Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    yesterday was pretty darned awesome...calories at 10 min morning workout, but ran at lunch, and did weights before dinner, even though I was busy painting for the kitchen reno, it was a pain, but I did it and made it a priority...did have to skip some of the weights as that tweaky muscle in my back started to complain BUT I'm not in pain this morning, so no injury and it isn't all aggravated again, which is a huge bonus...6 lbs loss is the goal this month and that's an enormous amount for me, so need to stop making excused and stay on track...keep tweaking until it works!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    weekend was good, stuck to poverty despite special celebratory events, and had drinks and didn't eat like did some working out, but lazied out of saturday doing painting in the kitchen instead of working out...also had company, so I wasn't perfect

    down half a pound so far this month, so that's awesome, need to keep up that momentum
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was good, poverty calories which was a total struggle bus as I was crazy hungry with massive overdrive of appetite the whole is PMS week, so I guess that's to be expected, but I super hate the hungry days...I stuck to protein and veggies and made it through still in poverty, so that was GREAT...also ran and stretched some...I really need to up the stretching game...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was crazy appetite, stuck to the food plan, even had extra after weights and opted for a fruit tart as a reward...such a great day...

    Down 2lbs for the month so far and lucifers fracking waterfall is here, but I guess that's ok, I think it's time and this one isn't early at least.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wed was solid...ran at lunch...didn't do any of my normal walking because I got stuck in stupid meetings at work and missed ALL OF IT...then after work I had to make bread bowls and head to a friends house for chili...was super delicious, and I logged in advance, and I had a beer, and I was still within for volunteering as the DD and win for the poverty calories...

    down another pound and a half this morning, 156.6 is the new number to beat
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    yesterday was great on the workouts and the food...forgot to get on the scale this morning though...however, progress is progress and I'm doing all the things!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    well, the scale has bounced up back to almost where I started at this point...

    friday was maintenance, had some drinks and such...sat and sun were poverty...workouts all around, ran on friday, weights over the weekend...super cool...picked up the child friday, dinner out sat and sun and STILL in poverty, it was an amazing move of planning ahead...nice win for me despite that ho of a scale...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    today is a huuuuungry day

    hate those

    such a challenge

    so far giant breakfast + protein shake lunch + planned cobb salad for dinner out

    no snacking
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    yesterday was good...less of a struggle...actually came in decent on protein too...always nice...managed to avoid the temptation presented by chicken alfredo and stick to chicken on my salad...also instant-potted some eggs for future salads...I think that will help make them "stick" a little longer...

    I did have a weird evening thing after dinner where I was jittery and light headed...but on further reflection, I think it's possible that was not a blood sugar issue but more of a hot flash or hormone issue as those make me feel light headed as's been so long since I had one I forgot how they feel...might need to up the DIM again as I cut it back to 3/day instead of 6/day about 3-4 weeks ago...

    tonight is dinner out with some friends, so I'll need to be diligent and on top of things is I want to stick to my poverty goals...also the weekend is graduation, so saving my maintenance day for that
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    yesterday was good, even had whiskey wednesday AND dinner out with the girls AND still kept to poverty calories...took some planning but I did it!!!!

    also down 3 lbs today, so that's nice...not still where I started even if the scale is still robbing me of 1 lb I lost
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - excellent, workouts done and food on target

    Friday - went to was mostly on target sans exercise and lots of time sitting

    Saturday - went to graduation...didn't really track food at all, but ate to exercise and lots of time sitting

    Sunday - visited friends...didn't track but ate to appetite, had mimosas so probably over on calories as those add up quick...again no exercise, but did stand most of the day, too tired of sitting

    Monday - excellent, workouts done and food on target

    holidays are hard, but I'm doing my best
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    tuesday - tracked and did well during the day...dinner was over at moms so didn't track that...then chatted on the phone with a friend until midnight and had 3 that's definitely likely to be a maintenance day, not likely a poverty one
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wed-Sat all included alcohol...not a lot but a drink here and super amounts of drinking...I did have like 5 or 6 whiskies on friday, but that was from like 5pm to about midnight, so just social drinking not getting trashed, though the calories still add was to appetite, not crazy, not stuffing myself...back to tracking sunday and doing the workouts and sticking to poverty...

    currently 162, but not only can I feel the puffiness in my hands from the rich salty foods, but it's also pms week, so there's an unknown amount of water retention skewing the scale...we'll see how it goes after getting back on track for a few days
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    monday was a nice 500 cal fast day...hard, but not too terrible...miso soup and rice cakes to the rescue when needed...down a pound today, so that's nice progress...hands still feel puffy...will eat poverty today...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    tues was a poverty day, wed more of a poverty day than the fast it was supposed to be, thursday is a poverty day, on target...recovery week workouts which is cool...tomorrow will be fasting until dinner, then having friends over for chili
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Long time no update...

    NY started great...exercise and food on target for several days

    Massive snowstorm on Monday the 3rd, almost a food of snow and no power for several days. We were fine, had my oldest son and his daughter here so he could go to work without having to drag her out on the tree strewn roads...we have a wood stove, so we were warm and had hot meals which was way better off than many folks...also have plenty of flashlights and candles and headlamps so navigating the dark was annoying but ok...the oil lamp which is usually our main source of light broke and wouldn't advance the wick, so that was disappointing, but to be fair, it's over 20 years old as it was originally a wedding gift, and we've gotten more than enough use out of it over the years, but will need to find a replacement for sure...melting snow to flush toilets, etc...rustic, but we were warm and that's really the important part.

    Return of power Wed evening...was able to work Thursday and wash all the dishes and all the clothes and do all the showering, which was quite lovely...

    Return to workouts and food track on mostly back on target...I actually didn't eat much while the power was out, mostly didn't have much of an appetite...and to be fair I totally could have done the workouts, but not being able to shower put kind of a damper on wanting to get all sweaty, and not able to track food due to no internet...but...all in all I think it's fine, I didn't eat like a crazy person at all, which is nice.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday was awesome, both workouts done, food on target, could have used a bit more protein, but it was a veggie dinner, so protein was actually really good all things considered...did some thrift store shopping and found cool stuff for the baby...also watched lots of supernatural, should have walked between episodes because today my hips are killing is glutes, so that will be super hard, but also awesome because my booty is looking a bit flat and needs to be rounded out like a ton more!!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday was good, even got some walking in which is rare on a weekend but since we were home and just watching Supernatural we went ahead and did a mile between each episode until the rain started.

    Monday was a hungry hungry hippo day from the start, so opted to make it a maintenance day instead of trying to stick to poverty...I usually have one or two maintenance days a week anyway, and typically over the weekend but with no special events I was sticking to poverty, so Monday felt ok to ease up a bit. I did stick to lots of good quality food instead of junk, so my protein was plenty high even without a shake...also did my workouts, which was cool...and bathed the baby twice since she exploded out of her diaper after her first bath...don't miss those days, normally she's a morning pooper and it's her dad's problem but apparently we hit the jackpot in a bad way!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was good, poverty, plenty of protein, weights complete even though I had to break them into 2 sections to fit them in...did have to take an Aleve because I was so sore, but stayed away from the wine despite how tempting it was!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    yesterday was in the living room at lunch, check...Xstretch before dinner, on target, mostly, was about 100 cals over to get in a protein shake before bed, totally worth it...

    next few days will be crazy...planning to shift Sat workout to Sun since Sat will be working on the insulation in the beach house shed plus travel home...Fri workout will just be scrapped probably due to travel, but might be able to squeeze it in if we get there and get the supplies and have some time before dinner...given that I'll be doing lots of furniture moving and such, I'm not super worried about missing the running, it will be a different type of activity for sure...I can also run in place after dinner, that's an option if I run out of time and don't want to brave the dark and colder temperatures of night time.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was solid despite having to improvise and eat at 5 guys

    their grilled cheese is delicious and saves some cals over a plain little burger which I find far less satisfying, so all in all, good choices made and still in goal for the day despite not being able to stick to plan

    today is a modified plan, but planned, and travel today and tomorrow means likely 2 shakes per day to meet protein goals with road food, but I have a plan and so far that plan is good, so let's do this thing!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    super slacking on the updates...let me sum up

    weekend was tolerable...lots of maintenance as we were eating on the road friday and saturday

    sunday was snow so lots of day drinking and no tracking this day

    monday was kind of slack and also maintenance, though I did do my glute workout at least

    tuesday was accidentally great, I keyed my food at the end of the day and it was like 600 cals so I had a couple costco cookies...also did not do weights because my back was already bugging me (probably from the time in the car) but did get a walk in, so the start of a return to normal!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    wed - maintenance

    still struggling with massive hunger

    I think it's likely hormonal, I have ordered an additional supplement, and doubled my DIM dosage...I am also having trouble sleeping and waking up at 4:30 am for no freaking reason so I do think it's just a combination of PMS week and peri-menopause hormone shifts

    I'm also going to do a dumb thing and add ginger tea and lemon juice to my morning coffee...which in theory should help with appetite and digestion, but I have my reservations about that one...I can try it for a couple weeks and just see if I feel any differently or if it helps at all with the raging freaking appetite that I'm so tired of...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    thursday went well...increased the dim, kept carbs below 20...still feeling the massive hunger that never ends, but reaching for protein and staying away from snacks and I was able to keep to poverty levels of calories for a will be more of the same hopefully

    I did have a moment where I snacked on 2 cheese balls that were left in the baby's bowl after her snack, then I wised up and threw them in the trash instead of just leaving her leftovers on the table...don't need to start getting in the habit of eating anything she doesn't, that's just a bad road to head down
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    yesterday I went through my diet calendar and physically wrote the big pink M on the days I was maintenance (or failed to log) for the month

    there were actually only 6 even though they were mostly clustered in the last week...while that's not the way maintenance calories are supposed to work - by plan you never have them back to back - it doesn't erase that I'm not seeing progress as I anticipated on my January plan...I'm really not losing any weight on the scale...I'm not losing any inches in my waist...and I'm not looking visually any slimmer in the belly...that's a lot of work tracking and working out and many many poverty days with no measurable progress...

    so, tweaked the plan for feb...took out the running because the weather is just not cooperative and running in the living room is clearly just not the same level of effort and clearly not cutting it...switched to huge beast instead of lean best - had never tried lean before jan, but have seen results with huge, so going back to what I know works, the lean schedule is just not intense enough for me, I think...also added in an extra glute day still using BBL high and tight, mostly because that makes it a weekly schedule instead of a shifting 6 days and for me to stay on track it's just easier if ever day of the week keeps the same exercise for the week because weekend travel gets in the way so I try to make my saturday a rest day...also added in a "doubles" custom version, which is to say Total Body on M/W/F...I will do that at light weights, I'm thinking just 5 lbs to treat it more like a cardio workout and a recovery kind of light muscle activation workout, which I'm hoping will boost up the results a bit...I know I super need to stay on top of nutrition if I'm going to push that hard, so that's goal #2, get the protein in, keep the carbs low, get good food not junk food...

    Let's see how feb goes and maybe some better results...winter is a hard time to lose for me anyway, but normally I'm better than this, so time to step it up!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    did great over the weekend, drank Fri-sun but not too much, and within calorie goals...also did all workouts except stretching

    I really have to get better about the stretching

    all in all excited to start the new routine on saturday
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Did great yesterday (monday) except for a late night snack, which I logged into today...I'd rather struggle a bit today than be over, planning ahead, and hopefully that's a winner...scale is up today (161) but boobs are enormous and sore, so not sure what's water weight from PMS or what's real...who knows these things????
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was decent except in the pain arena...didn't do back/bis because my back was already screaming on that back shoulder that has plagued me off and on for weeks now...guess I'm going to have to really lighten the back weights for feb and maybe incorporate some back stretches???

    also, exploding times...on the upside, I'm down a pound and a half overnight despite having 2 shots of vodka as a muscle relaxer last night...

    food was a struggle, but managed to stay on target despite last minute switches to dinner...all in all as good as can be expected all things considered...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I feel so gross and icky today...also stomach not happy...this might work well for keeping calories down, but it's going to be total havoc on motivation...just focusing on getting through the day...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    less gross and icky it's friday, so that's always a bit of a mood lift

    thursday was actually mostly good...did shoulders with light weights at lunch...not much after work, kept calories in line, protein is still too low...but also had some wine before much cramping and hip pain, it was just absurd even after an aleve

    at least it should all wrap up today and tomorrow starts the new routine...though I think I'm going to go ahead and do total body at lunch since it's too cold and icy outside to go running...get a bit of a jump on the new routine