Step-It-Up September Week 1 (9/1-9/7)



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    SW 169.5
    CW 161.6
    GW 140

    I am in.
    Learn to use our TRX system for strength training.
    Get into the 150s this month.
    Get my daily steps average back to 10K. I've been letting that slide, which big step counts about once a week and mediocre ones the rest of the week.
  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    Mine is to hit all of the goals set for me on my watch and eat the way my doc has told me.
    30 minutes of exercise
    550 calories burned per day
    10,000 steps a day at the least

    So here we go!!! We can do this!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Since moving to the new place, my step count has seriously taken a hit! Went from 13,000+ daily average to roughly 6000!

    So my goal is to hit 10,000 daily.

    My other step it up goal is to drink at least 1500 ml of water daily, as my water intake had taken a serious nose dive too.
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm close to goal; just joined a gym and they analyzed my bf as 27%. My ultimate goal is 20, but I'll be happy with 1% loss a month at the same weight. (CW 153.8)

    My step it up goal is to get to the gym at least 5 days a week. I'm meeting my new trainer twice a week, so that's just three days a week I have to make it there on my own.
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    I am stepping up my macro game!!! I have been slacking big time in August so September is going to be back on keto and focused on my protein!
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    Thanks for this challenge-I'm in!

    Last week I crept up to the high end of my maintenance weight (darn you HWC and just eyeballing it!), so this month will be spent making more of an effort with measuring and weighing food items. Just can't trust the eyes!

    Also I will continue with my daily 12,000 steps (15,000 steps on the 3 days I work). Unfortunately, I am suffering the after effects of stomach flu so I probably won't make it today. I'll try to eek out 10,000 though and call it good.
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Bacon has started wooing me into earlier fast breaks, so this month I am going to step up cardio (desk cycle or trike) at my current intensity for 30 minutes each morning (instead of when I feel like it), then at the next higher intensity setting in the late afternoon, after a mid-afternoon breakfast, at a one minute increase each day. I have a lot of knee damage (hence trike, not bike), so the month-end goal of one hour of cardio each day will hopefully be a good, gradual step up. My accountability tool will be posting the time of my morning pedaling, breakfast, and afternoon desk cycling each day.

    Challenge recap:
    Morning 30-min cycling each day
    Return to mid-afternoon breakfast
    One-minute increase of afternoon desk cycling at higher intensity each day up to 30 additional minutes.
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    Whoo hoo! Love this challenge. I am going to aim for 3 workouts a week of at least 30 minutes and walking the in between days at least a mile (hopefully shaving time each week). My fitness goal is to be able to complete this workout!
    I'm also doing a SCALE LESS CHALLENGE for my FB group (Ketogenic Success if anyone is interested :) ) so no weighing for me but I will be measuring and taking pics :)
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    My step it up goal to hit 12k steps a day. My unofficial goal is to drop #5 in September, but since weight loss has been so slow I don't want to doom myself.
  • Scorpiotwin
    Scorpiotwin Posts: 124 Member
    My step up goal is to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. In the month of September. I have a weekend getaway coming up in Oct, so this is the perfect opportunity for me to get my fitness on. :)
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I don't have a step counter thingy...I shall carry a notebook and tally my steps! Everyone pray I don't awkwardly walk into the street counting, or get thrown into the loony bin.

    All jokes I'm going to put in at least thirty minutes of focused exercise.


    if you have a smartphone there are a bunch of apps that work to track steps too, might not be 100% accurate but the trackers aren't either.

    I'd almost rather count myself, I'm just THAT dorky. :D

    I'm so anti-phone dependency that the whole app thing would be a waste. There's no way I'm carrying my stupid phone around with me, just to maybe count my steps inaccurately.

    No phone... no tunes :'(
    Keep it simple a timer & music apps.

    >:) or o:)

    That right there might just be the best idea ever. Thank you, my friend. Although I usually just sing, as there's a SuperRandom soundtrack playing up there always.....
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    kfat1 wrote: »
    I am stepping it up by doing a 30 day plank challenge. Want to lose 5 lbs this month.

    Oh hey!! Maybe you can share how many minutes each day, etc...I'd like to try, please!
  • redimock
    redimock Posts: 258 Member
    I had a plan to dust off and charge up our fitbit and try to do more steps each day than the previous day (as I have no idea what my steps are now), but I can't find the charger :disappointed: If my husband can't find it, I guess my goal will be to stick to each one of my planned workouts for September (every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday) and fit in at least one "bonus" activity of walking or bike riding with my family per week.
  • skaville1976
    skaville1976 Posts: 52 Member
    My goal is to start jogging again after I lost the habit a few months ago. It's so easy to stop, but so hard to start. :(
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    My step it up goal is to walk more. I will shoot for 10K steps a day. I also want to lose 4 lbs in September.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    my step it up goal is to ramp up my workouts - add 2 more sets to my thresholds and at least 10% to my big 3 lifts (bench, squat and deads).
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    @slimzandra. Yes, I feel your pain. I also regained. Decided to settle on 16 pounds down from current weight as my final goal weight.
    Also guilty of horrendous weekend binges and accompanying bewilderment. All emotion based.
    So back to it, I say. We' ll get those pounds off and move forward. No more excuses for me.
    I'll post my goal stuff later in the day.
    Good luck to all my fitness pals!
    We're still here!
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    My step it up goal: to stick with this reboot I started August 22nd. Works perfectly as I am expecting my folks into town September 29th.

    Starting weight: I will check this afternoon after I have slept (night shifter here)


    My starting weight is 272lbs.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I plan to step up my exercise. I walk for 45-90 minutes about 3-5 days per week but I want to add in some muscle building. I plan to add 3-5 plyometrics or resistance workouts to this, mainly focusing on legs and core. I have a case of tennis elbow that has lingered for a good 6 months now, so I will avoid arms (and probably shoulders) completely except for physio movements that may help it.

    I will tighten up my diet too. Calories and carbs are just too high, and I have put on weight during a bit of a health down turn. I am working on reversing that.

    I'm around 160-162 right now. I'd like to get rid of 5 of that this month. :)