON TIME.

    Someone told me there was an Italian bakery in Petersburg, I may have to see if I can find that and make the trip occasionally for specialty items. Bowen was particularly in love with the raspberry rugelach.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Hogwarts notes:
    Q = 9/24 and 9/27
    P = 9/24 and 9/28 (check after dinner, but on target)
    DADA = correct
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    October plan is made...and it's heavy on the weights...which I think it needs to be...things are kind of terrible at home and I find myself totally lacking in any kind of workout motivation so I need something to really focus on and a good solid plan that I MUST do to keep me moving.

    Weekend was very blah...exhausted on Friday...exhausted on Saturday...less sleepy on Sunday since I actually got to sleep in and didn't have to be up at the crack of dawn, but where I really wanted to spend some time with my husband and put some effort into reconnecting, instead his friend hung out all freaking day at the house so I didn't get any time alone with him to talk about things...I guess having our weekly check-in talk isn't really important to him after all...I really shouldn't be surprised by that given that the biggest problem is his total lack of effort into his responsibilities as a father and husband.

    My marriage is very sword of damocles at the moment...hanging by a hair.

    On the plus side, October is going to be all about marking off the workouts on my fitness plan, and I finally got my new phone working and installed Pokemon Go, so that should help encourage the walking...and to be fair, walking is so good for my mental health.

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was was work, got walking done, got weights done and I didn't have to reduce the amount I lift even though I was kind of taking it light in husband went to therapy and seems to be feeling better about things, he has to follow up with some blood work and exercise and getting out in the sun more (I told him he should take D3 if that is a concern for the therapist) and then they will meet again after a couple weeks when all the test results are in...he was very chatty last night and very much still insists he wants to work things out, so that's a bonus.

    Tonight we have happy hour and he is attending so we will get some "adult time" to spend together, almost like a date, which is probably good for us since we never do enough of that.
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    I’m so sorry that things are so rocky on the homefront. I hope things start improving for y’all soon. I hope y’all have fun tonight!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    It was a super fun evening...I ended up getting busy and eating lunch super late, so I only had a beer at happy hour...then we walked around so I could play pokemon for a while after eating...then we ran into people from my book club who were there with other friends, and ended up joining them and having a great time with more beer and some jaggerschnitzel which was totally delicious. Then I was hungry when I got home and ate again before showering at going to bed. Calories were at maintenance levels, not loss levels, but it was totally worth it.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    yesterday was was in line...went walking while deirdre was in ballet, so no beer and extra walking...didn't do weights though, I was totally exhausted by the time I got was sad, but at least the food was good

    tonight I am planning to do a bunch of hogwarts workouts plus my upper/lower weights

    I am going to be gardening on Friday morning, but then traveling with my parents, so not an active day, so I can make that a "rest" day...and, sadly, it will just not be active overall since we will sit around all weekend eating, drinking, and playing, but not active
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    You may have explained this before but what are hogwarts workouts?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I'm in a hogwarts challenge group on here...I think you can go here to check it out, and when the new session starts they will put the link up:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    The weekend was sooo fulll of fooooood

    Friday was pretty good, I did workouts and got some gardening done, had a quick lunch and then hit the road plus dinner was a salad and some shrimp, so nice and low in the, I totally stuck to just diet soda and whiskey

    Saturday was really a giant feast fest. Oysters and shrimp, even had a hot dog just to try them, plus some salad, clam chowder, and bunches and bunches of wine...kind of ate from noon to 4pm...and then just played and drank in the evening...and I did do some walking I got some exercise playing pokemon.

    Sunday was not much eating at all due to post indulgence queasy tummy...and the trip home was nice, not too long, traffic was standard.

    And lucifer's waterfall showed up, so I'm not sure how much of the puffy water retention is all the carbs and sodium vs how much is just time of month...but I absolutely could not get my rings on this morning, so I'm staying away from the scale for a few days.

    Tonight we are shopping for a car for my son. And then I think we are eating out...and I need to try to cram in 2 workouts because I missed yesterday's.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was goodish...I got my walking in, and I kept my calories in line, but we went car shopping and then I had a catch up call with my girlfriend in Atlanta, so I didn't get any workouts in...tonight is haircuts, so not sure how that will go in terms of getting workouts done...I'm a bit behind, so I need to GET ON IT!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday...haircuts, so no workouts other than walking...on the plus side I managed to keep calories in line despite having both lunch and dinner says carbs are over, but I totally question an entry of 42g carbs when it was just meat, onion, and pepper...not going to fret about it too much since eating out is always a gamble.

    I desperately need to get back to working out, I totally have no energy when I am this long without least lucifer's waterfall should end today, so I can at least get some more energy back once that is done.

    And tonight is extra walking PLUS playing pokemon go because it's a ballet night.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was pretty amazing in terms of end result, but it was a britch to get through the day.

    I started out super cranky and just tired and nothing at work was working right, and it was very ARGH.

    Then I chatted during a meeting with someone who kind of cheered me up just by being himself and chatting nonsense about company procedures, etc.

    Then I went walking at lunch and had food and then was still hungry so I also had a snack, and between the exercise and delicious food I totally started feeling better.

    Then I went home and legit only had like 15 min at home before having to cart the ballerina away to dance, but in that 5 min I learned that my husband had done a lot of amazing things to fix up the house and it looked soooooo nice...however, it was a bit stressful to be go go go.

    Dropped the ballerina, then got a great parking space downtown right near the marriott so easy to find later and no sketchy characters about. Walking and playing for over an hour, then ended up near Red Dragon brewery so I stopped and had half a beer while I sorted through all the monsters I caught. Then I forgot what a hike it was to get back to the car, like 8 blocks further than I realized, so I was like 5 min late picking her up, but nothing major.

    Got home and did my weights, Beast Arms plus my AAW glute routine, so I felt totally beastly, and promptly devoured a bunch of food.

    Food for the day is over for carbs but in line for calories and all the carbs were right after weights so I'm not worried about it...and as a bonus, I don't feel as sore as I expected despite working to failure, so I think the post workout carb loading was a great idea...though, to be honest, it mostly just happened because I was HUNGRY.

    A-n-y-w-a-y...long story longer, the day was a struggle, but I made it and the end result was a lot of work toward my goals.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was good...walking done, shoulders done, also added in most of the chest workout that I missed on I'm catching up to my missing workouts...but I was totally craving chicken noodle soup, so my carbs were over for the day, calories were ok-ish, a little over but within my +/-200 window, so still on goal.

    My husband is actually tracking his workouts recording the weights he lifts and's nice...he's also been good about taking his Vit D and getting more protein...he seems to be more motivated and getting the house chores done more often than not...things are still weird between us, but hopefully just giving it some time will smooth things out.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope things work out between you two!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    friday was awesome, double workouts...saturday was like no workouts since 7 hours in the car playing taxi...sunday was double workouts and car time to get to the beach...

    Monday was lots of manual labor getting the yard fixed up...Tuesday was a little bit more manual labor...I didn't track food but it was probably pretty in line since I also didn't go crazy eating or anything and with keto a couple drinks go a long way so I'm not having as much alcohol even when I do drink...crazy...

    Anyway, today will be more back to normal hopefully...except pokemon is broken until I go somewhere with wifi to get the update