Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber It is her big toe. I talked her into going just so she can wear a rx shoe. She said it helps so much. I love the otters! I try not to worry about upcoming procedure. As if that possible. I usually find the morning of surgeries to be a bit short tempered and border on wanting to be combative. So if that creeps up on you, might ask for meds.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ugh sorry for all the typos. I'm blaming the shoulder trying to navigate the laptop. DH bought DD a newer car. I think we'll try to surprise her by telling her we have to go to Dallas to pick up her car, and the carvana kiosk will be there and it'll be like car roulette, which one is hers... Although she may not wanna go... so idk how to surprise her. Delivery will be when I have surgery and idk if anything needs signed for the delivery. We'll come up with something. I can get her cousins involved in the deceitful surprise.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo Could you have a protein shake or water to sip while you drive? If you have a chocolate shake it could hit that sweet spot but be a healthier option until you can break the snicker craving. Here we have Premier Protein at Costco. They are 160 cals and 30g of protein. They aren't bad and can hit the I need something sweet.

    @shanaber I plan to practice in the backyard, low flying lol I don't want to invest in a drone unless I know I can pass the test since it'll probably cost me at least $600-1000 for the drone.

    Yesterday got a little crazy in the office so I didn't even get my walks in. I tried to not have something after dinner but I caved and had a Klondike bar. I was just under my rest day calories but was not very active at all.

    I got up today and was going to do 2 miles but I took Shadow so we did 1.15 miles. I can still reach my goal of 77 miles for June if I stick to my planned miles the rest of the month, Will also be doing weights at lunch today.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - That is so sweet surprising her with a new car! Maybe tell her you want to take her out to eat at a specific place in Dallas? Or shopping?
    Those Carvana kiosks fascinate me, they seem so fun!
    Fortunately I will be a zombie tomorrow morning before my procedure. I have to be there by 5:30 am so will need to be up right around 4 and this is many hours before I normally wake up. Add to not getting to have any coffee and it is really a good thing dh has to drive me there. I figure once I am checked in I can go back to sleep until the anesthesiologist comes. The good news though is because my appointment is so early I should be home according to the nurse, before noon! So, so glad I am going to the surgery center and not the hospital where I would have to spend at least one night.

    I am cleaning up a bit today around the house, putting things away I won't need for a while and finishing up laundry. We have a lady coming to clean on Thursday. Dh started fretting about it last night - having someone in the house because of the virus. She and her assistant will wear masks and she cleans for an elderly friend so I am not too worried. I did tell him we can go for a drive or something if he wants, depending on how I am feeling.

    Food - haven't eaten much this morning. Dh left me half a doughnut from his Father's Day doughnuts. I will probably have some yogurt but the last of the strawberries are tasting over ripe now. I really should have gone to the grocery store and gotten some fruit. I had the best nectarines from our last trip but ate them all already. Hoping the ones on my tree ripen soon and the critters don't get them all.
    Not sure what dinner will be, nothing too heavy for sure and I need to be done with it early and then nothing to eat until I get home tomorrow.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hey gang....hope your Tuesday is starting (or ending in a good way)...

    @Elise4270 Sorry about your daughter's toe, car and sadness. The new car will be a nice surprise. Learning the cello will stave of lots of can do it! Keep tracking your weight and list and all that and get some wins everyday.

    @avidkeo....staying busy is a great thing. As for the car, love @RunsOnEspresso 's idea to have something that is healthy and enjoyable to associate with the car. I do like those protein drinks or the Iconic ones, something a little like chocolate milk, not too high in sugar but some protein. Or just a good bubbly water.

    @RunsOnEspresso Wow....Norwegian would be hard. Very cool. We have Swedish friends and it sounds so interesting. And the drone thing is cool too. My niece is getting her license and is hoping to open her own little business. She is 16. Hope the runs come and clean out the fires.

    @shanaber Cute otters and goats! Thanks for sharing. I would be nervous too....just the dang unknown. It's like a walk in the park for the doctor and you are in ultimate health so an easy patient for him or her. Once its done its just getting better and better. Please keep us all posted once you are feeling up to it!

    @ddmom0811 Did you hurt your shoulder lifting? I have always struggled with shoulders....esp in yoga doing all those planks etc. I also find that if I put of exercise until later, it usually doesn't happen. Got to get it done before my day starts.

    The MCAT results will be out in about 2 weeks. She might retake if she can get a date before August. Thinks that just having testing experience in the new format might buy her a few more points. Unless of course she rocked it and gets a good score. Now she is researching and prepping for the "secondaries" - essays and questions that the individual med schools send out once they receive her application. More deep self introspection - her least favorite pastime :D

    Texas is Covid 19 central right now. Most cases in people under 50....lots of partying, graduations, weddings, protests, bars opening, and just plain old "I'm sick of this BS" is spreading it. Hospitals are filling up. DD went to a wedding of her HS friend ( Those TAMU girls do the "ring by spring" thing....not kidding- most of her good HS friends who went to TAMU are engaged or getting engaged. I'm sorry....too young IMHO. You gotta live a little). Anyway, just found out yesterday that one of the parent's friends all got Covid after. DD is worried but its been 10 days and she has no symptoms. She was pretty careful due to her MCAT. And now, her roomates' boyfriends are getting exposed so she is going to stay home instead of move back to her house for the last month of the lease. TBH, I was kinda looking forward to having my empty nest back for 4 weeks B)

    Food: Had a smoothie today - did the oatmeal thing to add some good fiber too. Yum. Dinner....some version of chicken

    Exercise: Today, I did a short restorative yoga class, a full body strength class and a core class all on the Pellie app. Just needed to chill and stretch. Hope to get a walk in today at some point.

    @shanaber Will be thinking positive healing thoughts for you tomorrow!!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited June 2020
    @RunsOnEspresso I love the idea of something in the car. I actually kept water there for a bit and that was good, might bring that back!

    @elise4270 the car idea is so cool, and ouch, big toes are not fun to break.

    @shanaber hugs, thinking of you.

    Went for a run this morning, 5k. Another beautiful cool morning. I'm the coordinator today, then am on call tonight. Busy busy. Food is all planned and prepared, and I'll take my drink bottle with me.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @shanaber Thanks for the video. So cute. I loved the part where mom was teaching the babies how to swim.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 Hope you find a nice way to surprise DD. Sorry to hear about her toe.

    @shanaber Will be thinking about you tomorrow. Glad you will be home by noon.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    DH thought DD could use the pick me up and told her about the car. It didn't go over well. She was having a grief filled moment. Then this evening she phones me from the cemetery and wants to know where Alex is... Why is there not a monument with cremains there, she sobs that he's with strangers at the funeral home. And I have to carefully diffuse an emotional child. I can see Alex rolling his eyes, thinking "shes always so dramatic". Anyway, the awesome funeral director can help us with details tomorrow. yay.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    DH thought DD could use the pick me up and told her about the car. It didn't go over well. She was having a grief filled moment. Then this evening she phones me from the cemetery and wants to know where Alex is... Why is there not a monument with cremains there, she sobs that he's with strangers at the funeral home. And I have to carefully diffuse an emotional child. I can see Alex rolling his eyes, thinking "shes always so dramatic". Anyway, the awesome funeral director can help us with details tomorrow. yay.

    Oh that's a hard situation to deal with. How is she doing now?
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I had a good food day. No cravings today woo hoo! So stuck to calories.

    On call again tonight, so will see how it goes. Hopefully I'll get appropriate calls that means I can go swimming... Will see.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 Hugs. I hope DD is doing better today and that you can get the monument up soon.

    YEAH @Avidkeo . You are doing great. I'm proud of you!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - oh my goodness, I'm so sorry about your DD. You need time to grieve, and at the same time you have to be strong for her. It's a lot. I love that you can see Alex rolling his eyes about her.

    @shanaber - thinking of you this morning. You are probably out by now and pumping strong!

    @bearly63 - hope the MCAT results are what she needs! I don't think I should call it my shoulder, now that I think of it, it is under my shoulder but not quite bicep. It feels better now. I think it could be that when we did road biking Saturday I was trying to be really careful about not leaning on my wrist with the numb fingers. They do feel slightly better but still a little numb. After we were ten miles out I remembered "oh, doc said don't go for long rides until this is healed". With all the AFib excitement the week prior I completely forgot I wasn't supposed to ride. I was waiting for DH to feel good enough to ride and forgot about me! We thought about turning around but I decided I would just not lean on it. But I must have done something weird.

    I get to watch granddaughter tomorrow! DIL went back to work 2 weeks ago and the daycare is very short staffed (I mean it's legal but not as good as it was). Long story. Anyway, the other grandparents live 10 mins away and watch her MWF. I volunteered for Thursday but can't do two days because I'm working for school. They are looking for another daycare but may just do this until the second baby comes. Although when school starts back up I won't be able to do it. I have such a sense of relief about not teaching next year and am enjoying writing little programs to help with schedule.

    On topic:
    weight up 1, down 3, up 2, down 1, up 2, down 1.. or something like that. It continues to be under 150 so that is what I want anyway. My abs are getting very defined! I'd take a pic but that seems too IG like. Quite ribby, but it's all fine.
    Food on track! did a 45 min endurance run w/Peloton app - SWEAT!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Yesterday ended up a decent day overall. Ended pretty much at goal (8 calories left LOL). I did a short walk/run with the dog in the morning, weights at lunch, paced the house on my 15-minute breaks, and did an Anatomy of Runners stretches/exercises. I've been trying to add some exercises to help improve running (Tues - Anatomy, Wed - Plyo, Thurs - Core, Fri - Stretch). I do about 15 minutes in the evening while watching TV.

    Today's plan: speedwork in the morning (done), 15-minute pacing x 2, and plyo this evening.

    @shanaber I hope all went well this morning!

    @Avidkeo I imagine being on call makes working out and planning food more difficult. I can't imagine!

    @Elise4270 Sending you and your family love. It has to be hard for DD and even harder for you trying to grieve and comfort her.

    @bearly63 *crosses fingers* for DD MCAT results!

    @ddmom0811 YAY for ABS!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I have lost track of my goals. I may be able to revisit them tomorrow, hoping today is back on track (somewhat).

    DD has an emergency work in with the doc. I don't know if its depression/grief/suicidal ideations, but she asked if she can go to a mental health facility after her doc appointment. Least she's asking for help.



    Carry on. Carry on.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso yes it makes it hard. How it works is I got to work 9 hrs after I get home from the last call out. So last night I got home at 2:25am so don't have to be at work till 11:25am. I always finish at 5pm no matter what. And am on call till 7:30am.

    On running days it's not so bad, I just go out 2 hrs before I'm due back at work. Today is a rest day, I had planned to go to the pools, but am honestly too tired and cannot be bothered. But it's raining and I'm not sure I want to walk. I need to do something though so I'll go swimming. I need the cross training. Once I'm out I'll be fine.

    Food, well I plan food, but generally don't end up eating till later because I'm too tired to eat at "breakfast". Broken sleep sux. Inevitably I get really hungry later in the day due to being tired. Being tired really messes with your appetite haha.

    Man that was long winded lol.

    @elise4270 I so glad she is asking for help. She is doing well to do that. It must be hard watching her go through this and not be able to do anything.

    I found out yesterday one of my students is going through a mental health cris3, enough she went to a Dr. I want to just give her a big hug and tell her it will all be OK, but I know that won't help cause I've been there. Your brain cannot stop with the what if. Anxiety really is a *kitten*.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - glad she is asking for help too. Just get comfort food on the way home. My heart aches for you.

    @shanaber - hope you are feeling good and it went well.

    @avidkeo - yes being tired definitely messes with appetite!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 I am so glad that your DD knows that she needs help. I hope she gets to stay at the facility. I would think if the doctor said she needed to, she can. Big hugs to you. Sounds like a really rough day.

    @Avidkeo I can see how your schedule, or lack thereof, would make it difficult to eat/sleep and sleep is VERY important.

    Yeah at being under your calorie goal @RunsOnEspresso .

    I've had a very active day. I did an easy 3 mile run, walked one mile, and then mowed my lawn. Total time being active was almost 3 hours and burned 961 calories. I've already eaten dinner and have 1300 calories left! I'll have to find some decent snacks...probably walnuts and cheese..maybe some Triscuits. I'll see what I feel like when I get hungry.