Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited July 2017
    Haven't tried BCCA, but fasting should improve your ketone levels, not kick you out. Sure your not so far into ketoses that it does not show up on keto sticks anymore?

    Yeah, I'm sure. I have been doing Keto since April and have had varying degrees of ketones show up consistently since. The drop was abrupt which leads me to believe that it's due to something specific.

    The only thing new besides the fasting is the BCAAs. Since I don't think it's the fasting, I suspect BCAA as the culprit. The nutrition info claims 0 carbs and 0 sugar but the ingredients do list sucralose... I wonder if that would do it? Either way, I skipped it today and will see if I notice any changes over the next few days.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    KUDOS! That's majorly impressive @dawnz75 Congrats!
  • scottyp65
    scottyp65 Posts: 261 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    Haven't tried BCCA, but fasting should improve your ketone levels, not kick you out. Sure your not so far into ketoses that it does not show up on keto sticks anymore?

    Yeah, I'm sure. I have been doing Keto since April and have had varying degrees of ketones show up consistently since. The drop was abrupt which leads me to believe that it's due to something specific.

    The only thing new besides the fasting is the BCAAs. Since I don't think it's the fasting, I suspect BCAA as the culprit. The nutrition info claims 0 carbs and 0 sugar but the ingredients do list sucralose... I wonder if that would do it? Either way, I skipped it today and will see if I notice any changes over the next few days.

    I have read, where I cant remember as I read a lot, where over time your body becomes better at using ketones and you have less leakage. So it may well be that when you are testing your not seeing them because they are being utilized for energy all over your body. Just a thought.
  • scottyp65
    scottyp65 Posts: 261 Member
    Hey there, just dropping by to see how everyone is doing? Personally I am playing the yo-yo game and it is more than a bit frustrating. However, I am not quitting, just wondering when I will break through and slide down to the next stopping point, hopefully around 260... It's kind of funny to be happy about 260 but I would be ESTATIC at that weight, and healthy. Anyway I hope you all are getting close to your goals.
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    scottyp65 wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    Haven't tried BCCA, but fasting should improve your ketone levels, not kick you out. Sure your not so far into ketoses that it does not show up on keto sticks anymore?

    Yeah, I'm sure. I have been doing Keto since April and have had varying degrees of ketones show up consistently since. The drop was abrupt which leads me to believe that it's due to something specific.

    The only thing new besides the fasting is the BCAAs. Since I don't think it's the fasting, I suspect BCAA as the culprit. The nutrition info claims 0 carbs and 0 sugar but the ingredients do list sucralose... I wonder if that would do it? Either way, I skipped it today and will see if I notice any changes over the next few days.

    I have read, where I cant remember as I read a lot, where over time your body becomes better at using ketones and you have less leakage. So it may well be that when you are testing your not seeing them because they are being utilized for energy all over your body. Just a thought.

    As far as I have read on dietdoctor.com the body starts producing a different kind of ketone that the sticks just don't pick up. Same reason you stop smelling like *kitten*.
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    I have my carbs set at 10% which equates to approx 46 g total carbs. It eliminated obsessive behaviors/stressors for me that I was experiencing when set at 5% and I easily hit ketosis as long as I stay within that range on a consistent basis. I count total because I find too many ways to cheat in my head if I start thinking about net carbs instead (but that is an entirely mental thing!).

    If you aren't feeling hungry, you don't have to worry much about meeting your fat or protein macro, as long as you aren't surpassing carbs. There are some great keto sites out there that don't use dairy: www.healthfulpursuit.com is the first one that comes to mind. @kirkor I think it was you that had a fabulous list of diary free sites?

    Would you mind sharing your 46 gram carb meal plans? Thank you
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Finally, finally, finally! The scale actually moved! It's only 1.6 but that's more in one week than I lost all last month combined!

    I really hope this means things are changing for me. I've been doing Keto for a few months, then went 0 carb/carnivore hoping to help my digestive system. I've also recently added 16:8 IF and I joined a gym to strength train.

    I have 40-50lbs to lose and hope to see the bulk of it gone by year end.
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    edited July 2017
    Congrats 4031isaiah! I am learning how to measure out 1/4 tsp of pink salt and swallow it like a pill. It still takes 6 to 7 small groups to get the 1/4 down, but this is better than buying sodium pills if I can get used to it! Anyone know where we can purchase larger grain salts? The 3 broth brands with O carbs taste terrible, at least to me. There are a couple 1carb per cup brands that I enjoy. But straight salt seems like a better option. I swallowed .5 tsp yesterday and it upset my stomach so I am trying the smaller amount with food. Anyone else had any luck upping sodium this way?
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I just bought sodium capsules this week. I started taking them on Tuesday. I prefer the simplicity and no salty taste.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    dawnz75 wrote: »
    Congrats 4031isaiah! I am learning how to measure out 1/4 tsp of pink salt and swallow it like a pill. It still takes 6 to 7 small groups to get the 1/4 down, but this is better than buying sodium pills if I can get used to it! Anyone know where we can purchase larger grain salts? The 3 broth brands with O carbs taste terrible, at least to me. There are a couple 1carb per cup brands that I enjoy. But straight salt seems like a better option. I swallowed .5 tsp yesterday and it upset my stomach so I am trying the smaller amount with food. Anyone else had any luck upping sodium this way?

    Why don't you just take an epsom salt bath and let your body absorb it.
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    Good ideas, thanks for the input. 4031isaiah were did you get your sodium pills, I searched amazon but was not impressed with the prices I found. It is just salt.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I went to the nearest pharmacy and asked for it. A bottle of 100 tablets with 1000mg of sodium each was $20 CAD.
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    Do you need salt? For the first week of transition I had buljon too ease the keto flu, but have not done anything after that.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I guess its case by case... everyone is different. I've been pretty strict Keto for 3 months yesterday and I still get cloudy and headachey if I don't pay attention to sodium.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @4031isaiah - Congrats on the lying scale finally moving!

    @dawnz75 - I think the one I found was about $13 plus shipping for 100 tablets. CMC brand. https://www.amazon.com/SOD-CHLOR-TABS-GM-100/dp/B000GCN130/

    That's US. But, I also found that I do a lot better taking pink himalayan sea salt crystals and doing them like a shot/swallowing them like a pill, etc.
  • diamondsnthesky
    diamondsnthesky Posts: 34 Member
    My husband and I are looking to try Keto. Thinking about starting out with lower carbs, but don't going strictly keto at first to kind of ease into it (and not have to throw out the pantry). Any recommendations for starting out? Breads and potatoes are going to be harder for me, I think sodas and pizza for him.
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    My husband and I are looking to try Keto. Thinking about starting out with lower carbs, but don't going strictly keto at first to kind of ease into it (and not have to throw out the pantry). Any recommendations for starting out? Breads and potatoes are going to be harder for me, I think sodas and pizza for him.

    I feel cold turkey keto is easier, but that just be me. You have a hard week, but then your not feeling the hunger. Then ease into the "good" carbs when your in control.

    But if you have a diet high in potato, bread, pizza and soda, even small changes might make a huge impact. Just to warm that if you just cutting the carbs you'll be hungry and likely just gain it back.

    Two week trial on dietdoctor.com did it for me. They have a intro program with lots of tips and weekly meal plans.

    Good luck to you, and welcome to an easier way of living.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    My husband and I are looking to try Keto. Thinking about starting out with lower carbs, but don't going strictly keto at first to kind of ease into it (and not have to throw out the pantry). Any recommendations for starting out? Breads and potatoes are going to be harder for me, I think sodas and pizza for him.

    We're all different. I was able to lose my excess pounds and adipose via just eating low carb. I will say though, my 1st year+ of maintenance was awful in that I was HUNGRY all the time though I managed to maintain. In 2016 I decided to try keto for a reason other than weight/fat and discovered the satiation joy of eating fat. With my macros switched around to include high fat (75%+ of calories), I was no longer "starving". It was nothing short of a weight maintenance miracle for me. I'm no longer striving for keto but still keep my carbs to less than 50 grams total with fat and protein falling around 100 grams/day +/- depending on what I eat. Maintenance calories for me are around 1500-female, older and fairly sedentary.

    Eating very low carb (and not eating sweet stuff) has kept the cravings/hunger down. Fat has definitely kept me satiated. For some, it is protein that is more satiating. Good luck to you. I'm a "lifer" on low carb but don't have the need to be quite as strict as others. My daily diet includes: fish, meat, vegetables, dairy, some (minimal) fruit and fats/oils. I'm confident I'm still in ketosis may days due to lack of hunger, lack of cravings and need for more sodium than I would "normally" have.