Step-It-Up September Week 1 (9/1-9/7)



  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    kfat1 wrote: »
    @auntstephie321 . Are you planking with me? How long did you hold it for today?

    I didn't yet, but the days not over, let me see what I can do.

    Just did a minute, phew I think I still have some strength left from before.

    Are you doing on your hands or elbows? I remember elbows being a lot harder.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    kfat1 wrote: »
    3.5 mins......that's pretty good considering the pain I was in for 20 secs.

    It took a while to work up to that. I wish I could search for the old thread, there was a lot learned on it over time.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    2.5lbs off this week, exercise planned for next week. Fitbit charged and on my arm.
  • tinywonder25
    tinywonder25 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm adding 3 HIITdays 20 min each in addition to what I already do at the gym.
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    edited September 2016
    Day 1:
    Exceeded step goal: 8162.
    (Pretty pleased with that since I didn't find my fitness tracker until 4:00 :) )

    Completed 50 activity minutes.

    I think I will start the plank challenge as well. My core strength is pathetic.

    Great luck to everyone today!!!!
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    What is the plank challenge? I am about to start the squat challenge myself.

  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    edited September 2016
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    What is the plank challenge? I am about to start the squat challenge myself.

    Here's one. I hope the picture posts. I'm a moron about stuff like that.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Dang! I'm late to the party! Kept meaning to come back and post yesterday but didn't make it!

    Step ItUp challenge! Oh how I love this!!
    Weekday steps I'm pushing to 13k a day!
    Weekend steps is much less sitting at 5k
    I also have been increasing my exercise but currently sidelined until the muscle in my back calms down. My elbow planks were up to 25 seconds... Thinking I might pull up the plank challenge as well
    I will add more as the month goes on!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Step it Up Sept, huh. OK!

    Well I have a pretty low step number as my goal, only 6,000, and sometimes I don't make it (although those tend to be days when I'm still quite active just not in a step-oriented way). So my Step It Up goal is going to be to meet or beat 7500 every single day for the rest of this month, starting today. I can't include yesterday because - well, because I didn't make it because of being at the dentist and then the subsequent mouth pain that has kept me pretty still ever since. But I won't let it stop me today, or the rest of the days.
  • sherrirollins4
    sherrirollins4 Posts: 122 Member
    edited September 2016
    Step it up! I'm definitely in!!!
    09/01 I got 14,000 steps in. My goal is anything over 10,000. Let's do this! Feel free to add me as a Fitbit friend Thanks!
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    Step it up! I'm definitely in!!!
    09/01 I got 14,000 steps in. My goal is anything over 10,000. Let's do this! Feel free to add me as a Fitbit friend Thanks!

    That's great! I aspire to those numbers. Right now I'm happy if I just hit the goal Garmin gives me. At least it increases every day!

  • option3girl
    option3girl Posts: 166 Member
    SW = 236.0 (started July 30)
    Lost in August = 9.4
    CW = 225.0 (total loss 11.0!)

    Goal is to lose 7 pounds in September and to start exercising. I had an injury in August that seems to be healed now. I want to get at least 30 minutes in 5 days a week. Keeping carbs to <20 a day.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I don't have a step counter thingy...I shall carry a notebook and tally my steps! Everyone pray I don't awkwardly walk into the street counting, or get thrown into the loony bin.

    All jokes I'm going to put in at least thirty minutes of focused exercise.


    if you have a smartphone there are a bunch of apps that work to track steps too, might not be 100% accurate but the trackers aren't either.

    I'd almost rather count myself, I'm just THAT dorky. :D

    I'm so anti-phone dependency that the whole app thing would be a waste. There's no way I'm carrying my stupid phone around with me, just to maybe count my steps inaccurately.

    Welcome to Dorksville!

    (Could you bring an abacus along if smartphones don't have enough D-factor?)

    That's A BRILLIANT idea! *digs out old speak and spell* Hey this'll work, right? :D
  • CrispyStars3
    CrispyStars3 Posts: 199 Member
    Focus on macros and get back to logging consistently. I have been slacking lately.
    Also, step up my exercise...get to the gym 2-3 times a week.
    Enter my measurements! I keep forgetting- ugh!
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    Goal - 10K steps; first day did 11K. The humidity has been killer down here in Florida lately due to Hermine. Oh well, it is what it is!!!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I just signed up for a DietBet Kickstarter for accountability. I might sign up for one of their maintenance challenges after that. It's a lot of money for me (I don't have much discretionary funds) but b/c I am a cheapskate, the long-term deals (like the Transformer I did last year that led me to start keto!) tend to work well at helping me stay on track b/c I do NOT want to lose my money!! ;)
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    @kfat1 okay, just did thirty seconds, on elbows...think I may try for a few sessions per day....I was shaking! :#
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    @kfat1 okay, just did thirty seconds, on elbows...think I may try for a few sessions per day....I was shaking! :#

    Your strength builds up fast
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    @Bonny132 - September Squats! I need to add those to my goals.
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    Sept Goal >10,000
    6/1 - 10,702