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  • CrispyStars3
    CrispyStars3 Posts: 199 Member
    Goals for the weekend are simple

    1 no jumping on the scales
    2 keep drinking at least 3l water
    3 start packing boxes
    4. Keep with ZC

    Have a great weekend everyone - am off to the beach today although the weather isn't great we have a meet up with other Tourette families today which my son loves as he can just be himself without stress

    Soooooo jealous you are going to the beach. Lucky!! Have a wonderful time :)

    Goals for today thru weekend:
    1. I will have a good day at work, all the bosses are out of town. (Hopefully no messages via email/text)
    2. Spend some time with my sister (if we can work out our schedules)
    3. Get the rest of the house in order (it is HIS stuff that's still all over the house :D , due to painting/drywall work)
    4. Create a space so I can begin my workout regimen.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    edited July 2016
    -video game addict
    -twice divorced
    -been working in the asphalt industry since 2004
    -heavy vaper (former smoker of three packs per day) who makes all of my own liquids
    -hate children
    -love kitties
    -hate chihuahuas
    -love great danes
    -read entirely too much (especially Hitchens, various philosophers, and nutritional science)
    -adore roadsters (all the way from the chronically underestimated Miata, to the predatory modern Corvette)
    -Libertarian (bordering on An-cap)

    I'm going off these answers, as he made it easier for me lol!
    -RPG gamer
    -divorced, but engaged
    -housewife, and sidekick to an awesome muscle car restoration technician
    -moderately heavy smoker
    -recovering heroin/cocaine addict (used 15 years, been recovering five)
    -have two kids
    -who can read TOO much? @Gallowmere1984 are you daft, bro? Anyway, love Louis L'Amour
    -love felines
    -also libertarian, have been accused of anarchist...
    -Aquarians rule!
    -Chevy rules!
    -love little hatch backs....gremlins, Vega, monza, Honda crx,Mazda rx7, even pinto!
    Pleased to meet you all!
  • JessiokaFroka
    JessiokaFroka Posts: 149 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi there @Leanbean65 ! I am the same, for the most part, with tracking.

    Goals for this weekend:
    1) Finish reading my book club book
    2) Take at least 1 bubble bath. If you don't make relaxation a goal you'll never get it done.
    3) Finalize meal plan for next week, grocery shop
    4) Prep-ahead Tuesday's lunch

    Right now I'm combatting the urge to step on the scale, which is odd since I never get this urge. I normally do my Saturday weigh-ins and I'm done with it, I don't think about it again. Maybe it's because I'm having a "skinny day" today? Like, I woke up this morning and my stomach feels flatter, ya know?

    My question for you all is:

    What are today's hurdles and how will you get through them?

    Today donuts are being served to my team at work since we kick @ss, and my associates are getting rewarded for it. I will not partake, which has now become normal for me. My other hurdle is that I'm meeting a large group of co-workers after work at a dive/sports bar and I will very likely want to drink, but I won't. I gotta drive home.
  • Zenwenner
    Zenwenner Posts: 166 Member
    Goals for the weekend:

    1. One lifting workout each day on different targeted muscle groups
    2. Rally the teenaged troops and clean the house
    3. Grocery shopping and meal planning for the week ahead
    4. Finally see my scale drop below 170 (this may or may not happen, but I'd sure like it to!)
    5. Take some "me" time - I got a new book I'm dying to start but every time I curl up in bed and open it, my eyes start drooping and I read the same sentence ten times before the book falls on my face and I realize I have no idea what I just read. I think I'll go outside on the deck and crack it open there instead!

    Tonight hubby and I are taking the family out for dinner, and our favorite Greek restaurant has been voted in. I'm good with that, because it's pretty easy to stay on plan with Greek: I order lamb souvlaki with lots of tzatziki, Greek salad, and extra veggies instead of the rice and roasted potatoes. They also have this great bacon-wrapped steak appetizer - yum! Should be good. I'm glad they didn't vote for Boston Pizza or something - it's tough to resist that Viva Italia pizza they make there, my favorite...really the only pizza I eat actually.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Hi there @Leanbean65 ! I am the same, for the most part, with tracking.

    Goals for this weekend:
    1) Finish reading my book club book
    2) Take at least 1 bubble bath. If you don't make relaxation a goal you'll never get it done.
    3) Finalize meal plan for next week, grocery shop
    4) Prep-ahead Tuesday's lunch

    Right now I'm combatting the urge to step on the scale, which is odd since I never get this urge. I normally do my Saturday weigh-ins and I'm done with it, I don't think about it again. Maybe it's because I'm having a "skinny day" today? Like, I woke up this morning and my stomach feels flatter, ya know?

    My question for you all is:

    What are today's hurdles and how will you get through them?

    Today donuts are being served to my team at work since we kick @ss, and my associates are getting rewarded for it. I will not partake, which has now become normal for me. My other hurdle is that I'm meeting a large group of co-workers after work at a dive/sports bar and I will very likely want to drink, but I won't. I gotta drive home.

    Bubble bath would be the best!!! I just don't fit in my bathtub. I'm too tall and it's too short!

    Hurdles for today? I honestly can't think of anything at the moment. It's Friday so it's pretty chill at work, although I have a mountain of things I HAVE to do for work over the next few weeks. I have to organize my work files, brainstorm ideas and prepare for the school year.... Oh and catch up on kids files..... There just isn't enough time!!
  • NonnaTurtle
    NonnaTurtle Posts: 105 Member
    @samanthaluangphixay Fried Chicken???...geesh, that's just not fair! (someone deserve a slap!)
    Hey, good luck with the apartment hunt :) and 'just say no' to that friggin fried chicken.
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    My goals for the weekend ( it is a long weekend here in Canada!)
    1. Buy my Dad a gift for his 80th birthday, any ideas??
    2. One spin clas
    3. Do a ton of laundry, my son just got back from camp
    4. Spend time with the kids!
  • GlitterRayne
    GlitterRayne Posts: 105 Member
    Goals for the weekend
    1. Put away laundry
    2. Go to zumba
    3. Stay on plan
    4. Prep food for next week
    5. Pedicure and acrylic fill
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    @Leanbean65 - if he isn't into material things, you can always take him out for a day. Spend some time taking part in his hobbies and bring him out for lunch or dinner.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    @samanthaluangphixay Fried Chicken???...geesh, that's just not fair! (someone deserve a slap!)
    Hey, good luck with the apartment hunt :) and 'just say no' to that friggin fried chicken.


    I am eating my lunch early so when they bring the chicken in, I can decline and tell them I have already eaten.
  • anewlifeat40
    anewlifeat40 Posts: 179 Member
    edited July 2016
    What is your go to exercise when you are lacking motivation? Seeing as I haven't been able to exercise regularly in SIX YEARS, being able to start walking is HUGELY motivating. I also have a fitbit and have joined some challenges with friends and my competitive side gets me dressed and outside walking everyday.

    What is your go to exercise? I'm working with a physical therapist to recover from an old SI joint injury, and she has me doing pilates style core strengthening exercises and short daily walks.

    How do you decide who to friend here and what would make you unfriend someone? If they are part of the low carb community I'm happy to friend them. I unfriend people who are obviously not committed to this WOE or inactive.

    If you could choose any animal to represent you, which one would you choose? An otter. They are cute and friendly... I love the water too, and my favourite book as a kid was about these adorable otters who made long mud slides to slide down into the river. I used to daydream about having their fun life... haha Plus they love their family a lot...

    What is your stretch goal for 2016? To lose one pound a week and walk every day.

    What is your favourite low carb recipe? Cauli-crust pizza, but I'm all about the cold next-day leftovers!

    What is the first thing that pops into your head when you're trying to stay focused and motivated to do this?
    Just do it one pound at a time, then repeat 125 times.

    City or country life? Rural life all the way... I live on a quiet rural gravel road, just a 20 minute walk to the ocean... I love the small community closeness, the funny rural sounds of chickens, goats, wild turkeys, and the intense darkness and quiet at night.

    If you could go back and give yourself 1 piece of advice, what age would you be and what would you say? I would be 12 and I'd tell my MOM to calm the eff down. Just let me eat intuitively and don't put your perfectly healthy normal weight daughter on an effin' DIET at 13 years old when she's a healthy weight for her height!!

    What is your favourite LCHF vegetable? Romaine lettuce... it's so versatile... you can make a salad or make a sandwich wrap...

    Camel/Straw moment and motivation? On the morning of my 40th birthday I stepped on the scale and it had tipped over 300 lbs. I'm only 5'4" and I was struggling, losing my mobility more each month due to an old SI joint injury. I was miserable and turning into a depressed hermit. I downloaded Dr. Eades Protein Power Lifeplan book and started low carb high fat WOE the next day. It's been 9 weeks now and my friends, family and online support has been what keeps me motivated to keep going.

    Response I get from others who hear of my diet? Super positive. I started posting about my struggles and victories, even posted my actual weight on my FB page. I only have very close friends and family on there, people I see IRL all the time, and they have been incredibly supportive. Plus it keeps me accountable... I know when they see me in person they are going to ask how I'm doing, and I want to be able to say I'm doing GREAT!

    Favourite month/season? All of them!! I love the summer because it's warm, the days are longer, we do lots of beach time, loads of outdoor activities, camping, etc... I love the fall because we can wear sweaters and cozy socks, I drink way more coffee and soup... I love the winter because the rain storms here are epic, it's so cozy snuggling up with my hubs with a hot cup of tea and a good movie in the long dark evenings... I love the spring because FLOWERS!! I have an ornamental cherry tree and plum trees and they are so gorgeous when they are in full bloom. The smell of fresh earth, more sun... longer days...

    Favourite holiday destination? Anywhere I go with my family. The hubs and I went to Jamaica for our honeymoon so that's top of the list... but we also love right where we live. It's a huge tourist location for good reason... ;)

    Is your family supportive of your LCHF lifestyle? Yes, but they don't really get it. My hubs and son are slim and fit, and insulin sensitive so they can eat sugar all day long and still lose weight... My aunt and uncle are more understanding, as they follow much the same plan...

    Question: Of all the changes you've seen in yourself since starting this WOE or your weight loss journey, what has been your favourite? My enthusiasm for this new life, and SLEEPING normally for the first time in my entire adult life!

    Had do you handle social situations? This is my biggest challenge... I don't do well... Working on it...

    Favourite drinks? Diet coke, water, club soda with lemon and stevia, coffee with cream.

    Parties? Again... I don't do well in situations outside of my normal routine... Trying to figure this one out!

    Goals for the weekend? Get my daily walk in, drink more water, keep my carbs in check.

    THERE!! I'm caught up now!!! LOL
  • NonnaTurtle
    NonnaTurtle Posts: 105 Member
    What is the first thing that pops into your head when you're trying to stay focused and motivated to do this?
    Just do it one pound at a time, then repeat 125 times.

    I love this! Fabulous outlook - guaranteed success <3<3<3
    You go, girl
  • anewlifeat40
    anewlifeat40 Posts: 179 Member
    What is the first thing that pops into your head when you're trying to stay focused and motivated to do this?
    Just do it one pound at a time, then repeat 125 times.

    I love this! Fabulous outlook - guaranteed success <3<3<3
    You go, girl

    I heard a guy say that in a youtube video that obese to beast hosts and it really resonated with me. :smiley:
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    It's Stick to it Saturday!!!

    Morning everybody!!
    I chose "stick to it" since we gave ourselves goals for the weekend. (Am I driving you guys crazy with these?)
    Somehow I managed to sleep for 9 hours!! I woke up a few times but wow!

    Hope everyone has plans for the day to do something fun. I've got to go out and work on my garden and clean it up some. Grass is getting high between my beds. It's just got to be done. Then the rest of my day is getting split up between work, cleaning and organizing and me time! Yay!

    What are you doing today?
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    What I'm doing today: Hoping hoping hoping to get my dr's blessing to run again. Appt at 9:30 (if any of you pray, and are so inclined, I really would appreciate it...)

    Facing the scale. I've been avoiding because I keep having 2 good days followed by one really bad one and I don't really want to know the damage I've done, but I feel like I need to see it in hopes of it keeping me or getting me scared straight.

    Finally, if that pedicure is going to happen, today's probably the day. Haven't been able to pin my friend down on it so it might just be me but that's OK.
  • JessiokaFroka
    JessiokaFroka Posts: 149 Member
    Today is weigh day and I am looking forward to jumping on the scale, then my sister and I are going for a drive. I may login from my laptop and get some work done from home, we'll see.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    @Phrick remember to keep good thoughts! The more positive you put out the more it comes back.

    No matter what the outcome is with your appointment go slow at first! We want you healthy and at it again, not back to square one!

    I weigh everyday. Which is a no no to some but I like to keep track and see how my body is reacting to the previous day. I don't get discouraged like I used to when I weighed once a week because I'm learning my patterns.

    I had a pedicure once a long time ago. It was lovely! I think that is going to be my gift to myself when I hit onederland!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited July 2016
    @Phrick remember to keep good thoughts! The more positive you put out the more it comes back.

    No matter what the outcome is with your appointment go slow at first! We want you healthy and at it again, not back to square one!

    I weigh everyday. Which is a no no to some but I like to keep track and see how my body is reacting to the previous day. I don't get discouraged like I used to when I weighed once a week because I'm learning my patterns.

    I had a pedicure once a long time ago. It was lovely! I think that is going to be my gift to myself when I hit onederland!

    I used to weigh every day; I weighed every single morning when I was actively losing. Both reaching goal and going on vacation (and being away from the ability to weigh daily) quickly got me out of the habit and it's been a rough few weeks of eating. Scale said 147.8 this morning which actually isn't as bad as I was anticipating. And fact is, my clothes still fit so I must not be as far off track as I thought...

    As far as pedicures go, I get them semi-frequently (maybe every few months) - super dry skin combined with runner's feet means I very much prefer for someone else to do the upkeep LOL