Step-It-Up September Week 1 (9/1-9/7)



  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    1.60 minutes/ cleaning car
    2. 10 -4.2 lbs =5.8 lbs to goal
    3. Basic plank/180 seconds

    So far September Goals are going well!

    As l kind of expected .. got devastating news today.
    I'm not going to let it slow me down. My low self esteem allows for these situations to occur and one day I will learn to prevent them before they have a chance to happen.
    That said, I am not going to miss a beat over this... I'm staying true to myself and my plans and I'm going to believe things will only get better faster if I do.
    Going to a pot luck tonight and will have fun with friends. Going to eat keto before I go, nothing while there.
    No use crying over spilled milk.

  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    1.60 minutes/ cleaning car
    2. 10 -4.2 lbs =5.8 lbs to goal
    3. Basic plank/180 seconds

    So far September Goals are going well!

    As l kind of expected .. got devastating news today.
    I'm not going to let it slow me down. My low self esteem allows for these situations to occur and one day I will learn to prevent them before they have a chance to happen.
    That said, I am not going to miss a beat over this... I'm staying true to myself and my plans and I'm going to believe things will only get better faster if I do.
    Going to a pot luck tonight and will have fun with friends. Going to eat keto before I go, nothing while there.
    No use crying over spilled milk.
    Sorry for the bad news :( But I like your attitude :)
  • sherrirollins4
    sherrirollins4 Posts: 122 Member
    9/1 11,092
    9/2. 9,234
    9/3. 10,575
    9/4. 9,139
    9/5. 5,058

    September goals are coming right along. Today's walk was cut short because of the Mississippi/Florida State game! Go Rebs!
    I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday!
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    9/5 - 12,400 steps
  • GregStone2
    GregStone2 Posts: 45 Member
    My step it up challenge is to walk more every day through out the day and not be sedendary to much while doing a low carb diet 20- 50 grams per day
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    9/5 13,035 steps (12,000 goal)
    Measured/weighed food ✅
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi everyone! Looks like we're covering a lot of miles.

    Dang rest of my message disappeared. Trying again

    9/3 20,065
    9/4 10,767
    9/5 15,134

    & long story short, I'm finally down 1/2#
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    sept 5--10,007. Saw I was low before bed and went on a half mile walk. Ha.

    Also, managed 40 seconds on elbows for the plank challenge. Hope I can keep with the schedule.

    How's everyone feeling? I'm frantic about taking my daughter to Uni Thursday but trying to channel the negative energy to something positive. Hopefully will get a lot of steps in over the weekend dorm shopping , setting up etc.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member

  • Zenwenner
    Zenwenner Posts: 166 Member
    Well I've been on holiday for the first five days of September, got absolutely no workouts in, though I did help my stepdad chop firewood and I climbed all along a beach with my son playing this game where you could only touch logs, not the ground. It kind of felt like leg day.

    I tried to be mindful of my eating, and to eat intuitively, but I wasn't always able to make great choices given what was presented. Nonetheless, I somehow dropped two pounds over that period of time so I guess I didn't completely screw up.

    I was also not diligent about my water intake. I guess "Step It Up" September for me is going to be more like, Step Back Into Line Soldier! September...hehehe
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,596 Member
    SW - 201
    CW - 182
    Sept Goal - 178

    My step it up September goals are:
    post daily (starting today)
    restart my daily planks
    reach 7500 steps a day (when I bike or use the elliptical I never get a proper count so I'm not aiming for 10k yet)
    step up my food variety, I've been getting into a rut.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    I've been sucking so hard the past few days.

    Day 4: 5,044 steps/10,000 and only 500ml of water.
    Day 5: 6,457 steps/10,000 but I hit my 1500ml water goal!

    Do I get to count more steps for day 5 if lots of them were spent carrying a giant TV as well? LOL

    NSV: Hauled a 55inch TV with the help of my BF out of Best Buy, onto the train, and then three blocks to our new place.

    The gym I'm going to is closed on the weekends until mid-September so I did not lift. But I am definitely going today because my body is craving it!
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    Sept Goal >10,000
    6/1 - 10,702
    6/2 - 12,616
    6/3 - 6/5 - My husband highjacked my weekend! He bought me a new convertible mustang and we have been joy riding ever since! Back at it today!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    redimock wrote: »
    I got to the gym this morning and I was about to get out of the car when I realized that I didn't have my headphones :disappointed: . I put the keys in the car, turned it on, and was about to leave thinking "oh well, I guess I can't work out today", when I thought "Hey, Step it Up September." So I went in an worked out without music. Not the most fun, but not the horrible ordeal I thought it'd be :smile:

    Good for you! I hate working out without music too...sometimes you need the right song to get you going.
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    I almost skipped the gym today, until I thought of this thread and my declaration of 5 workouts a week. So, I put on my big girl panties and went.

    The good news is, my heart rate was slightly lower for my 2 mile run! I'm usually around 173-175 for that second mile. Today it was right around 170!

    Knocked out some leg 5x5's afterwards. I am now 5/5 workouts for the first week. Woot woot!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Well, I learned the hard way that 50 net carbs is too much for me for weight loss. Good to know.

    Today's cals: under
    Carbs: 28 net, woot!
    Exercise: Mostly a rest day (busy working and I worked late last night). I want to get some more steps in now, maybe 10 min worth, and then I really need to relax and start my wind-down for bed. (Fighting insomnia, so sleep is a high priority for me now.)
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    9/6: 16,496 steps (15,000 step goal)
    Weighing/measuring food ✅-refocusing and stepping this up starting to pay off as now 1.2 pounds away from my new goal weight.

    Great day today. Local kids back to school today so it was the first day in 3 months where hordes of kids (and inattentive parents/babysitters/nannies) weren't waiting at the library door for it to open. Tons of books to shelve, but peaceful!

  • kfat1
    kfat1 Posts: 50 Member
    Did my planks.