Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @bearly63 The Oreo balls are really easy to make, if your friend wants to know how, I can tell them. :wink: That video is hillarious. Congratulations to DD!!!!

    @RunsOnEspresso I weigh every day, but only record it on MFP on Saturday's. I call that my "official" weight for the week. Sometimes, I just like to see the fluctuations up and down so I don't panic when I'm up a little. I'm already used to it. Does that make sense?

    @Elise4270 Hope your knee feels better soon. Sorry about your DD seeking comfort in the wrong places. I know that is hard to deal with along with everything else you have going on.

    My internet has been down since Friday night and the cell signal is horrible here - and seemed to be worse over the weekend, so I've been basically out of pocket. I was able to check in, just so I didn't lose my streak. LOL

    I skimmed the posts I misses. I have zero tattoos and don't plan to get any. I also have zero piercings. When I wanted to pierce my ears when I was young, my dad would tell me that I didn't need anymore holes in my head. LOL I'm actually sort of glad I never did. I'm not a girly girl kind of gal.

    I was excited about my weight on Saturday - 135.4. My goal is 135. I knew it would be higher on Sunday, because I was going to my nephew's for a 4th of July party. I was expecting to be up 2 or 3 pounds, but I was up a total of 5, yes 5 pounds on Sunday morning! What the heck? I know a lot of the food was salty, but that's ridiculous. Anyway, as of this morning, I am back down to 138.2, so 2 of the 5 gone. Maybe most of it will disappear before Saturday.

    I spent today doing things for my cousin. I did the final walk through of his apartment and filled out the papers, and paid for 1.5 months, for assisted living where he will be going on the 16th. Then, I came home and cleaned up some of the furnishings we will be taking for him to have in his room. I'll be so glad when he gets settled and all of the financial things are in place.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @bearly63 - Congratulations to your dd!! That is awesome!
    @elise4270 - that is tough with dd looking for comfort in all the wrong places. I hope she finds her way up and out!
    @quilteryoyo - I think we all need to know how to make Oreo balls! I don't particularly like Oreos but my dh loves them and would likely love Oreo balls!
    That is crazy about your weight but I often drop a bunch and then ping pong back and forth but eventually stay down.
    I know how relieved you will be when your cousin is settled and you can relax!
    @RunsOnEspresso - how are you dealing with all the covid issues in AZ?
    @avidkeo - hope you are having an awesome vacation!

    I am going friggin' crazy... I tried a walk yesterday and while it felt ok, strange actually, I hurt afterwards. Not the incision so much but my shoulder and pectorals are still just aching. When I took my shower the bandage came untaped and got all wet. Doctors office had me take it off. Interestingly it feels so much better without it. I think the tape was really irritating me. I can see the PM is going to be a big lump there even after the swelling goes away.
    I weighed myself on Monday and I was up 4 lbs but even more telling the %BF was up higher than it has been and %muscle of course was way down. I need to be moving and working out. Hopefully soon!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @shanaber Yes. The PM is going to be a lump. I often thing the way they tape stuff up is really irritating. I hope that may have let you sleep a little better too. I hope your shoulder and pectorals are feeling better too.

    Oreo balls aka truffles are really easy to make. If not, I wouldn't do them. LOL
    Ingredients: 1 family size pack of Oreo cookies (I use the original ones)
    1- 8 oz package of cream cheese, softened
    Almond bark
    Place the cookies in a food processor and pulse until they are a fine, sandy texture. Place in a large mixing bowl.
    Add the cream cheese and mix until well combined. (I use my hands to do this.)
    Roll into 1-inch balls and place in the refrigerator to chill. (I leave them anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on what else I am doing.)
    Melt the almond bark and dip the balls to coat. Place on a cookie sheet with wax paper and return to the refrigerator. (They are much better when cold and you need to keep them chilled due to the cream cheese.) Once chilled, place in a container for storage.

    Hint: Rolling the balls can be messy. To help with that and to keep them from sticking to your hands, coat your hands with shortening before starting.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber I'm staying home and yelling at the stupid people. Well, not really yelling at but bitching about them.

    Our second camping site was canceled so no Northern California and cooler temps for us. We decided to go to the north rim of the Grand Canyon instead. So we will get 90s instead of 110s. Lol We will probably do one or two hikes but mostly off roading. So no running which will make it harder to hit my miles for the month but not too worried about it.

    I requested a refund for the 4th of July race rather than a deferral to next year. I said if things are different I'll sign up again but it's still too unknown for me to commit. I also changed a May race from defferal to virtual. I just don't know how comfortable I will feel at races. I know it's like 9 months from now but we may have a vaccine and we may not. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @elise4270 I hate cleaning. I'm slowly wearing DH down. Got a landscaper so next up is house cleaning company. I mostly need someone to do the bathrooms. I hate cleaning the shower and it makes my wrist hurt so I put it off. Then it gets worse and the cycle starts again.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - thanks for the Oreo balls instructions! I am going to have to make some for my dh! He will love them. They are cute with the white chocolate but I might use dark just because he would like it better.
    @RunsOnEspresso - I am sorry, but not surprised the campsite got canceled with the way things are going. Could you go out early morning for a run or two? There are some great trails around the Grand Canyon (not the ones that go down into the canyon).
    @elise4270 - I hate cleaning, well I hate some parts of cleaning... I don't like to dust or wash floors. I will vacuum but honestly I'n not really doing much work there. When I was working full-time and dd was small we started having a friend of a friend come and clean for us every 2 weeks (she was their live-in until they both lost their jobs and couldn't pay her so lots of friends hired her to help out). Ali cleaned for us off and on for 30 years. I had a service a couple of times when she couldn't come for a while and I hated it. She is 68 now and doesn't want to clean much and I don't blame her. A friend recommended the lady I had come recently and she was awesome. I think you just have to find the right person.
    I can just picture beary hanging over the side of the tank peering in and maybe trying to get his paw down in there 😂
    I am impressed you can already put that much weight on your leg! Have they given you restrictions on what you can try? Having had to sit for nearly 2 weeks (only) gives me a lot of perspective on you not being able to do things. I don't know how you have stayed sane!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Oh @ddmom0811 I used an old toothbrush to clean out my Garmin & it seems to be charging better!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I can just picture beary hanging over the side of the tank peering in and maybe trying to get his paw down in there 😂
    I am impressed you can already put that much weight on your leg! Have they given you restrictions on what you can try? Having had to sit for nearly 2 weeks (only) gives me a lot of perspective on you not being able to do things. I don't know how you have stayed sane!

    Ya DH tries to run him off, but I remind him that Bear is just doing what he does and he reconsiders the addition of a side kick. He's like a little kid, always "helping". But I love his company and how happy and how pleased he is with himself helping/learning.

    I don't have any restrictions per se. Just physical limitations. I can do whatever I want, "as tolerated".

    Sitting around does get old fast. I tried to listen to old lectures or read and my head isn't having any of it. Anesthesia or pain meds still leave me altered I guess. I cleaned a bit and didn't get winded. It takes about 5 seconds of vacuuming to break a sweat though.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - thanks for the tip on Garmin. I'll try it. For now I have it charging at an angle on my brush and it charges but it's annoying. I'm with you on the racing or any sports.

    @quilteryoyo - YUM!

    @shanaber - Sorry you feel weird. And the weight and muscle. UGH! You will be back though. Time flies and though it feels like forever, you will be back out on the road again!

    I can't believe the state of FL says schools have to go back to 5 days a week in August! I started getting little emergency messages from the Next Door app that our local hospitals have no ICU beds left and that we should go to Daytona if we need it. I'm more scared of going out now than I was the last few months! And we are to go back to school on August 5! WTH! I am so relieved I won't be teaching anymore. My new title is Information Systems Manager. I was calling myself the database person but it doesn't really sound like what I do, so I investigated it and call myself that and wrote up my new job description. I've always had an office since I've worked half days doing the other job so now I will just hide in there! I just have to leave to use the bathrooms and help people with various tech issues.

    On topic
    Weight was great today - 147.5 but food was way off today. I took care of Ella and we ordered Mexican take away. I ordered a vegetarian burrito but they put steak on it! I ended up just having part of DHs and chips/salsa. Then when I got home I snacked on ice cream and chocolate chip cookies. I added it up and the snacking was 600 calories!
    Today was a complete rest day. Just like last Wednesday! Yay, Ella makes me rest! But boy do we play hard!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @ddmom0811 AZ has a tentative 8/17 date for schools. Our govenor had no response after the supposed call from pence which means he'll probably give in to the WH demands like he did opening up. The school system is like that would be a bad idea and teachers are seriously concerned. AZ already has a hard time getting teachers.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Here is one side of the monument design. I noticed the misspelling and let him know...
    The other side will have name and dates also a nice photo and the tattoo design on it. So DD can feel DS is also sort of tattooed.

    I have a headache. Probably from laying around. The norco is wearing off quickly and vacuuming yesterday was probably a bad idea. ya, my hip hurts. I figure it hurts relatively less because it is cemented and bone ends are not being pushed together, trying to untwist, like before.

    Had a bit of tuna since I gave the water to a scrawny old cat. I need to have veggies or a salad.

  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all! I meant to post yesterday but went into work and then forgot that I had a book club zoom.

    @quilteryoyo Thanks for recipe....those look easy and perfect when you need to bring sweets to a party. Your weight fluxes like mine....literally can jump 3 lbs in day.

    @shanaber sorry your feeling off....don't look at the scale - it will all turn around once your cleared to move! I agree....I love dark chocolate so those would be good that way.

    @RunsOnEspresso Sorry about the camping in CA....the North Rim sounds nice too.

    @ddmom0811 I cannot believe they want to open schools in our current state of affairs. Congrats on your weight!!

    @Elise4270 Love the monument pics....He had such a pretty smile!! And love the song lyrics! Hope your leg keeps healing as planned. Pain meds totally mess with digestion....magnesium, stool softeners and even some "Smooth Move" Tea.....lots of water too.

    thanks for all the positive thoughts re DD. She feels one less stressor lifted. As I said, its a total crap shoot regardless but it helps since her GPA is just at or over the median. Granted she was an engineer but not sure if the schools care if you majored in nutrition or psychology or whatever. They need to know that you can handle the rigor. Which she can. Her GPA also reflects the fact that she was really busy with extracurriculars, research, Young Life Mentoring, Volunteering and an Internship. As @Elise4270 mentioned, she will reapply next year if needed. She knows its a long haul. This is already her gap year since she graduated but she just did not have time to take the MCATS and do engineering Senior year.

    Did a "triathlon" today via Peloton....a 30 min run, 45 min ride and 30 min strength class.

    No idea....eggs, toast, berries for first meal.....then maybe left over chicken later.

    Weighed in this morning at my lowest to date - 137.2. I looked highest was 160 on 9/9/19. I am fine with anything 140 or so since I really hope to increase my lean muscle mass and lost BF%

    My Political Rant - more in support of science than against a party but then again ....not really:
    I totally understand the issues with parents working etc. What really burns me......the fact that Shake Shack, Right Wing Anti Tax groups, the Ayn Rand Institute, Kanye West and Mega Churches in Dallas all got PPP funds but Mitch McConnell will not take up the bill to fund schools since all their funding is down due to Covid and they need a lot of stuff to open safely.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    edited July 2020
    @elise4270 - monument is really nice. I didn't know they could do them so fancy.
    @RunsOnEspresso - I have heard AZ has a hard time getting teachers and now 1/5 is thinking of not going back. And they probably won't tell them until the end. The poor schedulers like me will be busy the night before school opens moving classes and kids around.
    @bearly63 - awesome on your weight! I think Pellie (what I call my Peloton) is why I lost weight. All those HIITs we do.
    Reply to your rant:
    agree with all that. I totally get that kids need to be in school. They really do. But we should just push it back a little bit until this spike goes down. And yes, states like ours lost probably billions in sales tax. Other states probably lost it in income tax (we don't have that). So schools budgets are slashed. I'm shocked the enrollment at my school is still pretty good. They said the death count is now increasing in FL. I was being really careful all along even though there weren't many cases in the county where I live. But now... it's all around. We know people with it. Not serious cases, thank goodness. What a mess.
    Weight down a little bit again today. (.3!) I got take away Panera salad and a cookie. Then tonight had take away Cuban. Calories are still fine because I'm not snacking. I had a funny thought - I'm paying all this $ for my Invisalign and no one may ever see me smile again! Though, it could work out that by the time we stop wearing masks, I'm all done and no one will realize I had braces! I got them the last day of school before we stopped going. Ha!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 That looks like a really nice monument. I agree with @bearly63 , he had a really pretty smile. Hope the hip is feeling some better.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @Elise4270 - love the monument and the song, pictures and everything. It is beautiful!
    Hope the hip is feeling better and the headache is gone.

    My feelings on schools, et al below:
    I definitely agree on the schools issue and we have discussed how difficult it would be right now to need to be working (difficult enough choice) and then not have childcare or schools to send the kids to. The administration saying it is necessary because of school lunch programs is laughable. Opening them for any excuse/reason with positivity and cases going up exponentially and deaths starting to follow just doesn't make sense.
    I have friends who have small businesses who were not able to get the PPP and then when I see some of the big name and other organizations who did, it makes me furious. They are just there for the money grab (common - lobbyist from both sides and other DC beltway political organizations!) and are not who it was intended for.
    So many state and local budgets are being cut and one of the first things that always seems to get hit are the education systems and other programs that impact children.

    @bearly63 - hope all goes well for DDs applications. Is she only applying to UT or are there any other small Texas programs that she could also apply to? My dd had the same issue with undergrad (VP of social justice, started a Farmers Market on campus to bring healthy food to the students, becoming an EMT for on and off campus) and it all gave her valuable experiences but took away form study time and her grades suffered too. Seems like these type A kids have to be involved in everything though!
    Looks like all those Peloton hours is paying off with your weight loss. Do you have a way to measure muscle and %BF? I would bet it has already improved from the cycling.

    I have my appointment tomorrow morning. I was feeling pretty confident about it until I realized it is with the NP and not the doctor. Hope that doesn't matter. Didn't help that dh, trying to help and buffer my optimism a bit said I shouldn't get my hopes up too high that they will change anything tomorrow. Last night since I couldn't fall asleep I spent a good amount of time going over and over how that might go... Hopefully it will go better than I imagined lol.
    I did great on food yesterday and am ok today but over on fat a bit because I had some beans butter this morning and chips this afternoon. Tonight is our Panera night with Hobbes at doggy daycare it is right on the way to pick him up.

    Speaking of Hobbes if you want some fun this is my crazy boy at agility on Monday. It was his final run and he was still being a goof but at least not zooming back and forth between Jen who is running him and me.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @ddmom0811 - so funny about your invisaligns but true! I do miss being able to smile at people and have them see I am smiling. I try to tell with others if they are smiling but it is so hard sometimes.
    One of the things I worry about with the virus that you don't see mentioned a lot yet but are starting to see a few doctors talk about it in the last week or so, are the lasting affects of the virus on inflammation and lung damage even in people who had mild cases and maybe even in some who had no symptoms. I hope that so many of the young people who are mildly sick or asymptomatic are not going to see issues further down the road. It could really be devastating!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    This is totally off topic - but a friend of mine (Vizsla breeder) had a litter of puppies about 3-4 weeks ago. Unfortunately the mom had problems and had to have an emergency c-section and they found a huge tumor so she didn't make it. Karen has been hand raising 7 puppies (think feedings every 2 hours!) and with the help of others trying to imitate the things a mom would provide to the puppies. This video is the cutest thing ever. I keep watching it over and over. I think anyone should be able to view it on FB...
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber I've been wondering about the long term effects for a while. We just don't know much. I feel like we're going to find damage down the road from this virus. I hope I'm wrong. I just don't get how people can be so cavalier about this with so many unknowns.

    Wow that is so sad about the momma dog. The link didn't work but it might be my phone.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Maybe this link will work better?