Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Congrats, @Fvaisey ... That's a great achievement... You could probably start on body composition changes now...as you may need those last 10 pounds for muscle fuel!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I'm in a stall and cranky about it! But I'm planning on a no-cheat Thanksgiving and kind of excited about it.

    Take it from me! Don’t cheat!!! I fell off the wagon this Canadian thanksgiving and 3 weeks later, I have yet to make it through a full keto-friendly, cheat-free day. I haven’t gained, thank goodness, but who knows how long it will take to get back on track and start losing again.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Fvaisey wrote: »
    Well, I've been in One-derland for a few weeks now. I didn't want to say I was there until I was sure it would stick. Seems like my body was fighting hard to keep me where I was.

    Ten more lbs to my final goal weight. After maintaining for two years it was a bit difficult to kick start my weight loss again. Probably because I was very comfortable where I stopped. However, I wanted to drop down to a weight I thought will be healthy in my "senior" years.

    Once I trash that last 10 pounds it will be time to build up a bit more muscle. Hoping to be strong and fit into my 80's. Got to be able to pick up my great grandchildren when they arrive.

    That’s awesome @Fvaisey ! What did you do differently to kickstart your losses after maintaining for so long?
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    I did 3 day waterfasts for a 3 weeks in a row. Kicked up my workouts, more HIIT.

    Don't worry @KnitOrMiss, at 185 I still have plenty of reserves to fuel recomp. lol
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    iyoqfqzwylag.pngDoing 15 miles tomorrow. Anticipating this.....
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    Doing 15 miles tomorrow. Anticipating this.....

    Oooh, good luck!!

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    iyoqfqzwylag.pngDoing 15 miles tomorrow. Anticipating this.....

    @Marcelynh - I am looking forward to an update after this run... I'm really hoping you're pushing the adaption envelope and getting it done!

    Oh, and I think this thread could really benefit from your experience!

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Congrats @Jigglypuff9363 - that's gotta be a great feeling! Keep on keeping on!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Hello everyone! I tentatively stepped on the scale this morning. I wasn't expecting a loss because I've been the same weight since last week, fluctuating up and down but not going lower. So I put it away so I wouldn't see it. But when I got up this morning and used the bathroom, I just felt lighter. So dragged out my scale from it's hiding place and I lost 2 pounds! Yippee! I'm that much closer to being in Onderland! I haven't been in the 100's since my early 40's. My goal of getting there by the end of the year is looking like it's really going to happen! 8 more pounds to go!!

    Yeah!! Well done, you!
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    Hello everyone! I tentatively stepped on the scale this morning. I wasn't expecting a loss because I've been the same weight since last week, fluctuating up and down but not going lower. So I put it away so I wouldn't see it. But when I got up this morning and used the bathroom, I just felt lighter. So dragged out my scale from it's hiding place and I lost 2 pounds! Yippee! I'm that much closer to being in Onderland! I haven't been in the 100's since my early 40's. My goal of getting there by the end of the year is looking like it's really going to happen! 8 more pounds to go!!

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Hello everyone! I tentatively stepped on the scale this morning.

    High Five!!!
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I am looking forward to an update after this run...

    The run went well. I miscalculated my return route and ended up with 13.3 miles. I didn't want to circle the block to get that last mile + in so I called it good. It was starting to rain anyway. I didn't peter out like I had been but am struggling with muscle cramps. Had to stop and stretch a couple of times and ended up walking a good portion (at a rapid rate but still walking). I'm okay with walking it just wish I didn't cramp. I'm thinking I need more potassium. I was drinking electrolytes but... ???

    I know that diet drinks are not supposed to put you out of ketosis but they do me so I've cut out all diet sodas and sweeteners. Luckily I'm an un-sweet tea drinker so I'm good there. BUT with this need for electrolytes... I have a hard time finding any that aren't loaded with carbs. Tailwind comes highly recommended but it's over 20g of carbs per serving. I have been using Nuun tablets that I dissolve, they are only 4g of carbs but I think they taste... well, less than desirable. Anyone have any electrolyte suggestions? They will have water and gatorade at the race. Gatorade makes me want to vomit and it's so high in sugar I'd avoid it anyway so I'll have to take along packets or tablets to dissolve in the water.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @lodro was doing some distance stuff - ultras. I think he was doing MCT...

    The muscle cramps are more likely magnesium related. Everyone thinks it's potassium, but magnesium gets depleted long before potassium. You can buy powdered magnesium, lite salt or nu salt for potassium (or lemon or cream of tartar), make sure you get sodium. Some folks do it in pickle juice because it already helps naturally.

    Could you tolerate it that way?


    I'm going to go back and see if I can find Lodro's Ultra posts and what he was using...
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    The muscle cramps are more likely magnesium related.

    You know I knew that. Why I typed Potassium I'll never know. Maybe I was dreaming of bananas... lol
    I'm starting the Slow-mag 20 day therapy for muscle cramps. We shall see how it works. That combined with drinking back the meat broth etc will help. It's not real bad, just one stupid calf muscle. I say it means daily massages but my husband doesn't agree..... lol

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    The muscle cramps are more likely magnesium related.

    You know I knew that. Why I typed Potassium I'll never know. Maybe I was dreaming of bananas... lol
    I'm starting the Slow-mag 20 day therapy for muscle cramps. We shall see how it works. That combined with drinking back the meat broth etc will help. It's not real bad, just one stupid calf muscle. I say it means daily massages but my husband doesn't agree..... lol

    My husband and I both drink a quarter cup of pickle juice when we have cramps. That method works really well and Epson salt baths are excellent for regular bowel movements.
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    Speaking of leg cramps, I went grocery shopping on Saturday. I walked all around the store, mostly just reading labels on foods I was curious about. I was probably in one store for about 2 hours. Then I went to another store, same thing.

    Anyway, later on that night I got the worst cramps in FRONT of leg and top of my foot! Usually, if I get cramps, it's usually located on the back of my leg or under my foot. Both legs were cramping up so bad. I tried to stand up, but absolutely could not. I had to holler to my son to get me the pickle jar. He brought it and watched me drink the juice and made faces. LOL! The cramps subsided almost immediately.

    So my question/comment is...I have an almost full jar of pickles with no juice. Is it possible to just get juice? Or can I fill the jar with water and it'll turn into pickle juice? Or can I just eat pickles if I get cramps?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Speaking of leg cramps, I went grocery shopping on Saturday. I walked all around the store, mostly just reading labels on foods I was curious about. I was probably in one store for about 2 hours. Then I went to another store, same thing.

    Anyway, later on that night I got the worst cramps in FRONT of leg and top of my foot! Usually, if I get cramps, it's usually located on the back of my leg or under my foot. Both legs were cramping up so bad. I tried to stand up, but absolutely could not. I had to holler to my son to get me the pickle jar. He brought it and watched me drink the juice and made faces. LOL! The cramps subsided almost immediately.

    So my question/comment is...I have an almost full jar of pickles with no juice. Is it possible to just get juice? Or can I fill the jar with water and it'll turn into pickle juice? Or can I just eat pickles if I get cramps?

    I know you can buy pickle juice online - and I'm sure in some larger stores/restaurants if you find a friendly manager (like once they package up their pickles to apply to sandwiches/burgers, the liquid left goes down the drain). I would NOT add water to the pickle jar - or you'll end up diluting your pickle flavor. You might eat the pickles daily as preventative so that you can just buy more pickles - or you can look up pickling as a process... Generally it's spices/herbs, salt, vinegar, and sometimes sugar, peppers, etc. It's really individual.

    Here are a few articles that came up in my google search:




  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    The link that came up blank there, @Jigglypuff9363 was just a pinterest search with the words "pickle juice" from what i could tell.
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    Thank you!! Very helpful! I do have another jar of pickles, but hate to open it without finishing off the pickles in the other jar! I love pickles, but usually not to eat by itself.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    My husband and I both drink a quarter cup of pickle juice when we have cramps. That method works really well and Epson salt baths are excellent for regular bowel movements.

    Hmmm... I feel like I may have heard that before about the Epson salt, but it’s a good reminder. I’m going to add it to my grocery list. Thanks!