Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo Your restraint is incredible....good for you. And how do I find these oreo balls....asking for a friend

    @RunsOnEspresso totally agree....I am amazed at how unhealthy hospital food can be. Same with school meals.

    @elise4270 Glad your DD is feeling better. Can't wait to see the tat design. I am tat free. Think that ship as sailed....and I would only get one that I couldn't show most people (due to locale ) I will never forget the SNL skit for "Turlington's Tat remover.....warning, use the rest room before watching or you may wet yourself!

    @ddmom0811 Nice ride.....that calorie count seems low!

    @shanaber So interesting on the PM technology. My DH surprised my 2 years ago with Hamilton Tix for NYC to take my son. We went last mothers day weekend (actually 2019) it was great! I realized how little I really know about US History. Supposedly the book is really good. I plan to watch it too....Disney Plus Streaming? Did you mean "snout" snout edible....that would make be vegerarian for sure :D Hope you enjoy the cookies. They are also delish from the freezer. One is very satisfying when you need a lil sweet fix.

    @Avidkeo Enjoy your well earned vacay!

    Did a stupid long bike ride yesterday _ 4.5 hours, 69 miles. Not too hard just too long. My rump was toast. Walked today and will sit on said rump by the pool and help DD with the 1000s of med school app essays she needs to write and submit.

    I was craving a hot dog.....last one was at a Chicago Cubs game in 2019. We had organic, grass fed ones from WF with sauerkraut. Yum
    Today - grilling baby backs. Not a great food weekend but think my exercise will save me a bit.

    Happy Weekend to you all!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    DD has several. She had a "friend" that did them when she was 15,16,17ish and was tattooed. I went to the police over it. But, she has 2 that are professionally done, both cover up some of the junk art from teenage decisions. I plan on the same location as @HonuNui 's rhino. Nothing anyone can see except me and beach inhabitants, or fellow runners. Nothing always visible, just something DD and I share. I think she is going to do a variation of my design. So that's cool. I've always maintained a "no tattoo/piercings" status as an honor to my 3 drops of Ashkenazi Jewish blood. But I can let that go.

    coffee and OJ. I am already trading some of narcotics for extra strength tylenol, just watching the 24 hour Tylenol dosage. Dh is cooking a roast and veggies. Guess I'll pick the veggies out to eat and skip the meat.

    Drama/not drama
    Cuz you already poked the bear. I blocked crazy from Alex's FB... funny -then the account was locked because too many login attempts had been made. I set DD up as his legacy account manager, she asked about it yesterday, and I was already on it but given her interest I though it could offer healing to have that as hers. I have lots of letters from Alex during boot camp, So I decided to share those with his friends once a weeks ish. not crazy though...

    Leg healing
    Doc didn't go over anything really. Seemed he wanted me to leave the bandages on longer, which is fine since they are not the bulky ones, nice, neat, new ones. I see him in a month. I think this one is easier than the last. Don't get me wrong, it still hurts like a broken bone. And DD"s cat is determined to lay on it. AAAAAHHHH- throw cat! insert choice words!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I have like five calories left over, usually I have enough on a run day to cover my not-run days! Drove out to my mom’s for the 4th, our tradition is fried chicken, cucumber sandwiches and the first watermelon of the summer. Social distancing so we sat outside and it was stupid hot, even though we ate at brunch time. But we had a goldfinch serenading us!

    It feels so weird not going to see fireworks tonight. Although the neighbors are already starting with the (illegal here) personal displays. It’s kind of dry right now so I hope they are careful. My cat is glued to me, he isn’t afraid of fireworks but thinks he needs to protect me from them, and growls whenever a big one goes off.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @bearly63 - snout huh?! I have no idea what I was intending to say there but snout certainly wasn't it. Seems like autocorrect is getting dumber rather than smarter! Usually I reread before I post but apparently not well enough last night.
    The cookies are delicious. The dough was soft because it was so hot and I really should have refrigerated it longer and they really spread out but dh loves them. I took about half of the dough and made balls and froze them to bake later. Oh - I cut the thins into 4ths and just mixed them into the dough instead of chocolate chips. It worked great too.

    @Elise4270 - I think it is great that you and dd will share a tat design but with your own variations.

    @rheddmobile - We have crazy illegal fireworks here. So much that it feels like I would imagine a war zone to feel. Literally the ground is rumbling. The fireworks are not that close (maybe .25-.5 mile) but are incredibly loud. Hobbes typically panics and runs and hides. This year he has been pretty chill but is staying very close to either me or dh, needs to be touching, leaning or getting pets. We typically have some but this year seems like there are so much more and bigger ones - like the professional ones but people are launching them from their yards. I guess since there are no city provided displays they are creating their own.

    I ate too much today. I was ok on calories. Right on my limit but I have been trying to be well under it most of the time since I have no exercise to rely on to offset and I feel like I am turning into a big pool of fat. All my muscle is melting away...

    I am feeling a bit better, less jittery, during the day but still having problems sleeping. Last night I decided not to take any Tylenol and ended up a few hours later needing it. I may have slept 30mins before getting up then was awake most of the rest of the night, resting lightly but not really sleeping. I decided I am going to start going for walks on Monday. I will leave Hobbes at home initially and see how I do. He is so good most of the time that I could probably take him but don't want to take a chance on him yanking/twisting me.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    my house is so dirty.
    I put laundry in.
    sneered at the filthy floor.
    Got winded in the shower
    so I sat my gimpy butt down.
    I dropped pizza in the floor
    and ate it anyway.

    I am so annoyed that my leg is so swollen still. And the blanket in the dryer is wadded up, thunking and thunking as it goes 'round and 'round. I try not to look at the leg because it makes me anxious that something is wrong. DH got ice cream, all chocolate.... thanks. Not like I needed ice cream anyhow.

    Not that it really matters at all. I think I was 128-130 before surgery. First day home (the 2nd) I was 134, today I'm 130. I am hoping that I if can eat smart I can use the added demand to spur a weight change. I haven't started vitamins yet, but need too. I don't want bones robbing bones for calcium.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @elise4270 when I first read that I thought you were eating pizza in the shower 🤣 Go easy on yourself. You have a lot going on. Your house can be a little dirty.

    How often does everyone weigh? I was doing 1st of the month then every Sunday. Should I be doing it daily?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I try to weigh daily. But that usually only happens if i suspect its going to be down. I can catch a trend up quicker, really means I just watch it and do nothing but complain. When I was running, it was also a good indication of hydration. If by chance it starts down, I find it motivating for the next weigh to be down also.

    Currently I haven't pooped since the 30th... so I am really hoping the scale will come down after all this popcorn and applesauce gets things moving again. I gave in to ibuprofen, that should anger the intestinal gods.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    I weigh everyday. But I know some people think that is not a good idea.
    Strength training yesterday and then Peloton today. May run outside tomorrow if I can get up early enough. I ran at 4:30 am for years but this pandemic sort of messed that up and now I can’t seem to get up early because I stay up too late!

    We had tons of fireworks by my house also. Our dog was a nervous wreck, panting, and right by my side. Poor thing. I was thankful it had rained a lot. We’ve had years where fireworks were banned because it was so dry and people did them anyway.

    Weight was the same today as day before which surprised me.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @elise4270 That is some form of poetry....maybe a long version of Haiku? I hope the swelling starts to go down. I would be the same way....just focusing on that and stressing. I bet that its also affecting your weight. Glad its moving in the right direction.

    @shanaber Glad you liked the cookies. Our poor girl was not happy with the fireworks literally being shot off starting at dusk and going until 2 am....on all 3 sides of our house. I used to feel bad playing music on our deck or by the pool in case it bothered the neighbors. Not any more. I have had it with their fireworks, barking dogs, etc. A long walk sounds like a perfect start to Mondays. Glad the PM is feeling a bit better.

    @rheddmobile I wish we had had some official fireworks here so maybe less crazies would have gone overboard at home. But then they would all go and be in huge groups. Can't win for losing. Your meal sounds delish.

    @RunsOnEspresso I weigh everyday, post bladder emptying, first thing in the morning. I don't record it necessarily but make a mental note. I was 137.4 on friday and today I am 140....I have a 3 lbs flux it seems. As long as it doesn't move more than that I am ok. And I ate a lot of chips and guac this weekend. I gotta get back into tracking food. That has gone by the wayside.

    @ddmom0811 Your poor pup. I had seen people mention giving their pups a doggy downer type pill. You are so good about your strength training....

    Another Monday during a pandemic....sigh. I need to add something to my intellectual plate that doesn't involve social media. Piano, coding, a class, cooking. I guess I should clean my house.

    I am feeling stress since DD will get her MCAT scores today or tomorrow. She has been really struggling with feeling defeated since her GPA isn't perfect. She is realizing that most - majority of kids do not get into med school. I told her that that is probably a blessing and the right "path" will come from the process. If her score is not great then what....retake, give up? It's going to be a long week.

    Exercise: going to do a 60 min power zone ride and some upper body/core work. Hoping to run tomorrow.
    Food: boring but healthy and I am going to track it. I have to get back into tracking.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @bearly63 - hope her scores are good! It's amazing how much we stress for our kids even when they are grown up.
    I hate the tiny calorie burn strength training provides but I really like the results. I like those little daily calendars where you pull off the sheets each day. For a few years I had the "Younger Next Year" ones but they didn't make them for 2020. Other years I've had running ones. I pull them off and use them for notes in the kitchen. When there is one that resonates with me I hang it up.
    These first two I've had hanging in my bathroom next to the toilet! (We have a tiny little toilet room in our master that no one uses but me and DH).
    The next two are in my home gym. Looking at the dates I see one of them has been in the bathroom for 3 years and the other 2! One looks like it got hit by the bidet water either by me or the cleaning lady, lol. Seeing those keeps me on track. I try to tell myself that when I do strength training, even though the calorie burn is tiny during the exercise, I am building muscle and muscle burns more calories in a resting period than fat.

    I ran outside today, first time in a while! I ran a virtual 5K for my school. The humidity was awful, but I ran a 10:10 average, which is no where near my best but for July, I'll take it! I did it fairly early, and it made me realize I just have to start getting up early and doing the exercise first thing instead of working and then doing it mid-day. I feel so much better that it's done! And that run outside felt really good.

    Weight pretty much the same as yesterday, 148!
    No Hello Fresh this week, instead tonight is Beyond Burger and air fryer french fries and maybe a salad.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - I also immediately read that you were eating pizza in the shower and dropped it and ate it anyway. Had to go back and re-read it a couple of times 😂 I hope the swelling is going down. Make sure you are getting enough protein too to help the healing!

    @RunsOnEspresso - I weigh weekly. I found daily was too much and made me stress too much about it. Monthly isn't enough to catch changes and make corrections so weekly it is. Everyone once a while I might weigh a 2nd time during the week because I feel like I have lost or am worried I have gained...

    @bearly63 - hope your DD's MCAT scores are great! Has she considered a plan B? I have been seeing so much in the news about all the cities in TX. Even tiny Amarillo near where my stepmom lived, is getting hit hard. Yikes!

    And @ddmom0811 - cases coming out of FL are just downright scary!
    I love the calendar entries! I think I may have to copy that picture and save it off as motivation. I loved his book and try to remember the 'do something every day' advice. I too have a calendar with tear off pages but mine is from Thoughts of Dog. It is super cute and if you haven't heard of it, look it up on Twitter or FB.

    Yesterday I did ok with food - I think I was still full from the 4th. We had a Zoom happy hour with our friends that was fun. But then later that evening my dd called sobbing hysterically. Her pup, Gatsby, was sick and she was taking him to the emergency vet. He is 12 and has slow progressing degenerative myelopathy that made it hard for him to walk sometimes but he has been doing ok with it until yesterday. Unfortunately the vet found a large mass on his spleen and he was bleeding internally so she had to let him go. She is devastated. He has been with her since before she set off to Baltimore for grad school, got her through that, med school and her divorce. She said one good thing from covid is she got to spend the last 3-4 months at home with him, going for walks and just enjoying his company. Of course I wanted to get on a plane and go there immediately and can't but we were seriously considering the possibility. I have not been sleeping so hoping a walk this morning and getting so sunshine will help.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber hugs to your dd. It's so hard to lose our best friends. I hope she finds comfort that she was a wonderful pet parent and Gatsby loved her.

    @bearly63 Good luck to your dd. I haven't followed what's going on, but hope med school is in her future. We (nursing school) still haven't heard if we are doing on site clinical's or not, or even if we are meeting for classes. I'm down with virtual classes. Although, I am struggling to make sense of life and why it all has to be so hard and traumatic.

    Food and leg
    I ate so much yesterday. I waffle between pain and grief, it's odd. Today- coffee. Meds make me feel icky so I added ibuprofen again today. the leg is less swollen. DH said the doc was concerned he rotated it too far... I trust he made a fine decision. The hip acetabulum had been cleaned up, so yes, I'd expect he could get a bit more out of it. DH is concerned he was saying it was messed up, which I doubt. I see what he is talking about; the foot points outward a bit rather than straight. DH suspected it was because the other leg needs to be done and it was done anticipating it to be symmetrical. perhaps. No food sounds good. Maybe a light soup later.

    DH is dropping off the pics, info and good faith money for the monument today. We had a plan and now he wants to change it back to the bench style. I don't want to bother changing it. I like where we landed. So I hope it doesn't get complicated. He wants to help and gets it in his head that I really want the bench but won't admit it...

    anyway. dont mind me, I am dizzy-ish and fell icky... sure my words have little meaning.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - you are making sense. Honestly when I post my food and exercise I always think, is this really important? Knowing what you are going through I'm sure it all sounds so trivial. But I like to hear from you and am thinking of you quite a bit.

    @shanaber - so sorry about Gatsby. I'm sure you do want to fly up there. Is must be a really long drive. That's just so sad. What happened with her new job?

    I can't imagine we are going to start school on August 12th with this huge spike. They say we can't do all virtual -- kids must be in class if they want it. So glad I'm not going to be in classroom, though as far as I know, they haven't hired anyone yet to replace my teaching position.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - thanks. I hope there aren't issues with your leg and that once healed it is all rotated appropriately. I agree that you are making perfect sense.
    @ddmom0811 - it is a 2 day drive from here to Seattle, about 18 hours without stops.

    She heard back from the clinic director last week asking for a good time to schedule an initial phone interview. She should hear tomorrow when that will be. Dd has written published articles and research with the Director of Wellness and has other friends that are clinic directors or doctors so this particular clinic director has been getting calls ever since she applied. Not sure if that is good or not - she may feel overwhelmed or like dd is being pushed on her but we'll see. I am keeping everything crossed in the meantime.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all....Thank god Monday is over.....never liked Mondays. Rainy days and Mondays always.....that should be a song. ( B) )

    @ddmom0811 Love the calendar posts....and they are truth! I really need to make strength a priority at this stage of the game - I have let the calorie game dictate too much. Amazed at your "slow" running pace....that would be my personal best lol! Our country has proven that American Exceptionalism does not do well in a Pandemic. We are pretty screwed. Glad you can avoid in classroom teaching.

    @shanaber So sorry to hear about Gatsby. We had to put our Hershey down last fall and it was a zinger. Fur babies are just hard to let go since they love us unconditionally with no strings attached and just require love back. Better than humans in many ways. I hope she gets the job and when she is ready will find a little place in her heart for a new BFF.

    @Elise4270 Dd is just going through the motions of secondary essays - her MCATS will be out today and if not a certain number feels like its all a waste of time...which it may well be. So many stories of exceptional kids who never get in. Reality bites but I can only tell her that that is part of the path and plan and she will land where she is supposed to be. I wish I totally believed that LOL!!! Hope the leg is right where it needs to be. Soup sounds good to me. Not sure why in this heat. Your words are crystal clear by the way. <3

    Did a 90 minute endurance right - the idea is that you stick to certain outputs and just learn how to hold back and maintain and focus on form. Very similar to training for a marathon I suppose....your mid length runs. Will do some strength - see @ddmom0811 's calendar posts above.

    No idea....something from the freezer and veggies. If MCATS are good, wine. IF MCATS are bad, more wine. :#
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    @bearly63 Is your DD also applying for med schools for 2021? I know with PA school that it is very competitive and a second application cycle looks favorably, that you are dedicated. They want to see perseverance. The few kids I knew taking the MCAT, took it at least twice. Sooooo, perhaps she should think about taking it a second time even if the score is stellar? I have my fingers crossed for her!

    Cold tacos in the morning are good. I bet I should have my cholesterol checked.

    Swelling is coming down and it is hurting more. The bandages finally came off in yesterdays shower. Gnarly bruising. I was gonna share a pic, but it's my butt/leg. I can put quite a bit of weight on the leg, with pain killers. I thought yesterday that my life was destine to have constant pain (DD issue), and deprived myself pain killers because noosa said "you deserve this". DD is looking for comfort in wrong places, boys/drugs... *sigh*

    Beary broke a lamp; rowdy little monster. I'll task DH with a replacement. He's on to-do's today anyway.

    ETA @Avidkeo Thank you! I love the jade twist. I haven't spoke to DD yet this morning, I'm sure she'll love it too. So sweet of you. I can feel the love of the Maori whanau in it.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Just found out DD got her scores....she is happy. Scored in the 95th percentile....according to some chart I found. She got a perfect score in the psychology section....probably from analyzing her crazy mother. Means that this won't be the reason she does not get that is good. It's a marathon not a sprint B)
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @bearly63. Congratulations to you and DD!!! That’s great news!

    @elise4270. Feel so bad for your DD and you watching her go through it with your own grief and post surgery. Not sure I could do cold tacos! Ha! I’m not much of a left over eater unless it is Chinese or Indian. Thank goodness DH will eat anything.

    Strength training and core in the morning. Then for lunch a 15 min Tabatas ride and a cool down. Now my usual salad and dinner is trying to get rid of frozen food that has been in there since March. We had the Beyond Burgers with air fryer fries last night. They were really good! It’s not like they are low fat and I don’t know that I will buy them much at all. Tonight is a frozen cauliflower pizza which may be awful in which case it’s PBJ for me!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @bearly63 YAY! congratulations to DD!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @bearly63 woo! Congrats to DD!