Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @avidkeo - I too have no direct experience and have never been much of a binge eater. I just ate too much all the time and all the wrong things...
    I definitely think stress is a big player though and between the kids, your new job, worrying about Covid and bringing it home and now not having running to relieve all that stress is like just piling on. Having distractions and plans are good but also finding something else you can do to manage the stress might really help too as you start to get back to running again. I think you already do yoga sometimes so maybe doing that a bit more often or swimming or cycling?

    Speaking of eating poorly... DH wanted Father's Day doughnuts so we went to his favorite place. OMG it was packed but he ordered online so we didn't have to wait in the huge line that went all the way around the building and up and around the street. I did have bits of several kinds so I could taste them all. About the equivalent of 1 doughnut. I am going to find a previously recorded Stretch and Roll class to take this afternoon and do some strength training, before we have steaks for dinner.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    I missed yesterday....and so much is happening!

    @Elise4270. Cool on the new toy! Whatever brings you some joy and peace right now is a great investment! Pot is not legal in TX. Medicinally it is for certain conditions - like serious conditions-. I know this because I partook for the first time in my life in Colorado - we got some gummies because I was curious....I went to a dispensary and told them what I was hoping to gain from pain relief, fun party feeling, chillaxed. I needed to sleep better and deal with my back pain. Got a CBD/indica mix and a indica/sativa mix. Still have some from a year ago. It made me sleepy to be honest. But I had to hide them in my car and not tell my husband to get them home...we had heard that they were pulling over cars entering TX from Colorado area.....I was nervous but all good. I am never going to run for office so I can tell you guys this. I will never be a smoker of anything :D

    @shanaber My husband likes his dry rubs and spice too.....I have to watch him with the salt as well.

    @quilteryoyo OMG triplets! Congrats....that is exciting and yet scares the living daylights out of me. I could barely handle 2 2 year apart!

    @ddmom0811 Scary about your DH. Glad he is ok! The granola sounds yummy. Excellent tips to @Avidkeo.

    @Avidkeo are going to be okay just based on your facing the issue and researching and not ignoring it. I was never full on binge eater (maybe a binge drinker in college tbh here and there) but am I definitely an emotional eater. I am sure I have undiagnosed depression which has gotten better the past few years but I still turn to food for help. Getting help is always wise....coping mechanisms will help now and in the future. I hope you can get back to your workouts, running etc. and we can all get past this pandemic stress.

    @RunsOnEspresso Your approach is great! I need to take some notes. How are the fires in AZ? One of my friends posted a very intense picture of the mountains and the flames.

    MCAT is over. Glad I took her - it was the worst heaviest rain and lightening that I ever drove in. Couldn't see the road....drove by brail. But she made it, finished it and said " it was ok but not sure I did as well as I needed to". I told her she could not have been anymore prepared!!! It is what it is....time to move on.

    Exercise: Rode yesterday, nothing today - resting the hip.

    Food: post ride burger. Dinner was a lovely cheese/crudite platter for me and DD accompanied by a glass of cab. idea.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I missed the triplets! Wow!! I can't even imagine, especially with 2 little ones already at home. I hope they have help nearby!
    @bearly63 - So glad the MCAT is over and I bet your DD is happy to have it behind her. When will she get her results?

    @elise4270 - did you get the cello? Is playing it different from the violin or are the basics the same?

    Hope all of our DHs have a wonderful Father's Day today!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Thank you guys, I knew this 2as a safe place to post. I talked to a GP friend last night about it. She said yeah it sounds like BED, approved my plan and reassured she wasn't worried about me because she knows I have the tools to figure it out. I have a journal to write in that I'll start keeping in me. I've planned my meals for today so all set.

    @ddmom0811 no not throwing up, intentionally or otherwise, but boy the temptation has been there!

    Some good news, I'm running again! Did 5k and completely fine. No niggles, altered sensations or anything so I feel like im finally completely back from injury! So another week of base runs to test out the leg, and I start marathon training again next week.

    @elise4270 I hope the cello helps! I'm toying with taking up an instrument... Always wanted to learn the violin myself, though a professional said I would find it hard due to my fingers, but if be great at piano haha. Thinking I might start learning to read sheet music, and we have a small electric keyboard, I can practice on that. Definitely a new challenge for me, I never learned how to read it as a kid.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @shanaber Yes. They have help nearby...both sets of grandparents and other family. But, knowing my granddaughter, she'll have to be desperate to ask for help. Especially since they won't want to bring any diseases into the house for a while. I certainly can't imagine doing it myself.

    @bearly63 Glad the MCAT is over and hope she did better than she thinks. Also glad you drove her. If she had to drive in that, she would have probably not done as well. I remember when I took the SAT for college there was a tornado warning going on the entire time. Nerves were on edge. It sure didn't help anything.

    I had my comfort food for lunch today. It was soo good....pinto beans, corn bread, mashed potatoes, and apple pie. Not worrying about calories today. Got to spend some time with dad, who isn't feeling the best lately. Glad we have a telemed call tomorrow.

    I am feeling so much better today than I was on Friday. Yesterday I did some house cleaning, took a stroll in the pasture field and played with Spotify. Today I watched my church on FB, visited my neighbor for about an hour, had lunch with mom & dad, took another stroll, and am playing on the computer. I have tuned out the news and not thought about what needs to be done for my cousin all weekend. This is just the break my brain needed. I think I'll be ready to get back to it tomorrow.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @bearly63 There's so many fires it's hard to keep track of them. One of the largest is up to 150,000 acres and 15% contained. We could use some rain. We watched Only The Brave the other night and I started crying. It's based on a fire a few years back where we lost 19 of 20 hot shots. An excellent movie but so devestating.

    My plan went out the window today. I was doing pretty well but then I started feeling cruddy and took a nap. I felt worse after & DH suggested Islands for dinner. Plowed through half an order of cheese fries and a burger. Also have a 32 oz mai thai. Probably not drinking that all night.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2020
    @Avidkeo Sorry to hear you are struggling with binge eating. I don't have any experience and could merely hazard a guess as how to manage. I'd visit more with professionals, maybe some blood work to rule out organic causes. Absolutely lean on us here. The only experience I can share was when I was on the steroids with that horrible case of poison ivy. I ate until i was uncomfortable and then ate more and more. Which seem to have set up a netflix/binge pattern.

    Food accountability
    1. Weigh foods
    2. Weigh and record weight daily, even if it's horrible
    3. Healthier choices
    4. Exercise as possible/practical
    5. start drinking once a week... LOL! Just teasing.
    6. Be more disciplined and don't eat because you are avoiding/happy about something or having a pity party or because it what you and Netflix do.
    7. Eat more veggies
    8. Water

    wins for today
    2. a late weigh, but did so
    3. sushi, a grilled caesar chicken wrap (tater chips, gyoza)
    7. eh, not too bad
    8. no water, does gatorade count?

    DD phoned me at 6AM, her car was hit while parked on the road in Dallas (surprised?not I). So we had to rescue her through the worst storm, passing the occasional storm spotter. Then from Dallas to OKC for the cello.

    I loved it then I regretted it. Now I am kinda back and forth. I love the violin... I got a bit down listening to others play and comparing myself... ugh...I know its slow to learn, but maybe you can't learn an instrument as an adult. I think I'm just tired. Beary and Beans had me up at 4. I think also right now, nothing seems important and I don't have the mental fortitude to do anything. Today was spent mastering "right" "left" traversing nearly 500 miles today. Brain seems a bit discombobulated. Tomorrow is a new day, there's a good chance I'll wake up too dumb to know better and chip away at a new piece on the violin and/or start research on the cello- I need to order a bow, beginner book and a finger-line sticky too. It sounds beautiful, dh loves it over the high pitch of the violin. The reality is; I am not a musical genius. I'm going to have to accept it someday. (but I still keep trying to will it true- I gotta be great at something, right?)

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I hope you get some rain that will help with the fires.

    @Avidkeo You absolutely can learn a new musical instrument as an adult. We're never too old to learn new things. I think you just have a lot going on and being discombobulated is normal. One minute at a time.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2020
    @shanaber Two more days til the PM. Are you excited, nervous, or just not thinking about it?

    A pick me up
    Today's MFP add is darn cute from; a rabbit on a leash , high quality canned pet foods, a wiener dog climbing up tiny stairs to get to his peoples bed, and a pet bassinet looking thing. Adds should be geared towards mental health rather than selling stuff. I was a bit gloom til i saw that and had a chuckle. I'm good at stuffing emotions down, just talking to Dh I wanna cry. It's just gonna be one of those days i guess.

    I ordered the cello stuff that I "needed". As I suspected, I was probably just tired yesterday and lost the will to do a thing. I'll chip at some violin technique exercises rather than trying learn a new piece I think. No promises though, the should is stupid angry again.

    coffee for now. I have a butternut squash dish to make if I get motivated. Alex loved a curry, might make one to sob into.

    @RunsOnEspresso We have had two days of torrential storms. I hope they move your way or spur new ones that conjure wet blessings your area. Hows sticking to the diet plan going? Since Alex passed, I get this Queen song in my head, Bohemian Rhapsody I think its from, "carry on carry on as if nothing ever matters". It does feel like nothing matters anymore... and I digress to weariness.

    carry on
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @elise4270 it went out the window yesterday. Today's a new day though and I packed myself a healthy breakfast and lunch for at work. I'll also get my walks in. Our rain usually comes from California. If it rains in LA we usually get it a day or two later.

    I'm really trying to learn Norwegian. It's a challenge because I learned Spanish in high school and college. It's Germanic based, not a love language.

    I'm also studying to take the FAA part 107 test so I can fly a drone and sell photos from it. If I only wanted to take photos for me I wouldn't need the test but because it becomes commercial I need a license.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - I'm sure nothing seem important now and it will take a while. But, enjoy the Cello anyway. I think you can learn music as an adult and it is good for our brains. I've decided my favorite curry is worth the extra miles to drive to for take away and it is as good as curry is in London.

    Weight up is up from yesterday but still 148 so if I can keep it as this being my high number I'm happy. Been super busy all day with scheduling and haven't ridden Pellie or run yet. Had planned on lifting but one shoulder is hurting so not going to do that today after all. I need to wake up earlier while working from home so I can get my exercise in early. I realized I'm anxious without it, wondering when I will fit it in.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all.

    Well got absolutely flat out at work. I did a project in the morning where I took xrays of all our led aprons to make sure there aren't any holes in them. We have so many aprons, it took around 4hrs to do between 4 of us! So tyring.

    Then I had a couple of angiography cases. I'm still getting comfortable with the machine so I am always nervous to do these cases. I left late, at around 515pm. I left my phone in my bag all day and really noticed how often I reached for it, and it wasn't there!

    Finally I was on call last night and had to go back to work at 645 and was there will just before midnight! Fortunately they didn't need me again all night and I had a good sleep. But a consequence of being so busy is I didn't think about food much at all, and easily stuck to calories lol.

    Today I don't have any projects on but will be finishing up some stuff from yesterday, and will do some work with my students.

    No exercise this morning. I'll try go for a walk after dinner, or just take an actual rest day. That will be nice. I intended on going swimming but realised I was still on call to 730am so while unlikely to be called out, I can't take the risk.

    Today's food is all planned. Work will still be busy. And my phone is staying in my bag again.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Avidkeo Congratulations!! You did great! I'll bet dragging all of those aprons around was a really good workout. They're heavy.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo Congratulations!! You did great! I'll bet dragging all of those aprons around was a really good workout. They're heavy.

    I was thinking the same thing about the aprons.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @Avidkeo Congratulations!! You did great! I'll bet dragging all of those aprons around was a really good workout. They're heavy.

    I was thinking the same thing about the aprons.

    Me too! If your arms are sore tomorrow or the day after, you will know why!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I think I've created a spoiled monster. Bear knocks at the door and just lays there when I open it, "come out". Nah bro, it's too dang hot...close door. keeps knocking; I throw beans and brisket out for him. Keeps knocking; I throw canned cat food down on a plate... Maybe he thinks this is drive-thru/ delivery?

    Anyway, I ate too much today. beans and brisket. mmmm.

    DD broke her toe. She was drunk. In Dallas. Good times, eh? Poor thing. We go to convenient care and they ask if she's Alexander. I mean, ya'll! Use your eyeballs! She sobs and I step in to explain who she is and who she isn't and that he's recently passed. The woman did apologize. Before, these mishaps were just annoying now I feel horrible that they were named so, (Alexis/Alexander), with the same birthdays. DD's cousin lost a friend yesterday to suicide. So horrible. Poor DD is trying to be there for her cousin. I know losing Alex has been hard on both of them, now to add more loss seems unusually cruel at this young age.

    One more thing to the list, contact pharmacies and docs to update records. *sigh*
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Haha guys! We used trolleys and I had some nice young students to help! But yeah you are right, they are heavy.

    Struggling a bit this evening. As I was walking to the car, the urge to eat kicked it. I could literally taste a snickers. I'm actually hungry as it's dinner time, but I think the car is a bit of a trigger, cause a lot of my binges happen when I'm driving.
    It's eased a bit now im home, and ab3to have dinner.

    Second trigger, DH is going out tonight so I'll be alone once the kids are in bed. I have some study to do, so that will keep my hands occupied, and I have some cross stitch on the go, and some chai tea at the ready.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I think I've created a spoiled monster. Bear knocks at the door and just lays there when I open it, "come out". Nah bro, it's too dang hot...close door. keeps knocking; I throw beans and brisket out for him. Keeps knocking; I throw canned cat food down on a plate... Maybe he thinks this is drive-thru/ delivery?

    Anyway, I ate too much today. beans and brisket. mmmm.

    DD broke her toe. She was drunk. In Dallas. Good times, eh? Poor thing. We go to convenient care and they ask if she's Alexander. I mean, ya'll! Use your eyeballs! She sobs and I step in to explain who she is and who she isn't and that he's recently passed. The woman did apologize. Before, these mishaps were just annoying now I feel horrible that they were named so, (Alexis/Alexander), with the same birthdays. DD's cousin lost a friend yesterday to suicide. So horrible. Poor DD is trying to be there for her cousin. I know losing Alex has been hard on both of them, now to add more loss seems unusually cruel at this young age.

    One more thing to the list, contact pharmacies and docs to update records. *sigh*

    Biggest hugs. That must have been really hard for her. Hope her toe heals fast.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @avidkeo - I never thought about the aprons needing to be checked for holes. That would be a lot of work to move them all around! Glad you were too busy to think about food too!
    @ddmom0811 - my weight seems to be doing that same bounce. It is staying under 150 but going up and down as much as 5 lbs.
    I love curry, have never tried to make it and have not found anyplace that is as good as the curry a friend used to make. I really need to just give it try at some point.
    @RunsOnEspresso - I would be afraid of crashing the drone and they are so expensive! One of the guys that comes to our Vizsla meetups has one and takes video of the group and all the pups playing. Some of the dogs will run up and down the beach after it like they would a bird. He gets great video of them!
    @elise4270 - I have no doubt you can learn the cello. Heck you taught yourself the violin and you were learning German. Maybe you should learn Norwegian now too and you and @RunsOnEspresso could try it out on each other!
    One of the newsletters I get always has a video or story that is 'good' news I think to offset so much of the news about politics and the virus. This is one of my favorites:
    What's not to love Tiny Goats and River Otters!

    I am nervous about Wednesday. I didn't feel like it was worrying me much but I haven't been able to get to sleep at night and that is a big stress sign for me (not being able to turn off my brain) so I am sure that is the reason. I'm looking forward to getting it over with and feeling better. I went for my last run for a while this morning but I am hoping I can start going for walks on Friday or Saturday.
    Headed off to agility class and forgot to post this... glad I didn't lose it!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @Elise4270 - which toe did she break? Hoping not her big toe! I have heard that one can be really rough to heal since you use it so much and it affects your balance, etc.. I'm sorry that the woman really wasn't paying attention and made it so bad for her.
    I hate that these young kids see no other way out. It just seems to be happening more and more. I feel so bad for them and for everyone they leave behind trying to deal with the loss.