2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited April 2017
    My 600-lb life must be popular. I have been saving on the DVR for treadmill time. Looks like they have over 2 dozen episodes this year. Since those take a year, they must have been contracted for that many a year ago. And I see it's been renewed for season 6 (2018).

    OTOH Extreme Weight Loss was apparently cancelled.

    Biggest Loser? I guess cancelled also? Although listed as "sure thing" for renewal on tvline.com. Another site says "Season 18 will premiere mid-season".
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I wonder if Bob's heart attack made a difference with TBL coming back this year. He's been a part of the show from the start. And taking over as host last season probably put more stress on him. It sounds like he'll be recovering for quite some time. DH needed 12 weeks to recover from his surgery and his stamina was still not back to normal by then. I wonder if he'd ever be able to do the extreme style of coaching with the screaming and yelling again. That seems pretty stressful. Maybe hosting would be less stress but the long hours would be tiring.

    I've been watching My 600 Pound Life. A few of the episodes are the where are they now variety. They look at a 2 year journey including skin surgery on the person. Some of the people just don't put the effort to change in. I enjoy the episodes where the person gets it and makes major changes to regain their health. There's a 2 part episode about the Assante Brothers. They must be the most disfunctional patients Dr. Now has ever dealt with.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Now that I'm about caught up - rewatching Designated Survivor - I need to start watching some of the 600-lb shows. My DVR is 65% full! Of course with summer coming - and a potential TV writer's strike - the need to DVR should slow down.

    I suspect the issue with The Biggest Loser coming back is the drug scandal and the class action suit against the show by former contestants. I'm not sure about the status - whether they've actually filed suit yet or just threatened it so far. It's probably all out there - I just haven't spent the time to read up.

    Today is the end of my first week back on plan. At some point I need to figure out why I can't do a one day cheat day - why such attempts always turn into cheat months - and what I can do instead - but for now I just am going to stick to plan and ponder that big question.

    Today I need to feed the colonies, hit a few grocery stores and the CROM storage unit, prepare the extension for CROM's tax return and work on my speech on mortality tables. Yep, just living the dream. LOL!

    Indy is still living on her chair in the dining room and in the kitchen. This morning Jack got on her chair. GASP! Whenever I go to the kitchen she twines around my legs. My late mother used to complain about cats that do that which was strange because they only ever had one house cat and he was not cuddler. It is a little disconcerting but she's SO cute and now that she has the run of the place her attacking has pretty much ended. She still gets startled easily and afraid. I think she was probably abused at some point.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    Today I'm doing laundry and trying to figure out what clothes to take on our trip. It's so hard to predict what kind of weather to expect, especially toward the end of the trip, since we will be gone nearly two weeks. I don't really want to bring everything I own, lol, but I also don't want to be uncomfortable because I don't have clothes that are warm enough or cool enough for whatever conditions we encounter. I guess I'll pack a little bit of everything and plan to layer as needed.

    We went to a lovely wedding last night for the daughter of one of my grad school friends. I typed my friend's thesis for her while she was pregnant with the bride. The weather forecast had been for heavy rains and wind and the potential for tornados and softball-sized or larger hail. On Friday night they were giving these dire predictions as almost 100% certain to happen in our area at about the time the wedding was scheduled to begin. Luckily, the storms all moved to the east and completely bypassed our area. The temperature did drop dramatically during the day, but no rain at all. The wedding ceremony was held outside and the cocktail hour and reception were inside. If it had rained there was a plan B to move the wedding inside to the ballroom then convert the ballroom back to the dinner service, but fortunately that was unnecessary.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Pam - I can't imagine packing for 2 weeks. Good luck! Of course Helene has to pack for longer than that (Helene - or do you keep stuff in Florida like my office mate does?)
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Today I'm doing laundry and trying to figure out what clothes to take on our trip. It's so hard to predict what kind of weather to expect, especially toward the end of the trip, since we will be gone nearly two weeks. I don't really want to bring everything I own, lol, but I also don't want to be uncomfortable because I don't have clothes that are warm enough or cool enough for whatever conditions we encounter. I guess I'll pack a little bit of everything and plan to layer as needed.

    We went to a lovely wedding last night for the daughter of one of my grad school friends. I typed my friend's thesis for her while she was pregnant with the bride. The weather forecast had been for heavy rains and wind and the potential for tornados and softball-sized or larger hail. On Friday night they were giving these dire predictions as almost 100% certain to happen in our area at about the time the wedding was scheduled to begin. Luckily, the storms all moved to the east and completely bypassed our area. The temperature did drop dramatically during the day, but no rain at all. The wedding ceremony was held outside and the cocktail hour and reception were inside. If it had rained there was a plan B to move the wedding inside to the ballroom then convert the ballroom back to the dinner service, but fortunately that was unnecessary.
    I pack for a couple of weeks and then do laundry at my brother's house coming and going. I have a larger suitcase that stays in the car while traveling. It holds the lighter weight clothes I'll need in FL while the small suitcase has heavier clothes suitable for January. Going back, the small suitcase has capri pants and tops and the heavy stuff is packed in the big suitcase. I tend to leave a couple of air of shoes in FL so that I have options while I'm here. I took a chance and skipped bringing boots and a heavy winter coat. I wore a raincoat down with a sweater underneath was was warm enough.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Maryanne, I was thinking of your comment about cheat days not working. Rachael Ray had Dr. Ian Smith on last week. He has a new book called Blast the Sugar Out. He said it should be a cheat meal not a cheat day. He stays on track 5 days a week and then has 1 cheat meal the other two days if he wants it. But he also uses portion control for the cheats. I haven't tried it but it seems like one meal is less likely to derail you than 3 meals a day. I'm going to take a look at the book when I get home. I like that he includes recipes in his books and it's all real food.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited May 2017
    Last week I did 120 minutes on the treadmill and stuck to my spreadsheet plan, which is basically around 1300 -1400 calories Mon-Fri and 1500-1600 calories on the weekend. Lost 3 1/2 pounds. Gotta love week one results! LOL!

    This week I'm going to aim for 150 minutes on the treadmill. We also have a craft show Saturday (Friday set up) and I'm the only physical labor for it (small enough deal that I think my right hand volunteer and I can do it but she's disabled and not the physical labor) so that will be some extra exercise. I bought some lunchable kind of things to take to eat and am taking her to Applebee's Friday so that may be a few extra calories although I picked Applebee's because it has nutritional info online. I did pretty good the last time I was there.

    I've got a TON of stuff to do today so it will be busy!

    I realized I was getting low on WS pancake mix - and I've been totally unable to find whole wheat pancakes in the stores - so I quickly did a diet direct order.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I'm off to another week of working every day. I was hoping when I got home tonight that I would find a message that my stress test had been scheduled. It won't be the treadmill version as they don't think I can now handle it plus they want to really stress my heart.

    I see that my Omaha Steak order is in the process of being shipped. It will be something different. Good quality meat is hard to find locally and now that Summer is coming, I am not keen on transporting meat over an hour from the city supermarket.

    I did weigh less at the cardiologist appointment than at the last one. I guess that is progress, although small. I catch My 600 Lb life at times. The enablers in the family need to be put on a program themselves to eat more properly, etc.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    I think I'm done packing. I tried not to pack everything I owned, but DH tells me I was not successful, lol! I'm sure I won't use everything I'm taking but I'd rather have extra items than not have something I really wish I had taken. Since we are driving, we have the room so he'll just have to deal with it. He has not yet started packing his suitcase, so we will see how he does.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Pam, I agree it's better to have too much and have what you need than to pack less and be kicking yourself later.
    Jean, I've noticed too that the family members in 600 pound life are often very heavy themselves, although maybe half what the main person weighs. It's surprising Dr Now doesn't say anything about their weight.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I'm still watching season 4 of 600-lb life. The one I'm currently on Dr. Now did admonish the husband as both enabler and overweight himself, not that it did any good. This woman hadn't been to a grocery store in over a year (although she did ride along but stayed in the vehicle) so it was obvious who was buying the bad food. Even after her surgery the husband continued to eat badly and the woman wished for more support. I think most of these couples need therapy but don't get it. Amazing how many of the "main characters" were abused as children and how many of the enablers seem to have this deep need to enable and are very threatened by the possibility of the partner becoming independent.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I noticed the same thing about the abuse history. In several episodes, the couples divorced when the wife started to eat healthy and lose weight and started doing more for things for herself. That's not always true but it happened in enough cases to wonder about those husbands' mental health. I don't remember any episodes where a wife has left her husband for getting healthy. I really feel for those people who develope lymphadema and have those huge tumors hanging off thier hips and thighs. It must make it almost impossible to walk around for exercise in that condition. I like the extended version shows they've included this season. Many of the patients take 6 months to really get with the program so we only see a few months of progress. The extended version shows another year so you can really see their progress. When Dr Now tells a patient he's proud of them, I can't help but think he's one of the few people that ever told them that. And he's made them earn it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Helene - I mean to ask - Are the Assante brothers worse than Penny?

    Jean - you really are a sub they rely on! Hopefully the week won't be too tiring.

    This morning I fed the colonies, went to the vet to pick up the newsletter that volunteers assembled, went to the storage unit and unloaded the feeding supplies in preparation for loading for the craft show, and went to the grocery store. Ate lunch and started to work!!

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I would say yes. The younger brother Justin is weak and moody but Steven was so bad, Dr Now threw him out of the hospital. He was so abusive to all the staff. He has to be Dr Now's most difficult patient. And the dad is a huge enabler. He actually called a TX pizza place to deliver a pizza to Stephen after a tantrum and the dad was in RI!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Wow! I'll be interested in watching that one!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I think I need to get back to watching "My 600 Lb. Life" more regularly. I've been on a Netflix and Hulu original series kick. If you have Hulu, you really should watch "The Handmaid's Tale." It is critically acclaimed and it leaves you not taking current women's rights for granted.

    I saw an offer for a month of NS Weekends Off for $139 on a Living Social email. You can even choose your own foods. The fine print is that it automatically enrolled you in future shipments for $249.

    I'm still waiting to discover when the stress test appointment will be. I checked the insurance website and did not see an approval posted but sometimes that doesn't go on until after the doctor gets the approval.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    We start the trip north today. We'll be spending time in SC on the way home to visit my family. I may be out of touch during parts of the trip. Rest assured, I'm alive and well even if I don't post every day during the trip. I recently subscribed to Amazon Prime. I've been watching Bosch and Sneaky Pete. They've condensed several of the books into each season. I thought they did a pretty good job of staying true to the character. And Titus Welliver seems true to the picture in my head of what Harry looks like, unlike Tom Cruise and Jack Reacher (poor casting).
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited May 2017
    Helene - have a good trip north and a great family visit.

    I've thought about watching Bosch (LOVE those books) but I realized the likelihood I'd actually sit at the computer and watch is slim.