LCD Chat...



  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Good morning everyone!!
    It's a Terrific Tuesday!
    I'm so happy everyone in jumping in on this thread! We are all in the same boat here. We may follow LC slightly differently and have all kinds of reasons for being here but I am overjoyed on how we all are supportive to each other and willing to offer that hand up when we are down!
    It's my 39th birthday today! How did it creep up on me like this?!? Just a blink ago I was 21! So I'm mentally preparing myself to not cave in to donuts which is the birthday treat at my work... No cake for me but I might experiment with a Keto MIM tonight as a treat.

    So conversation starter for today:

    What is your plan for today to make it a terrific day?

    My steps have been way off for the last three days so I'm hitting it today!
    I'm going to bite the bullet and call for a doctors appointment for myself. I can't ignore my body telling me something is wrong. (I do that way too often)!

    Make it terrific out there everybody!!
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Hi! I am 39 too - wow there are a lot of us! I have 4 stair step boys (ages 13, 12, 10, almost 9). I love the outdoors. I am a SAHM. I was always a little "thicker/fluffier" than my friends growing up but not bad a all. I gained more weight after I got married and began working. I was also diagnosed with PCOS. Once I started having babies and SAHM, I found running and counted calories and ran and got in the best shape of my life after all of my pregnancies. BTW, I was diagnosed hypothyroid after son #2. My numbers were so high (which means low thyroid) my dr. repeated test bc he assumed they were lab error. Everything was good though - despite thyroid and PCOS I was good weight. Then in 2008 I had an injury. It took a while to get properly diagnosed - unsuccessful surgery. I can't run anymore. I was really depressed. It was my THING. It was my outlet. It was my identity. So between 2008 and now - I've gained about 10# per year so yes 70-80#. Once I got out of my can't run funk, I tried to lose weight but nothing worked anymore. I talked to my endo, did some tests, insulin resistant. I dabbled with LC and had success but couldn't stick to it - so much cooking when I had 4 small kids at home. I feel its perfect time in my life. All kids are in school (my youngest was homeschooled for past year and a half). I have time to plan and cook. I'm kind of a foodie and like good food. I really enjoy cooking so it's not a desire thing - it's a time thing. I have a friend that has been doing keto for over a year. He's lost a ton of weight, feels great, has talked other people into doing it and they all look great and have reversed their health problems. He has been a tremendous encourager.

    What is your go to exercise?
    walking, hiking, horseback riding

    How do you decide who to friend here and what would make you unfriend someone?
    I typically accept friends from most people. I unfriend people that haven't logged in a forever and who eat way below calories.

    What is your stretch goal for 2016?
    I don't set timed weight loss goals. I think that is setting yourself up for failure. Plateaus happen.

    What is your favorite low carb recipe?
    Fathead pizza, loaded mashed faux tatou (cauliflower)

    What is the first thing that pops into your head when you're trying to stay focused and motivated to do this?
    That scale going down. Weighing every day keeps me motivated. I stopped weighing in while I was gaining. Big mistake!

    City or country life?
    Country - I HATE big cities!

    If you could go back and give yourself 1 piece of advice, what age would you be and what would you say?
    I missed an opportunity to work out west one summer - its the only thing I truly regret! Other mistakes made me who i am

    What is your favorite book? Do you have a favorite author?
    Glass Castle

    If money wasn't an object, where would you move?
    I'd have a house in Jackson Hole Wy or Bozeman, MT and another place in Hawaii

    What is your favourite LCHF vegetable?
    Roasted broccoli until its crispy. OMG!!!

    What is the one thing you look forward to the most about reaching your goal weight?
    looking pretty

    What was your camel straw moment that made you decide to finally lose weight?
    too many to list - it was just the perfect storm of events. I will say I'm always shocked when I see myself in pictures. I don't see myself as that heavy when I look in the mirror. But pictures always blow my mind!

    Who or what is your motivation?
    Me and my health! I don't want diabetes and Alzheimer's runs rampant in my family. I don't want it.

    What interesting side effects of weight loss have you noticed that you didn't expect?
    More energy, less bloating, less hunger

    What is your favorite color? aqua

    What is your biggest challenge with this WOE? I am very fortunate that I get to go on a lot of vacations. I've had a week-long vacation every month for the past 6 months. Lots of temptations. I've only had one since adopting the WOE. It was easier than I imagined
  • CrispyStars3
    CrispyStars3 Posts: 199 Member
    RowdysLady wrote: »
    @Carrie_3 Hi neighbor! I'm in Canton!

    Yes, neighbors indeed! Not far at all.
    I am in Wylie... we've taken a beating this

    @ProCoffeenator - HaPpY BiRtHdAy!! I totally agree with you on the slip of time. I stopped "aging" at 27...been 27 for a while ;)
    Glad you are listening to your body. I hope all goes well.

    Plan for today to make it a terrific day?
    I will up my intake of water, Himalayan salt, magnesium, and some how potassium. I also plan to (continue) exhibit a positive attitude and energy while at work today. The stresses and negative events over the last 6 months have piled quite high on me. I have noticed I have not been as happy as usual, so I am determined to break the cycle. It is working!! :#

  • JessiokaFroka
    JessiokaFroka Posts: 149 Member
    edited July 2016
    @ProCoffeenator - Happy Birthday to you!

    I am lazing about in bed waiting to start my day, so it's already a great day!

    Making today a great day: lunch is packed and dinner is planned, so food is good. Today I will actually take all of my breaks at work for once. I like to go walk during my breaks, so I'll do that.
  • Zenwenner
    Zenwenner Posts: 166 Member
    Happy birthday, @ProCoffeenator ! Hope all goes well for you today.

    I just want to say how much fun this thread has been to read through. There seem to be a lot of us on similar paths but all over the world - this is great! Wishing you all a beautiful day :)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    Happy Birthday @ProCoffeenator! :)
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Jumping in late. I'm a 36 year old female. Sahm of four girls ages 9, 6, 4, and almost 1. I struggled with weight as long as I can remember, but simple calorie counting worked fairly well (I was still technically overweight, but only a bit) in my teens and twenties, but after my third child was born I felt pretty "stuck". She turned 1 and I turned 33 six weeks later, and I realized I hadn't lost but 5 lbs of the baby weight :(. That's when I decided I needed to do something different. I looked into a variety of low carb plans and came up with my own, picking and choosing from the main ones out there. Committed to it for six weeks, with the option to quit if I found I didn't like it or it wasn't working. That six weeks went by and I never looked back! Been eating this way for three years now (July is my three year low carb-iversay). Lost the 25 lbs I set out to lose, plus another 25 I never thought I could lose and have maintained it (outside my fourth pregnancy) ever since. I can't imagine eating any other way anymore :)

    What is your go to exercise?
    I don't get a lot of formal exercise. I did join a gym a while back, but find it hard to get there consistantly (husband travels a lot for work and is set to deploy in September). I do enjoy swimming, but don't have regular access to a pool.

    How do you decide who to friend here and what would make you unfriend someone?
    I accept friend requests from pretty much anyone, but I'm probably a "bad" friend, lol. I don't log, I don't spend much time on my wall...

    What is your stretch goal for 2016?
    I'm currently maintaining, so I guess I just want to keep on doing that. Wouldn't mind getting to the gym more often, but, well, see above.

    What is your favorite low carb recipe?
    Hard to pick just one, but I do love chicken thighs, dipped in butter and dredged in grated Parmesan, and baked til golden brown.

    What is the first thing that pops into your head when you're trying to stay focused and motivated to do this?
    My hands. After my first child was born the occasional eczema I had on my hands flared up permanently and became quite severe. Noting I tried (OTC and prescription creams and ointments, various home remedies, eliminating dairy) helped. I had resigned myself to it. I never expected when I started low carb that it would have any impact, but after two weeks my eczema was 50% clear; after 6 weeks it was 90% clear. It's been fully gone for years now!

    City or country life?
    Country for sure!

    If you could go back and give yourself 1 piece of advice, what age would you be and what would you say?
    I'd go back to age 26, when my first child was born, and tell myself to relax, lol. Like many first time moms I found myself worrying needlessly about crap that didn't matter.

    What is your favorite book? Do you have a favorite author?
    Hard to pick just one. I love horror, crime, mystery, classics... Pretty much anything except sci fi.

    If money wasn't an object, where would you move?
    Somewhere near the ocean.

    What is your favourite LCHF vegetable?
    Roasted asparagus. But since that tends to be pricey and has a short season, I'll also mention green beans.

    What is the one thing you look forward to the most about reaching your goal weight?
    I'm already here, but the thing I looked forward to most was not feeling frumpy and being able to find flattering clothes.

    What was your camel straw moment that made you decide to finally lose weight?
    Finding myself being a size 14 at 33 years old, and wondering if I should just resign myself to that. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that I wouldn't be happy with that, no matter what I might tell myself.

    Who or what is your motivation?
    Myself and my family. I have a family history of type two diabetes, Alzheimer's, and CVD. I want to be there for my husband and our girls for a very long time!

    What interesting side effects of weight loss have you noticed that you didn't expect?
    The clearing of my eczema that I mentioned above, as well as the huge decrease in my appetite. I didn't think it was possible to lose weight without going hungry, and never thought I could get below 150 lbs without extreme measures!

    What is your favorite color?

    What is your biggest challenge with this WOE?
    Social occassions. My husband's family is Sicilian, so lots of pasta, lol. I don't want to offend my MIL (she's a wonderful woman whom I have a lot of respect for), but I've found she usually serves a great deal of antipasti and salads, so I try to fill up on that and take very little, if any, of the actual pasta. The good news is they live a couple hours away so I only have to deal with it occasionally.

    Plan for today to make it great?
    Hmmm. Gotta take the four year old to her speech therapy appt, then start prepping the kids' rooms - currently my 6 and 4 year old are sharing a room, with my 9 year year old in another room and the baby in a crib in me and dh's room. It's time to move them around so the two older girls are sharing one room and the two little girls share the other. Not sure how I can make that "great".... Lol... If I can get through the day without losing my mind I'll be happy!
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    Happy Birthday @ProCoffeenator - hope you have a fantastic day - am loving this thread
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    Happy birthday @ProCoffeenator !! Have a great day!
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    what animals eats chocolate and ice cream sundaes? That's mine. Otherwise I'd say a dolphin because they get to swim and play all day. No sushi for me though. Or maybe a pampered cat.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Morning everyone!
    It's Work-Out Wednesday !!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! I survived the day and no cake! Actually my day was busy I never had a chance for any treats!

    So my workouts are generally the same. Walking, yoga, sometimes I throw in something to spice up my week. Today I'm going to add in one that I haven't done in a while. Weights! My upper arms are so flabby I feel like I might lift off in a wind gust! Lol. So I'm planning on working towards toning them up.

    What's an exercise that you would like to start doing? Or one that you've just been ignoring for a while and want to get back to?

    Have a great day everyone! Make today count!!
  • CrispyStars3
    CrispyStars3 Posts: 199 Member
    Good morning!

    I am patiently waiting to get the house/furniture back in order so I can make a space for workout videos. I really want to get started on Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. At first use: the first disc kicked my tail-end, made me realize my weak/squishy-ness. I may not have been very good at keeping up, but by disc 3 I definitely noticed changes around my body.
    I, also, want to get back to some yoga.
  • Zenwenner
    Zenwenner Posts: 166 Member
    This is my first week back to weight lifting after a two month hiatus due to injury. I did do some cardio in the interim, but I find cardio super boring so I wasn't very enthusiastic or regular with it. Yesterday was leg day, for the first time in a while, and this morning my butt is reminding me how long it's been!! I am glad to be back at it though, and trying to take it light and slow for now so I don't aggravate anything and sideline myself again!
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    I really want to try Yoga and also want to do resistance weights although have never enjoyed Gyms much I feel very different on this WOE that I want to try something different
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    I'd love to join a gym but there aren't any close to where I live. I would also have to try to squeeze it into my daily schedule. So for me it's just easier walking around my neighborhood which is convenient since each road is a mile apart! I'm using apps and videos at home too. It's hard when you have your kids all the time. You have to work around their schedules.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    It's Thirsty Thursday!!

    What is your favorite go to drink while doing a LC diet?

    I have two favorites... My BPC well blended! The other is water flavored with a grape sf packet and half a scoop of unflavored Isopure. The latter is like a grape creamsicle! Yummy!!

    I'm challenging everyone to up their water today! Don't forget to hydrate! I need to remind myself constantly since I hate drinking plain water!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Most common drink would be water - I'm a gallon a day girl - but favorite would be the keto lemonade drink I make. 1/4 tsp each of NoSalt (potassium chloride) and Himalayan salt per 1 quart of water, flavored with Crystal Light Strawberry Lemonade water drops. The flavor hides the saltiness very well and I learned long ago that roasting and lightly salting strawberries to make strawberry lemonade (the high carb way) is AHHH-MAZING. Salting the Crystal Light is very very similar and carb free, and a great way to keep my electrolytes up. It's an amazing amount of win.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Phrick wrote: »
    Most common drink would be water - I'm a gallon a day girl - but favorite would be the keto lemonade drink I make. 1/4 tsp each of NoSalt (potassium chloride) and Himalayan salt per 1 quart of water, flavored with Crystal Light Strawberry Lemonade water drops. The flavor hides the saltiness very well and I learned long ago that roasting and lightly salting strawberries to make strawberry lemonade (the high carb way) is AHHH-MAZING. Salting the Crystal Light is very very similar and carb free, and a great way to keep my electrolytes up. It's an amazing amount of win.
    Do you find better results with making your own drink or just buying the SF sports drinks? I keep meaning to buy the salts for my own but my brain goes blank when I stank in front of all the different salts in the grocery store. I've got to write this stuff down!!!