Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    I feel like my garmin is charging slower than it used to. I also have to plug and unplug it a few times. It looks like there might be dirt/skin in the watch/plug. Tried a qtip but it didn't really get in. I'll figure out something another time. I've got *kitten* going down at work.

    I'm having the same problem - started about a week ago! I got a Fenix 5 about a year ago and now I have to balance it on my brush at a certain angle for it to charge! I used a qtip with alcohol and it helped for a couple days. I even have one of those little rubber things to protect it from dirt. I'm annoyed. Oh, maybe I need to clean the little rubber thing. My old Fenix never had that problem - and I had it 4 years I think. I can't remember if I bought a warranty - but I think I did. Got to check.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    I feel like my garmin is charging slower than it used to. I also have to plug and unplug it a few times. It looks like there might be dirt/skin in the watch/plug. Tried a qtip but it didn't really get in. I'll figure out something another time. I've got *kitten* going down at work.

    I'm having the same problem - started about a week ago! I got a Fenix 5 about a year ago and now I have to balance it on my brush at a certain angle for it to charge! I used a qtip with alcohol and it helped for a couple days. I even have one of those little rubber things to protect it from dirt. I'm annoyed. Oh, maybe I need to clean the little rubber thing. My old Fenix never had that problem - and I had it 4 years I think. I can't remember if I bought a warranty - but I think I did. Got to check.

    Mine is the fenix 5s and I noticed the charging issues a week or so ago. Wonder if it was a software update? I vaguely remember seeing it had updated.

    I ordered this September 2019 new from Garmin. It shouldn't have issues yet lol
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @ddmom0811 Yeah for the scale victory! Your food sounds great.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    What about a small soft brush to clean that charging port? Maybe even a toothbrush?

    @ddmom0811 - great on the weight! Whatever happened with your thyroid tests? I know when mine is low I get cold but would be better if you are escaping from menopause symptoms. I think I am just about over with them too now.

    I made some tuna in a pita for lunch and we are also having leftovers for dinner. Tonight dh is helping me take Hobbes to agility class and one of the other ladies (also a trainer) will run with him. He is getting a bit crazy without much activity these days. Dh finally took him for a short walk yesterday and that helped a little.

    I also weighed in today despite so much trepidation. I was up but less than a pound and still well under 150. Scary though my %BF is already up and of course muscle is down a bit too. Wonder where it will be next week after 2 full weeks of inactivity.

    @elise4270 - I hope today is a better day for and the start of a better week!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Eh, today was fine. I had to go to Dallas for my pre-op testing. Uneventful and organized. No covid detected. Now waiting on the EKG... Wonder of it'll be abnormal again or if it was a fluke. But regular doc said it was fine, because I was a runner...

    Seems better today. No tears but wanted me to come get her early, but I was in Dallas and she wasn't keen on her dad getting her. So I have to be there at 2pm to get her, but she may not be released until 5 or later. Then to Dallas. So ugh, long day tomorrow.

    schlozskys caprese, oranges, go go applesauce, chips and some queso. then a migraine but the meds worked quickly.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Glad you got all the testing done and all is well.
    Sometimes a girl just needs her mom! I know it will mean so much to her to have you come and get her and to see you before the surgery.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    First thing this AM DH tells me a mass was said for Alex last night 130 somewhere in the world. It was a wonderful thing, but *kitten*- it is a horrible start to the day. His candle was just about to burn out and I lit a St. Jude one DH got yesterday (Alex' family nickname was Jude), I felt Mother Mary also needed to be lit, as soon as I set her down in place of the almost burned out one, the flame extinguished. Mary and St Jude took over. I'm just a mess today. The ex just found out about the go fund me (go f.u. page lol!) page crazy made. I'm over it, saw through her a mile away while you had your dick in your hand buddy. I just told him is was hurtful and opportunistic. Not engaging him in any rumor/spiteful feelings.

    I think I have 22 friends. I think 15-20 should be the limit. Seems that is the number it takes to overwhelm the senses and offer too much of others opinions. I had to ignore some for 30 days. Although, that does them no good as a human being. FB should give you a list of who and why they set healthy boundaries from you. Although... That seems like a bad idea with good intentions. Just be nice people. 2 words to live by.... be nice. or do better. pick one.

    DD will probably want something that's not hotdog meat fashioned in to meatloaf, chicken-fried steak, or meat balls... Maybe Panera. Which I love, and will probably buy more cheese brittany's, because the traditional beer before surgery is a no-no according to my pharmacology class info. And I think I might wanna keep drinking if I ever start. Although, I do have a problem with food tooo.... mmmm. pastrys....
    I'm kinda back to giving up meat. It's dead. I've had my fill of death. Trying to put good in, see if I can do better and whatnot.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 Hugs and prayers for you and your family. I don't know if you would be interested or not, but when my husband passed away, I read a lot. One book that really helped me understand that what I was going through was universal was "A Grief Observed" by C.S. Lewis. It is his journal after his wife passed away. I can't say I enjoyed it, as I cried over almost every page, but there was also a lot of ah ha moments, and "exactly" what I was feeling things too.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - Sorry you are a mess today. We all get it, anyone would be. I had to laugh at your comment about ex though. I never look at FB except for my cycling group and some of my teaching groups. Every once in a while I will look at home page and then I feel like I am wasting time, so I close it. I will scan Twitter and IG sometimes on my phone. Need to put my phone down!

    @shanaber - I had an appt with an endocrinologist but when I got the blood work back from my primary care doctor it was all fine. But maybe thyroid is why I am cold. I may go ahead and schedule another one. But right now, I don't want to go out at all since Florida is insanity right now with cases spiking. Before we never heard of any close by but now we are. I am watching Ella on Wednesdays for a few weeks so I don't want to go out and bring anything to them with DIL pregnant.

    Someone I recommended for my teaching position had an interview today and she really liked it. I hope it works out for her (and me so that I won't have to worry they don't find anyone and suddenly at the last minute I have to teach!)
    Still scheduling...and will be for a while as teachers keep quitting so I have to move things around, and students are withdrawing.

    Since it's the end of month I was adding up my miles for running and cycling and my running is WAY down from May. I was streaking in May though and I did a ton of Peloton so there's that.
    As suspected weight was up today. Oh well, right at 150.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Why do I ever not visit this page daily! much to catch up on. So here goes .....

    @Elise4270 I like to be nice and do better. They kinda go together IMHO. But I am not perfect so I have a couple of Private FB groups where I can vent and not offend. I really don't like FB but I am using it more and more for the private group aspect. Not sure what else out there is comparable. Glad your DD is ok and needing her mama. I hope your day is not too long today. That book that @quilteryoyo suggested sounds like a good idea. Keep a big box of tissues at the ready. Can I get the recipe for hot dog meatloaf? B)

    @RunsOnEspresso Congrats on the HM.....I can't imagine running that far. Sorry about the various malfunctioning equipment. Hope the Garmin isn't pulling the old I phone battery trick. I bought one the books you recommended - I am convinced I need some specific strength work .

    @avidkeo Sorry about the niggle.....time off and some stretching and PT type work is always good. Vacay sounds wonderful. I was a skier until I tore the ACL during Hip Hop will have a blast with the kids. Lots of sunscreen...and lip sunscreen. 2 weeks sounds marvelous!

    @shanaber Cookies - I wrapped the whole thin reeses in piece between two balls of dough and made sure it was sealed in nicely. They were not small but so good because the chocolate was a nice thin line - not too overwhelming. I am convinced these would sell. As for exercise, you are in such great shape to start that it won't take to long to get back into. And will make your healing faster. Hope you have an awesome shower!

    @ddmom0811 Congrats on the weight....Hope the tests go well and you get good results. Your daily salad sounds healthy and good. A habit that I really need to incorporate.

    @quilteryoyo good advice on the book and the sunscreen. I had some burns as a kid and worry about the same thing. I tan really easily....not good. Dermatologist isn't pleased with my tan lines. I am better about wearing sunscreen and a UV shirt when I am in the direct sun. I usually am under an umbrella.

    News: Got back my bone density test ordered by my Endocrinologist - I am stable where I had osteopenia...spine is within normal range. The left femoral neck is osteopenic. It's my right one that had the stress fracture so that makes sense. The real issue - my FRAX score. My past tests didn't have this number. She ordered it. Don't think its great. But I don't understand it. So I will wait for the follow up. And drink chocolate milk.

    Exercise: Did the first round of the Peloton cycling challenges - one final one is on Friday. I ran today - did a timed 5K. Not too shabby - 10.57 min mile which is speedy for this turtle. I will submit that for my virtual "Maudie's Midnight Margarita run that I am doing to support our running trail.

    Food: Last night green chili (Cookwell and Company in a Jar - fantastic stuff. I add beans and corn and some protein. Tonight, DD requested BLT's and rootbeer floats - comfort food from her childhood. Had a smoothie for breakfast.

    Weight - pretty happy as I am staying around 138 ish....give or take a few lbs.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @bearly63 Glad your bone density test showed that you are stable. That's good. That's a great 5K pace. I haven't gotten there yet. Great job with the weight.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - Good luck with the surgery tomorrow! Not sure you will see this but I hope it all goes well! I suspect the stress about that is just adding into the grief and making everything worse. I'm not on FB or Instagram much anymore either. Really only had it initially to see dd's posts when she was in Baltimore. She doesn't use it at all anymore. I go there mostly to check on specific friends and to see the Vizslas. I rarely even look at my newsfeed anymore. I'm with you on the Be Nice.
    I like @quilteryoyo's idea about the book - maybe something to read when you are home and can't do much other than lie on the couch.
    @ddmom0811 - Florida is a nightmare right now! But then CA isn't much better. Some big announcement due tomorrow from our governor about the holiday weekend and new restrictions. What is crazy to me is the county I live in has cases rising like crazy along with hospitalizations and ICU patients, but the county officers have not put out anything about cautions for the weekend, not having large gatherings, etc.. Not one word.
    @bearly63 - I need to go get some of the Reeses Thins... or maybe order them online. I want to make those cookies!
    FRAX score - if I remember correctly it is based off of a study of people in the US and Europe I think to look at things that affected the likelihood of breaking a bone. So putting together all the things they determined put you at higher risk for a hip fracture or for a break overall and giving a score. I looked at mine and my FRAX for hip fracture was 1.1% so low and my overall was 13% still not too bad - higher the number the higher the likelihood. I don't remember all the things they included but for sure the bone density tests, a previous fracture, and I think things like smoking and exercise but I don't remember how they measured it.

    We went to Costco today, early to get in and out during the Sr hours and before the crowds. I am going to have to go to the grocery store too before the weekend. Really hate taking dh out into the stores but I am not supposed to be reaching or lifting anything. I am exhausted but I did get in a lot more steps today than I have been and I ate pretty well too.

    When we got home I had to make a birthday cake and we had a small family party 😊
    Peanut butter and banana cake with peanut butter yogurt icing!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Sigh. Came home early due to "sick kid" who turned out to be find once she got home. Annoying but that's life.

    Ate everything. Oh well.

    @elise4270 good luck! I'll be thinking of you.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 Praying your surgery goes well.

    @shanaber Tell Hobbes happy birthday from me and my Tippy. That cake looks really good! Glad you got in more movement yesterday. Hope you are getting stronger and feeling better every day.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited July 2020
    @shanaber Is the cake edible for humans too? I may need the recipe for Shadow's 3rd bday either way.

    ETA although we would never be able to put it in front of her like that. She'd gobble it in a second 🤣
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - I got the recipe here:

    I was looking for recipes for ingredients I had on hand and it popped up and had a Vizsla in the picture so of course I had to try it 😁 It would definitely be edible by us but probably not tasty - it has no sugar in it other than from the bananas. The frosting was ok - just Greek yogurt and peanut butter.

    She has several doggy recipes - even doggy donuts! There are lots of people recipes too but I was mostly focused on the doggy ones.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber Thanks! Those look like good dog recipes! I'll definitely think Shadow would all of them lol
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @shanaber Those recipes do look really good!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo Thanks....I don't think i could have sustained that pace so I pushed it since I need to submit it to my virtual race.....I felt pretty good but of course was sore last night.

    @shanaber I am sure you can find them online....if not, I send you some. They are unfortunately on sale right now at my local HEB. Not a good thing >:) Nice puppy cute! My Hip Frax is 1.5% but overall is 24% which is odd since I only have osteopenia in my hip. I am adding a glass of lowfat dark chocolate milk to my day - purely medicinal B)

    @elise4270 I hope today goes as planned. We are all pulling for a good surgery and recovery!

    Exercise: Walked yesterday. Rode today....Like@ddmom0811 , I looked back at my last few months stats:

    3/21 - Got the Pelton

    March Total miles: 144.3
    April Total Miles: 380.8
    May Total Miles: 417.6
    June Total Miles: 599.6

    I have definitely built up my cardio endurance.

    My running miles are way down. Trying to get them back but since my hip is hurting, I need to go minimal and just enjoy it 2-3 days a week at a 5K for now....

    Any my strength stuff is really in need of a kick....gotta make that a priority.

    Food: I am not going to reveal last nights dinner as I am truly embarrassed at how bad yet good it was.....DD asked for comfort food- think she is feeling med app/covid stress so I said sure! Lets just say it involved bacon, bread, tomatoes, lettuce and root beer and vanilla ice cream.

    tonight - chicken spinach salad with feta, blueberries, walnuts and a balsamic dressing. Stuff we have in the fridge.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - those pictures of Hobbes are so adorable!!!
    @elise4270 - hope surgery went well. Thinking of you today.

    I don't know what numbers I got on my bone density but the Doctor left a message that all was fine with it - normal.

    Weight dropped 2.5 today, in the daily roller coaster.

    Took care of granddaughter today. Before she was born I wanted her to call me "Rie Rie" which was my nickname when I was a kid. But when I told my son he said that is a bad word. What?! It's the "R" word. Ooops. So we went with "grandma". She can't say grandma so she calls me ma'am ma'am. I think it's so cute!