Check In



  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    And here is what Atlas looks like now :smile: kxg9a99rtkkb.jpeg
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,933 Member
    @pezhed Altas is so cute! I wish mfp would let me post photos, I would show off my kiddos too lol. But alas it will not load the photos.

    I just wanted to check in to let you all know I'm alive. And I guess I'm maintaining my weight. Losing weight while on meds that literally make your stomach empty faster just seems too tough. But with pumping while starting solids I seem to be getting a better milk supply finally. But at this point may as well just stay on the pills for 5.5 more months and lose weight after that... on another note, other than fixing a window well or 2, our basement is done and we are loving it. Next project is to finish (insulate and drywall) the garage. Then that should be it other than maintenance.

    Chris and I can't make up our minds on how many babies we want. 2 is nice and manageable but I also feel the mystery of number 3. Who would it be?

    How is everyone else doing? I feel bad I'm so far behind on reading posts I can't catch up.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @arendiva Good luck! Lots of baby dust sent your way!

    @pezhed Wow, 4 months already! Time does fly! OMG just went to the next page, he's so cute! look at that smile! *heart melts* haha!

    @VeryKatie I'm glad to see a check in from you! =) Glad your basement is done and that things are improving with your milk supply! I'm sure you both will be glad when it's all done and you just have to keep up with maintenance. How are the babies doing?
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @VeryKatie I wish MFP would let you load photos too! I’m sure you mentioned it in the posts I’m behind on but what meds are you on?

    @WifiresGettingFit thanks! That smile gets us through a lot of “wtf baby?” moments haha
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @pezhed haha That's great!!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,933 Member
    @pezhed im on domperidone for increasing lactation.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,933 Member
    Okay Im officially logging again. After 3 days of a slight deficit... my milk is lower. Boo. I still have enough but i think i need to add a pumping session and lunch for Brooke. Its basically time to add in her 3rd meal anyway. Though she doesnt like water enough yet... i dont have a sippy cup that she likes yet. So more food means not enough poopin lol. But i just wanna lose these last few pesky pounds so my pants fit again.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @VeryKatie ugh I’m sorry the deficit affected your supply. So hard to figure out the right amount to eat to balance weight loss and breastfeeding!

    I’ve been struggling with eating few enough calories to have a deficit while not being absolutely famished. Breastfeeding hunger is no joke. People joke about eating for two while pregnant, but it’s WAY more true postpartum in my experience. I’ve done well at least attempting to track everything, just not very well eating a reasonable number of calories. Oh well, slow and steady, hopefully.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,933 Member
    @pezhed so true about breastfeeding hunger being more than pregnancy. The baby takes up all the space while youre pregnant. Thats limitation is gone once ypure postpartem!

  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    pezhed wrote: »
    @VeryKatie ugh I’m sorry the deficit affected your supply. So hard to figure out the right amount to eat to balance weight loss and breastfeeding!

    I’ve been struggling with eating few enough calories to have a deficit while not being absolutely famished. Breastfeeding hunger is no joke. People joke about eating for two while pregnant, but it’s WAY more true postpartum in my experience. I’ve done well at least attempting to track everything, just not very well eating a reasonable number of calories. Oh well, slow and steady, hopefully.

    I can't agree with this enough! I know some women who successfully lost all of their pregnancy weight while breastfeeding, but I have never been so hungry or eaten so much in my life as when I was breastfeeding. It was really amazing to feel my hunger go back to normal within a week of stopping. That wasn't why I stopped, of course, but it was a nice side effect.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Hi ladies. The last month has been really busy and kind of crazy. I'm happy that I didn't overeat and gain but I also haven't lost. I'm working on getting back into some sort of deficit again and back to losing.

    I have an appointment tomorrow morning for a pelvic ultrasound to find my IUD so it can be removed. Which means we will be starting TTC for #2 soon. I am still carrying 20lbs of pregnancy weight which makes a little anxious and unhappy, but we don't want to wait any longer. Plus my IUD needs to come out for other reasons.

    I hope you are all doing well!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @puffbrat exciting that you’ll be starting for your second so soon! I’ll be cheering you on! Did you conceive your first quickly? I’m not sure I was around here when you were trying for Baby Leo.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,933 Member
    @puffbrat woooooo Im excited for you!!! Crazy that you cant find your iud without an ultrasound but hopefully they get that sucker out so you can make more bebes.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    pezhed wrote: »
    @puffbrat exciting that you’ll be starting for your second so soon! I’ll be cheering you on! Did you conceive your first quickly? I’m not sure I was around here when you were trying for Baby Leo.

    Yes, I conceived on my first cycle after stopping BC pills. It was crazy fast! I'll be curious to see if that happens again or not.
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    @puffbrat woooooo Im excited for you!!! Crazy that you cant find your iud without an ultrasound but hopefully they get that sucker out so you can make more bebes.

    Stupid little bugger. Big Leo and I kept joking that it must be hanging out with my left ovary that no one could find during any of my ultrasounds while pregnant. Thankfully this week's ultrasound found both the IUD and the ovary :D Now I just need my doctor to review the results and tell me how to get thing out.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    So quiet here! How is everyone doing?

    I have completely let any kind of tracking go and have been discouraged fitness-wise. At the risk of sharing too much, I seem to have some pelvic organ prolapse, as a result of childbirth, that is intensified when I do almost any kind of physical activity. Even bending over to switch the laundry makes it feel like I have a tampon hanging out. I haven’t been to see anyone about it yet. I plan to call to schedule an appointment with my midwife this week. I bought a DVD to do exercises but I’ve been bad about doing it. It’s crazy that I’m not more proactive about doing something to fix an issue that is really freaking annoying to me. But I guess it’s just hard to prioritize when Atlas barely naps. The last thing I want to do is some dumb pelvic floor exercise DVD when he sleeps for 20 minutes at a time. When he’s awake now I have to chase him around. He has his little army crawl down at 6.5 months old! I’m not excited for him to get faster.

    He’s started solids now so I can feel my appetite regulating as he eats a bit less, so I guess that’s a positive thing. Though to be honest, exclusive breastfeeding is so much easier than giving him food because of the prep, monitoring, and cleanup that goes into it.

    Just wanted to check in! Hope others will pop in too!
  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi all 😊 My name is Sara, my hubby and I are looking to start TTC at the end of the year! I’ve already lost 7kg (15lb) but am looking to lose a bit more in the next 2 months. I came off bc last month and was hoping to lose a bit from that, don’t think it’s happened but I do feel less anxious/depressed then for the 10 years I was on it so that’s a plus!!

    So lovely to hear all your stories and see your cute baby pics 😍
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @pezhed Yes, it's been very quiet around here. Have you been able to see anyone about that yet or at least get your appointment scheduled? Hopefully they get you in quickly because that just sounds very uncomfortable and annoying.

    Wow, I didn't realize Atlas was already 6.5 months old. Time flies! I hope things settle down for you soon (though admittedly they probably won't with Atlas since he'll just get more mobile but hey at least he's cute. haha)

    @sarawilliams5889 Hey Sara, welcome to the group! We're glad to have you! Way to go on losing 15 pounds! I had a similar experience when getting off birth control! It can definitely take time for things to regulate after. I think there is actually a thread talking about coming off birth control here in the group if you're looking for others experience. I think I even have a more detailed version. I'll see if I can find it and link it. Anyway, welcome again!
    Here it is Going off BC
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    It's been a lot of the same stuff out this way for me.

    We did add 2 kitties to our household and have trained to volunteer at the place where we got them. It was a lot of information but I'm excited to help out. We plan to go a few more times when more of the long-term volunteers are there so we can really learn the ropes but then will start to fill in when people aren't able to go.

    The house is coming along albeit slowly. Not having a lot of storage has sort of been a road block in terms of getting things put away but we have made a lot of progress and I'm hoping to have things completely done in the next few weeks. Andrew's workshop in the basement is pretty much done. It's just a few boxes on the main floor and then my office upstairs.

    I saw in one of my previous updates, I said that we were going to start TTC last month and that hasn't been the case. I have no idea if and when we will do so. I feel like putting a timeline on things just hasn't worked out at all for us. Our focus just has been on the house and getting some other things sorted. I'd really like to be in a better place physically/mentally/emotionally before getting pregnant so I keep putting it off.

    Other than that, not much has been going on. I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to reading some updates!
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    Hi! I just joined the group :) My husband and I are planning on TTC our first this coming summer after I turn 30 and I really want to be at a healthy weight before then! I’ve lost 50 lbs already and want to lose another 35 to be at my goal weight.
  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks @WifiresGettingFit 😊 That is very helpful information. I feel a bit sad that I had spent 10 years dealing with anxiety that was possibly related to BC, hopefully on the up and up now though. Your kitties sound cute, well done with the volunteering. I feel you’re right that timelines cause a lot of stress, we’ve been thinking about TTC for the past couple of years but it’s never felt like the right time work/house/money wise. I’m sure you’ll know when the right time comes.

    Well done on the weight loss @Shortgirlrunning 🙌 sounds like you’re on track to meet your goal!