Step-It-Up September Week 1 (9/1-9/7)



  • kfat1
    kfat1 Posts: 50 Member
    @SuperCarLori . Google 30 day plank challenge. There are several to choose from. I am starting at 20 secs a day and building up to five minutes with rest days!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'll shoot for 1200 dedicated minutes for September. I put exercise on the back burner intentionally the last 5 months. Now I'm nursing a torn rotator cuff and subluxated bicep but there are still things I can do.

    Day 1 done: Adapted low impact aerobics and jog away the pounds-60 minutes.
  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    I am new to this group and just started yesterday, so my "step it up" is to get through this first week, month with no turning back LOL It doesn't sound like a lot to most, but for me, it is a huge step in my life's future. The future I decided to change as of yesterday. Log every day as best I can and also cut down on my insulin dosages that I take daily. Those two things will really "step it up" for me!

    Weight wise, I'd like to drop at least 20+ lbs this month, but I'm not going to limit myself to a number as that puts too much stress on me, but it's a goal I'm striving for, which my stepping it up should help me get closer. I may not be there yet, but I'm closer today than I was yesterday LOL

    Nice to meet everyone!
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    My September Step It Up Goals are twofold:

    1. Increase my exercise (more steps!)
    2. Improve my consistency in eating properly

    1. Exercise
    Week 1 - Walk at least 1/2 every other day (even days)
    Week 2 - Walk at least 1/2 every other day (even days) and ride my tricycle on odd days
    Week 3 - Walk at least 1/2 hour every day and continue riding my tricycle when I can
    Week 4 - Walk at least 1/2 hour every day, ride my tricycle, try a Zumba class again

    2. Diet - all month: stick with the plan (protein, fat, salt), record my food, adjust for issues. Maybe try IF again,
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    1)housecleaning, heavy: 30 minutes

    2)Weight goal: lose 10 pounds
    9/1/16: 10-0= 10 more to go

    3)basic plank: 150 seconds
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    Sept. 1:
    AM Cycling 10:20
    Breakfast 3:00PM
    PM Cycling 7:10
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    I fell back in love with my heart rate monitor and have been blitzing the fat off me these last two weeks.
    My September goal is to keep working at 85% -92% of my MHR...most of my 60min workout.
    I want to hit my weight loss goal of weighing 140lbs by my 55th birthday.
  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    On average, I walked about 1.5 miles/day in August. My goal is to step that up to an average of 2 miles/day in September.

    Google Fit does a good job for me tracking my distance and steps. Best of all, it's free! :smiley:
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    kfat1 wrote: »
    @SuperCarLori . Google 30 day plank challenge. There are several to choose from. I am starting at 20 secs a day and building up to five minutes with rest days!

    Thank you. That was pretty obvious, right? *blush blush*
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    My goal is to try and hit 11k steps most days. I have a couple of medical things this month where I know I won't get the steps in, but other days I will!!
  • juliegayleh
    juliegayleh Posts: 25 Member
    My step it up challenge is to move at least 30 min a day most days. I work on my feet all day and have been making excuses about exercising. Walking, yoga, strength..... just some form of exercise.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Day 1 recap:
    Water goal - complete
    Step goal - complete - surpassed the 10,000 goal a bit before 5pm today.

    Thank god for client meetings! Haha running back and forth helped a lot!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I don't have a step counter thingy...I shall carry a notebook and tally my steps! Everyone pray I don't awkwardly walk into the street counting, or get thrown into the loony bin.

    All jokes I'm going to put in at least thirty minutes of focused exercise.


    if you have a smartphone there are a bunch of apps that work to track steps too, might not be 100% accurate but the trackers aren't either.

    I'd almost rather count myself, I'm just THAT dorky. :D

    I'm so anti-phone dependency that the whole app thing would be a waste. There's no way I'm carrying my stupid phone around with me, just to maybe count my steps inaccurately.

    Welcome to Dorksville!

    (Could you bring an abacus along if smartphones don't have enough D-factor?)
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I don't have a step counter thingy...I shall carry a notebook and tally my steps! Everyone pray I don't awkwardly walk into the street counting, or get thrown into the loony bin.

    All jokes I'm going to put in at least thirty minutes of focused exercise.


    if you have a smartphone there are a bunch of apps that work to track steps too, might not be 100% accurate but the trackers aren't either.

    I'd almost rather count myself, I'm just THAT dorky. :D

    I'm so anti-phone dependency that the whole app thing would be a waste. There's no way I'm carrying my stupid phone around with me, just to maybe count my steps inaccurately.

    Welcome to Dorksville!

    (Could you bring an abacus along if smartphones don't have enough D-factor?)

    Lol. I have this weird ocd thing where I always count when I walk but it only goes to 100 and I start back over, an abacus would be a wonderful addition :D
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Ooh, I need this.
    My goal:
    * Get back under 50 carbs/day CONSISTENTLY. I've been so on-again/off-again with this and the scale reflects it. I don't care at this point if I track calories again, but I at least need to track carbs!
    * Exercise at least 5x/wk, at least 2x of which need to be PT/strength. I went through thirty sessions of PT, tapered off in July, but I am losing my hard work b/c I haven't done the exercises consistently enough since getting discharged!
  • kfat1
    kfat1 Posts: 50 Member
    Did 20 secs of my plank challenge, harder than I thought. Had Panda Express for dinner tonight with my hubby, first splurge since July 17, and first day over 15 g carbs. Now I have a headache and a stomach ache. Was not worth it!
  • kfat1
    kfat1 Posts: 50 Member
    @SuperCarLori ....did you do a plank?
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    kfat1 wrote: »
    Did 20 secs of my plank challenge, harder than I thought. Had Panda Express for dinner tonight with my hubby, first splurge since July 17, and first day over 15 g carbs. Now I have a headache and a stomach ache. Was not worth it!

    I remember when I started them I thought of piece of cake, who knew 20 seconds could be so hard. I think the longest I did was about 3.5 minutes, then I started messing around with side planks and such, bad idea.

    Try making chinese at home its pretty easy and your tummy will thank you
  • kfat1
    kfat1 Posts: 50 Member
    3.5 mins......that's pretty good considering the pain I was in for 20 secs.
  • kfat1
    kfat1 Posts: 50 Member
    @auntstephie321 . Are you planking with me? How long did you hold it for today?