Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Peeps:

    TGIF....these weeks are just dragging..... :#

    @Avidkeo fun times with the games! Your girls are adorable! Sorry about the niggles. I have them after every workout but I think its age....I just try to ignore it and it eventually goes away. Hey....congrats to NZ and Australia for getting the Women's World Cup! I want to go....became a soccer fan during the last one....and always said it would be fun to go and watch it. But who knows where we will be. The US could still be a mess and by then Russia will have invaded so I might be unavailable.

    @RunsOnEspresso Thanks for the book links - they look great! The camping sounds like a nice getaway.

    @ddmom0811 If I could lose a pound or 2 on rest days, that would be sweet. I do actually sometimes....I never really know when I will be up or down regardless of exercise or food.

    @shanaber I am just sitting here and my hrm on the apple says 59. I assume that is my resting HR. I hope they get ya figured out. I need to get a housecleaner.....I do it but really not with a level of joy. I'd rather do something else lol!

    @Elise4270 Car sounds like it has potential with a little TLC. And Daughter is getting help which is great. I am sorry that you will give up Blizzards....find another treat. The headstone and all that will sort itself out. no rush! Cello.....piano.....spoons.....hmmms. So many choices.

    food: Ate a lot after my long ride today. No idea about calories. Meeting friends at their house for tacos....

    Exercise: Rode for almost 3 hours today....did the last "tour" challenge before the final one on Sunday. I hit the wall at about 30 min out and just rode. I got some new cycling shoes that are much more much energy transfer has to happen from the legs to the feet - these really seem to be better.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful weekend.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @bearly63 yeah it's pretty awesome! Looking forward to some games I hope.

    @elise4270 I think you are doing the right thing, as hard as it is. She may change her mind and want you to drive, and listening to her desires shoukd hopefully help her confidence? Hugs. And don't feel you have to rush on anything.

    I decided to rest this morning. Was awake at 530 am cause thats a fairly typical waking time for me, so sat on the couch playing old-school metroid! I remember playing that as a kid! So much fun, but also frustrating haha.

    It's Saturday, and I'm working. And I actually wonder if it's new shoes causing issues. I bought a pair of sketchers but I don't think they are supportive enough. Standing in OR i can feel occasional, very low level shooting pains up my left shin - often a sign my poster tibial tendon isn't happy. So I think I'll have to donate these to someone and go back to old running shoes. I wonder if they helped irritate my calf. Sigh. So annoying.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @shanaber Sounds like a lovely day - reading on the back porch while someone else cleans your house. Hope you can get an answer about the HR soon.

    @Elise4270 Take your time to grieve the way you need to grieve. Can you talk to your DD's doctor's there and see if they feel it is okay for her to drive herself home or not.

    @ddmom0811 Yeah for weight trending downward.

    We moved the rest of the stuff out of my cousin's apartment today. I'm calling 4 hours of moving furniture as a good cross training day. LOL I also went over to see the assisted living facility I am pretty sure I am going to move him into. It looks really nice, except the rooms are a little small. Still, I think he will do well there. We just have to work on making sure he can pay for it in the long term. Food today has been so-so. I have the normal egg and cheese and 1 piece of toast for breakfast, a protein bar around 1:45 when we finished loading the trucks and cars, and then a ham and cheese sandwich and a banana after I got home and before unloading my car and one of the trucks. The other one will be unloaded probably tomorrow.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2020
    DD phoned again.
    She really would like for me to come get her, which does make me feel better. I can do that unless it is on surgery day, then her dad can. SO I have 3 days in a row now not going to OKC or Dallas. sweet.

    Found a nice guy to do it, he quoted us 100, inside and out. ???? huh? yaaa! I showed him my concerns, he took the seats out to get the sand out from between the console and front bucket seats. Ran out of help and time and didn't get it all done and charged 50... DH gave him 80. I'm super pleased. The seats could be a bit cleaner, but the interior is practically white (light grey) cloth. Maybe DD can pick out some nice seat covers. Cuz no way that's not getting gross. I will be returning with mien auto.

    thin crust pizza
    mmmmm... see MFP feed for thieving diet cat stealing ma 'za.

    Huzzah! I was ready to play games with this guy on cost and walk away. He came recommended and was told he can come down a good bit. Walking in I saw a nice mid size black headstone on a black base, showed DH... Waited for guy to come out like famished zombie cars salesman (didn't happen), respect bruddah ( @HonuNui -I'm owning the "bruddah" now, make it a mainland ode to Hawai'i). DH and I agreed on the piece. Guy was reasonable with the cost, about 300 more than internet price (before shipping) and cheaper on laser engraving photo by 200, would do cremains bore and a flower vase at cost-100 each. I'm down. YAY. It can take 5-6 months to get here and be set, but glad to have made a decision under 3K.

    bow is here... still on the porch @rheddmobile :wink: LOL!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Huzzah! I was ready to play games with this guy on cost and walk away. He came recommended and was told he can come down a good bit. Walking in I saw a nice mid size black headstone on a black base, showed DH... Waited for guy to come out like famished zombie cars salesman (didn't happen), respect bruddah ( @HonuNui -I'm owning the "bruddah" now, make it a mainland ode to Hawai'i). DH and I agreed on the piece. Guy was reasonable with the cost, about 300 more than internet price (before shipping) and cheaper on laser engraving photo by 200, would do cremains bore and a flower vase at cost-100 each. I'm down. YAY. It can take 5-6 months to get here and be set, but glad to have made a decision under 3K.

    Don't forget your "titas." (sisters)

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2020
    HonuNui wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Huzzah! I was ready to play games with this guy on cost and walk away. He came recommended and was told he can come down a good bit. Walking in I saw a nice mid size black headstone on a black base, showed DH... Waited for guy to come out like famished zombie cars salesman (didn't happen), respect bruddah ( @HonuNui -I'm owning the "bruddah" now, make it a mainland ode to Hawai'i). DH and I agreed on the piece. Guy was reasonable with the cost, about 300 more than internet price (before shipping) and cheaper on laser engraving photo by 200, would do cremains bore and a flower vase at cost-100 each. I'm down. YAY. It can take 5-6 months to get here and be set, but glad to have made a decision under 3K.

    Don't forget your "titas." (sisters)

    LOL! I won't now! I am assuming that is pronounced tee-taaas. Google can tell me but sometimes translate isn't accurate. Thanks Tita!

    ETA LOL Explanations of the variations is cracking me up. As if I needed a reason to love Hawaiian/Polynesian culture anymore! Could be my new language endeavor. My next life, I better be Polynesian!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Threatening to move down. This morning I am 4.1 pounds above the "do something" weight, 1.9 below the "this is serious" weight. DH hasn't changed his eating and isn't running and hes down 3 pounds today. WTH bruddah?

    MFP is being a real kitten.
    So many glitches. My app won't connect to the community, laptop only allows one edit of a post- I'm way horrible at re-reading and need at least 3 try's to convey my thought.

    oh I could make the veggie dish I never made.

    I have been so wrapped up in me, I don't know how anyone else is doing. Today's a good catch up day. Hope everyone is well. @shanaber The PM getting to be a normal thing I hope?
    @bearly63 I asked DH about the cannabis legality in Texas, I don't know why I thought it was the same as in OK. Here it's just 50-200$ after your doc approves you, which is just a visit saying "I need it for depression/anxiety/pain/monkeys do it" and boom, it's yours. I even saw a billboard the other day that you can do it all online, a virtual visit. I told DH perhaps we can sell our address to texans that want a pot card. hehe. A mile from me, there's a nice home with acreage that sold a few months back. It has at least 6 green houses on it now. Guess what they are growing?

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @bearly63 - if you look in the Health app on your phone there is a measurement for RHR. It gives you an an average per day, week, month or year. So for the year mine is 40, month is 42, week is now 52 and day is 60 because of the PM.
    @avidkeo - hope the shin pain is from your shoes because that is an easy fix! Glad you're having fun with the games. I was never much into them and have never played MarioKart.
    @quilteryoyo - moving all that furniture is a workout! I hope your cousin likes the new place. Honestly I don't think they need a lot of space unless he is just going to hang out in his room. Our friend had a large room and the extra space was wasted on her. She never used it, never tried to sit in the recliner there, just went to her room to sleep or watch TV from her bed. Otherwise she was out in the common area.
    @elise4270 - glad you got the monument squared away and that the guy was respectful and not terribly expensive. I really think that entire industry is based on going after people when they are at their lowest. On the other hand the monument itself requires a lot of work so the cost probably reflects that.
    When is your surgery? Next week? 2 weeks?
    I am going to have to look up titas now too just to see the explanations!

    Nectarine tree - it is a dwarf tree so not more than 6 feet or so and the branches are low. I think the squirrels can just reach up and grab the fruit. I did tie up some of the branches to make them less accessible and I spread coffee grounds to keep the squirrels away (not sure how long they will be affective though).

    Doctor's office called me to say what I was feeling probably wasn't from the PM (WTF?) and that he would see me at my scheduled appointment in 2 weeks. After chatting with dd I decided to go online and see what I could find. I joined a PM Support group, lol - seems there is a support group for everything these days. I posted my question and have gotten quite a few responses saying yep it feels like you have had more than one Starbucks venti coffees and that the EP (electrophysiologist) typically leaves the PM at the default settings (60/130) to begin with and they don't adjust it until your first visit. I guess that means I have to deal with this until I see him on the 10th but at least I know why I feel this way. I got up feeling like *kitten* this morning and wishing I had never had it put in. Logically I know I would be miserable long term w/o it and not being able to run or really do much of anything but right this moment I am wishing I had postponed it longer. Can't wait for Monday when I can finally shower!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    edited June 2020
    @ddmom0811 - when you make your energy bites do you add protein powder?

    @elise4270 - pot is legal to buy in CA, no doctor's order required. It is not legal to grow unless you have the business license to do so (they want the taxes). I have some homemade pot cookies a friend gave me that I have never tried. Maybe I should try one to help me sleep!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Elise4270 Hawaiian is finally on the Duolingo app. I've added it for after I master Norwegian 🤣

    @elise4270 @shanaber In AZ you can grow personal pot plants if you have the card & a certain height fence. Can't recall all the details. Our cards are about $200 and there's doctors that just do that. You are supposed to be able to prove a medical history of approved conditions. Celiac disease does not qualify but some of my symptoms if glutened would (depression, anxiety, migraines etc).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2020
    You do have to have a growers license here too, but you can grow it for individual use, I think it's 6 plants per person, unless you have a firearm carry permit; then you are not allowed to have, grow or get medical card. It made me sick so I don't anticipate ever using it. And I hear the new pot isn't like the mellow stuff that was around in the 70-80's. I'm in a place where any altering substance would be a bad idea. I don't know if I could moderate in this state.

    My surgery is the 1st, be there at 6am. Scheduled for 830. Overnight stay at hospital. I'm concerned what they'll say about me gaining 10-15pounds...

    DH sure likes DD's car... He is figuring out all the features, pairing his phone, driving it everywhere... LOL!

    Alex said it was "crap" and he'd fix it. okay notions from beyond. It does seem to be better as of yesterday. I found it less painful and feeling more mobile. But then I can reach overhead feeling like its straight up and find that it's only at 30 degrees, today its 45ish. I have been using the pulsing massager on it thinking it'd break up adhesion's and loosen the joint capsule. Still applying topical NSAID too without GI issues.

    got in some "practice" yesterday. Then practiced the violin for a bit too. fun fun fun...

    Saharan Dust Storm
    looks to be here, its overcast and a bit grainy. Hoping the added particulates in the air cause some precipitation.

    @RunsOnEspresso YA, I saw it on duolingo! I'll prob give it a go.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 Glad your weight is trending down. Yeah, it's so frustrating at how easy it seems for men to lose weight and how hard it is for us women. Glad your shoulder is feeling some better and that you are enjoying the cello.

    Thanks @shanaber . We're hoping to get everything done and have him moved by July 16. I'll be so glad when he's settled somewhere and things aren't so up in the air. I think he will be too. Sorry that the PM isn't feeling great at the moment, but glad you found that you weren't the only one feeling that way. Hopefully you will get used to it or they can change the settings and you'll feel a lot better.

    My weight was down a little from last week. I went out and ran 4.5 miles and walked 1.5 miles this morning. It was so humid out. My clothes were soaked with sweat. So, I decided to see what I weighed after the run....and after eating breakfast, 4 cups of coffee, and about a half a bottle of water. I was still 1.6 pounds lighter after the run. That's a lot of sweat y'all.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo Fantastic! I have weighed myself after a big sweat and seem to lose nothing! Hope you can find the right place for your cousin.

    @Elise4270 Yeah....Texas is still in the "Pot is the drug of the devil" category but it's ok to drink Tequila all night long. My DH partook in pot back in the day and says that yes....the new stuff is stronger. Not good. I could never smoke it anyway - cannot stand the idea of smoking anything. Edibles.....done carefully, they do make you sleepy. I am the life of the party sober so don't need it for that.
    -Glad your daughter wants you....that is a great sign IMHO. And sounds like the monument worked out too. Progress. And the car....maybe DH wants to keep it : )

    @Avidkeo It's amazing....when I wear flatter shoes, no support or flipflops, I feel it the next day in my knees, hips and lower back. I hope the answer is that simple! Glad to hear that your run felt good and weight is moving down!

    @shanaber So they are going to make you deal with the HR thing for 2 weeks? That's mean! That does seem like a big jump over the course of the year....I checked mine (thanks for the tip) I seem to run between 54-59. I think once you get it set the right way, it will be a total afterthought! And I can't blame you for wanting to shower :# As for edibles for sleep, they work.....the key is to eat a small amount. And it takes longer for it to enter your blood stream. A lot of people go to CO and have a piece of a brownie or something and don't feel anything and end up eating the whole thing....and end up in the hospital. Less is more. I am no expert....just tried the gummy thing for the first time last summer. The half cbd/half indica was perfect for making me drowsy and relaxed.

    The Sahara Dust Storm is fully on top of us here. It just looks gross I am living in a 1940s Black and White movie. Usually the hills are varying shades of brown and green, with blue skies. Yesterday and today, it's literally 50 shades of gray (no "pun" ishment intended ;) The sky is gray and hills are grayer.

    Exercise: Walked for an hour today....running would have been tough with the air.

    Food: I made pizza dough for my favorite "green and white" tonight- so good!!!! And then I made a new cookie that I could patent and sell and retire they are so good. Toll house cookie dough recipe but instead of chocolate chips, I stuffed them with dark chocolate thin Reeses Peanut Butter die for and no calories (Liar)

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Avidkeo Glad your leg and shin are holding up and you had a good run. Yeah on weight trending down too. It does help motivate one.

    @bearly63 Those cookies do look delicious. The Sahara Dust is here too, but not that bad. Just making for a hazy day.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - I have not added protein power to the energy bites. I use this recipe: I usually add some ground up almonds also. That is crazy that you have to wait that long. Ugh! Glad you found a support group too - that helps. But not as much as us!

    @bearly63 - yum!! Looks delicious.
    @elise4270 - glad you got monument figured out.

    Dust storm here too and wish we hadn’t ridden so far this morning. We didn’t realize it until we got home and saw news. I felt pretty strong today on the bike which I think is due to Peloton. Although there was no wind, so it could have been that!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @bearly63 - Did you break up the Reese's thins and then wrap the dough around the pieces? I am going to look for the Reese's Thins next week - I need to make those cookies!
    @Elise4270 - glad the shoulder is feeling a bit better!
    Thanks @ddmom0811 - I will check out the recipe. You all are definitely the best support group ever!

    No dust here and the weather is unseasonably cool. They are actually talking about rain possibly tomorrow and Monday morning. It makes me cranky because I want to be outside walking or running or... I am thinking tomorrow I may see if there are some lower body stretches that I can do that won't put any pressure/pulling on my upper body.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Tried to weigh myself today. Scale kept saying step off and set up and flashing low battery. Googled. Apparently after about 4 years when you change the batteries the Fitbit Aria will freak out. Mine is 5 years old and I changed batteries like a week or so ago.

    Did a little research and appears withings+ is highly rated & most recommended. It was about half the price of the Garmin so went ahead and ordered. Should be here tomorrow. I think a lot of you have the withings?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @shanaber Hope you can find something you can do to satisfy your need to exercise. Do be careful with the arm. You don't want them to have to go back in and redo it. Do you have the sling that wraps around your waist? Dad hated that thing, but it was the only way to keep him from doing things he shouldn't.

    @RunsOnEspresso Hope the new scale gets there soon and works out for you.

    I was down over a pound from yesterday. I know that won't last. It's probably from sweating so much running yesterday morning. And, today is the one day of the week I don't even try to count calories. It's just too hard when I eat at mom and dad's.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ugh the *kitten* blower add is back. WHY MFP? WHY?

    Emotionally horrible last few days. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself today. I have a audio book by the the Dalai Lama I could listen to and maybe go walk, while waiting for aliens or a giant meteor to strike, cuz 2020 ya kno...

    @RunsOnEspresso I have the Garmin scale. I like Garmin so I stuck with their products. The Withings scale seemed like a good choice. I just got brand picky... like Hellman's is the only mayo I buy... and Frenches the only mustard.... I don't eat ketchup but buy Heinz for DD. Pickles are exclusively Vlasic or Claussen.

    I ate everything yesterday and logged nothing. So the scale is back up and I am disappointed in myself.