Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday...kind of a struggle to keep the calories down...exercise was awesome...morning combat, walking, glutes, and some stretching...even managed to bake a chocolate cheesecake!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Hogwarts numbers through Thursday PM - 890 quidditch points, 31 chocolate frogs
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday - calories were fine, was on my feet all night working the concession stand, so no evening workout, but plenty of activity and no time to snack which worked in my favor.

    Saturday - Mom's birthday today...I haven't even attempted to key in the food, but I didn't eat anything for breakfast, and didn't eat anything after 8pm, so I feel like I probably did ok...I only ate for 6 hours, so that should somewhat limit the damage...I also stayed away from the sweets except a small piece of chocolate cheesecake and a small bit of the crock pot lava cake. We had kielbasa on the grill and I did not eat a bun, but I did have a fair bit of corn chips with the taco dip and 7 layer, carbs are probably a bit over. Had a few beers, and then some hard seltzer. No workouts because I was crazy busy cooking all morning.

    Sunday - ate almost nothing today compliments of being totally hungover. I did manage dynamix in the evening, but no morning workout.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #361 - I lost my count somewhere along the any case Monday was very was slightly over, but not really because it was supposed to be a high day and I voluntarily made it a low day because I had no appetite all morning...walking was done...upper body weights was done but it was very ambivalent, not super into it...coming up on a full year of keto this week, I guess that's exciting...we have a hurricane coming, so that's not so exciting. Hang in there everyone.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    edited September 2018
    Tuesday #362 - You know how I wasn't hungry yesterday when I was supposed to eat more...well, I made up for that fact, overall I'm about 100 cal over what I didn't eat yesterday, but 100 cal is within tolerance so I should be good for the week so far...I did try to eat on target, but I also did totally indulge and have some mac & totally guilty pleasure, but it's totally not keto...exercise was good, plenty of walking, and glutes, and some stretching and foam rolling.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #363 - totally ate all my calories and it was an eat more day, so that's usually a challenge, but not today...gave blood, which always fuels my appetite, plus giant had shrimp salad which is totally my favorite...and I had cheesecake for lunch!!! All in all it was an on-target day for food, but exercise was another matter...since I gave blood I opted not to do any additional walking, and also not to do the P90X3 routine...went to be early and got some extra sleep instead.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #364 - kept the food in line, did my walking...didn't do glutes but went to bed early...between donating blood and lucifer's waterfall showing up, I'm just exhausted and need the extra sleep.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Somewhere along the way I messed up my day count...I thought today was my 1 year ketoversary, however, I went back through my entries and I started on 9/29 last I must have gone off count somewhere along the year.

    I'm just going to drop the counting from now on, it's pointless, I made it a year, and I can totally do this eating forever if need be, it's so easy and I don't get migraines unless I go off plan for more then 3 days, so I can do this!!!

    In looking at my pre-keto entries, there were a lot of days where I was tired, or injured, or skipping workouts. Fewer of those after switching to keto, plus, it's totally a migraine cure for me, so I won't be going back.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday was good...exercise was just walking, I started to do isometrix but my carpal tunnel was not having it, then I started to do glutes but my lower back was not having it, so then I just gave up and did some food was ok even though I dropped calories to the loss levels...I'm looking forward to being less fluffy, between a couple weeks of maintenance and the timing of lucifers waterfall I just feel totally bloated and ick...I won't be taking any measurements until at least next week for sure because the water retention and swelling this month are just terrible, I haven't been able to wear my rings all week...<sigh> any case, I'm up a couple pounds over the last week, but I'm sure it's just water and I'm looking forward to seeing it drop off as I get through this monthly hell process.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday was spot on...walking, cvx, and glute food was totally on target...yay me
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday was amazing in the exercise, plus ice skating, plus walking...and food was mostly on point...carbs up a bit but calories totally in line!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was good for food and ok for exercise...I had a hair appointment after work, so my husband was supposed to be taking care of dinner and the kids...of course, he utterly failed to step up, which has been the trend most of this I got home and the house was a wreck and no dinner was cooked, and my son needed to be driven to track I didn't get a workout in since it was after 8 when dinner was finally done, and by the time I ate it was time to shower and go to bed...but I did keep food in line, and I did get my morning combat and my walking in during the day.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was was a little over for food, but similar to where Monday was under, so for the week still within goal...didn't do glutes, but did random hogwarts work instead, which was cool...and for like an hour too, which was very cool...

    On the not-so-cool front my marriage seems to be falling apart and we had a long conversation about how terrible the year has been for us and ideas for making it better, but honestly, no changes were agreed to, so I don't anticipate things will get husband seems to think just continuing to do the same things will magically work when they haven't been effective all year long...and even after three times of pointing out that this is not working and we already know where this road leads and it's not a good place, he doesn't want to make any feel like this is just a waiting game...we are waiting and watching the deteriorating orbit and yet I can't get him to make any kind of trajectory adjustment.

    On the plus side, he totally knew he *kitten* up on Monday, so Tuesday he got more housework accomplished than he has done all month long...on the minus side, I'm not impressed and I don't care anymore...weeks of doing nothing and then one day of actually meeting your responsibilities is not a solution.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was good on the exercise was really too low...marriage is a is what it is.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'm sorry to hear things are rough on the home front. Is counseling an option? Lots of positive thoughts and virtual hugs sent your way.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thank you, that is so sweet!!!

    I don't think counseling will help, we don't have a communication problem, we have an investment problem. He SAYS he wants to work things out, but what he DOES is none of the things required to work things out. Actions are the truth.

    The new plan is a weekly "state of the relationship" conversation. I'm not going to keep doing this for months at a time, it's already been like 9 months and it's still terrible, so we are down to weekly deadlines for things to improve. If that doesn't instill some urgency in actually DOING things, then it's out of my control and there's nothing I can do to make him invest in this marriage. I'm not going to play these stupid passive aggressive games, if it's over, then it's over. We had a good run, no reason to make the end horrifying.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - good on walking and glutes, food was on point, comfort food for lunch then had to dial it back for dinner...but I managed it, no was a good day all around.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    You're welcome, I truly hope things improve or peace can be found with whatever decisions are made. Hugs.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Feeling bittersweet today...yesterday the house was was really nice to actually have a day where someone actually did their job as a stay at home parent/spouse, the house was vacuumed and the dishes were all washed, but it was also totally sad that just meeting the minimum expectation is such a rare occurrence.

    Anyway, this weekend is Ravencon, and I'm going as Tank Girl, and I colored my hair last night, it came out nice and I'm super happy with the final color, packed my costume this morning, and I'm totally excited!!! Picking up an extra child on the way home, then I have to pack the real clothes for the weekend and get everything loaded. All the snacks and food are purchased, so that's cool, bring on the all day drinking and fun panels!!!

    Hubby was supposed to be at the con all weekend, but now is maybe coming Saturday night, maybe not, I have no idea because he hasn't communicated that with any precision. He has clearly communicated that he's going to hang out with a friend all day Saturday and therefore will not be coming tonight or during the day Saturday. Cons are usually some of our best couple connection time, so not sure how to interpret him passing up on that when we are already in a crisis...seems like a deliberate rejection/abandonment...probably a good thing that I'm not feeling emotionally connected or I might be upset...but it does strike me as rather inappropriate timing.

    Not sure I will have internet this weekend, but if I do I will track my food/drink and try to keep it at least somewhat on target!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    It was Ravencon 13.5 so much fun!!!!

    I'm totally peppy and feeling happy today.

    Friday was awesome, picked up my daughter's friend on the way home, packed up my stuff and the girls at home and headed out to the convention. Convention was awesome, had some wine, lots of amazing conversation and panel topics.

    Costume turned out nice and I had lots of compliments from people who knew who I was.

    I was very busy and didn't really eat much, but probably made up with it by drinking plenty. My phone totally went on the fritz so I wasn't able to track anything or even text people, it was totally a pain but it was also nice to be free from the electronic leash.

    Things at home are still crap. We are going to have like weekly relationship status talks, and make a final decision about staying together after Thanksgiving. So, at least there is a plan that we both agree to follow.