Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    edited July 2020
    @Elise4270 - so glad things went better this go round! They didn't have to cut any bones or anything this time right? Just (yah 'just'... easy for me to say) turning/repositioning what they did previously? I hope you get a good night's sleep there. How long do you have to stay in the hospital?

    I went round and round again with the doctor's office today. Not going into the details but they offered me an 'early' appointment on the 8th instead of the 10th at his alternate office. When I asked about the PM tech they realized I would have to go to his main office for that. So back to just waiting until next Friday. Did talk to dd about it and she is sure he just sees me as a woman of a certain age having anxiety symptoms even though that is not what they are. She told me to tell them when I go in that I feel like *kitten* and it all started from the PM implantation and they need to fix it 😁

    Dd found and applied for a pediatrician position at the clinics she has been wanting to work at. She is trying not to get too excited but several people are coming forward to recommend her including one friend who is high up in the clinic organization. She is excited which makes me so happy but a bit nervous for her. She had to send her current patients a letter letting them know her last day is the 15th and their response has made her realize she really doesn't want to leave clinical medicine for admin or public health.

    I have done pretty well lately with food keeping my calories down to right about or under 1500 and hitting my macros. Hoping it will keep me from going way up in the next few weeks.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    The osteotomy was re-done. They remove first rod, cut femur, de-rotated it and cemented a rod in this time, and secured with screws.

    I had exparel yesterday, so I think that's why it wasn't so bad. I wonder if I can have more, haha! My knee is so swollen, I think more so this go around. The leg is starting to feel more pain.

    I am still at the hospital. Have to meet pt, show them I can crutches walk, doc shouldn't have and concerns letting me go after breakfast.

    @shanaber I hope your DD gets the job she wanted! I don't know that I could do kids. I struggle with feeling like I did any good with mine, hate to mess up anyone else's kid. Crap. I hate that there are issues with the pm and doc. Just because women can communicate feels better doesn't mean they are not real. Keep on them. Maybe ask for a referral elsewhere, get their attention. Make a list of concern and hand them to him. He has to add it to your file, so he has to examine the concert as legit until proven otherwise.

    Hospital breakfast, usually pretty good. Best part is I'll finally get a coffee. DH can't come visit today due to the virus.
    I anticipate Panera or schlotzsky's on the way home.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    edited July 2020
    Maybe I shouldn't, but @ddmom0811 I have to ask. What is Rie? I googled and can't find anything bad.

    @shanaber Fingers crossed that your daughter will get the job.

    @Elise4270 Glad it sounds like this surgery went better and you aren't in as much pain as the last time. Hopefully cementing it in will make the fix permanent this time. Had to laugh about the tattle tale bed. Hope you get to go home early today and get some rest.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Maybe I shouldn't, but @ddmom0811 I have to ask. What is Rie? I googled and can't find anything bad.

    @shanaber Fingers crossed that your daughter will get the job.

    @Elise4270 Glad it sounds like this surgery went better and you aren't in as much pain as the last time. Hopefully cementing it in will make the fix permanent this time. Had to laugh about the tattle tale bed. Hope you get to go home early today and get some rest.

    I think Rie Rie is similar to re re which is a shortened word for a derogatory term for mentally disabled.

    I remember as a kid hearing other kids call people re re as an insult.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    I don't understand why nutrition asks for food restrictions, then serves it to you... I ate the cream of wheat but skipping the not real egg with soy in it, skipping the bacon with nitrates, I don't drink milk (told 'em so yesterday) and passing on the biscuit because it's an empty carb and I had the cereal for a carb.

    Maybe I need to ask for a kosher tray or vegetarian, but then everything might be soy based.. I hate being wasteful. I might drink the oj, but I might be too picky cuz it's not my brand... Coffee was adequate though. Wonder if I can find a to-go box for my doggies. I made dh take the milk on yesterday's dinner for the fat diet cat that continues to gain.. maybe I could get a lap band for her.

    DH got Alex's phone yesterday from the police. He accidentally reset it trying to get in it, so I was able to restore some of it, but no pics. DD said they'd be d picks anyway.,. Boys! Lol! I like having a bit of him... Thought I might unfriend crazy from his FB account. Hehe.

    I did find out that she was fired for selling drugs outside the drive-thru window wherever she worked. I find that funny as hell, since her go fund me page sites she was exposed to covid and can't work. Dumb bunny.

    Also, I know that Alex knew he was depressed and fighting the bipolar down for a month or better, he knows to call 911. Knows to have a plan. And if crazy didn't have a gun laying around, he might have gotten help, and it might have helped. So, I'm blaming her a fraction for this. They fought, he picked up a gun instead of the phone.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @quilteryoyo - yes, I didn't know either. It's short for the R-word (retard). We have an assembly every couple years about not using the r-word. My middle name is Marie and I went by that, except everyone called me "Rie". In second grade I announced I would go by my first name (Sharon) and it took a while but it stuck. Now I think "Rie" is cute, but back then I guess I didn't like it.

    @shanaber - That's got to be tough for your DD. But I know the pay has been a problem. She will still be helping kids. How aggravating the doctor's office is. Glad your DD is giving good advice about it. Great on food!

    @elise4270 - hope you get out today and this does the trick to start getting you out of pain! Panera and your danish! What the heck kind of hospital food is that! Crazy is, well, crazy. I should think she would feel guilt for having the gun around knowing he was bipolar. Glad you got back phone.

    Shocker on the scale today - down to 146.5. I'm glad of course, but seems weird. Though, now that I think of it, DH has to curb his drinking to not go into AFib and I'm doing the same as a nice spouse. Also been working on this schedule late every night and its complicated so I can't drink and work on it. Another epiphany I had is it drops a lot after a rest day.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 Sorry the hospital nutritionists didn't listen to you about your diet restrictions. Glad you got Alex's phone back. Can't believe Crazy was selling drugs at the drive through...I can imagine going up to Wendy's and ordering a side of "coke."

    @ddmom0811 If you pronounced it "rye" rye" would that still be a no-no. But, I guess since it's short for Marie you wouldn't want to do that. Good that the scale was down today. Mine has been down this week too. Today I was at 135.4 (goal is 135). I don't know if that will stick or not. Now I'm getting concerned that I'm going to lose too much. That's never been something I thought I would ever worry about. LOL
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo I like where you are going with the rie rie... Maybe rie-a ? Ma- rie?

    @ddmom0811 My dd's middle name is Marie. I call her Maria. The ex vetoed Maria so I'm the only one that calls her Maria. He still calls her by her baby name Lexi. Alex was Xan. Then older was Jude. Heck go with rie rie if u want. I think it's fine, it's not intended to offend and it is your name. I love the name Marie.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    My middle name is also Marie. My grandparents always called me Maria and it drives me nuts.

    @elise4270 Did Alex back his photos up anywhere? I have mine automatically go to google photos and samsung.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    My middle name is also Marie. My grandparents always called me Maria and it drives me nuts.

    @elise4270 Did Alex back his photos up anywhere? I have mine automatically go to google photos and samsung.

    Aww Ava Maria!!!! I use to play the brooks and dunn song My Maria and sing it to her all the time. She was so embarrassed hahA!

    His photos weren't backed up. Which is fine. His phone was fairly new and the previous one stolen, so no back up.

    I put crazy on the FB block list. Fake block! Lol! Anyone else watch Arrested Development?

    Ohh the leg hip is painful! Daaaaannnnggggg.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @elise hospital food... when I was a newly diagnosed diabetic with a bg in the 250 range they served me pancakes with fake maple syrup and a side of white toast for breakfast. Which was their official “constant carb” breakfast for diabetics! Then they wondered why my glucose wasn’t dropping. I only stayed alive because my husband went down to the doctor’s cafeteria and brought normal food back, don’t know what I would do today with no visitors allowed. I hope you get out soon!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @rheddmobile I'm home now. That diabetic plate sounds so stupid from people who are supposed to be educated. Just nuts.

    Now I get to rely on DH for grub. And I haven't eaten since 8 this AM... It's 6pm... I guess today is a fast. We don't get along when I'm in pain, I'm grumpy... Well... An a hole probably. A grumpy a hole.

  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    I'll do a quick pop in and post later!

    @elise4270 Glad you are feeling "fixed" and healing....I know the pain sucks but glad the surgery is over and done for now.

    The talk of hospital food stirs up PTSD for me. I gave birth to my dd in October, 1997. The day I went into the hospital , the worst snow storm/ blizzard in a decade hit Colorado Springs. I was stuck in the hospital for an extra 2 days, with staff and visitors who couldn't leave. They were running low on food - going into the pantry and pulling out whatever they could find. My post birth meal? Cold turkey with slimy clear gravy and canned beats. I was devastated, starving and called my husband and told him to bring me a burger and milkshake. Of course he couldn't because he was snowed in. I vowed that day if I ever go into the hospital I am bringing an ice chest with my own food. ;)
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    As someone with celiac disease I've been told to always take my own food because hospitals are bad at gluten free meals. It always struck me as odd. You'd think the hospital would be the one place that understands dietary needs.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    As someone with celiac disease I've been told to always take my own food because hospitals are bad at gluten free meals. It always struck me as odd. You'd think the hospital would be the one place that understands dietary needs.

    Right! I swear. Why ask me then don't take note? Normally DH would bring me something but no visitors with the virus. I'm an overfed American anyway. Won't hurt me to skip a meal.

    Left over brisket, coffee and coconut water. Baby bear is babysitting me today.

    DD is doing better.
    She is ready to go get tattoos together. I have none. So big step here. Said the guy is probably booked 3 months out, so that plenty of time to nail down the design.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    I've been pretty good with food the last couple of days. Yesterday, I made Oreo Balls for our 4th of July party tomorrow. Oreo's are one of my favorite foods. I only ate 2 - the first one, to make sure the package is okay, and the last one - to make sure they didn't go stale in the 5 minutes it took to blend the rest into smithereens. :lol: I ate one Oreo Ball today when I was putting them in the container to take to the party.

    Today, I made buffalo chicken dip to take. I did leave a little in the pan to sample - all chefs are required to sample what they cook, right? But not a lot. So, I'm proud of my restraint.

    Tomorrow, I'm not even going to worry about it. I'll eat what I eat and enjoy it and deal with the aftermath next week.

    Hope you all enjoy your weekend.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @quilteryoyo - oreo balls! I have to look up what that is exactly, but it sounds good. Great on your weight too!
    @elise4270 - glad DD is better and Baby Bear is watching you! :heart:
    @bearly73 - Wow, that is crazy you got stuck in the hospital with just leftovers!

    We did a 40 mile bike ride today. It was so hot we were both drenched in sweat. It was almost 3 hours and Garmin said I burned 800 calories. What!?
    Indian for dinner. Veggie bagel sandwich for lunch.
    Not sure what we are eating this next week because I didn't get the Hello Fresh order I have had since March 1st. I just didn't like the meals offered this week.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - glad you are home and Beary is watching out for you! Soon he will realize you are a captive audience and demand your undivided attention 🤣
    So happy that DD is doing better. Does she have a tattoo already? I have heard they hurt which puts me off. My DD had one with her previous spouse and recently had it redone to mostly cover it up. The final was beautiful. I honestly think maybe I am too old now but I would certainly consider it if the opportunity came up to get one with her.
    What is your recovery schedule?
    I am appalled at the food in the hospitals. Hilde got so much that she wasn't supposed to have, like things with lots of sugar and salt. She enjoyed it all and then they wondered why she was so much more swollen. Well...duh...

    I spent a lot of time today doing research on the PM and reading all the materials I can find and getting all my questions together. The PM the doctor chose for me turns out to be a great choice. It has the ability to detect or sense my activity and increase my HR accordingly if my heart is not keeping up which was the problem in the first place. As you are active, over time, it 'learns' and adapts. It is honestly pretty amazing technology. So the only other issue is to get the low pace turned down a bit so I can sleep.

    Oh we also watched Hamilton today. Such a great show! We had tickets to see it live next week on our anniversary but of course it was cancelled so this was the next best thing!

    Food - I didn't eat snout and mostly ate junk all day. Popcorn and a candy bar from Boise that is like comfort food. El Torito chicken fajitas for dinner. Tomorrow we are BBQing brats for dinner and I will make a big salad.

    @bearly63 - I found the Reese's thins and may make the cookies tomorrow even though it is supposed to be one of the hottest days of late.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    My middle name is also Marie. My grandparents always called me Maria and it drives me nuts.

    @elise4270 Did Alex back his photos up anywhere? I have mine automatically go to google photos and samsung.

    Aww Ava Maria!!!! I use to play the brooks and dunn song My Maria and sing it to her all the time. She was so embarrassed hahA!

    His photos weren't backed up. Which is fine. His phone was fairly new and the previous one stolen, so no back up.

    I put crazy on the FB block list. Fake block! Lol! Anyone else watch Arrested Development?

    Ohh the leg hip is painful! Daaaaannnnggggg.

    Hugs @elise4270! I've been in course yesterday and driving all day today so have missed stuff, sorry guys.

    Am on holiday so probably won't check in much for the next week.