2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Pam, that was an interesting article. It clearly showed Trump is out of his depth with his new policies. For all the comments about him surrounding himself with people who are knowledgeable and know what they are doing, we've yet to see it.

    We had a good time at the Bubble Room. I had delicious crab cakes with a side of mango slaw. We ordered a generous slice of rum cake with 3 forks. Dh had a GF cupcake to himself.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Pam - interesting article indeed. I'm afraid everything the big cheeto proposes is going to have an adverse impact on prices and no impact on job creation (at least not a positive impact). Maybe the voters will wake up by 2018 and realize what's going on. We can only hope.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I lost a pound last week. At least I continue in the right direction. I went back and checked when I stopped doing spreadsheets last year. Looks like around the 4th of July. That's shortly after I took over these colonies. I don't remember using that as an excuse but maybe I did. My next test will be my birthday in March. Avoiding completely falling off the wagon.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Finally, we have an egg at Decorah! http://www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles

    I plan to watch more this year. Great place to avoid the news.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Beautiful day here in Baltimore. I hit one grocery store and then hit my work!

    Indy is now free to wander. So far she's made it to the top of the basement stairs and a few steps in each direction. Not too much fireworks so far.

    I'm doing pretty well today sticking to my plan and I have my food picked out and spreadsheet ready for tomorrow.

    I was just reading an article in Prevention about their top new "clean" and tasty foods. For fun I googled the organize pasta sauce they mentioned. $9 on amazon plus $9 shipping. Don't think sol. Lucini Rustic Tomato Basil organize sauce. Supposed to be just like your mother made. Of course my mother opened a jar of Ragu.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    In the spirit of cleaning out my pantry, I had a Wild Harvest hot cereal for breakfast. Tropical supposedly. I'm not sure if it's a real brand or a brand of the local Giant supermarkets. Supposedly all organic and stuff. But only 5 gm of protein. Consistency yucky. Taste marginal. Not a fan.

    Since I was able to finally find FF shredded cheddar I think I'll have one of my favorite NS meals tonight. Mac n cheese mixed with chili and split in half. It will be the first time I've made it with the new mac n cheese.

    I have to feed the colonies this morning and do a grocery store run.

    Tomorrow I am actually having lunch with a client. I was invited by a new colleague who has apparently been hired to replace our one owner when he retires, although we haven't been officially told that.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I did errands today, including getting a fresh mani. A big piece chipped off one of my thumbs last night, leaving an ugly looking nail. I went for a sparkly sea green. It makes me feel like a mermaid. And it will do nicely for St Patrick's Day. My second sister and BIL arrive for a few days tomorrow. She and my first sister haven't seen each other in 2-3 years so that will be a treat for them. My sister and her BF went to the beach today while we were doing errands. It was such a lovely day. in the seventies.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Helene - enjoy your mermaid feeling!

    It was a gorgeous day here, too. Just gorgeous!

    I was invited by a colleague to a lunch with a client. I had a salad with chicken but I'm sure the dressing was a disaster. Then I did a few errands on the way home.

    Tomorrow I go to the hairdresser and get rid of these grey roots.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Greetings, everyone. I know I have been MIA but I have worked every day this week. Yesterday was so beautiful with a high of 81. Today, the cold front has moved in and temps are rapidly dropping. It is currently 51 and dropping. We have had two consecutive days of record setting highs until today.

    Helene--You reminded me that I need to get my nails done but I'm enjoying just sitting here and relaxing. Enjoy!

    Pam--Thanks for the link. Crazy moves by fearless leader who has surrounded himself with people who are not experts in what they have been appointed.

    Maryanne-- I'm not a mental giant when it comes to economics, but common sense tells you that if companies moved out of US to enjoy the cheaper labor, materials, etc. then coming back to the US will result in higher prices for consumer who have to pay for the increased costs, etc.

    This is really a great article on mindless eating. I love the broccoli test:
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    February is almost gone and March is waiting in the wings. With this unusual Winter, it will be interesting to see what Spring and Summer bring. We have four weeks left in this "challenge" period. I have to admit that I haven't done as well as I would like but I'll blame it on stress. Excuses, excuses! I know a man who has lost 28 pounds in his first month on NS. Granted, he was tall and heavyset but that is quite an accomplishment
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    I also have not done as well as I'd hoped so far, but I'm not giving up. My excuses are mostly related to back pain, but I know the real reason is I just haven't fully committed to a program. I know what to do, but just haven't forced my self to do it.

    My friend's husband is slowly improving. She just texted that he may be able to leave the hospital sometime in the next week to move to an LTAC, which I believe means a long term acute care facility, where he will continue to get stronger while receiving various therapies and dialysis. He is currently receiving nutrition via a feeding tube because his swallowing reflex is too weak. She told me yesterday that his heart rate had been dropping dangerously low, but that seems better today. It's really been a roller coaster for him, and I fear she won't be off this ride for quite awhile.

    In other, less encouraging news, my niece's fiancé's brother-in-law committed suicide last night. They welcomed their first child three weeks ago. Apparently he has been drinking more than usual and they have been arguing a lot. It's not clear if drinking was involved last night, but they were arguing and he went down to the basement and shot himself with a handgun. Both he and his wife were/are lawyers who met as JAG lawyers in the military. I think he was working for a law firm while she is a federal prosecutor. My niece and her fiancé were completely unaware of any problems, so this caught them totally by surprise. So sad, especially for their infant daughter who will never know her father.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I don't see that I committed to a goal for the quarter. I've lost 11 pounds so far. If I can get to 17 for the quarter I'll be a happy camper. The biggest roadblock to that is my birthday in March and my mind being convinced I should have some good food for that!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I lost 2 pounds last week so my year to date is 13. Hopefully I can keep it going.

    I admit there's a part of me that says "well at the weight you were 1/1 you can eat anything; at a normal BMI you have to watch every bite you eat, is it really worth it?" I know I'll be healthier and I know the acid reflux practically disappears but I do miss the food.

    I am determined to get back on the treadmill this week. That's been hard been DH being PT and having Indy here. But I'm going to try!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Jean - if you compare your weight loss to a man's you're going to be uber frustrated! LOL!

    Pam - it does sound like your friend and her husband are in for a long long road. I wonder how far back he'll actually be able to get. I'm very sorry to hear about the suicide. I know people make jokes about lawyers but overall I think we're a happier crew than, say, doctors, many of whom it seems are desperate to leave medicine behind. Doesn't bode well for the future. Guns and alcohol/drugs are not a good mix. It sort of scares me having guns in the house, I confess. DH takes so many meds to sleep. And right by his bedside is a loaded pistol. I have told him many times that I'm convinced the only person who'll ever get shot with that is me but no response. I can't even get him to unload it. Seems to me that if you're not awake enough to load your gun you shouldn't be messing with a gun.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I'm a little annoyed with minimus.biz. I wanted fat free 1000 island packets. Of course I added other stuff to get free shipping. It did not indicate in any way that ALL of the brands of 1000 island fat free were out of stock. But apparently they were. I got everything else.

    I'm going to try ordering from amazon. Is there anything you can't get on amazon???
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Probably not. We got a garbage disposal from Amazon a few years ago. I still have company for a few more days so I'll drop in when I can.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Those dog signs are hilarious. Of course, my favorites are of the cats. LOL. My second sister is arriving today so she can see my first sister before she leaves for SC. She in BIL were supposed to comer over the weekend but both ended up getting a stomach bug and had to delay their visit. The two of them haven't been together in a couple of years because of the distance. Because we stay in FL for a long time, I get to see the second sister. We stay with first sister on the trip down and the return trip. It will be a short visit for them but at least they get to see each other.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Helene - that's great that you get to see both your sisters and they get to see you and each other.

    In a few years, I imagine my dad will be gone, the family house will get sold and one of my brothers will have gone to live with my sister in Arizona. The second brother will still be in central PA. I have to wonder if any of us will ever see each other after that point.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    Good news today for my friend's husband. He was moved to a long term acute care facility to continue his recovery. The doctor told them that for every day he spent in the hospital to expect it to take 4-5 days in rehab, so they are looking at 4-5 months of rehab. It will be a long road, but at least he is making progress. The LTAC is near my home and convenient for her as well, so that's a plus. There aren't that many facilities that are equipped to handle his multiple medical issues, so it's a blessing to have one nearby.