Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Just a quick check in - read through the posts.
    @elise4270 - honestly I have been worrying about your dd, especially when she went to Dallas to see her friends. I hope she is ok and so glad she asked for help.
    Nothing planned yet but I will have some time to think about it (see below)

    Pacemaker is done (Yay). It was scheduled for early (OMG so early) this morning but I was home by around 1:30pm. Stopped by Starbucks for a coffee on the way home (decaf but still so good) then ate as soon as I got home. I had a really terrible headache from not eating and have been pretty out of it from the anesthesia but I didn't get sick the time (yay!). It is also way more painful than I expected. My entire shoulder hurts but I am hoping it will be mostly gone tomorrow. I can't take anything with codeine or derivatives so it is plain Tylenol for a day or two.
    Can't do anything and cannot raise my arm for the next 14 days and no shower for the next 5. No running, no lifting for 4 weeks after that. I can walk though so will be getting out for walks in July. Not sure what to do about my hair. Had to ask dh to help put it up in a ponytail and we ended up laughing hysterically. I may just take to wearing a hat for a few days.
    They also set the low HR to 60 and it feels like my heart is beating so fast. If it continues to feel so strange I will call and see if he can lower it to 45 or so - closer to what I am used to for 'active rest'. If I read the info correctly I think he can make changes to the program remotely. I am wondering if there is a way I can get the HR information on an app or my phone for Strava instead of wearing a HR monitor. Not even sure I can still wear a HR monitor.

    Glad you are all done! I hope it starts feeling more normal soon. Yeah 60 seems high for someone who is active but is a "normal HR so who knows.

    Should be able to wear a wrist based HRM, they detect bloodflow rather than electrical rhythms don't they? Actually I have no idea, I assumed that as they use optics. Going to have to google now! I know how pulse ox works now after a YouTuber I follow did a video on it! Fascinating!

    I had a mixed day today. Food wise I'm OK, I think. Either just on or just over calories - suspecting just over. But that's ok. I physically stopped myself at the start of a binge, and managed to talk myself out of another at the end of the day. So success? Unsure.

    The water bottle in the car definitely helped! I went to my Inlaws after work, a longer drive than just going home, and a usual trigger when I would stop for an icecream or something. I just drank that water, and kept driving. Thanks for that suggestion. I'm now in bed having a cup of chai, instead of the slice of cake my brain keeps telling me it's OK to have, despite having fish and chips for dinner.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber. Glad it went well, except for pain! Yay walking is good! Hope you are used to the faster HR this morning. You reminded me of when I got a call at work from DH asking me to explain how to do braids. My demanding DD was 3 and demanding braids. Maybe dry shampoo? They seem to be popular now.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all: Lots to catch up on....I'll check back in after my walk - need to beat the heat, rain and Covid People! @shanaber glad you are up and about and feeling .....even pain....ok. I just check my HR via the apple watch. I am at 61. Is that bad? yikes! I think I am pretty fit. Anyway, I am sure there is a wrist based HRM. I use a scosche HRM on my upper arm for the Peloton. It connects via blue tooth. Wonder if they have an app on your phone for monitoring. It exactly matches the Apple Watch number at all times so its pretty accurate.

    I'll check back soon <3
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber No shower for 5 days? Wow. Dry shampoo might work. For me it seems to only be good for half a day but I have really greasy hair. Glad everything went well. I would guess 60 is just where they start most people at. I thought they can adjust remotely for all the new PM.

    @Avidkeo Great job resisting the urge to binge. You are doing great.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @shanaber Glad everything went well and hope the pain is less this morning. Not raising your arm above your head for a while is the hardest thing to do. Glad you have DH there to help and laugh with you. I am intrigued that you can tell that your HR is higher. I don't think I can feel that sensation. I know when I have an occasional palpitation, but not when the HR increases. Glad you are able to get out and walk for exercise.

    @Avidkeo Yeah for being able to talk yourself out of a binge. You are doing great!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all! Walk was nice....still listenting to this dang book that is depressing as heck....but I feel like I need to finish! And I did the zig zag today trying to avoid heavy breathers....

    @Elise4270 So sorry your daughter is struggling....and its great that she is getting help. Y'all are in my thoughts!

    @RunsOnEspresso That Anatomy thing sounds it a book?

    @Avidkeo You are doing great with the planning....I need to do this too! Agree about being tired. I tend to want to eat for the comfort.

    @quilteryoyo An amazing active day....great job!

    @ddmom0811 Fun that you get to watch your grandbaby! Enjoy. I am with you on the yoyo weight....but if I just stick to the trend, I am fine with it. I am hovering between 137 and 140. Pinpointing the ups and downs and causes is hard....

    @shanaber Hopefully your recovery will go by swiftly. They make some great dry shampoo these days....Ulta has some good brands. It will at least make you feel better. I have hair that needs to be washed at least daily. Baseball caps are my go to when I cannot. Hope the pain dissipates quickly and you can sleep and get back to a schedule.


    I just spent 4 months of my life locked down. But my fellow Texans decided it was too long and they were done with masks, not having barge parties, packed weddings, grad parties, very packed protests (support the message not the spreading of the virus), going to bars, etc. We are worse off than we have ever been and the health care workers will take the brunt of this. We are now basically banned from visiting our son in NYC. I wonder if our driving trip to CO to hike in August will be cancelled because we are from TX? It really wasn't that hard to just do the right things.....

    It's time to learn a new skill....coding? Making a website? HTML? Piano? Cello? Harmonica? Vegeterian cooking? It's going to be a really long winter :s

    OK....verbal tantrum is over!

    Exercise: Walked 4 miles today....fresh air and some vitamin D was good! Maybe saved a few F-bombs from my rant above. Tomorrow a bike ride. Gotta find time to do some core, stretching, etc too

    Food: Fish and broccoli last night. Chicken Caesar salad tonight.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @bearly63 Yes, it's a book. There's a test to do to find your deficiencies with suggestions to help fix the problem areas. This is the link to Amazon:

    I've also pulled some exercises from this book:

    Our July campground is set to open 7/3 but I'm wondering if that will change or if California will say Arizonans can't come. More states are saying AZ residents need to quarantine if they travel there.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes and hair suggestions. I had a terrible night last night. My heart felt like it was racing all night and I couldn't sleep. Add to that the general discomfort and I was a mess this morning. Feeling a bit better after coffee and some Tylenol but I still feel shaky. I did call the doctor's office first thing but he is doing procedures today so they are going to try to fit me in tomorrow.
    I'm not too worried about washing my hair. It is curly and pretty dry. I typically only wash it once or twice a week and just rinse and condition the other days. The issue though is it is pretty long and a mess now after sleeping on it. I actually tried brushing it but I am not sure it helped much.

    @bearly63 - your rant is the same as mine. They are saying the spread in CA is related to people having large parties/gatherings at their homes and possibly from the protests but most of the protestors we saw had masks on. Our governor is now saying he will restrict funding to counties that don't enforce the requirements. I know they don't want to shut things down again.
    @RunsOnEspresso - I suspect Californians and Arizonians could go back and forth without quarantine - we all have the same rising cases. I have heard most campgrounds have decided not to open though depending on where they are.
    @avidkeo - my Apple Watch has the optical HRM and it is probably fine. It just never seemed to be as accurate as my Polar HRM strap so I have always used it when I run. Funny I trust it for everything else though. Also great job with the water in the car and walking yourself back from a binge and cake! Little steps like that will get things set right.
    @ddmom0811 - hope you are having fun with Ella today (or was that yesterday?)!

    @elise4270 - I hope you are having a better day today 💕
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber It's in the national forest near Kings & Sequoia Canyon. We had one in the national park but they canceled it a few weeks ago. We made the second one to make sure we had a campground. I am not one for those first-come places. That would give me way too much anxiety. This was supposed to be the second half of our vacation last year. You know, the one where I broke my leg on day one. HAH

    I hope you can get into the doctor and get your PM worked out. Not sleeping certainly doesn't help.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2020
    Thanks all. DD was admitted, we don't know how long she'll be staying yet. Her dad may have to retrieve her since I have surgery soon. We just got back from Dallas, picking up her newer car... I have reservations. It looks nice on the outside but ugh, the light interior and accumulation of grime in places... ugh. I plan on cleaning it a bit more. A tail light was out so we stopped to get a new one and noticed that the little grommets that hold the soft paneling in the trunk were gone. So looks like it's been replace already and already burned out. The car failed Texas inspection and I cant find why, they replaced the battery then it passed so they say... I have a code reader I'll plug in to see what hidden codes there are. We have 7 days to decide. It's otherwise nice. Came from Florida...beach sand included.

    @shanaber Good luck with the hair. I can't skip washing mine, I feel so gross. But these hormone pellets are causing me to break out and feel like a teenage boy. So greasy. Why did I do that again? Worst case I suppose a hair salon can give you a wash, usually 10 bucks here (as allowed by regional covid restrictions).

    I did okay today. Yesterday I had nothing until 10pm. Luckily DH fixed tortellini, otherwise, I was just to tired to care. Today was a panera tuna. I can't believe I haven't had one there before. Was very good, but I was probs hungry. DH got a 4 pack of cherry/cherry cheese Brittany's. OMG... Swore I wouldn't eat them! Maybe I can tell myself to save one for coffee tomorrow so I don't eat 2 more. So good. Never ever get them.

    @bearly63 I skimmed a bit, you should definitely take up the cello! LOL! My violin teacher is arranging to have a school provided cello so I don't have to lug this one around. Wonderful!, cuz crutches + cello = disaster! AKA injury.

    I have been so busy that today felt normal until I told DH "ya know that building we thought might be a schlotzskys? its a dairy queen". He was excited, "ohh BLIZZARDS!". I choked up, awww me and the kids did blizzards. It was a thing... No blizzards for me ever again now.. Oh I can't believe I can't ever have a blizzard with Alex again....Alex says "well, f...k". LOL! Yea boi... WF. and back to figuring the headstone thing out without spending 4500$. DH doesn't care, said get what I want. I want none of 'em. pthhht. BTW, I am incorporating Alex's "well F..." in to my tattoo design.

    carry on carry on...
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - Sad about the blizzards. Nice that you know just what Alex would say.

    @bearly63 - Hope your vacation isn't ruined. FL is just as bad and we are worried that Disney won't be able to open. I never go, but DIL works for marketing there and they have been making plans to reopen. She said Disney Land is delaying opening and DW probably will have to now too. Why would someone travel to FL to go to the parks when the media talks about us being a hot spot?

    Watching Ella was fun. No time to exercise today because in addition to watching Ella I needed to get some hours in. Decided to call it quits on the work tonight.

    Food - normal breakfast and lunch but decided to get take away pizza because I wouldn't have time to cook. Was just so so. DS gave me a huge brownie which I hate most of after the pizza.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @ddmom0811 Glad you had fun with Ella.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey guys. Have skimmed. Been busy today. Ate over calories but was mostly intentional rather than binge related.

    My day: up at around 8am, helped get the kids up and out the door, and went out myself and did a 6k run along the coastal walkway. I now realise the walkway is a lot more undulating than I thought because it irritated my right leg. I've been brilliant for a week, and it didn't hurt during the run, but I noticed it after, it was only a very very mild niggle, like a 1 on the pain score, but so demoralising. I was so surprised that it hurt, I had to compare the elevation to that track, to my home track
    Home path, yes a gradual incline for the first km but fairly flat really.

    Today's 6k, no idea why garmin has swapped the colours. Definitely more undulations sigh

    Then I did something completely crazy and bought myself a new toy! A Nintendo Switch. Now oldest DD is 6 I thought it was a good time to introduce her to gaming. So I scoured the shops and found the last console in town I think haha.

    Got home about 11am, set up the game, and DH took me out for lunch, very sweet. So had a lovely lunch out, a Thai fusion that ill have left overs for lunch tomorrow.

    Then home, and played a couple of rounds of Mario Kart! So much fun.

    Then DH was going to cook a light dinner, and decided to get pizza instead. And I had a bit of left over slices and cookies. So I gave up counting calories today. Probably 1000 over, but not worried. I only had 2 slices of pizza because I was so full. So yeah had more calories than I intended, but not really a binge. A half a binge.

    I'm so so happy with the switch. Makes my day seeing my kids playing together like this
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Avidkeo Sounds like you had a great day. Congratulations on the Nintendo. You're kids are so cute.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @avidkeo - What a great day! No binging and kid time! I love it when I eat less pizza or whatever it is because I realize I'm satisfied. I had 4 slices last night, but this was a very thin crust and not much cheese on it.

    I was down 2 today in the roller coaster of weight. :)
    Busy today with work but going to lift while this very slow scheduling program is running. And may ride Pellie at lunch time. It is supposed to be really hot today and this weekend. So DH and I either need to get up early to ride or cut it short tomorrow.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @shanaber I’m glad to hear the pacemaker went normally and hope they get it sorted for you soon! My resting hr is 48 so 60 would feel a little crazy to me too, sleeping with a fast heart rate always used to give me nightmares when I would have vasculitis flares. Hope you find a good hat!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - I think @rheddmobile's idea of getting the car detailed is a great one. Heck I liked having mine done and it was all just my dirt. It does make the car feel brand new.
    Maybe someday you will feel like having that blizzard because Alex loved them.
    Have you started working with the cello? How do you like it?

    @ddmom0811 - I think chasing around a toddler is plenty of exercise for a day! Disneyland is definitely delaying re-opening indefinitely. They are getting hit by all the unions too because the workers don't feel safe coming back and I don't blame them. I do feel bad though for people who have had reservations and plans to come and keep having to change them. Although I can't imagine anyone making vacation travel plans at this point.

    Great day @avidkeo!

    So yesterday we had a new housekeeper (friend of a friend) since our friend who has cleaned for us for almost 30 years has retired. She had stopped coming regularly before the virus and of course not at all since so I have been doing it myself and hate it. I never seem to be able to get it all done or to do it well. Triny cleaned things, windows for sure (inside and out), that haven't been cleaned in a very long time. It is so nice to have a clean house!
    While she was here I sat out in back and read and dh ran errands. It is so nice out and makes me want to be running or at least walking and since I can't it was nice to just sit outside.
    I am still feeling shaky but managed to sleep a bit last night. No word back from the doctor so I have a feeling they want me to just deal with this and get used to it. Maybe it is normal to feel this way 🤷🏻‍♀️
    I haven't been too hungry but we had Panera salads for dinner so I got in some protein and also had some powder with my coffee earlier in the day. I am fighting the squirrels over my nectarine tree and decided to pick some of the bigger ones before they are completely ripe (and before the squirrels take them). I may try one this morning to see if they are ok to eat that way.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2020
    @shanaber Can you have DH put chicken wire around the bottom of the nectarine tree? I noticed a park does that to keep them out of certain trees. Least, I assume that was what it was for. The PM rate may take some getting use to, I couldn't really know, but it seems like a reasonable adjustment. Glad you managed some sleep.

    Car and DD
    DH has appointment at 1pm for detailing, then we see the oldest boy do his Army swearing in, then maybe wrestle with the monument guy a bit (maybe tomorrow-today already seems busy), then to OKC 2.5 hours away to leave DD her car so she can drive home once released (which could be put off til tomorrow or sunday). I know having a person pick you up from an inpatient mental health facility would be more supportive to most, but she's touchy about her space, certain people and gets grumpy/mad/overwhelmed easily. She phoned today and I asked again if that was acceptable.
    Seems she'll be leaving the day we need to get to Dallas. I have to make that trip the 29th for testing and again the 30th- night before hotel stay so I'm not driving 2 hours, trying not to be late the day of... I'm currently exhausted with Dallas/OKC trips. I think her having the time to drive and renegotiate her world outside the facility could be useful. But then I worry about the drive itself, construction and high speeds. I still fell like I should pick her up though.

    At that Panera Cherry Brittany. Wasn't as good as the cheese one yesterday... dang it.

    Waiting on the bow to arrive today. I got it tuned a bit ago, Beary knocked it over (in the case) trying to climb it and the strings unsprung. Little fart. I outsmarted him and leaned it so if he climbs it again, he won't not knock it over.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - great on your cleaner! I love mine! Best treat I gave myself after DD graduated 5 years ago. I remember discussing this with you in the other runner's forum at that time! I wish doctor would say something to you about it. Either this is normal, or lower it.

    @elise4270 - I don't know what to say on DD and her wanting to drive home herself. Maybe you could pick her up and promise to be silent the whole time. Awkward too I guess. We need a picture of you with cello when you get it ready!

    Weight down 2. I'm noticing a trend that my weight is down after a rest day, though I got in a ton of steps watching granddaughter.