

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @maalea Glad you are doing well. I wish I lived close enough to walk to work. It would take me over 4 hours to walk. Glad finals are over for you.
    @rigibann Great job on getting your challenges done. I am sure your walk was bittersweet. I am sure it will eventually bring only happy memories and just a touch of sadness in the long run.

    @belle_60 Fantastic job! We just had an ice storm yesterday/last night. Started out as rain/snow mix that froze overnight. Everything is coated in about ¼ inch of ice. So no yard work for a few more weeks.

    @tazieisland it does sound like a crazy week for you. Great job getting your challenges done. Hope you daughter Brakes a leg! (In the best way possible)
    @scrapbookingtm Sounds like this transition is a little rough for you. Glad you got to spend time with one of your daughters, and will get to see the other soon. Men are at a loss when it comes to helping women cope. At least he is trying to do something to help.
    @Longavitasana I didn’t even know there was a Reunion Island, now I want to go visit. I love your goals. I need the calorie one as well. So far this week I haven’t been doing great on my calories. I have gotten one day. (maybe yesterday too, still need to do my log.)
    Team 6! We are in 5th place, and just 41 points from 4th place. We can take 4th come on guys.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    My day yesterday wasn't all that great. I have been having some weird body issues and feeling a little down. Which means less exercise and more food.

    Hopefully, today will be better. I am planning on a walk at lunch, roller skating this evening and maybe a trip to the gym. We will have to see how much energy remains after skating.
  • Rigibann
    Rigibann Posts: 3,663 Member
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    My day yesterday wasn't all that great. I have been having some weird body issues and feeling a little down. Which means less exercise and more food.

    Hopefully, today will be better. I am planning on a walk at lunch, roller skating this evening and maybe a trip to the gym. We will have to see how much energy remains after skating.

    Hope you are feeling brighter today - it's amazing how much the mood swings affect us - I am very much an emotional eater hence my weight is a constant yo-yo! But perseverance is the key!
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    edited February 2017
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    My day yesterday wasn't all that great. I have been having some weird body issues and feeling a little down. Which means less exercise and more food.

    Hopefully, today will be better. I am planning on a walk at lunch, roller skating this evening and maybe a trip to the gym. We will have to see how much energy remains after skating.

    Sending good thoughts you way. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    I am certainly not getting in the exercise minutes that I do in the summer. Must be partially a winter thing. Last winter is when I gain a lot of my weight back so I have been trying really hard not to let that happen again. I think I just don't exercise as much indoors. Looking forward to warmer weather!
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    My day yesterday wasn't all that great. I have been having some weird body issues and feeling a little down. Which means less exercise and more food.

    Hopefully, today will be better. I am planning on a walk at lunch, roller skating this evening and maybe a trip to the gym. We will have to see how much energy remains after skating.

    I hope your able to be more active today!! Spring is just around the corner you will out and enjoying soon!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,301 Member
    edited February 2017
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    Thanks guys. I appreciate the well wishes. So far I am doing better. I was able to go walk/run for my lunch break. I ran the whole time. I did 2 miles in 26 minutes. Still slow, but awesome for me. I will take about a 20 minute walk after work while I wait for the kids to get out of school, and if everything goes right I will be roller skating tonight. Did you know roller skating is one of the top burning exercises out there? Burns over 500 calories an hour.

    Glad your feeling better. I would love to try roller skating but I'm afraid I probably will fall, lol. At my stage of life being in a cast, would drive me nuts, lol

    Guys, I just checked the spreadsheet, we jumped to 3nd place, go team 6 go!!!!!!
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    Thanks guys. I appreciate the well wishes. So far I am doing better. I was able to go walk/run for my lunch break. I ran the whole time. I did 2 miles in 26 minutes. Still slow, but awesome for me. I will take about a 20 minute walk after work while I wait for the kids to get out of school, and if everything goes right I will be roller skating tonight. Did you know roller skating is one of the top burning exercises out there? Burns over 500 calories an hour.

    Glad your feeling better. I would love to try roller skating but I'm afraid I probably will fall, lol. At my stage of life being in a cast, would drive me nuts, lol

    Jackie, and broken bones don't heal as quickly either! That's why I gave up skiing and I really do miss it!

    I was able to do .5 of a mile outside. I plan to get the rest done by Saturday. Also did 45 min of running the stairs (indoors) with my pup close at my heels! He also needed a workout!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,301 Member
    I have an idea, a couple of the other teams have name! I say we come up with a team name too, what do you think? <3:)<3
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    Got in a 3.5 hour hike today and didn't get rained on!! Though it did start as soon as I got back in the car, and now it's pouring... timing is everything! Unlike yesterday when I tried to get out on a long hike but I got soaked so had to cut it short! I love rain when sitting in my living room watching it!!
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 1,988 Member
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday at all, I woke up dizzy and had a migraine all day, so I spent the majority of the day laying down and drinking water. By the time I felt up to moving around, I had to school my daughter before her brain stopped functioning. I was really proud of her for being able to school in the evening though. It's not our usual routine, but she worked hard like a champ!

    I had to get organized today and wrote down all the challenges that I have left to complete this week for both of my challenge groups(Amazing Race and Ilvermorny). So, now I have a plan to get it all done before this week is out! Feels good to get organized, but I am not looking forward to walking outside! Lol! It's so cold, but I'm going to do it, because really 3.1 miles isn't that far and I used to live in upstate New York where winters were 10 times worse than they are here in southwestern Ohio. So, I know I won't die. Lol! Sorry this is so wordy and long.

    Hope y'all are having a great Thursday! Love all the communication and participation we have on our team! :smiley:
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    I have an idea, a couple of the other teams have name! I say we come up with a team name too, what do you think? <3:)<3

    @GrandmaJackie I love the idea of a team name... but I don't have any creative bones in my body... but... maybe the sexy 6'ers???? or something like that??? I know, it's pretty hokey... what can I say, I have no creativity!

  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 1,988 Member
    I have an idea, a couple of the other teams have name! I say we come up with a team name too, what do you think? <3:)<3

    I think this is a FANTASTIC idea! We should have a team name! :smiley:
  • Tiffany7711
    Tiffany7711 Posts: 27 Member
    edited February 2017
    I like the name idea! Sexy sixers works for me. I don't have any other ideas
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,301 Member
    starjam25 wrote: »
    Got in a 3.5 hour hike today and didn't get rained on!! Though it did start as soon as I got back in the car, and now it's pouring... timing is everything! Unlike yesterday when I tried to get out on a long hike but I got soaked so had to cut it short! I love rain when sitting in my living room watching it!!

    I love walking in LIGHT rain, lol. Nice job getting your walk in, :)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,301 Member
    edited February 2017
    I like the name idea! Sexy sixers works for me. I don't have any other ideas

    I like Sexy Sixers too. Three votes for Sexy Sixers, any other suggestions, :).
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,301 Member
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday at all, I woke up dizzy and had a migraine all day, so I spent the majority of the day laying down and drinking water. By the time I felt up to moving around, I had to school my daughter before her brain stopped functioning. I was really proud of her for being able to school in the evening though. It's not our usual routine, but she worked hard like a champ!

    I had to get organized today and wrote down all the challenges that I have left to complete this week for both of my challenge groups(Amazing Race and Ilvermorny). So, now I have a plan to get it all done before this week is out! Feels good to get organized, but I am not looking forward to walking outside! Lol! It's so cold, but I'm going to do it, because really 3.1 miles isn't that far and I used to live in upstate New York where winters were 10 times worse than they are here in southwestern Ohio. So, I know I won't die. Lol! Sorry this is so wordy and long.

    Hope y'all are having a great Thursday! Love all the communication and participation we have on our team! :smiley:

    Your going to kick some booty, glad your feeling better,:)

  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Today I spent a couple hours in the yard again . Counting 80 mins , I need to log the last few days in on the spreadsheet tomorrow and tacke the videos also. :)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,301 Member
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    @GrandmaJackie I so love all the pics your posting, thank you so much for all the great smiles!!!