Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wow, I missed a few days here..

    Thursday #328 - this was a well planned and well executed day, totally on point with food despite that being a huge challenge with the schedule, even got some extra walking done.

    Friday #329 - this was a good day, and the first half was well planned, but then travel to the beach after work and arriving hungry resulted in some snacking that I don't normally do, plus beach time = wine time...I skipped working out because I woke up with major pain in my right hip flexor, did some heat and such, but figured plyometric training on top of an already hurt hip flexor is probably a bad idea.

    Saturday #330 - I probably ate too much, but the food was keto approved, so that was good, and we spent 6 hours at the beach, so that was fun and lots of activity, so maybe not the end of the world that I ate too much...also had 4 glasses of wine.

    Sunday #331 - morning beach time for 3 hours, lots of wave jumping, the water was so clear and the temperature was super comfortable back home, lots of road food and snacking, plus a really delicious dinner at a steak house, so that part was on plan...had the last of the wine after unpacking, it was only a glass and a half, and now there won't be any further temptation.

    The plan for the week is good, must get back to the workouts.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #332 - calories were over and not as much walking as I would like, but I did have a mini date night with my husband since the walking was rained out and that was fun and relaxing...calories were under maintenance levels, just not by much.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #333 - did good today with food, and lots of exercise, combat, walking, and p90x3 isometrix

    Wednedsay #334 - not so good today, food definitely over though I didn't track well, carbs are probably good, didn't really get into anything bad, just super hungry all day long...and just walking for exercise...I had jury duty which I did not get picked for (so lucky), and did a lot of sewing and getting chores done, so it was a productive day for sure
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #334 - mostly good today with food, slightly over due to fitting in the daily yogurt which I often forget. Started the day with a 30 min intense round of combat and also did some walking at lunch time.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #335 - good on food, walking only exercise, and got all the shopping done

    Friday #336 - mostly good on food, walking again, not diligent about tracking, did shopping after work so skipped exercise, too many carbs and shark week arrived

    Saturday #337 - such a miserable shark week...did good with food, but drank a lot and spent a lot of time in the car, so again, no workout except walking

    Sunday #338 - walking, plus did some heavy lifting for yard work, but no other formal exercise...and spent the afternoon/evening day drinking plus prepped an amazing lasagne so food was probably ok, but alcohol was consumed and nothing was tracked, so who knows

    I'm getting fairly terrible at keeping up with this journal...I have also noticed that my motivation is waning and I have not been as good about keeping up with exercise...I really need to get with it and get my booty in gear.

    I'm going to do measurements in the morning and assess the damage.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #339 - today was was on plan, even a bit under on calories - pho for lunch, ham/cheese for a snack, and chicken for dinner...exercise was walking plus P90X3 Incinerator and about 16 min of my glute routine plus 4 min of foam rolling. This is how you get back on track!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #340 - today was was on plan...exercise was walking plus P90X3 Pilates and since I haven't done that one in a while nor have I kept up with my regular yoga/pilates routine, I was very very weak in several of the plank exercises. Need to stay on top of that, and I might try adding in random planks during the week...gone are the days when I can hold a 2 min plank, that's for sure.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #341 - solid day today, food within goal, exercise walking and P90X3 Total times...I need more days that go this smooth and easy...I kind of need to sort out what the plan for september is as well...I would like to increase the pilates to 2 days per week, but not sure how to fit that around the ballet schedule at this time, or even what the ballet schedule will be for that matter.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #342 - not a solid day for food, but good for exercise/activity...morning combat, walking, all the shopping during ballet, but skipped planks in the was kind of a disaster...I was supposed to be on a low calorie day, but I was sooooooo hungry in the afternoon I had a giant pasta bowl from the cafeteria...then I was good in the evening, I skipped all the snacking and just had half a bagel for dinner, so that was improvement, but I'm still over like 800 calories for the day...on the plus side, I was under on a few previous days so that should put me pretty close to goal for the weekly total IF I STAY ON TARGET OVER THE that will be the challenge...usually I am less strict about tracking on the weekends because I usually have a little wiggle room from being good during the week, but NOT THIS WEEKEND because I already consumed all the wiggle room.

    I'm going to be at the beach this weekend but I really really need to track and stay on target.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    P.S. apparently yesterday was a good day for me to look amazing...I had like 5 people at work tell me I looked nice...then at the farmers market some super old guy told me my hair was amazing (after driving with the windows down, I don't know about that)...then getting gas I was totally checked out by a nice tall geeky guy, not only checked out while he was pumping gas, but totally still checking me out while he was driving away, I like tall and geeky so it was kind of nice...then at costco the door guy was totally checking me out and told me I looked like a spanish girl, I'll take that as a was kind of nice to be noticed...maybe it was a full moon?!?!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    full moon? or maybe you just look hot. haha

    do you think you'll be able to stay on track while at the beach? Hope you have a great weekend!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #343 - totally an on track day, salad for lunch, plus half of triometrics, plus travel to the beach and I kept all the road snacking only...and did some light midnight snacking just so I would be able to sleep...1 can vienna sausages and 8oz bottle of pinot grigio)...can't sleep with an empty belly...

    Saturday #344 - Today was good, no breakfast, black coffee...lunch was a tomato and turkey sandwich on a bagel thing...a bit of cheese and pepperoni in the afternoon at the beach...lots of playing in the water and just enjoying the sun and sand and surf...dinner was out at a local seafood place, and was SOOOO GOOOOOD...appetizer was bacon wrapped scallops, dinner was softshell crab, fried oysters, clam strips, crab cake, plus a small baked potato...had some whiskey at home after dinner and a midnight snack of the last bits of cheese and pepperoni

    Sunday #345 - beach in the morning, then travel home...yogurt for breakfast...half a peach for a snack at the beach...lunch was a ham/turkey/tomato sandwich on a bagel thin...dinner was a steak place in newport news, one of my favorite places to eat...we had calamari and fried mozarella for appetizers, then I had a nice big salad and shrimp alfredo...I ate all the shrimp and about 1/4 of the alcohol...hit a lot of traffic and didn't get to bed until a bit late, but slept like a champ.

    I stopped doing triometrics half way through because my hip flexor was really killing me and I didn't want to go from "sore" to "injured"...however, I think I pulled a muscle in my neck because Friday late night it was sore and sat/sun it was worse...I don't feel it much when I hold still, but any movement left, right, up, or down makes me feel how sore it is...I have been working on stretching it several times a day and I slept on a heating pad last night which seemed to help. I didn't do any planks or exercises over the weekend and I'm supposed to do weights tonight, but not sure how that will be with this injury so I'll have to play it by "neck".
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #346 - solid plan...since I have pulled a muscle in my neck it seems like lifting is contraindicated, so I'm up to maintenance calories a week early (so nice) and walking, plus did some planks, but no lifting until my neck is better. My side planks are soooo weak, but I can still do the front and reverse planks for a full minute.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #347 - solid day...I like that staying in maintenance calories is "easy" that makes me hopeful for the future...walking, plus some gardening, plus some planks...salad for lunch, eggs for a snack, crock pot chicken, plus I made fried potatoes but didn't eat any of those...pretty on plan all the way around. Neck is feeling better, still sore, still limited range of motion, but the pain is reducing and the mobility is improving, slowly but surely.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #348 - solid day...walking...some in line even though it was happy hour and they had a food truck...I was prepared and I stuck to the plan as much as possible...I planned for green beans and they didn't have them, but their baked beans were spicy, not sweet, so that was a plus, and I was driving so sticking to one beer was easy enough. Did measurements and weight this morning, everything is holding steady with the week of maintenance, so that's cool.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #349 - not a good food day...super hungry, had risotto for lunch, which was delicious, but high carb and high calorie, so a bit over for the day...not crazy over, just a couple hundred over...did good for dinner, a veggie omelette, so not bad at all...then some tea, which was delicious...and I did some planks, which is cool.

    Saturday I'm going to start the September schedule. I'm going to start with CVX - I think there is some jumping in this, but not a ton, but I will pay attention to how my neck feels and modify as needed.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday - good day, a bit over in carbs, but walking was done

    Saturday - morning walking and cooking for D&D, plus P90X3 CVX - I did have to modify for no jumping, but still an awesome was way too carby but calories were probably OK, didn't really track
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday - so very active today...pilates first thing, then 3 hours of ice skating, then was even on logged and totally on track...<gasp>

    Monday - less active, but did manage some walking in the morning, and had a great day hanging out with friends and catching was not logged, but today was a huge calorie jump, so it was probably fine...mostly the only badness was drinking some beer...totally a delicious version of bad.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday - very good day...walking was mostly indoors and not terribly intense, but I did the full hour of my glute routine, and that was HARD...definitely feeling the soreness today. Also food was very on plan...I did have a late night snacking urge post-weights and instead of reaching for the chips I just had an extra serving of the squash from was super delicious and totally hit he spot.

    Hogwarts has started up, so I'm busy fitting those things into my day.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday - easy day since I got to eat ALL the food...and eat all the food I did was nice not to have to watch it so much, and for the first couple weeks of september I want to make sure I get all the way back to maintenance calories, so eating all the food is a priority. Exercise was good, some extra walking, plus upper body strength training (P90X3 Incinerator). My glutes are sore from Tuesday's work, so it's kind of good to feel it having an impact.