November 2016 - Move Your @ss Challenge



  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,856 Member
    26.44 miles
    225.11 miles MTD
  • olivia7070
    olivia7070 Posts: 30 Member
    18.98 out of 45 miles - done so far.

    (4.26 miles - running, 5.29 miles - walking, 9.43 miles - cycling)

  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    4 miles of walking indoors and out.

  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,954 Member
    edited November 2016
    I had a really nice, if chilly, 3 mile run in Central Park this morning before I got out of New York City and all the election madness going on there. Both candidates are planning to have their "victory" parties there. The police presence is impressive.

    I'm at 29/75
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,414 Member
    Nov. 8: Well I got to the polls at 6:49 this morning to find 30 people ahead of me. As I waited, approximately 100 in line until polls opened at 7 am and 200 by the time I left. There are polls in my area where people are waiting another 2 hours even though they closed at 8pm.
    Adding 10.25 miles today of walking 7 miles and biking 3.25 miles
    TTD: 80.25 miles


  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,464 Member
    11/07 - 01.0 miles walking

    Total: 116.0 miles

    11/08 - 18.0 miles CycleOps Fluid 2 Trainer (intervals, ugh)

    Total: 134.0 miles



  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Starting with 13 miles out of 150.

    Weather is not cooperating for Fat Tire bikes. Got on the road bike instead. Adding 23 miles for 36 out of 150.

    6 miles on the fat tire today. :smile: That makes 42 out of 150.

    adding 33 miles for 75 out of 150. Sorry. No photos today. Just nice sunny weather with snow capped peaks in the distance framed with steel blue skies. Forgot to take time to get a photos. You guys have seen it all before. Just another day sunny day in Kalispell. :smile:

    Adding 6 miles for 81 out of 150.

    Adding 12 miles for 93 out of 150.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    k80flec wrote: »
    @Dave /\/\/\ looking good sir, fab pictures

    ETA - that's a VERY orange outfit - is that to make sure you don't get buckshot in the *kitten*????
    Why, thank you! And yes! That's exactly why it's so bright. So that even if a hunter is so irresponsible as to drink themselves silly, they won't be able to mistake a fellow hunter for a deer and shoot them. And supposedly, the deer are colorblind to it...pretty much to all color. Not sure how they determine that, but I suppose it's possible with science. :smiley:


    On microscopic examination of the fundus of the eyes, you look at rod to cone ratios. The more rods, the better you see at night but it's black and white. The cones, the more color you seem but the worse your night vision is. I may have that backwards but I'm pretty sure that's right.
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    edited November 2016


    1st: 3.75 miles, 2.25 running, 1.5 purposeful walking - MTD 3.75
    2nd: 2.68 miles 1.18 treadmill, 1.5 purposeful walking, strength training and Pilates - MTD 6.43
    3rd: 2.51 miles run/walk - with lots more run than walk! - MTD 6.26
    4th: 0 miles - MTD
    5th: 5.39 miles 2.39 running, 3.0 purposeful walking - MTD 11.65
    6th: 3.5 miles purposeful walking (a ramble with DH, his sister and her DH - MTD 9.76
    7th: 2.53 miles running Wk6:D1 C210k, strength training and Pilates MTD 12.29
    8th: 2.65 miles running (ran with the back to running group at my club - in sleet!) Wk6:D2 C210k - MTD 14.94

    Edited for typo!!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    1 mile of walking around the halls at work. I had no patient all night and got sent home at 0330. Nicest shift I've had in months.


  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Stationary bike finally- 10.1 miles

  • wanderan
    wanderan Posts: 1,369 Member
    adding 5.1 miles


  • Lovemyalex
    Lovemyalex Posts: 3,856 Member
    26.29 miles
    251.40 miles MTD
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    k80flec wrote: »
    @Dave /\/\/\ looking good sir, fab pictures

    ETA - that's a VERY orange outfit - is that to make sure you don't get buckshot in the *kitten*????
    Why, thank you! And yes! That's exactly why it's so bright. So that even if a hunter is so irresponsible as to drink themselves silly, they won't be able to mistake a fellow hunter for a deer and shoot them. And supposedly, the deer are colorblind to it...pretty much to all color. Not sure how they determine that, but I suppose it's possible with science. :smiley:


    On microscopic examination of the fundus of the eyes, you look at rod to cone ratios. The more rods, the better you see at night but it's black and white. The cones, the more color you seem but the worse your night vision is. I may have that backwards but I'm pretty sure that's right.

    Thanks for the explanation! :smile:

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:

  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    2 miles walking/running in the gym

  • Hungry_Annie
    Hungry_Annie Posts: 807 Member
    Getting over a bad cold so I finally got out of the house for a short 0.92 mile walk with my daughter. It's so beautiful out!


  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Starting with 13 miles out of 150.

    Weather is not cooperating for Fat Tire bikes. Got on the road bike instead. Adding 23 miles for 36 out of 150.

    6 miles on the fat tire today. :smile: That makes 42 out of 150.

    adding 33 miles for 75 out of 150. Sorry. No photos today. Just nice sunny weather with snow capped peaks in the distance framed with steel blue skies. Forgot to take time to get a photos. You guys have seen it all before. Just another day sunny day in Kalispell. :smile:

    Adding 6 miles for 81 out of 150.

    Adding 12 miles for 93 out of 150.

    Adding 13 miles for 106 out of 150.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,414 Member
    Nov. 9: Adding 11 miles today of cycling 4 and walking 7.
    TTD: 91.25 miles


    Lots of teacher absences today. I guess they stayed up too late last night. But we were on triage all day. No lunch either as I walked to lunch and the kindergarten teacher pleaded with me to cover her class while they found a body to fill in. So I spent 25 minutes with my favorite kids.
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