How are you getting on with C25K?



  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Have you tried swimming to build up your lung capacity? Worked great in my late teens when my childhood asthma was hanging on.

    Despite growing up in Cali and spending most of my childhood in the pool or at the beach ... I really hate swimming. No idea why. I have a stationary bike at home and I should probably be cross-training on that on my off days, but I just haven't done it. I do OK with the inhaler though so I think it will probably go away over time. It's also been super pollen-y here because of all of the rain we got this year. I suspect I will have less trouble as spring passes. It doesn't help that I run in a place full of native plants (I suspect one of the natives to be the culprit based on the timing of my allergies).

    I have read (but not researched) that eating locally produced honey can help with hayfever.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Work have just asked me to take part in a colour fun run for the Irish Cancer Society, they are paying the registration fees, it's due to take last Sunday of June so I should theoretically be on Week 7 by that point, providing I don't need to go back and repeat any weeks. Feel like I have something to aim towards now, would be great if I can manage to jog the majority of it with a few walking intervals inbetween.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    That's where I'll be for my race too. I'm torn between trying to alternate 10-minute runs or just running the 28-minutes I'm supposed to for that week and looking at how I feel from there.

    The honey theory is based on immune therapy for allergies. You take a little bit of the allergen every day and gradually desensitize to it, which is why it is supposed to be local honey. I have tried it but since have been tested for common allergens and the only confirmed allergy is to mold (alternaria, which is an outdoor dry mold). I don't seem to be allergic to ragweed or the usual suspects that go into honey. I think it's Coyote Brush, which isn't tested for. The good thing is that CA natives only bloom for a short period. It's just prolonged this year because of the unusual weather.

    Ugh, still a little freaked about the 22-minute run today. I'll be happy to finally get past week 6 though.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I was meant to complete week 3 this weekend, but life quite literally took over and I only finished it this morning. Mind you, hopefully I can do week 4 on Wed/Fri/Sun. I went at a decent speed this morning, so will really have to slow myself down to cope with the 3 & 5 min runs on Wednesday.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Finished up Week 2 on Saturday, the week was a mixed bag found Day 1 quite easy, struggled Day 2 even slowing down a bit and then Day 3 was somewhere in the middle.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    Slowing down is really difficult but it really does help.

    I finally got through the last day of week 6 and then started on week 7 last night. It was slow, but it was fine.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Starting Week 3 tomorrow eeek, nervous but excited to try and keep up a 3 minute jog.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    You'll probably find it easier than you expect after the work you've put in so far.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    My thought process when running three mins was this: "Holy *kitten*, how much longer do I have to keep going? I want to stop. No, I can't. Keep going Rianne, you can do this! <*bong * Start walking> Oh, was that it? That wasn't too bad at all.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    My thought process when running three mins was this: "Holy *kitten*, how much longer do I have to keep going? I want to stop. No, I can't. Keep going Rianne, you can do this! <*bong * Start walking> Oh, was that it? That wasn't too bad at all.

    Hoping the singing will distract me, seemed to work for most of the 90 second intervals, I just pity any passers by :lol:
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    My biggest problem is probably boredom. Having a more customized playlist is helping, but it's a long time for a mind to wander.

    I play a game though where I don't look at my watch until I've reached certain landmarks. I know it takes me about 10 minutes to go around the lake, so I'll let myself look once I've made a circuit or whatever. That helps. Thinking about audiobooks, which I listen to while walking. I just seem to have a block about listening to them while running.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I did wk4 d1 today and I WAS FINE! So very pleased! The 5 mins did feel long, and I do feel that this is the point where I have to focus more on technique as it's challenging to keep that up to scratch when your main focus is on keeping going. But it's very doable! Covered 2.26 miles today, which means I have less than 1.4k to 5k. Very, very happy with today and already looking forward to Friday morning!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    edited May 2017
    @rianneonamission nice work. I did Week 3 Day 1 yesterday and it was far easier than I thought it was going to be, I was a bit nervous beforehand about the 3 minute intervals, but I managed them just fine, I even ran the last minute of the final walk, just for kicks and this was after forgetting my water bottle on a hot day, so I have determined I am far more capable of doing this than I gave myself credit for and need to stop worrying :smile:
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    My biggest problem is probably boredom. Having a more customized playlist is helping, but it's a long time for a mind to wander.

    I play a game though where I don't look at my watch until I've reached certain landmarks. I know it takes me about 10 minutes to go around the lake, so I'll let myself look once I've made a circuit or whatever. That helps. Thinking about audiobooks, which I listen to while walking. I just seem to have a block about listening to them while running.

    I was considering audiobooks for a while, I downloaded a couple from the library but I think I would find it more off-putting for running, quite often I use the tempo of the music to help with my speed.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    You are right about the being more capable than giving yourself credit for @tinkerbellang83, I was the same! The thing that makes wk4 the bigger challenge for me as it turns out is not the 5 min run, it's the shorter recovery times between runs. But even that will improve with time.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    I did podcasts last night, and it seemed to be more distracting. My speed was virtually the same (2.16 mi on Sunday, 2.13 yesterday), so I don't think the podcasts affect it much. I'm listening to Lore, and the podcasts are about 20 minutes long and on different subjects, so I don't have to keep track of a continuous story line. I was dubious about audio tracks working for running, but I think that they may actually help, as they were better at taking my mind off of the effort I was putting in. I'm not sure if I will do it for the race, but I will stick with it a bit for the training sessions.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    Welp, my Friday running partner fell through so I will be running on schedule tonight. This will be the last day of week 7. My race is Sunday and I'm still kind of at a loss as to how to proceed as I'll be heading into week 8 and 28 minute runs, because that would only put me at about 2.5 miles if I did the run as planned (and with an unknown amount of energy to complete the race). I'm thinking of trying to do a 15-minute interval, 3-minute walk, and then run the rest (in 15 minutes or less, ideally). Any thoughts?

    I'm also considering whether to use music or podcasts for the actual race. I feel like music would be more effective for a race, though I'm liking the podcasts for training.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    I hit the wrong entry in my app yesterday and ended up doing W8D1. It was fine though. I didn't have any trouble completing it and I did 2.49 miles during the 28 minutes. I ran fairly hard during the last bit, thinking it was going to be a minute, and then it was 4 minutes! But now I feel pretty confident for the race on Sunday. I'm just going to try to run the whole thing.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Well done for coping with a week ahead!

    I did wk4 day2 today. It felt a bit harder than Wednesday, but I imagine this was because I had a short night, went to the gym for the first time in over a week last night, and didn't eat as well as I should have late in the day. Never mind, at least I did it and feel good for it too.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    Week 4 is when I felt things escalated. I think it's the week when the run:walk ratio shifts to the running side. After the week was over though I felt pretty prepared for running more than walking to be the norm.

    I definitely feel it if I haven't eaten well before my run. I usually eat something really carby an hour or two before.