Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Avidkeo I think renting the bike to make sure you will use it is an excellent idea.

    @Elise4270 Can you put a note somewhere to remind you to take your antidepressants every morning. I think you need to be consistent in order for them to work. At least I found it took a week or so before I felt the positive effects. Glad Pavarotti is calming for you. I think music is, in general. When I'm upset, it helps if I go play the piano.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - hope you are feeling okay. I have same problem remembering pills. I have a piece of paper where I write down the exact moment I take it. I also have the little seven day pill container by my bed for thyroid which I take in the middle of the night when I get up to use bathroom. I always kept lists of when I took antibiotics or when my kids or dogs did because I can’t remember at all.

    Speaking of forgetting things I am sitting in the car at dentist because I arrived an hour early. It is completely my fault. Like I have time to spare with all I am working right now.

    I had a lot to do last night for work since I watched Ella during day so we did take away Cuban. We seem to be in a rut of always Cuban or Indian for take away! But they are so good. (These poor hygienists have to walk out in the 90+ temps and go to the cars to take temps and get release filled out in their masks and scrubs. )Weight still 147s - so strange I had those weeks of up and down and now it is stable for a few days.

    Omg a woman just walked in with a big blanket! Ha! I have my car blanket and I’m doing the same thing. We are all in shorts and sleeveless and then inside it’s about 65 it feels like. Genius!

    Still praying they delay the opening of school! Okay enough rambling. Enjoy the day!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all!

    Hate missing a day with you. I am so unproductive these days other than exercise and eating lol!

    @quilteryoyo Glad that the Mower Bites are healing, weight is stable and cousin is getting settled!

    @shanaber I go through ruts too with cooking and then I sling back and cook again. I can handle it about 3 nights a week then I get lazy and just find something easy and boring. I told my husband I don't cook on the weekends...we can grill or do takeout. But I def feel better eating what I cook vs processed stuff. The key is to plan a few recipes and get the ingredients that week. Sometimes it fun to see what you have and find a recipe that works.....Glad the running is coming back. And I am sure Hobbes is pleased too!

    @ddmom0811 Hope the schools get delayed until numbers fall, money is provided for safety measures and social distanced learning can work. The food sounds good, the workout sounds hard and a condo at the beach sounds heavenly! I am terrible at pills. Even vitamins. Even birth control......back in the day when I had eggs in my ovaries that could be fertilized. I guess I dodged a few bullets there B) Or my boyfriend/now husband was shooting blanks >:)

    @Avidkeo That workout sounds intense. There are some days I would get worse on day 2 after a workout....and it hurt to sit! Ouch! The bike has been good for me due to my injury but not that I am walking/running again, I do like the cross-training aspect and the cardio seems to be more bank for the buck since I don't push myself running. Love the idea of renting first....see if you enjoy it enough to make it a habit. Back to basics food wise is so smart.

    @Elise4270 Sorry to hear your feeling down. It really does affect everything! It's funny you mention Pavarotti. I am not a classical music person either way. Just not a ton of exposure. But, I just did this ride yesterday with a favorite Peloton teacher and it was a 30 min hill climb to classical music. Loved it. You just close your eyes, grind out a slow, challenging level of resistance and listen to the music. It was great! Made me want to listen to more of it. Once of the songs was from an opera. Gorgeous!

    Did 2 30 min hill climbs yesterday - one was to classical music....pretty cool. The other? A German Instructor on Peloton. She is great but this one happended to be in German so I just tried to follow along with the suggested resistance/cadence numbers on the screen. Today walked with an old friend who I miss so much! It was great to see her. I need to do some strength and core too....after I get some real work done.

    So the pasta was incredible - such a treat. Last night, just pulled some steaks from the freezer and made another NYT recipe - an arugula salad with peach and goat cheese and toasted pine nuts. I went with a baby greens mix with some arugula. Dressing was so easy - champagne or other white vinegar with olive oil, salt and pepper. The fresh peaches and goat cheese made it. Tonight? no idea....I have cooked for 3 nights so I need break.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @ddmom0811 Maybe the universe is telling you you need an hour to just sit back and relax. Hope the appointment went well. Mom has a dentist appointment next week.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    eh, I don't want to take the antidepressants. I want to feel better, but then feel guilty for feeling better. I'm neurotic, never miss a planned med/vitamin/pain med dose etc... So I ride it out til I am miserable then take a low dose. I could allow myself to take it for 2-3 months and wean off anticipating school will be more difficult if I can't get my mind on the material. I have a head to toe assessment to do before we come back, so... probably good idea; band aid me through a bit.

    Why are men so stubborn? I am stubborn, but I will hear you out. swear. make. me. mad. LOL! I wanted to keep part of Alex's ashes so we can scatter them, take them to Hawai'i, have some for keepsake jewelry (if anyone wanted later), just to have in case crazy goes out there with a sledge hammer... and he veto's the whole thing like I'm not allowed to "change" anything. WHAT? (regain composure, because I can and will do so). Then a few days later hes ok with the "new" plans, after talking to the memorial guy. Did ya think I was asking him to do more work? I'm just saying I need an addition urn baggie and let into the gun cabinet. But... grrrrrr. just grrrr. Why must I be so patient? haha! I like that- It needs to be my daily motto, maybe put it on a running/cycling tee...

    yesterday was bad. DH fixed mac and cheese and I ate it; then brought home tacos. I really need to find better today. PMS is now MS, yay -_-.

    Daily sanity plans. blah blah blah...
    I get books delivered today for next semester. Find healthy food. I went 24 hours without any pain meds yesterday. When I woke early, I thought "why again am I doing this? who am i punishing? what am I trying to prove?" so took rx pain med 5am, advil 1130am. The shoulder is trying to loosen up. I can rotate my hand face up to down and the elbow joint rotates 70% of normal instead of not at all- which I had to quit doing, because it makes me panic a bit that it won't move. So perhaps I can try some violin later or if I'm feeling cerebral, work on learning the cello notes and fingering.
    I have doc follow up next week. I think I will ask about getting in the pool for walk and light swimming. It'll cost me 10$ a day since I let the membership lapse, but I doubt a 400$ membership is going to pay off if i renew. I'm way to lazy and undisciplined, and maybe wait and see what happens with school- the school has a pool.

    @bearly63 I love opera and the symphony, and art museums. And so much of whats not main stream in my surroundings. I'm a fish in a different pond. The three tenors are great to watch perform, if you want some more Pavarotti and chums.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    I only took the anti-depressants for about 6 months and then weaned off of them. So, like you said, it will be okay to try them for a while to get you through the start of school and then see how you feel about them. Not sure why men are so stubborn, but most are. Glad you finally got your wishes. Glad your shoulder is loosening up.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @elise4270 Men are from Mars. Nuff said. Swimming in warmish water is really nice on a sore bod. Our pool is small so it gets warm in the summer but it actually feels good on my hip to just float and stretch. Highly recommend. Also, I assume you know this but I have read that there are some really cool art museums doing online tours etc during the time of Covid. And lots of Opera performances online. Musical name it. I think our lives are going to be transformed in good and bad ways after Covid. We signed up for Disney Plus just so I could watch Hamilton with the original cast. Loved it. I got to see it in a theater in NYC with my son but the seats were so uncomfortable. This was way better!

    Food: Friday not cooking......I will wait and DH will come walking in from the office at about 6 and ask whats for dinner. I will stare blankly at him and shrug. >:)

    Exercise: Today a 90 min power zone class ( endurance training where you just stay in certain zones on the bike and work on control, physical and mental. Is that what a Temp run is? But first I need to get a spreadsheet done for work.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @bearly63 I did not know any of that ! ohhhh I will have to investigate the shows, operas and museums.

    The Y is pool is 84-86F. I mentioned to DD that I wanted to go and she said she's do with me, after I get the okay from my doc. Fine. This week auntie flo is hanging around anyway. DH agreed I can 10$ a day all I want and it always be cheaper than the membership.

    Hilarious diner plans! Man there's a thread in the main forum 'bout couples eating together and one changing their diet and the other is controlling or maybe they are both controlling... what? SO not the environment I grew up in. You're hungry; find something to eat. I want a private chef too but not through spousal enslavement. I burned a pizza last night. My crew still ate it. I offered that another one could be put in or just eat ice cream... That's what I did, et ice cream. Which means- I should do better today. Least I got my calcium for the day, eh?

    my hip is grumpy, still. I used crutches yesterday at hobby lobby (first store outing- took DH gah. It was a 3 hour tour...) *sings* New Stethoscope arrives today! Since the hip is so grumpy, I might try the bike; and if the doc asks if I did any I can say "yes, but..." rather than "no, I meant too..."

    DH made chicken tortilla soup yesterday. I hope there is more left today.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @bearly63 I did not know any of that ! ohhhh I will have to investigate the shows, operas and museums.

    The Y is pool is 84-86F. I mentioned to DD that I wanted to go and she said she's do with me, after I get the okay from my doc. Fine. This week auntie flo is hanging around anyway. DH agreed I can 10$ a day all I want and it always be cheaper than the membership.

    Hilarious diner plans! Man there's a thread in the main forum 'bout couples eating together and one changing their diet and the other is controlling or maybe they are both controlling... what? SO not the environment I grew up in. You're hungry; find something to eat. I want a private chef too but not through spousal enslavement. I burned a pizza last night. My crew still ate it. I offered that another one could be put in or just eat ice cream... That's what I did, et ice cream. Which means- I should do better today. Least I got my calcium for the day, eh?

    my hip is grumpy, still. I used crutches yesterday at hobby lobby (first store outing- took DH gah. It was a 3 hour tour...) *sings* New Stethoscope arrives today! Since the hip is so grumpy, I might try the bike; and if the doc asks if I did any I can say "yes, but..." rather than "no, I meant too..."

    DH made chicken tortilla soup yesterday. I hope there is more left today.

    Ohhh I think i might have commented on that one? I read about it and thought about commenting anyway lol.

    I think we are so stuck on couples doing everything together - must eat together, sleep together, live together. Why can't we just do what suits us, we'd all be so much happier! Just eat what you want, sleep how you want etc. For example DH and I share a bed but have different bedding. We are so much more comfortable this way. But people clutch pearls at that!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    First day on the exercise bike today, did 25ish minutes while watching Hannah Gadsby. I'm pretty sure the bike will be staying, though I think I've seen a better model for around the same price. I've signed up for 12 weeks, so will see it through, but only have 4 weeks to decide if I want to buy this bike. Will see how it goes. But watching TV while working out appeals! Lol

    Eating has been on point this week. I haven't even felt the need to go over the top. Having a whole week off may have been the best thing I've done. I realise I was getting myself to wound up. Doing everything I could to get my daily steps in, doing crazy things to get enough calories to eat what ever. Some really really bad habits.

    So now I have let go of daily steps because they don't matter in the grand scheme of things. I still want to do daily exercise, mostly because I am so scared of going back to my old weight. I am very uncomfortable at this current weight. Even just 3kgs makes a huge difference to how I feel.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @bearly63 I did not know any of that ! ohhhh I will have to investigate the shows, operas and museums.

    The Y is pool is 84-86F. I mentioned to DD that I wanted to go and she said she's do with me, after I get the okay from my doc. Fine. This week auntie flo is hanging around anyway. DH agreed I can 10$ a day all I want and it always be cheaper than the membership.

    Hilarious diner plans! Man there's a thread in the main forum 'bout couples eating together and one changing their diet and the other is controlling or maybe they are both controlling... what? SO not the environment I grew up in. You're hungry; find something to eat. I want a private chef too but not through spousal enslavement. I burned a pizza last night. My crew still ate it. I offered that another one could be put in or just eat ice cream... That's what I did, et ice cream. Which means- I should do better today. Least I got my calcium for the day, eh?

    my hip is grumpy, still. I used crutches yesterday at hobby lobby (first store outing- took DH gah. It was a 3 hour tour...) *sings* New Stethoscope arrives today! Since the hip is so grumpy, I might try the bike; and if the doc asks if I did any I can say "yes, but..." rather than "no, I meant too..."

    DH made chicken tortilla soup yesterday. I hope there is more left today.

    Ohhh I think i might have commented on that one? I read about it and thought about commenting anyway lol.

    I think we are so stuck on couples doing everything together - must eat together, sleep together, live together. Why can't we just do what suits us, we'd all be so much happier! Just eat what you want, sleep how you want etc. For example DH and I share a bed but have different bedding. We are so much more comfortable this way. But people clutch pearls at that!

    Mine will not share blankets. So we have separate bedding too.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I didn't read everything.

    @elise4270 Promptly has a grief journal & workbook. I ordered them after my dad died but haven't gotten around to them yet. I need to do that.

    We also have separate blankets. We can deal with the same one but it's easier to have separate. Otherwise we often tell the other to stop stealing all the covers.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I didn't read everything.

    @elise4270 Promptly has a grief journal & workbook. I ordered them after my dad died but haven't gotten around to them yet. I need to do that.

    We also have separate blankets. We can deal with the same one but it's easier to have separate. Otherwise we often tell the other to stop stealing all the covers.

    That’s a good idea. I’d like to get dd a set too! Thanks!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Opera - love the 3 Tenors but love Andrea Bocelli even more! I could listen to him all day! He has such a beautiful voice. I am so glad I got to see him live in concert before all of this took over our lives. I also love classical music. When I was a kid my mom 'made' us go to the local Philharmonic concerts and one summer they had Leonard Bernstein do a kids program, it was awesome. I find it amazing that a) Boise had a Philharmonic orchestra and b) that Bernstein would come there. Honestly though I think he had a summer home there up in the mountains.
    Men/Husbands... Definitely from Mars. Glad you were able to get it resolved @Elise4270 so you can always have a bit of Alex there with you!
    Mine is just being unhelpful - knows I can't reach my arm up and can't lift things right now and is giving my flack when I ask for help. I don't understand why he can't just offer or just help without making a big deal out of it. You'd think I was asking him to walk over hot coals or something.
    We don't typically share a bed any longer. Mostly because he snores so loud it makes the house shake and would get mad at me when I woke him up because of it. I dealt with it for many years and had managed to sleep through it for a long while until it got so bad. Even dd complains when she is here.
    We don't share food decisions all the time but I do try to plan dinners so he eats at least one semi-healthy meal and not just junk all day. He doesn't really cook other than BBQ so if I didn't he would just go out for fast food. Thinking about it as I write this it makes me wonder when he really started eating so poorly.
    We have been talking to dd pretty much every day lately and that has been a real treat. Wednesday was her last day at the pediatric practice and her focus now is on getting the new job. She has her big interview on Monday afternoon! We are also looking at refinancing her house now that interest rates are so low.

    No exercise today. I made spaghetti sauce last night and stayed up too late waiting for the sausages to cook so I could add them to the sauce. I did vacuum the house and found that my arm on the PM side was not happy with that so tonight I am babying it. We had a zoom call with some friends and ate cheese and crackers and drank wine. DH had a bowl of the sauce I made for dinner (no pasta just sauce 😁). I was full from the cheese and crackers so just had a small serving of ice cream instead.
    Tomorrow probably spaghetti or maybe some BBQ chicken. We have another call on Sunday with another group of friends so maybe cheese and crackers again. I am hoping to get out early both days to walk.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber Has your DH been checked for sleep apnea? One of the symptoms is snoring. I had it when I was overweight and got a CPAP machine, because I just wasn't sleeping much. I did so much better with it. But, now that I've lost the weight, I don't need it anymore! Yeah me!

    My weight was down to 136 today. One more pound and I'll be where I want to be. I did notice that 1 pound will be a 48.8 pound loss, so I need to make my goal to be 134.8 so it will be an even 50 pounds lost. LOL

    Off to play tennis in a few minutes. Then not sure what I am going to do for the rest of the day.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber @quilteryoyo Loud snoring can also be post nasal drip. My dh snored loudly and would do the sleep apnea stop breathing but it was allergies. He got prescription nose spray and adjustable bed & it's made a HUGE difference.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo and @RunsOnEspresso - he has severe allergies and asthma and is overweight. I think the snoring has gotten worse as his weight has gone up. He hasn't had a sleep study done and I doubt if he has even mentioned to his doctor or allergist that there is an issue with the snoring. I really should record it and play it for him so he would know how bad and loud it is. He does have the nose spray and other meds for the asthma but I don't think he uses the spray any longer. It does often wake him up sneezing and being congested so he takes some allergy meds, stays up for a bit and then goes back to bed. We have an electronic air cleaner and if he would leave the windows closed it would probably help but he is convinced he needs 'fresh' air. Lol - he is a mess 😂 We were actually looking at an adjustable bed, where each side adjusts separately. Is that what you have?
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi ladies:

    We got a king size bed a few years ago and it really helped with our various sleeping needs, me sleeping in a pool of sweat, stealing blankets etc. The snoring....sheesh. He only does it when he drinks too much or is having allergies. He claims I have but we all know ladies don't snore so I call BS. Sleep apnea can lead to all kinds of issues and increases the risk for strokes. I am convinced DH has it because there are times when I hear him stop breathing. And then he gasps and just keeps sleeping. Weird. But its gotten better in the last year so no idea what is up.

    Foodwise....I will make what I want to eat and the rest just deal. Usually its all good. I eat a lot of broccoli and DH always chops his up and hides it in the other an 8 year old. But we are pretty compatible other than I don't make a lot of pasta.

    @Elise4270 check this out. There are lots of other resources online.

    @shanaber hope your DD gets the job....sounds exciting.

    @avidkeo Glad you got the bike....and you can upgrade later if you decide its worth it.

    @quilteryoyo Congrats on the weight. Amazing loss. You should be so proud!!!

    Today- walked a 4 miles with a friend and solved all the worlds problems. Big ride tomorrow. I am signing up for a Food Run Challenge - they have it in 6 regions - I am doing TX that I commit to 120 miles or 20 miles/ week for 6 weeks. The funds raised from the fees will support food banks and feeding programs that are totally overwhelmed right now.

    Food - no idea. Takeout last night. Maybe forage for cheese tonight.

    Happy Saturday

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Dh and I see the same primary care provider, sometimes he asks about DH, other times I just flat out tattle on him so the doc can ask the right questions next time he sees him. Luckily, he's known our whole family for 24 years. So, tattle if you can. Maybe go with him on an appointment and offer "I notice, or I'm concerned about..." Then when it comes from the doc, hopefully your DH will listen. Cuz I can tell mine 15 times and he won't hear me, but once from the doc and *light bulb*. LOL!. I think American men just have this default bachelor diet. Mine sure does.

    @quilteryoyo Congratulations on the weight! wow! I'm jealous happy for you!!!!

    @RunsOnEspresso I ordered those journals, one for DD and myself. I doubt DD will use it, but I felt compelled to get her one.

    @bearly63 thanks for the link. I'll check it out!

    I listed to part of the Dali Lama's speech last night before bed. I think my brain has quit on me. I got so lost and didn't follow anything past "don't be ugly" haha. DH said then it is not my path. I disagreed, paths are not easy chosen or otherwise. (and dh makes fun of my inability to spell, yet I still try to learn).
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    Thanks all. I am pretty proud of myself. Now, if I can just keep it here, I'll be estatic. I'd like to be able to change my moniker to quilterrunner and get rid of the yoyo part. :wink:

    I played tennis this morning. Toyed with running afterwards, but decided I had sweated enough. Plus, I had some cooking I wanted to do. I was out of my super hero muffins, so made a batch with a different flavor this time - pumpkin spice. They are really good. Just had one fresh out of the oven. I'm also making granola - was out of it too. I wanted to make molasses cookies, but I don't have any molasses. I thought I did, but guess I haven't been able to find what the recipe calls for yet - black strap. Not sure what the difference is.

    Food - so far I've had normal breakfast, a protein bar and Gatorade during tennis, and a Super Hero muffin. Dinner is probably going to be what I call chicken potato salad. Don't gross out, but it's basically potato salad that I add chicken too. Not the healthiest of foods, but what I am in the mood for.

    @bearly63 I'm glad you solved all of the world's problems on your walk today. The food run challenge sound like it goes to a good cause and I'm sure you'll have no trouble completing it.