2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    edited March 2017
    I've been MIA for awhile but I have been reading your posts. It seems like lately I've just been dealing with various friends' and families' health crises and/or tragedies and it has taken a lot of energy. My friend's husband continues to make very, very slow progress, so that is good, but she is still spending about 14 hours a day at the hospital with him. Another friend was in ICU last week for 5 days with a GI bleed caused by a drug she was on following 3 stents in her heart. She's home now, but very weak. She required 6 blood transfusions and one unit of frozen plasma before they got her stabilized. Today I found out my BIL has pneumonia and has been exhibiting a lot of confusion, which they assume to be caused by low oxygen levels, so my sister is having to keep a close watch on him. If he doesn't improve within two days, he will be hospitalized. None of these directly affect me, but I'm kept busy keeping up with the updates and passing on information when requested. And to add to my cloud of doom following me around, today I got a jury summons.

    I did get to have lunch on Saturday with my grad school friends, which was a nice break from all the other stuff. We went to a really interesting restaurant in Dallas that primarily serves soufflés, both sweet and savory. It is filled with French antiques and furnishings, so it's visually an interesting place. And of course, the food is fantastic.

    DH is leaving Saturday for a week in Utah at the Arches National Park with friends. They do a lot of off-roading in their Jeeps, which holds zero appeal for me. I'm planning to visit my sister for a couple of days (assuming BIL is better) and she will be making a skirt for me to wear for my niece's wedding. I'm also going to attend the Bi-district One Act Play competition for my niece and nephew, who live in the same town as my sister. My niece is a junior at one of the high schools in town and her brother is a sophomore at the other high school. Both are active in theater and participated in their schools' one act play contests. Amazingly, both plays did very well at the first competition level, and have advanced to the next level, which is what I will be attending next week. My nephew was awarded All Star Cast, which is quite an honor, especially since he is only a sophomore. My niece chose to be part of the backstage crew this time for her school's production.

    Maryanne, good luck with your diet challenges in the next weeks. You've really done well so far this year. You know what you need to do and planning ahead is smart.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Normally I would be heading out to feed the colonies but I think I'll wait an hour or so to see if the rain lets up.

    I'm watching this weekend's weather closely. If we're going to get snow, I don't think I want to mess with this cat show. I could stay home and work on the newsletter!

    I'm having Wonderslim pancakes for breakfast, with half a banana smushed in.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    You can laugh or you can cry but this is all nutso: http://theslot.jezebel.com/man-whose-insurance-is-funded-by-taxpayers-says-poor-pe-1793039831

    Because this is what I do for a living, I guess I take way more umbrage at this stupidity than some. Including apparently my BIL who voted for Trump but whose wife and children will get hit hard by this.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited March 2017
    Pam - I'm still hoping for continued improvement for your friend's husband. You certainly have been surrounded by sadness.

    Enjoy the play. One of my friends was invited to a school play in which a friend of her son is participating. She agreed and THEN was told the friend is part of the stage crew. So she's going to support the son's friend on the stage crew. We got a good laugh out of that.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I had some NS foods that I brought down with me. I stopped getting orders some months ago because I was tired of the menu choices but I should use these last few items up. So I'm alternating the portion control cups with the NS items. I did a WI this morning and I was down 1 pound. I'm a slow loser. I've never had those big losses even in week one. It's a start and I'll keep plugging away at it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited March 2017
    Yesterday I went with a friend to Applebee's for lunch. Very rare for me to eat out. I managed to pick low calorie items for the rest of the day and studied the online nutritional info carefully and managed to keep the day around 1400 calories IF of course the online nutritional info is anywhere close to accurate. Turns out the 6-oz sirloin with mashed potatoes and broccoli is in the same calorie range as their 4 "lite" entrees all of which looked weird to me (the not adventurous eater that I am).
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Supposed to be a mix of rain and snow this morning so I guess I'm not going anywhere. Two more chances of snow this coming week. What a bizarre winter!

    I got my exercise yesterday running around to numerous grocery stores to find the items on DH's list for the week. LOL! Today I'll have to settle for the treadmill. Not doing it very long yet, just trying to get started.

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    I had fun yesterday helping a friend. She has had a heavy duty KitchenAid mixer for about ten years but never really knew how to use it, so she asked me to come over and help her get comfortable with it. We made strawberry soufflés and it was really a lot of fun! They were actually easier than I thought they would be, and It was fun to eat the results of our work. She's an excellent cook, but just was a bit intimidated by this giant mixer that her husband gave her. They had remodeled their home four years ago and she has a dream kitchen, so it was a fun space in which to work. We plan to do it again in a week or two and maybe make bread the next time. Her husband is out of town, so it was a good opportunity to hang out and have some fun. They have two Great Danes, but they are very well behaved and gentle. It was a little startling though to have them almost be at eye level with me when they were standing next to me. They are trained to stay out of the kitchen, but they were very curious about what was going on in there, so they would creep up as close as they could without getting yelled at, then try to look invisible. Not an easy feat when you're as big as a small horse, lol! Their names are Lewis and Clark.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    My sister and BIL left this morning so it's just Dh and I for the first time in weeks. I love having the family visit but I'm ready for some downtime.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Pam that word picture you paint is hilarious. We always watch the Great Danes come by at the Pet Expo and are amazed. I can just see them trying to get their share of whatever you're cooking!

    We got a little snow yesterday. Nothing that really laid. They seem to have called off the snow for tonight. Now we're supposed to get 3-6 inches Monday night. That doesn't sound like much but this is Maryland, south of the Mason Dixon line. Our localities don't have the equipment or manpower to deal effectively with snow so it will be a mess.

    Just hoping the end of the week is okay because I have my next recheck with the retina doc and she's terribly hard to get an appointment with.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    We're supposed to get 8-12 inches of snow starting some time tomorrow and going through Tuesday. Geesh! Just when we thought we had it made with this winter. I'm sure it will be good for the water table. I filled the bird feeders and the suet feeders and put water in the heated bath. I'd been slacking off thinking spring was here. I'll keep refilling as the storm approaches.

    In Baltimore that forecast means everyone will hit the grocery stores for milk and other items. There will be no milk or bread on the shelves. Yeah, I know, it's nuts but that's Baltimore. Especially this time of year, even Baltimore with our poor snow response system, will be dug out by Thursday at the latest.

    I guess I'd better start taking my Aleve. If DH goes to work Tuesday I'll be in charge of shoveling out the driveway before he gets home.

    Jack has decided he likes Indy's heated bed in the laundry room. Like he doesn't have TWO of his own heated spots upstairs. I've picked him up and carried him out twice with no effect. Poor Indy doesn't quite know where her spot is right now. It makes her harder to medicate but in the long run she does need to get moved out of the laundry room. She doesn't hesitate to chase off some of the others but Jack is so laid back I don't think she quite knows what to make of him. "But mommy he won't run in terror from me..." LOL! Actually I don't know if I'm "mommy" yet or still just "Big Lady".

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I love this cartoon/graphic post on Facebook.


    Everyone seems to be having a great time in various ways. My days are essentially "groundhog days;" one is much like the other. No excitement here and little to discuss.

    I have my cardiology appointment at the end of the month, so I'm getting my data ready from the at home bp and pulse readings.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited March 2017
    I haven't been on ancestry since last summer. Just got an email from someone. When I went onto ancestry I discovered there are messages. I guess they didn't go in email. So I sent off apologies to people for ignoring them. Not that I actually have time for them now but at least I could apologize.

    I certainly wouldn't say I'm having a great time but I'm keeping busy. LOL!

    Jean - that cartoon is hilarious!

    I hate, hate, hate losing an hour. Isn't that sad to be that busy?
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I slept very poorly last night because I was afraid I'd oversleep and miss choir. I ended up getting about 2.5 hours sleep. I was up taking a shower at 6 Am even though the alarm was set for 7. I figured I'd be worse off if I fell back asleep that late. I was on time for church but I was dragging by the time I got back home. I ended up taking a 2 hour nap this afternoon and I'm not normally a napper. I see the Cape is projected to get a blizzard and a foot of snow. I'm glad to be in the sunny south instead.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Helene - I often have that syndrome. Absolutely have to be up? Can't sleep. Wonder why.

    We're not supposed to get 6-12 inches, depending on what you read, from tonight through Wednesday. I'm going to go out later today and feed because I'm sure I won't get out tomorrow morning. Makes me feel really bad knowing that.

    Jack has for some unknown reason moved into the laundry room. Indy is betwixt and between. This morning she was in the living room.

    I lost a pound last week. Still the right direction. Hopefully birthday will just interfere briefly with the trend!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    That should be we're supposed to get 6-12 inches. Even 6 inches can bring Baltimore to its knees because we don't have the equipment or personnel to deal with it. Not an everyday event for which the city/county are prepared.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Jean - they definitely count as eggs! LOL!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    They look like eggs to me! I used to love Cadbury eggs but they got to be too sweet for me so I gave them up. I might get sucked back in if I tried one but Ive been able to walk by them for the last several years. Peeps never appealed to me so there's no problem with them either. I never was a marshmallow fan.

    Maybe jack is helping Indy explore more of her world by taking over the laundry room. Good job on that extra pound gone. I'm working on taxes today because company is gone and the clock is ticking.