2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Pam, I'm praying for a good outcome for them. I hope she asks for help when she needs it instead of trying to tough it out. We have a transport chair from the days of caring for MIL. I can easily fold it up and put it in the trunk. We never weighed it but it never felt like it weighed as much as 20 pounds. But of course, I don't have her health challenges. Friends and family will probably ask how they can help. She could make a list of things like helping get him to and from dialysis. If she gets enough offers, she could spread it out so each is doing oncer a week or maybe even every other week. If she starts right away with her list, she'll probably get more responses. Most people want to help but she has to let them know what's helpful to her. If she active in a church, she'd probably find willing volunteers there. As I understand it, dialysis takes several hours so perhaps she can use some of that time for errands or just time for her needs.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Jean, have you recovered from your flu yet? I hope you're feeling better.
    Maryanne, how is your friend doing that used to feed the colonies? Has anyone else stepped forward to help you?
    Pam, did your friend's husband get discharged? I hope all goes well for them.
    I'm off to the chiropractor today. I've been going every 2 weeks lately and he's rally gotten all my aches and pains under control. I convinced DH to make and appointment for himself when I go in 2 weeks. He goes when we're back home but didn't think he needed help here. I want to be sure all his joints are aligned before we start the drive home in early May. He's complained about his hip off and on over the winter so I want to be sure the hip is in place vbefore a 1,500 mile ride. He actually thought it was a good idea.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    My friend's husband came home on Tuesday after more than 70 days in the hospital. He has lost 50 pounds and is extremely weak, but thrilled to be home. So far things are going ok, but he frequently gets severe shakes where his arms and legs shake uncontrollably. This has happened a couple of times while he was trying to eat, which of course resulted in a huge mess to be cleaned up and required a change of clothes for him. And I'm sure he was embarrassed by it. They don't know what is causing this. I'm going by tomorrow morning for a brief visit, so maybe I will learn more then.

    I have an appointment tomorrow with a spine specialist to try to figure out what I can do about my back pain. The episodes are getting more frequent and causing me more problems. I woke up Tuesday morning and out of the blue, was suddenly in pain again. This time I couldn't identify anything I had done to precipitate it. I began taking my muscle relaxer and within 24 hours it was much better, but still feels a little tight. I expect the doctor will order X-rays and possibly an MRI, so it will be awhile before I have any answers.

    Helene, I hope you and DH both get yourselves in good shape before your long drive home. I guess it is getting to be that time for y'all. It seems as if the time has gone by quickly.

    Jean, I hope you've recovered fully from the flu by now and have your energy back.

    Maryanne, you're right about the amount of help they provide in assisted living. My MIL gets very little help, other than basic housekeeping services. They do manage and deliver her medications to her and she can call for help, if she needs it, but she's left alone most of the time. If she needs help with bathing and self-care, there are additional charges. So far, she has been able to do those things on her own, but I'm sure the day will come when she won't be able to. It gets very costly, very quickly once that stage is reached, not that it isn't expensive already.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    The original caretaker for these colonies is doing better right now and is on a break from chemo. She wanted to dive right back in and take over but we convinced her she needs to get her strength back so she's doing 3 days a week and when I need someone to feed because my van and I are loaded for a fund raising event. Plus, to be honest, I've spent so much time and money on these colonies that I didn't want to walk away completely and have to start all over one of these days when she has to go back into chemo.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Wow, I had not heard this. So much for being super fit being good for your heart? http://pagesix.com/2017/02/27/biggest-loser-host-bob-harper-suffers-serious-heart-attack/?_ga=1.169749666.224469258.1491587878
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I've seen Bob Harper on a couple of shows and the article in the link isn't the full story. He said that his mother had heart disease so there was a genetic factor at work. It wasn't clear to me if she'd died from the heart condition or not. He mentioned that he should have been checking his cholesterol and he'd had some symptoms like dizziness that he assumed were from other reasons. He mentioned that his clogged artery was the one they cal the widow maker. I think that's one of the one's DH had a blockage in. He had it stented. Bob didn't go into details on whether of not he got stents or had surgery. I doubt it was surgery because I think the news reports would have mentioned that. Bob was probably sedated at the beginning as was DH. He had been intubated so they kept him unconscious for 2 days so he wouldn't try to pull out the tube. That my have been Bob's situation as well. I believe Bob is vegan so I'll bet most of his risk factors were genetic. he certainly ate healthy, did exercise and was a healthy weight. Stress is also a factor in heart attacks and his job sounds high stress to me. He was lucky the attack happened at a gym with an AED and a couple of doctors were there exercising. They actually resusitated him. There was a lot of luck involved in getting him quick medical intervention. He said he will never exercise anywhere that doesn't have an AED on the premises.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    What in the world is this country coming to? Warning: the replies to this article have more than the usual number of 4-letter words (which seems to be completely appropriate): http://jezebel.com/nuisance-laws-discourage-domestic-violence-victims-from-1794128114
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    That's unbelievable that the victim is forced out of her home and town for reporting an abuser more than once. Did the police think a single call was going to make this man see the light and treat her right? You're not kidding that the world is a mess. People get more chances than that for false alarms when the burglar alarm goes off and there's no break in. You're right the language is bad but you can feel their frustration. I only read a couple of pages but I think most posters were on the victim's side.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I believe - but would not swear to - that Jezebel monitors replies to keep out the trolls. A lot of the posters are pretty funny usually but this story got everybody riled up.

    Basically just another law that benefits business owners. Everyone feels empowered to screw the little guys right now. Wonder why........
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited April 2017
    Icanhazcheesburger is now running ads from a Donald Trump PAC. I don't ever have my speakers on when I'm at the computer so luckily I've never had to listen to it but I'm really disappointed in cheesburger right now. Donald Trump's PAC and funny animals memes/videos SO don't go together (except for the fact that the Donald is often referred to as a cheese puff or other cheese related phrase).

    (And why the heck is the Donald still campaigning? Time to start governing - yeah, I know how funny that is.)
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited April 2017
    I've had a busy week. I went back to work before recommended so I was exhausted each evening. I faithfully wore my Fitbit and upped my walking this past week as well as watching what I ate. My reward was a 2 pound gain.

    I've basically quit hanging out on sites much lately. I am so tired of political stuff, false news repeated and repeated, etc. I just do my thing and hope to survive regardless of what the Donald does.

    There was a detailed article about Bob Harper which I read some time ago which went into his heart issue. This is a more recent one:
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Jean - I'm so sorry about the 2 pound gain. What a PITA! I hope you got a little rest this weekend.

    That article does say Bob got 2 stents.

    I spent the weekend working on CROM stuff and got a lot done. I was sort of like the Energizer Bunny; I just kept working through the piles. That's always a good feeling!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    Jean, I'm so sorry about the weight gain and I sympathize. I hope you get your energy back soon after your bout with the flu.

    I have been struggling as well with weight gain. I think I've mentioned that I have had several bouts of back pain recently, and was prescribed medication for it. I've noticed that every time I take it, I immediately gain a couple of pounds. This, while the doctor tells me I need to lose weight, of course. I saw the spine specialist on Friday, and he basically told me that my back pain is caused by the combination of spinal compression caused by aging resulting in an imbalance between my back flexibility and my core strength. So the recommendation is to try to improve my core strength with physical therapy and an exercise program, which I will start on Wednesday. And he wants me to continue on the drug that makes me gain weight. I reluctantly took it that day, and the scale showed a 1 pound gain the next day, so I've stopped taking it again. I will use it when I have a flare up, but I'm not going to take it routinely.

    We went to a fun birthday party for one of my friends Saturday night. Our hosts set up a slider bar along with a couple of delicious salads and several appetizers. It was a nice evening so we spent the early part outside on their patio enjoying drinks and appetizers. We went inside for dessert, which was a lemon cake with raspberry frosting that I had made. Afterward we played reverse charades and that was hilarious. We played men against women, but gave up keeping score after a couple of rounds, so I have no idea who won. I was surprised that the men got into it and played enthusiastically. One of them refused to participate, but the others (including my DH) seemed to really enjoy it.

    I saw my friend's husband on Friday. He is doing well at home so far. Over the 70 days he was hospitalized he lost 50 pounds, so he is looking a bit gaunt right now. I'm going to make him a coconut cream pie this week as that is one of his favorite things. I asked if it was ok for his diet and she said it is if I use sugar free ingredients, so that's the plan. They've had to make a few modifications to their home, but so far they are managing pretty well. I'm still concerned for her as she is such a social person and that is completely curtailed now because she doesn't feel she can leave him alone at all. Before this, she would typically have at least ten or more social events or meetings a week.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Once her husband's been home a couple of weeks, maybe she could look at respite care once or twice a week. That would give her time to go out and see friends. Or if friends are asking how they can help, maybe some would be willing to sit with him for an hour or two so she can get out. Maybe they could play cards or even watch TV with him. In time, she'll feel more comfortable leaving him for alone for short stretches. I stayed with DH 24/7 for the first couple of weeks because I was afraid to leave him alone. As he got stronger and our anxiety leveled out, I'd ask him to sit in his recliner and read the paper or watch TV while I was out. He was fine with that and I was able to run a couple of errands or get a hair cut. Within 3 months, we were back to a normal rountine. If I'm going to be out most of the day, I encourage him to come along. But he's fine on his own for several hours. He'll even do minor DIY projects while I'm out. But it takes time to regain that sense of security.
    Jean..I hope you're finally on the mend. That's so discouraging to see a gain when you've been careful with eating and exercising. I'm sure it's fluid. Maybe you should ignore the number on the scale and go by how you feel and how your clothes fit. Maybe some of th medications you take are making you retain fluid as Pam's been experiencing.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I went to the storage unit yesterday, unloaded the cat feeding supplies and loaded the flea market supplies. I forgot one table so I have to go back! Drat! Oh, well.

    Today I need to go to the grocery store and then hunker down and get some work done!

    I'm still not back on my diet full bore. Hopefully I'm easing back into it!

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I'm off to Bonnie's today to load for the flea market. I took my aleve and have my special socks and shoes ready. Standing for hours on a concrete floor does a number on me any more.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I'm surprised they are dong a flea market on Easter weekend. Do you think shoppers will show up on such a busy weekend?

    We had our last choir rehearsal last night. We're a seasonal choir and most of the members will be heading for home over the next couple of weeks. One of the members decided to surprise our choir director at at restaurant where he plays piano and sings several nights a week. She made a reservation for a large table next to the piano and all but 2 members were able to make it. And we all had our spouses along for a group of 14. Scott was amazed and so pleased to see everyone. We had just ended our rehearsal 30 minutes before we walked in. The food was delicious and it was lovely having more tme to get to know everyone. Towards the end of the evening, Scott played Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah and we all spontaneously joined him on the choruses. A number of other customers wandered over to see who this impromptu group was. It was so special and Scott was very touched. Our waiter told us he'd never seen Scott smile so wide. We're singing tonight at church and again on Easter for the final time of the season.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Helene - I was a little surprised they scheduled it for this weekend. If I had to guess, I'd guess we won't see any impact on the crowd. We'll see.

    That was a really special event for your choir!

    One of my biggest regrets from teaching school was it cost me my singing voice. Using my voice wrong in an often unheated or underheated classroom just did a job on it. Apparently you can't have laryngitis over and over again and still have a singing voice.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Maryanne, that's so sad about your singing voice. I've always loved to sing but never did anything about it. I was never in any organized singing groups until I joined the choir here 3 years ago. The choir director had a notice in the bulletin asking for volunteers to join them. I spoke to him after Mass and he invited me to the next practice. The experience in the group widely varies. Some people are cantors in their home parishes and many read music. I don't read music and just pick it up by ear as we learn a song. At my first practice, Scott asked if I knew my vocal range. I didn't but I have a low voice so I told him I was probably an alto. We sang a few lines and then he told me I was an octave lower than the altos. He asked if I'd mind singing with the tenors. I not only didn't mind, I really found my niche. I sit between the other two tenors so I can hear them and not the basses because I'm singing by ear. DH had to make a sacrifice for me to join the choir. His preference would be to go to Mass at 8:30 AM but the choir sings at 10:30. He cheerfully accommodated me. Because he did that, I'll make the sacrifice to go at 8:30 once choir ends for the season this Sunday. The great thing about choir is that it's so welcoming. The members make everyone feel a part of the group. We have people who are with us for a month or two and members who are there for the season. By mid April, people are starting to go back home and there are only about 5 people in thre group who live her year round.