Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo The cake turned out great!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I agree the cake is fantastic! The other food looks good too but the cake steals the show! I bet the kids had a blast!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Thanks guys! Kids had an absolute blast. So much fun. Hopefully they will sleep well tonight after all the excitement
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Avidkeo I agree. The cake is amazing. Glad everyone had a good time.

    I weighed this morning and was pleasantly surprised that I was the exact same weight as yesterday morning. I really thought I would be up again, after having 3 pieces of pizza last night. I am up 1.8 pounds from last week, but still under 140, so I am happy, as promised. :wink:

    Not planning on doing much today. Clean house a little, take off the trash, and maybe play around with Spotify. If I get antsy, I may take a short run, but really think I am just going to have a rest weekend and take a much needed mental break.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2020
    1. Weigh foods
    2. Weigh and record weight daily, even if it's horrible
    3. Healthier choices
    4. Exercise as possible/practical
    5. start drinking once a week... LOL! Just teasing.
    6. Be more disciplined and don't eat because you are avoiding/happy about something or having a pity party or because it what you and Netflix do.
    7. Eat more veggies
    8. Water

    1. nope. still guessed at portions
    2. yes I weighed. still rising. I'll be up another 1-2 pounds this month
    3. not really healthier choices, The scale being up offered no motivation. I had a cheese sandwich with pepperoni, then binged on triscuits and swiss, then some chocolate 78%
    4. Walked with dh, he wasnt keen on walking very long. so half done
    5. Thought about it, but with what DH is going through I opted not to buy anything.
    6. failed
    7. no veggies
    8. drank 2 bottles of water.

    IDK I have stuff to make a veggie dish. I do not want on the scale today. I might go walk alone. Could also drink alone... ;)

    @RunsOnEspresso You have a better day than I?

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 I like that you are keeping track of how you do with your goals daily. Even if you aren't perfect, at least you are thinking about them and I think eventually, it will fall in to place. Hang in there. You are going through a lot right now. BTW, what is going on with your DH? I think I must have missed something.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 Yep. Good choice to not bring it into the house. Continued hugs and prayers for you and your family.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @avidkeo - that cake!!! Amazing! It all looks good!

    @elise4270 - agree with @quilteryoyo -- it is good to keep track of your goals even if you don't meet them. But be easy on yourself too! Tracking food is key for me. I still use my scale for certain foods. You said your DD might not move back home. I know you mentioned earlier you might try to get her to live at her college, is that what she's doing?

    I joined a Picky Bar challenge of some sort on Strava. So then after I met the mileage I "won" the right to purchase a pack of Picky Bar stuff at a discount. I decided to do it because I remember liking the bars before and I'm in a little rut with the same foods. OMG - there is this granola called PB&J All Day. It is so good! I added it to my smoothie because I had forgotten to soak the Steel Oats the night before. Then I snacked on it. It's almost too good - I could easily eat the entire bag. There are several bars that sound good and some oatmeals that also look good. I know granola is not a healthy food but this one does have a lot of good ingredients at least.

    DH and I went for a 41 mile ride today. He nearly bonked. We were stupid. He went out of aFib on Monday. He didn't exercise until yesterday when he did a 40 minute Peloton ride and then we set out today and it was hot and windy. The only smart thing we did was only go 41 instead of the 44 we planned on. (Head wind most of the way home). I was worried about him and wanted to just bike home alone and pick him up but he said he was okay. In addition, about 6 years ago he was in a bad car accident and had a back injury. It's been okay the past year after many treatments of all sorts. When he rode the Peloton yesterday he did a bunch of standing up riding and now his back is killing him. He hasn't done any core work since March when the gym closed. I told him (again) he should just do core work at home! (insert emoji for hard head here).

    And in the strangest news I was down to 146.5 today. WHAT!? I thought it was a mistake and got on again. Down 3 pounds in one night? I even lifted the scale to see if there was something under it which happened once and the weight was off. I mean, I'll take it, but find it odd. Indian tonight so I'm sure it will be up tomorrow and Monday. I am used to fluctuating 1-2 pounds but never 3 that I can remember. I know men can fluctuate that much or much more! I was up 2 the day before so if I ignore that it's just down 1.

    Seeing granddaughter tomorrow! We won't ride in the morning but I may run or ride Peloton, or lift.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2020
    DD is coming home tomorrow. I think she went to Dallas to visit the "Not a boyfriend, mom. Just friends". And was thinking about going back to California with him, but she tells me very little and with Alex trauma, I am trying to respect boundaries. Anyway, I am sure it was good for her to get out of town and do what ever nonsense she did down there. I cleaned her room and were going to have to revisit the NO pot rule. Which I'm willing to renegotiate to not smoking it in the house. I'll have to talk to DH, but I'm up for telling her she can smoke it on the back porch or down at the picnic table instead of hiding in her room stinking the place up. Smells like a den of skunks, ugh. nasty.

    DH is back to happy from his confession. Looks like we will be switching from one church to another (Catholic still) as he likes this priest better. Even gave him penance. what? what the heck did you do? but I guess that's like asking someone who they voted for. None of the other 2 ever did that.

    ETA DH wanted to take me clothes shopping because I don't have anything that fits. I said no way. I'm not buying bigger clothes, I will suffer until I can lose weight. He can buy me a new pan for my rice cooker that i dropped and dented and now wont float in the cooker like it should, burning my rice.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @ddmom0811 Yipee for winning the discounted bars/granola. It sounds good. Sorry your DH is having issues. Hope he gets better soon. AND, Yeah for the weight being down!

    @Elise4270 Glad DH is feeling better after his confession. I understand not clothes shopping. Pot does smell awful. I agree with you and would at least make sure she doesn't do it in the house. Curious. Is it legal in TX?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @ddmom0811 -our dh's can be SO hardheaded! I hope yours isn't overdoing it and feels better. I worry about mine because he doesn't move enough and I think it is affecting his mental sharpness.
    I also did a Picky Bar challenge on Strava a while ago and ended up buying a 'bundle' with the granola, an oatmeal I didn't care for and gave one packet to dd, and several bars. I also started eating the granola out of the package. I love the bars too and always forget about them. Did you the Moroccan Your World? It is my favorite. Honestly I haven't found any I don't like but like that one best. I think @elise4270 may have been the first person to tell me about them a long time ago.
    That's a nice weight drop! Hope it holds.

    @elise4270 - I am glad your DD is ok and coming back home. I am sure it was good for her to be with her friends and take a break but it is also good to be around you and dh for support and comfort. I think it is so good that dh is finding comfort in the church and with the priest he likes. Maybe he is feeling guilty about Alex and talking to the priest helps him know it wasn't his fault?
    I am totally with you on not wanting to buy bigger clothes. For me when things are tight it is more incentive and reminder to do better and no I don't need that chocolate or whatever I have my eye on.

    My weight has been slowly creeping back up just a little each time this week. I am still sore from my Thursday strength workout and then running 2 days in a row so I think it may just be inflammation. Sometimes when I run a lot or a long run I hurt all over (arms, chest, back, etc.), to the touch and I am sure it is inflammation. That is how I felt today after my run.
    I am trying to get as many runs in as I can before Wednesday as the weather is perfect and I know I won't be able to run for at least a month. By then it will probably be so hot, I won't want to run.

    We bbq'd chicken last night and dh used a dry rub I make. It has cayenne pepper in it and I put in very little when I made it the last time but dh put so much on the chicken it was almost too spicy to eat. He gets carried away with it and wants to really cover the chicken completely with the rub. I think next time I will leave the cayenne pepper out.
    Tonight we are getting Mexican takeout and tomorrow night we are grilling steaks with baked potatoes and broccoli.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    Sounds like a great weekend @shanaber . My weight was up this week too. Maybe there's something in the air. LOL

    The parents have posted on FB, so I can now let everyone know that my grand daughter had her triplets yesterday morning. Everyone is doing good. One boy, who was the first to be "born" and the biggest, and two girls. They already had two little boys ages 4 and 2. They said their lungs are a little underdeveloped, but they are all breathing on their own and doing good. :smiley:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo I think pot is legal in texas. We are in oklahoma and the medicinal stuff is here too. I think too many young people use it to cope and are doing themselves a disservice in learning coping skills, especially my DD who struggles with anxiety and depression. I worry about long term coping abilities. Congrats on the trippplets! Wholly cow! The first born is usually the largest to make room for the other one(s). Goodness they will be busy busy parents!

    @shanaber yes i participated in the Moroccan Your World testing. I did love it!

    I've been left alone again so I tentatively spent 1000 bucks. I learned that when you hide money, it's hard to remember how much you have and where it all is... Unless DH has a BF, I am going to meet a woman 90 minutes north for a used cello. I thought perhaps my shoulder would do better with it. uhdunknow, retail therapy. Better than being tempted with a +2000$ on new eh? She played it in the OU orchestra symphony and its 25 years old. Alex is/was (i guess) 25, she's played it since 8th grade- I'm feeling some good juju with it. From her FB profile, looks like she has 5 little ones, so... nice to help them with the "extra" income. Well, Dh must have spywear or esp... Did not take him a second to know what it cost, and is fine with it... maybe I can go back to hiding cash and get him to go halvesies. Good, I can get sushi out of it too, or Indian food.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    PB&J is my favorite granola. Don't order the drizzle though... 🤣

    I had Picky Bars trail mix fix oatmeal for breakfast with half a serving of drizzle today. Sooooooo good. I love their oatmeal.

    I may or may not be obsessed with Picky Bars.

    Weighed food. Ran. Stayed in calorie goal. Had a single serve brownie cup for dessert. They are gluten free but if you can find King Arthur brownie or chocolate chip cookie single serve cups I highly recommend! They are so good. And at 250 calories not a bad single size dessert.

    Run fail. I had finally gotten out of the house to hit up a trail (I'm super scared of rattlesnakes in summer) and it was full! I had to turn around almost in the road. I got home & couldn't bring myself to run in my neighborhood yet again.

    So, I've been careful about calories today. Doing pretty well. Even have room for my one drink for the week. Might have a klondike bar later and call it a day. That will put me around 1500-1600 calories which is about right for a rest day. My bmr is estimated to be around 1497-ish.

    Tomorrow I will try to remember to weigh in. And I'm thankful tomorrow will mean no more Father's Day commercials. Still hard.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    guys. This is serious. I think I may have developed binge eating disorder.

    I literally most days in a week binge eat without control. I will stand in the kitchen and eat till I feel sick. I hide my eating from my family. I will eat in the car, and intentionally stop the car away from the house to eat so I've finished before I get home. I think about food constantly. I've done a couple of online quizzes and they all say I score high for BED.

    This has come on since corona started, but got significantly worse once I got the injury. Reading up, I think it initially started from stress, and now it's to do with serotonin withdrawal - so far less serotonin released from running therefore I'm looking for the release that food - specifically sugar gives me.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this? Ive Read a lot and am trying some strategies such as distracting myself, planning meals. If I go another month without progress, I'll seek professional help. It feels ridiculous to jump to this, but I just feel completely out of control. My weight has ballooned by 3kg, or around 7lb on the last month, and today is a classic example where I just lost control and ate EVERYTHING for no apparent reason.

    So my distraction strategies include:
    Knitting/cross stitch/quilting - I have projects in progress that I need to pick up again.
    Reading - I miss Reading lol
    Gardening if the weather is good.

    But my BIG thing that will improve so so much about my life. I will be getting off my phone. Since covid I spend almost my entire waking moments on my phone. Literally. I have to put. My. Phone. Down.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo I think recognizing the issue is the first step. It sounds like you hae a good plan so far. I've forgotten what your injury is but could you do other exercise instead of running? I know it's not the same but could give you something to do.

    I've never gotten to the BED level. I've had binges in the past though and try to remind myself that they didn't help. That I actually felt worse after. My emotions still were there AND I felt like throwing up. One of my last binges I did throw up (not force myself but my stomach was like nope).

    I try to keep healthier choices in the house and less to none of the of my trigger foods.

    Sending you positive thoughts and love. You can and will get through this. 🖤
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 For some reason I thought you were in TX. I'm horrible with remembering names. Apparently, I'm also horrible at remembering locations too. :lol: I agree that learning coping skills would be better, but it's harder and we tend to want the easy way out. Yeah for the Cello. I bet it will be easier on the shoulder. I've always wanted to learn to play the harp, but I have heard you have to pluck the strings with your fingernails. Mine are so brittle, that would never work.

    @RunsOnEspresso Sounds like you are doing great. One day at a time.

    @Avidkeo I agree with @RunsOnEspresso . Recognition is the first step to healing. Hopefully, getting back to running will help also. You have great distraction strategies and a great plan. You can do this. We are here to help in anyway we can.

    Weight is a fickle thing. I have eaten over my calorie goal for the last 2 days and have actually lost over a pound. It was probably water weight, but still odd for me. All last week I did good and gained 2 pounds. Normal fluctuations, I suppose.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Down a pound today. Hopeful it's a trend but will keep moving forward with my plan.

    Today DH is off so not sure what all will happen. Plan is 3 miles + weights but might end up with only weights.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    edited June 2020
    @avidkeo - I'm so sorry you are going through this. I don't have any first hand experience with binging exactly like that but here are some rambling thoughts: Thinking about it, I did hide some food from my kids when they were growing up, but it wasn't because I was hiding that I was eating it, it was because I didn't want them to eat it and be unhealthy like I was. You are not vomiting it up, right?

    I think distraction will help and, as you said, you may need professional help if you can't get it under control. It is easy to eat while reading (expert here, lol), but all those activities involving your hands will help. When I used to cross stitch many years ago I remember that I didn't want to dirty the material so I wouldn't eat then.
    Some things that helped me, maybe one idea will help. You've probably heard them all before, but maybe one will click.
    1) tell yourself you can have it tomorrow, if you want it. Tomorrow you can eat whatever you want. Then tomorrow, say the same thing. If I could get through a few days of this I would start to feel better.
    2) get to the point of really being hungry. Many of us never actually feel hunger or we forgot what it is. Learn to enjoy the feeling of being really hungry. What does it feel like? Don't get to the point of passing out, lol.
    3) if you overeat, just let it go. This was the MOST important thing I ever learned at age 51. I was always a perfectionist dieter. When I FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY got to the point where if I overate, even in the morning, I didn't let it blow my day. Actually MFP helped me with that because I would log even the crap that I ate and click the button "done for day" and the message it gave about what I would weigh in 6 weeks was helpful. It helped me see that overeating one or two days wasn't the end of the world.
    4) don't stand and eat. Make yourself sit at the table. I need to do this again.
    5) I'm not a doctor of course, but it probably stress. Raising kids is amazing but it's hard! And then the binging increases your stress. Since I had to go on antidepressants during this time, and couldn't deal with everything in the US, I don't have advice for getting rid of it.
    6) do not do those diets with cheat days. I did that after South Beach and after the 7 day diet (or whatever it was called) and I guess on those days I was a binger. I know it might work for some people, but if you have a tendency to binge, just don't do it. I would buy a ton of crap the night before the "cheat day" - it was ridiculous. Then my cheat day would extend to 2 days, 3 days, and next thing I knew I was up 10 pounds. I know the cheat day was probably meant to be one meal or something, but I used it as a day of donuts, chocolate, high fat meals. I think what @bearly63 said a few days ago about when she does a lot of exercise, burning tons of calories, makes her eat like crap, was spot on.

    Phone addict here myself. It's awful. I need to put mine down too. When COVID started iPhone let me know I had spent an average of 8.5 hours on my phone in a week. WTAF?! How is that possible? I was teaching online at the time so some of it was using the app our school uses to respond to students, but still... not good. It's gone down but still too high. My friends tell me they are the same ever since COVID. I finally got to the point when on runs or exercise I will not look at phone! Unless I'm using FitBod or Peloton!