Sandy's OMAD Journal



  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Thank you all so very much, you're too kind.

    @shans34, I can't remember how much you'd lost in your before/during photo, but I can see a huge difference! Keep it up, mama :)
  • mikseyniha
    mikseyniha Posts: 442 Member
    Wow Sandy! Congratulations! Your results are astonishing! Keep it up :smiley:
  • OmadRyback
    OmadRyback Posts: 45 Member
    Extremely excited to see your awesome results! Your journey is very inspiring! Remarkable!
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Thank you both, much appreciated! I will definitely keep it up :-)
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I forgot to take a picture of my meal because I was about to gnaw off my own arm and made one thing first then the other. lol Anyway, I made a huge breakfast bowl with the eggs, bacon, potato, and cheese and a nice bowl of blended frozen blueberries and bananas and added chia seeds and walnuts. Nutritional info, below :-)5qankul9fb21.png
  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    Awesome pictures - I love how much more happy you look in the after shots!

    And your meal titles are so cool.... :)
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Aww, thank you. Feeling better makes me smile! Lol, I wanted my meal to look fun and different.
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited June 2017
    Woo to the Hoo!!!!! So long, 3.8 pounds!! I'm so happy I can hardly stand it, only a bit over 3 pounds to go to get out of this dreaded obese category and just a bit over 4 to go until the halfway point. :-) I even made a nice new chart to celebrate! *** I need to correct my chart as MFP has me at -41.2 and I've cheated myself somewhere, lol.
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    wsandy8512 wrote: »
    Woo to the Hoo!!!!! So long, 3.8 pounds!! I'm so happy I can hardly stand it, only a bit over 3 pounds to go to get out of this dreaded obese category and just a bit over 4 to go until the halfway point. :-) I even made a nice new chart to celebrate!

  • mikseyniha
    mikseyniha Posts: 442 Member
    Amazed at your weight losses! Congratulations :smiley:
  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
    Sandy you are progressing at a great pace. We have the same weight goal and are the same height. I look forward to both of us reaching our goal.
  • HestiaMoon1
    HestiaMoon1 Posts: 278 Member
    There's so much good news in here! Your loss is really evident in the photos. Great job. Your food looks amazing. So inspiring. Congratulations!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Amazing, Sandy.
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Thanks so much, each and every one of you, for your support! It means the world to me. :-)

    @tlblanksfit, me too! :-)
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited June 2017
    Today's super awesome meal--yes, even though some of my pepperoni got a little burnt around the edges. Nutritional Info pictured as well, even though veggies are in own category, they were all put on the pizzas :-)

  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I'm sooo happy for you :):):)
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Thank you, Brenda :-)
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    No meal picture today, my phone was dead after we spent 6 hours in the heat and humidity on the golf course. Anyway, it turned into a somewhat splurge day, but nothing massive. I am fine if I am prepared ahead of time to miss my meal time, but not unplanned ones like today. I killed off two slim Jim's and all but two pieces of some teriyaki beef jerky. Then, rather than go on a rampage and bite the heads off of innocent victims, both my husband and I were about ready to gnaw off our own arms so we ate at the clubhouse. I had a cheeseburger, fries and a coke. It gave me the feeling of being a tick about to explode. We came home and jumped in the pool and all is good. :-)

    I usually do not go with my husband on Saturday's and it was so busy today that they teamed him up with three other golfers. I will never go on the weekend again. I only rode because I know many people golf on Saturday's and I'm a beginning golfer, it gets old telling people or people asking if they can go ahead of you. lol

    Looking forward to a nice, regular, OMAD-Y day tomorrow :-)
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I don't golf so I just go along for the ride sometimes :p
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I suck, but I sure have fun when I do go out and try. :)