
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    okay my people i have done all i can for now -i'll complete the calorie challenge by Saturday as today is a bust, but the videos and stairs are done!! woohoo! i can safely say i have no balance and who knew that nodding your head while stood on one leg was so difficult?? Great challenge!!
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    ejdp254 wrote: »
    okay my people i have done all i can for now -i'll complete the calorie challenge by Saturday as today is a bust, but the videos and stairs are done!! woohoo! i can safely say i have no balance and who knew that nodding your head while stood on one leg was so difficult?? Great challenge!!

    I found the same to be true of me too. I have no balance!!! Looked easy until you actually did it!! And the one your laying on the big ball--well lets just say I almost went face first into the floor if it weren't for my hand being by a close chair! Omg what a sight!!
  • Ingrid2017
    Ingrid2017 Posts: 47 Member
    I found the perfect staircase for the steps challenge, and it's even at Bondi Beach in Austrailia! :)
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Ingrid2017 wrote: »
    I found the perfect staircase for the steps challenge, and it's even at Bondi Beach in Austrailia! :)

    I Googled it. So very cool.
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    Got my 2nd balance video done and am up to 950 with steps so I'll finish them tomorrow definetely. Wasn't thinking I'm my right mind when I chose my workout tonight. After the balance video I did a belly blasting 2 mile workout. Needless to say my abs are not happy with me right now. Will have to do treadmill later to get my miles up!
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Ingrid2017 wrote: »
    I found the perfect staircase for the steps challenge, and it's even at Bondi Beach in Austrailia! :)

    I Googled it. So very cool.

    Beautiful scenery
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    I got caught up! You guys are doing awesome! I returned home in the middle of the night to be awakened by a frightened 3 year old at 4 am wanting mommy! (Mommy was not home when he went to sleep. Plus separation issues.) Called my boss and didn't go into until almost noon and was able to snag a few hours more sleep after I got kids off. Which put me up to a total of like 4. I was then somewhat functional. My back is killing me today! (If your forced to sit in a chair All day it should be a recliner! Not a wooden jury chair! Also it was partially my fault I ate waffle fries yesterday at lunch and became bloated. I wiggled and tried to find a comfortable position in the chair yesterday.) Resulting in back pain today. I, however, tired and hurting will attempt stairs. I am not going to try balance video. My exercise minutes are still not ideal today. I will make that up too. I also may not be able to close my diary from not eating enough. I am not hungry!
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Ingrid2017 wrote: »
    I found the perfect staircase for the steps challenge, and it's even at Bondi Beach in Austrailia! :)

    I wouldn't mind doing that for the step challenge!
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Just hit the 800 mark of steps. I should be done by Friday if not tomorrow. Walked at my break time at work to get extra miles in for our other teammates who are unable to fully participate due to "life" getting in the way.

    I must say Team 1 has so much teamwork where everyone pulls extra miles to help out the other teammates. No other team is like this one!! Very proud and honored to be on Team 1!!!

    We got this!!!

    Blessed to be part of this team!
    @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn I will try to do extra for you! I hope your ok.
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Sorry about the jury duty @junodog1 and @TamiJo1004. Doing your civic duty though! Way to get those stairs in and a nice view @junodog1!

    @celtikgirl 70 degrees sounds so dreamy right about now. Hope you got a nice walk in. It was cold and rainy here today. Blah.

    I packed my running clothes to get to the gym over lunch today but I didn't really have enough time. So I did some yoga and the first time through of the balance video in my office (with a do not disturb sign firmly attached to the door). I also took a couple of loops around the building but my step count was pathetic today as I didn't run or walk Stella - too rainy. Stella went to day care so she was properly worn out. I did another 60 minutes of power yoga - total body workout - tonight. My core is feeling it!

    25% of stairs done, 50% of balance videos, and 40% (2/5) days under calories so far. Given that we are 29% of the way through the week, seems mostly on track. Those stairs though...


    I am not a fan of the stairs! I love this pic!
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Wouldn't be great teamwork if I did the Dance videos for @ka97 and she did my stairs??? Lol! J/k
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    edited February 2017
    Balancing video done 2 times.
    Mon 480 steps
    Tues 480 steps
    Wed 480 steps
    Total 1440 steps
    Challenge 1 & 2 completed
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Stairs done!
    Balance video for second round planned for tomorrow.
    52 mins. I will catch up. Now I just want to catch up on sleep.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    164 stairs to go. That'll be done with tomorrow's car parking.

    Eating under calories - day three done.

    I logged my miles as 90, but I may get a few more in tonight before bedtime. I'll update the spreadsheet if I do that. I really want that 100 today, but I have chores to do first and work email to catch up on since I am out of the office.

    @TamiJo1004 So your jury duty brings you food but makes you sit in a wooden chair all day? Dang. I'll take our padded chairs and pack my own lunch. Hopefully we'll have closing arguments tomorrow and be able to finish deliberations. No one wants to come back on Friday.

    @katharmonic - Two walks with Stella. Sounds positive. Or should I say pawsative? :)

    @mts7471 - You've done all the challenges you can so far! Excellent!

    @Vowder - 20 minutes? Wow! You're a beast. I have been disappointed in how quickly stairs go. I'm not getting nearly the miles I expected out of that task.
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    @katharmonic - congrats on reaching your goal! That is wonderful.

    @TamiJo1004 - I am in for getting 700 minutes this week. I love the challenge. Great job on already getting your stairs done! YES!

    @mamaelf2008 - I am sorry to hear that your dog is not doing well. I am definitely sending you two positive energy. It is really neat that another team member, @gsxrgirl61 has experienced this before and can provide a possible solution. I love the pic of your beautiful Loki. I am sorry you lost him, but glad you got another year and half with him. ( that I have caught up with all the posts, I see that mamaelf's pup is doing better.....good)

    @junodog1 - I love the picture of you on top of the building! Very nice.

    @mts7471 - WOW! Nice job with completing two of the challenges.

    I am about 50% done with the stairs, on day 3 with staying under calories, and haven't started the balance video, yet. So......I should get going on that now instead of sitting on the couch. :D


    Hahaha so funny
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Snow and ice yesterday, but just a few inches. 50 degrees outside today. Tomorrow - over a foot of snow and potential blizzard conditions. Love New England!

    Yesterday ended up being a rest day because of the icy conditions. Today was lifting and kickboxing. I don't really have a plan this week - just figuring it out one day at a time because of the lovely weather. I'm hoping that there will be a window for a short run before the snow hits tomorrow, but will just have to see how it looks in the morning. Either way I'll do the second round of balance, and probably throw in some additional core work. And shoveling. Eventually, once the storm is over, we will have the plow guy come, but if the conditions aren't too bad I might go outside and do some shoveling for an extra calorie burn.

    My stair tally sticky note is on my desk at work, but I think I'm at about 850; it could probably be more but I don't always remember to tally. Maybe I'll just run up and down the stairs a bunch tomorrow.