2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Bye, Pam! LOL!

    Helene - wonder if you'll need a passport to visit the Texas Republic in the winter?

    I'm trying to keep my sense of humor but articles about things like how Trump can reshape the Federal judiciary in his image make me cringe.

    Silliest of the day so far? Trump announcing a rally to kick off his 2020 campaign. The man just wants the applause, he doesn't want the job (and doesn't plan to do the job).
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I'm glad to hear Pretty Boy got a new home. I hope jean made out okay. I'm with you on Trump. I can't believe it's only been 3 weeks. My sister and her boyfriend are arriving any minute. She called a bit ago to sy she just got off the interstate. they left Sc at 8:30 this morning so I'm sure they'll be exhausted. when they arrive. We take 2 days to do the same drive.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    I guess I'd better start working on remembering some of my Spanish that I took in college and haven't used since!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I did fine with the procedure but was left feeling tired for some reason. They didn't find any tumors benign or cancerous so I don't have to go back for six months for another round.

    Wonder what law King Trump is repealing today?
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited February 2017
    Jean - that's great news!!! (Also great that you get results on the spot).

    I'm about ready to buy my "resist" t-shirt. That press conference yesterday was sad. The donald was obviously not listening to the questions. He doesn't listen and he doesn't read. So much for the "information age". Time for some senators and representatives to grow a backbone. Thank goodness the press isn't giving him a free pass. Of course if they'd just done this during the election we might have had a different result. And thank goodness the courts aren't giving him a free pass BUT I just read this article that between vacancies and old judges he has a change to remake the courts in his image.

    DH has CNN on while he's eating and some female senator or representative is trying to answer questions about their health care "plan". This is what I do for a living so I call foul! Their two answers are (1) selling insurance across state lines which is code for "we don't want to subsidize anyone's health insurance so we're going to let you buy cheap crap from another state" and (2) HSAs which she obviously knows she's supposed to be touting but doesn't understand why (the party line is that if you're writing a check you'll bargain and shop - so unrealistic in the health care market).

    And if we needed any further proof that he has serious mental health issues, having his first campaign rally for 2020 should eliminate that doubt.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    On a cheerier note, I'm anxiously awaiting the first egg at Decorah. Maybe I'll spend more time this spring on that web site than I did last year. Forget humans for awhile and watch nature!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    I watched part of that press conference, too, and I agree with you, Maryanne. He rambled and was incoherent in most of his answers. I did appreciate that the reporters did their best to force him to answer their questions by following up and even "tag teaming" when he stopped calling on certain ones. I wish our congresspeople would grow a backbone, but I'm not holding out much hope. At this point, I'm putting my hopes on the 2018 midterm elections and hoping that the current crop of senators and representatives do such an abominable job of standing up to the Orange-crested trumpeter that the populace finally turns on them. I'm probably dreaming, but if so, please don't wake me up just yet.

    Jean, I'm so glad you got a good report. I don't doubt that you were tired afterward. The prep takes a lot out of you, pun intended! Plus the anesthesia, if any, always makes me want to sleep for a day or two. I hope you can take it easy for a day or two and get rested up.

    My friend's husband is doing much better. He's finally off the vent, and they are starting all kinds of therapies on him to work on getting him strong enough to leave the ICU. She's staying in the room with him as much as she can, so I haven't been to the hospital to see her, but she sends text updates everyday to keep us informed. I fear it's going to be a long road for them, but at least he's making progress now.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Pam - great that your friend's husband has some hope!!

    BTW I forgot to mention I tried the NS baked oatmeal this week. Not tasty (to me) and not filling. I won't be ordering that one again. I know the NS plan calls for adding protein but I'd rather not do that in the a.m.

    Today is going well so far. Eggs (mostly egg beaters) for breakfast, huge salad with turkey for lunch, and dinner will be a heart healthy burger. My last box. I hate to use them up but frozen food doesn't keep forever.

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I am practicing news avoidance right now. I read the headlines on the news site of my home page and often check out local news but I am avoiding the news channels.

    I worked today which went well. I guess I'll get back into the correct eating routine on Sunday. I'm afraid I'm not a good dieter like Maryanne.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I'm only a good dieter sometimes. I'd like it to be a larger percent of the time.

    I'd like to avoid the news but DH keeps turning it on! I go to the CNN home page and read the op ed pieces. Then I read Jezebel because I know it won't make me scream. Apparently some people found Trump's press conference witty and charming. REALLY????? I've got some swamp land to sell him just like the master con man is selling them his schtick.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I drove out west a little farther than I usually go. Wanted to go to Safeway to look for a few things that seem to have been discontinued in my closer stores, like FF shredded cheddar. Found several shelves of Halo Top frozen dessert. I remembered seeing the topic on the NS refugee board so I bought one. I was never a fan of Arctic Zero so I figured I'd just buy one and see what I think. Hard to choose a flavor though.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    When I bought the Hamilton biography I confess that I figured I'd read 30 or 40 pages and it would end up in the "for when I retire" pile. But I'm up to about page 400 and still interested. It's fascinating reading about them inventing our checks and balances while in real life I'm praying and praying they still work.

    Of course the next logical step was to buy the soundtrack. Wow. I can see why this swept the Tony's. It's absolutely brilliant. And it comes with a pamphlet with the complete lyrics and it indicates who is singing. The Wikipedia article details a few places where he took poetic license with the story. I'm glad to know that; I was a little confused in a spot or two.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Pam..That's wonderful news about your friend's husbands progress. I was the same way she is after DH's heart attack. He also had pneumonia and I didn't let anyone else visit him. He was so ill and was in ICU 10 days. I didn't want anyone bringing in any germs that could set him back. Once he moved to rehab and the pneumonia was gone, I told people they could visit.
    Jean..Great news about your test. I'm sure the remnants of the anesthesia account for the sleepiness. That's why they require someone to drive you.
    Maryanne..I too think this is going to be a very long 4 years. Well oiled machine my foot. Hopefully people will wake up before 2020 to see just what craziness they voted in.
    My company arrived Thursday night. We're on Captiva today sight seeing. I had to return some library books and then we're going to the Bubble Room for lunch. it's a pretty famous local restaurant which we thought my sister and BF would enjoy. It's a very kitschy decor which people of our vintage would remember from childhood.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--There is a Jimmy Fallon take on the Trump press conference on Hulu.

    Helene--Enjoy your company. The restaurant sounds like a great choice.

    I had this Smart Ones entree for dinner. Chicken strips with fries. Gosh, you could almost find them. More like an appetiser.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited February 2017
    I love the Smart Ones chicken strips/fries and fish/fries just because...well....because it's fries! I add a big plate of vegetables.

    The Bubble Room? Too funny!

    I wonder if I have access to hulu. Or maybe it will be on youtube soon. I shall investigate.

    I just love the constant lies (not). Sure, there are hundreds of companies coming back to America. Yeah, name one? Sure, we're going to mine coal again. Even the coal execs admit that's not going to happen BUT of course to the extent there is still some mining going on we're going to let them go back to dumping their waste in our waterways.

    I haven't watched SNL for years but now I'm dvr'ing it. Last week was hilarious. I hope they let Rosie do Steve Bannon.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Here's a compendium of gags about the press conference on late night:

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--I live in a state noted for coal mining, but it is primarily confined to one region. There are no coal mines remotely near me. I can see them hiring someone to take a shovel and go into the dangerous mine with a photo taken of the big event and the label "Miners hired!" Now, it doesn't say how long the job will last. The companies left America because of lower operating expenses elsewhere. If they come back, will Americans be willing to pay the much higher prices for goods?

    Maryanne--I'm used to entrees with the same amount of calories as the chicken strips and fries being satisfying with or without veggies added. I did have a steamer bag of veggies with it and was not satisfied. That entree lacks a large amount of protein. Even an NS entree without veggies is more satisfying. The fries tasted greasy.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    edited February 2017
    This article is an interesting read on how some of 45's policies are already having an impact, and not for the better, regarding trade. It reinforces for me that governing by slogan is definitely the wrong approach. Here is the link: http://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/02/16/first-casualties-trumps-trade-wars-texas-cattle-ranchers