2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    I haven't done it yet, but I'm certainly tempted!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Pam - too funny!

    Tomorrow's the day. I've chosen my food, filled in and printed out the spreadsheet! This birthday binge lasted way too long!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Helene - unfortunately I don't think DH and the colonies would mix.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Okay, I've got last week's lab results to kick my butt (A1c 5.7 - bottom of prediabetes range), weighed myself this morning, set up today's food spreadsheet, updated my ticker, and I'm ready to dig back in. I tried googling pre diabetes and high blood pressure and just scared myself. Decided I'm going to work on losing weight and exercise and when I see the endocrinologist in July ask her to expand what she does for me beyond watching my thyroid nodules and help me with this other stuff. Also ordered a blood pressure monitor to watch that at home. I think there's a good chance I still just have white coat hypertension but we'll see.

    I've got a TON of shelf stable food here so I'm going to put together my days from my stash for now and put off ordering anything new. I'm still working on clearing out the freezers a little also. This morning for breakfast I had eggs/egg beaters with a bunch of saute'd peppers and onions along with a whole wheat roll. I'm off to a good start! Have all the ingredients here for my big salad for lunch.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Maryanne, you always seem to do well when you use the spreadsheet and plan your day in advance. I wish some of that would rub off on me. I never know meal to meal what I'll have. I was thr smae way on NS. I'd use their foods but I'd reach in the box and pull out whatever appealed for me for the next meal. It worked and I lost weight but that approach doesn't work so well when I'm using regular food. Right now, I'm using up food I have on hand because we'll be heading for home in about 2 weeks. It's going to make for some intersting meals for sure.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I worked in a pre-school (pre-K) class today. It totally amazed me the energy these little kids have despite getting to school at 7:30 to 8am and leaving around 3:30pm.

    I finally broke over and placed an order with Omaha Steaks. Delivery is expected on Friday. I also got an email from NS touting a la carte orders for a penny shipping. Those little servings certainly are expensive when WW, Atkins, etc. are less expensive in many cases.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Let us know what you think of the Omaha VS Kansas City steaks. We'll be heading north soon and I'll be looking to order steaks when I get home.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited April 2017
    Well, day 1 went fine. I stuck to the spreadsheet food and did 20 minutes on the treadmill. I'm rewatching Designated Survivor and the time on the treadmill really flew by (yeah I know 20 minutes isn't much but I'm usually looking at the time around minute 7.)

    I hate DVDs. I wish I could take one and say "I'm only allowed to watch this on the treadmill" but you can't stop and start those danged things. Why they replaced VHS tapes I have never figured out.

    Day 2 started with Wonderslim pancakes.

    Jean - my brother really wanted to teach those little kids. He got his teacher certification but couldn't find a school to hire him for the lower grades. Everyone wanted him in grades 4-6.

    I'm going to try to work on cleaning out my freezers before doing a NS order. I checked expiration dates yesterday and organized the ones that need used.

    What seems to be missing in the grocery store is frozen breakfasts that aren't eggs. Smart Ones used to have pancakes and french toast but I haven't seen them for ages. (Edited to add: just checked their web site and see those two are missing so I guess they are gone.)
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I think the reason VHS went out is durability. The tapes stretched and broke, especially during rewinding. We'd see a lot of that type of damage when people would return the tapes to the library. It wasn't their fault in most cases. Rather it was poor design. Good job on day one. I'm heading out for a much needed mani/pedi. I had the last one a month ago. The polish held up well (no chips) but it's getting hard to type with the length of my nails.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Day 2 went fine also. So far day 3 is going according to plan except I forgot and just automatically made my "big salad" for lunch which for once wasn't going to be the plan. I'll just adjust!

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    I'm having a Jenny Craig day today. There's been some SS on ebay lately which I snapped up!

    Also have to go to feed the colonies and go to the grocery store and be home by 1 for a conference call.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    I'm attending a volunteer luncheon today. This week has been busy with all of my appointments, but I'm close to finishing those up now. Yesterday was hair day, so now I'm highlighted and trimmed and my hair looks so much better. Tuesday was the dentist, then a mani/pedi which took up most of the day because the woman doing my manicure didn't have much experience with dipping powder. She did great until the last step, then messed it up and had to file off a layer and redo it. They looked good in the end, but it took waaaayyyy longer than it should have. Tomorrow I have a PT appointment, then the rest of the day is free.

    Saturday I may be helping a neighbor out. This is my neighbor whose husband was severely injured in a fall in Spain last year, spent weeks in a coma, and finally several weeks in the hospital back here once he came out of the coma. His wife had surgery on her foot earlier this year and still is not cleared to drive. Her husband is having a surgery on Friday to fill in the indentation in his skull that occurred due to his accident, so they may need assistance with driving for a few days. Or if someone else does the driving they may just need me to let their dogs out. Either way, I'm on call to help them. We also have a wedding to attend that evening.

    I enjoy having activities and things to do, but I'd like it better if they weren't all happening in the same week, lol!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    I guess I forgot to report on our weekend in Houston. Our niece completed her first (and last) Ironman Triathlon! She was very proud of finishing, and deservedly so. Her time was 14 hours, 58 minutes, and some seconds. The first place finisher did it in a little less than half her time, for comparison sake, but there were many who either took longer than she did or failed to complete it in the maximum time allowed, which was 17 hours. There were people of all ages, shapes, and sizes competing. I found it surprising how many competed who were not in great shape. Quite a few were very obviously overweight, which surprised me. With all of the training that goes into preparing for the race, it's hard to imagine how anyone could be overweight. I think the oldest competitor was in his 70's, and there were 2 blind competitors.

    Our niece is a nurse and she was formerly employed at the hospital that sponsored this race, so she had planned to see some of her friends who were volunteering in the medical tent after the race. That didn't turn out quite like she expected because as soon as she stopped by the tent they ran a quick electrolyte test on her and told her to go straight to the ER because her potassium level was dangerously low. As she was walking into the ER she passed out and was subsequently admitted overnight and given 4 bags of fluids, 3 doses of potassium, and had an echocardiogram before being released the next day. In the nod, the fluids helped her recover faster, and she did see many of her old friends as they stopped in to see her in her room, but that wasn't quite how she had planned to see them.

    DH, SIL, and our nephew and I volunteered for 4 hours during the run part of the race. That was interesting. We were handing out cups of water, Gatorade, and Red Bull to the runners as they passed by our station. It was an interesting experience, but very tiring to be on our feet for so long. The bonus though was that we got to see our niece and her friend as they came by twice. The course was a loop that they had to run 3 times. We were still working the first time they ran through, but the second time we were just resting and waiting for them to come back past us. After that we went back to our car and ran back to the house to get warmer clothes. SIL and DH went back to be at the finish line, but I was just too tired and in pain from my back and feet to go back. After they left I took a long hot shower, put on my Jammie's, and enjoyed a quiet evening. I wanted to go with them, but I just didn't feel that I could manage any more walking that day since there was no guarantee we could find a close parking space. So that's the race report! She says "one and done", no need to do another one.

    However, our nephew now feels that he has to do one since he can't have a wife who is more of a "badass" than he is, lol! He's registered to do one in August in France, but I'm pretty sure we won't be going to that one.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Good job. Keep up the planning and execution of the plan.

    Helene--Enjoy the mani/pedi. I had mine done yesterday and discovered it had been five weeks.

    I had a cardiologist appointment yesterday. I will need another stress test so I will be notified once the insurance company approves. I was down a few pounds on their scales.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Jean..How nice when a doctor's scale reads lower than expected. I did my last mani/pedi here yesterday. Like Pam, I do the dipping powder but my manicurist is very skilled at it. By now, she knows I like sparkles so she puts a layer of glitter powder as the top layer. I let her pick my color after I tell her a color range. I had my toes done a rosy pink so she picked out a pale melon color for my finger nails. With the sparkly final coat, it looks like a frosty melon shade. she told me she didn't like the effect of sparkles until she started doing my nails, So far, we did green baby blue and now the melon color and each has looked fabulous. She suggested waxing my brows and face so I went for that too. I'm a now a more polished version of myself. With menopause, I notice coarse hairs growing places on my face that drive me crazy. Thanks to Amy, they're gone for the next month or so.

    We have a volunteer cocktail party tonight at our church. Quite a few members of the choir are going so we decided to go as well.

    Maryanne, I presume you get a good bargain buying JC off Ebay. Did you get a good variety of items? I was in Walmart yesterday and checked out the NS boxes. They only had a 5 day meal plan. If it had been just muffins, I would have been interested by I didn't want the snacks and most of the lunches were soups. I didn't consider it an appealing assortment.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    Pam - that's great that your neighbor's husband is generally driving. I wouldn't have guessed that. That's great that your niece finished her race. But I'm with you on not understanding it. 14 hours? 3 loops around the same roads? I'd fall down from boredom.

    Helene - you can't just buy JC food. You have to sign up, pay their fees, and endure their counselors. Maybe someday. But for now, I just want to buy what food I can get my hands on.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I realized you were getting your JC from resellers on EBAY. I gathered that you didn't want to go through the whole JC program. My question was did you find much variety of food being offered. Back in the NS days, I bought food from a couple of sellers who either stopped doing NS and had extra food or they were part of a family plan and had too much stuff. They would post lists of what they had and you could contact them to arrange the purchase. The few times i did it I was able to buy items I wanted. By that time, I was mixing NS with regular meals and didn't want to ourchse a whole month's food. If I'd ordered from NS, I would have had more food on hand than I wanted. I had pretty much given up on desserts and snacks and was using mostly breakfast and lunch items.

    I agree with you on the triathalon. I can't iamgine wanting to do one. I was watching Rachel Ray today and Bob Harper was her guest for the whole hour. He said much more about the details of what happened when he had the heart attack. He doesn't remember most of what happened but people who saved his life at the gym talked about what actions they took that saved his life.He's still doing rehab so it doesn't sound like he'll be going back to work anytime soon. The talked a lot about his diet before and after. For some reason, I thought Bob was a vegetarian.. He's not and used to eat a lot of red meat, not realizing his cholesterol was high. He's mostly vegetarian now but eats fish as well. I'm sure you can find the episode online. It was very interesting.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,934 Member
    I think triathletes must thrive on challenge as their motivation. I know my niece did it for the challenge and to prove to herself that she could do it. Now that she has, she has no desire to do another one. As for boredom, I think the runners find motivation in the cheers and support from the crowd. At the aid station where we worked, a big part of what we were doing, in addition to handing out refreshments, was encouraging the runners. Our niece was running with a friend, so they were able to motivate and encourage each other, and they crossed the finish line together crying tears of joy (and exhaustion, lol!). She said that there was only one stretch of the loop that was hard to motivate themselves to get through, and it was a part that was fairly isolated without any aid station or place for people to watch and cheer. The aid stations were placed every one to two miles. Except for about one mile that they "grandma shuffled" as she called it, they ran the entire distance. The overall distances were a 2.2 mile swim, a 120 mile bike ride, and a 26.4 mile run. I personally think it's insane, but to each his/her own. I admire her determination and dedication, but I'd never consider it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,644 Member
    There isn't a lot of JC food on ebay, generally. Just about none for about a year. I was thinking maybe JC was putting their foot down (a company can do that under ebay's VERO program). But it may also just be that it's a much smaller company and the food is expensive enough people don't sell a lot of it. If I will eat most of what a seller is selling I'll buy. I have a couple friends that will take the few pieces I don't want and if all else fails, I'll donate to our flea market table. I really like the lentils with beef for example. Just different from what's available out there. One of JC's new meals is almost exactly like the beef with wedged potatoes that NS used to have and which I liked.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I think one of the reasons I stopped NS was that they kept discontinuing things I liked and reformulating other items. I don't think a single reformulated items was as good as the old version. I liked the old meatloaf with the tomato based sauce. The new one in beef gravy was very disappointing. I wasn't impressed with the new items either. They seemed way too much sauce for me. I need to re-motivate myself so I think I might look into WW when I get back home. There are no convenient meetings down here. I'd have to drive 20 miles to find a meeting and it's not even a good time of day for me. At home, I probably have 10 meetings nearby including one that's local.