Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    edited July 2020
    @shanaber I hope your appointment goes a lot better than you imagined. As I recall, it is a NP that does all of the checks and adjustments on dad's PM, not the doctor. Hobbes was so funny on the agility course. Loved him just zooming through the tunnel for fun. :lol: Neither of the links worked for me. I can't imagine feeding puppies every 2 hours 24 hours a day. That's dedication, for sure.

    @ddmom0811 That is funny about the invisaligns. I don't like being able to not see people smile either. And, it makes it really hard for my mom and dad to hear, as they need to see people's lips in order to help them understand the words.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    I came across something from Osmosis about the long term effects of covid in kids. I am trying to distance myself from it all as to not propagate early erroneous information. I do trust the osmosis outlet. Hospitals were or are seeing an increase in case of Kawasaki disease in these kids. I think we should do what we can to protect everyone from it as long as we can. I think it's one thing to think the older population is at risk and we typically understand that with aging and illness comes susceptibility to these bugs, pneumonia, flu, CMV etc.. but when we are trying to make decisions that will affect a whole generation of kids... I can't help but to think of the devastation polio left us with. No one wants to look back at this and say "if we only knew, or if we'd only have listened...". Have Patience. I believe we can mitigate any pandemic despite the morons acting out. or political leadership... (I hope).

    tea.. OTC pain killers cuz, ugh.. bone pain

    Ever since @shanaber mentioned it, I feel like I may be forgetting something... I remembered last night that I can, and maybe should get on the bike. Also thanks to the Pelle lovers here! I am going to try to add more "normal" to my day. Classes won't be far off. Am I going to stick with it or decide to live unfulfilled and mopey? Of course, not. I thought to reach out to some suicide prevention groups, they have one at the university I might get involved with. I wonder if there is a FB for suicidal folks.. guess private groups exist. An app would be great. Press one button and 911 is called with your location and notifies family... Be cool if something like that was offered with these folks that are seeing counselors and are 24/7 connected to trained staff. I think you might get people to open up a bit more over an online chat/pen pal kinda thing. I already have 12 hours lined up for next semester, but might talk to DH about a psych or mental health class.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I ate too much today.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - I cracked up at Hobbes! He was determined not to do that one high step thing. So funny. Yes, the long-term effect of COVID is scary. It just seems like there is no good solution. Can’t believe our country right now.

    @elise4270 - that is a great idea about a suicide app. I don’t know if there is one. Last year at the competition I took my students to one of the projects was a suicide prevention type app, where it asked a bunch of questions and provided helplines. But the problem was HIPPA rules. (Asking the questions and what you do with the data).

    Worked a very long day on the ever changing schedule. Food was good - to busy to eat.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Aren't they trying to make 311 like the 911 for suicide hotline? I swear I saw news about it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I talked to DH about if such an app exists. He said not that he is aware of. It would have to be something contracted with a providers service.

    @RunsOnEspresso I haven't heard about the 311.

    I saw so many of Alex's old texts to friends that he needed company or someone to talk too, or was having a bad time.... If he had reach out to the right people... If. Ya know. And he knew what he was supposed to do. So... I guess I'm just trying to fix everything in retrospect.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    How am I suppose to social distance, when I am just getting bigger! LOL!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Peeps:

    Catching up after yesterday. Pretty much spent the afternoon cleaning as we are having a socially distanced get together today with my husbands' employee and her family. They have been cooped up since Feb when she had her second baby and they have literally not left their house since then - she has a 2 year old too.

    @ddmom0811 True about the invisalign....but it will be so nice when the masks come off and you have an awesome smile! The big reveal!!!

    @shanaber She is applying to all the Texas schools using the TMDSAS app - the common app for Texas. Decided not to apply outside of TX this year but will cast a wider net next year if necessary. I think there are 14 but Baylor uses the other app. They are so much cheaper for instate kids. She is aware of the debt issue.
    -OMG Hobbes is hysterical....what a fun hobby! And couldn't view the puppies but so sad. Hope the appt went was yesterday correct?

    @RunsOnEspresso Since you mentioned it, I was listening to "The Daily" podcast - NYT podcast. They were interviewing the NYT science editor who has been following all things Covid. He scared me. He said that unlike influenza which enters through our airways and attaches to lung tissue, Covid is actually a vascular disease, damaging areas of our bodies with lots of veins. It enters through our airways but attached to the inside of veins....think lungs, kidneys, brain, digestive tract. Thus people are showing up with other symptoms ie stroke, heart attacks, stomach issues but they have covid. They are now automatically running a battery of tests on patients to look for systemic issues. This is what scares me....some of the potentially debillitating side effects in other parts of our bodies.

    @elise4270 Love the idea of the app....intervention quickly is so important. Are you getting a bike? It's a nice non weight bearing cardio workout. Hope the healing is moving along. LOL about social distancing and girth....
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    @bearly63 I have a road bike on a trainer (not a smart one, just old fashioned go-'round and 'round cyclops. DH okay'd a smart trainer, but honestly I need to be motivated on my own and not try to compete with normies). And I have a trail bike for when I can get back out into the real world. I have not gotten on it the trainer for PT yet... Today may be the day.

    school book rant...
    YIKES! what are they thinking? One class is 608$ for the required texts, the other class is 205. Of course there are also suggested books to get that are another 4-500 bucks. oh heck no. I bought new books with the access codes from the publisher for $447 minus one book that I have an e-version of and can add that 65$ later if i have too. So (me sticking my tongue out), I "saved" $366, ( I did buy a cool digital stethoscope for 250 though... :)... still. Books that I can't sell back should not be that expensive, (keep all our books for later semesters and IF you do try to sell them... I got 62$ for 3 books from last semester) ugh.. No way I'm using 100 books when the internet exists. ya'll.

    Ate chicken strips. I don't know what I'm doing with my diet... Low carb, back to lots of veggies I guess. Fried chicken tenders don't really fit in that tho...

    I want to go walk... I know that's not going to happen. oh ya.. bike.

    @shanaber Whew! I am glad you didn't have to have the PM replaced. It's a bit maddening that they didn't listen a week ago and caused you undue duress. ETA Happy anniversary! ours is the 30th, 10 years... wow. I am a patient person LOL!

    DH said there are even HIPPA issues with these Zoom meetings. IDK what exactly, there is suppose to be a patch for the tele-med stuff I think. Even our nursing classes are to be treated as HIPPA compliant, earbuds and not share or discuss outside the online meeting. (probably a training exercise).
    The app idea would have to contract with health management systems for HIPPA compliance. Be cool though... I know my insurance company is all nosey and wants to manage my care (conflict of interest?), they could branch a service for mental health clients, partner with the states for funds to see those without coverage... Some basic services for these folks. all pipe dreams though... save the world.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - when I told the 1st PM tech how bad the first night and following days were, he felt so bad and kept apologizing. He was sweet and very caring, but it wasn't his fault. I did find out that my EP had emergency surgery himself the week after mine for some disk compression issue in his neck. I was surprised he was even back in the office seeing patients already. But like dd said, it was no excuse for them to put me off and not have someone else, even the NP, review things. I did really like her, she was so honest and very knowledgable. Too bad I couldn't have spoken to her either before or immediately afterwards. I don't see them any longer now though. I go back to my regular cardiologist from this point forward and they do all the checks there.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Tha ks @shanaber. I knew I had seen something about the 3 digit number but couldn't find anything. Must have been using bad google terms.

    My undergrad rented books. I seriously don't know why more colleges don't do this. We paid a flat fee in our tuition then went to the book store to get all the books. This also helped to make sure everyone had the correct version. My grad school I had to buy them. For a while I used the b&n membership because you got a discount on textbooks. Then they took that away so I googled and found the cheapest. It wasn't worth to resell so now I have a stack of 10 year old textbooks I need to take to a used bookstore to recycle.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    That is a great idea on renting the textbooks! I think the schools don't do more of that because a lot of teachers make money from selling them and by requiring them for their classes they are guaranteed the sales. My dd bought as many as she could used and she was in some online group where they bought/sold/traded each others books but that was mostly for grad school.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    All of our books are new editions. You can rent the new books but will still have to purchase an access code for each book. Thus, there is no savings. Even if there happened to be an older edition in use, you still have to buy the access code. They got us. I rented my biochem book, and a statistics book- classes that didn't require online access to material. DD gets all her books used and rented. I think last semester was less than a hundred bucks for her classes. I'm concerned she will drop fall classes with the loss of Alex. And her dumb boyfriend and she broke up. I offered to send the guy beanie (cat) poop, 2 day mail every day for a month. Beanie's poop is especially offensive. I keep asking Alex (St Mary, St Beatrice, St Luke...St Theresa! ) to find her someone, she needs someone she can fall into right now. Best I have is, "There's bbq/tacos/fried chicken and cats that love you!" :(

    DH is being especially nice to me today... I should be suspicious... I told him I wanted expensive earbuds. He said get them. Helped me narrow them down even... Wonderful. These will allow me to auscultate heart rhythms and lung sounds wireless and amplified to identify those adventitious sounds... hehehehe... it's a new age folks- digital stethoscope, wireless! These even will translate spoken words without hesitation. I can not wait to watch my newest Netflix medical show that is in Korean with these; and one that i just didn't have the mental energy post surgery/grief to follow in German... Gadgets!

    ate cheese whisps in addition to the chicken... its keto... DH said he'd bring home BBQ. Okay, I'll eat BBQ.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @shanaber That is so scary about the PM issues and jumping. Glad they got it adjusted and you that you were able to get a good night's sleep. Sorry it isn't working as it is supposed to though. Are they planning to replace the arterial lead anytime soon? Happy Anniversary!! Hope you enjoy your evening.

    @Elise4270 I have no idea why college textbooks are so expensive. I would be tempted to buy them though, because I can't sit and read that much on the computer without getting a headache. If you can do on-line/e-books, that's great! Sorry that DD broke up with her boyfriend when she needs someone to lean on. But, maybe he wasn't the one that she needed. I am keeping you all in my prayers.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    That is a great idea on renting the textbooks! I think the schools don't do more of that because a lot of teachers make money from selling them and by requiring them for their classes they are guaranteed the sales. My dd bought as many as she could used and she was in some online group where they bought/sold/traded each others books but that was mostly for grad school.

    Oh we had books written by professors too. They submitted their required list, the school buys the books, then charged us like $250 or something. It was so long ago I can't even remember the cost. I'm sure it's more money now.

    One class we had to get like 10 books and we didn't even use half of them 🙄
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - wow, that PM story is just scary! I'm so glad it is better now and that they apologized. My gosh. Tell us what DD says about that! Happy anniversary! My 35th is Dec 24th!

    @elise4270 - and other book discussers. The e-books drive me insane! Our school went to e-books about 5 years ago or so and I think they are such a rip off. Even if you rent them for the semester they are outrageous! And there is nothing printed! It's more than a printed book would have been. When my kids were in high school, at this same school, we used regular books and I would buy all their books used from former students and it would be a max of $100 for the 6-7 classes. Now they pay over $100 for each e-book. Some teachers find free materials and do their own curriculum which is what I did.

    Indian again tonight! It's a pattern and the Indian staff all know me, lol. It's just so good I can't believe it. DH always gets Lamb Vindaloo (his chance to not eat vegetarian, ha!) and I always get Vegetarian Korma. And we get naan and two veggie samosas.

    Weight was good this morning - and food has been pretty much on track. Fun 55 on Pellie. Gosh my runs are very sporadic now. But as someone in the main MFP feed said when I was lifting too much "do what you like!" and I am. I do love running but this is just so fun because it's new. :smile:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @ddmom0811 veggie korma is my favorite too! Mmmmm!

    I ordered a vegetarian cookbook and hope to try to cook more. Er any at all. My diet is horrible. I do have an Indian food cookbook too. I should revisit these books I have. Runners weight, runners world, athletes plate... lol! Oh well one more book won’t hurt.

    Tomorrow’s goal
    Cook real food.

    Dh is kinda disappointed that I don’t wanna go to mass with him tomorrow. I could manage physically but it is in a town where Alex died. I went to the little town where I raised him (To drop of stuff to his dad) and hard enough time. I can’t imagine passing the street he died, the house.. *kitten*. No way man. No way. I don’t think it’s fair of him to expect that I’m okay moseying on by, poppin’ in to church there (changing home churches). It’d be my undoing for sure.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @ddmom0811 Did I read that right? Kids in high school have to purchase their books? Wow! That wouldn't go over here. Way too many people couldn't afford them.

    @Elise4270 I completely understand not wanting to go to mass in the town where Alex died. At some point later, you may be able to, but completely understand that it is too soon. Good to you for standing up for yourself and saying "no." Only you know what you can handle. Hang in there. You are in my prayers every morning.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    I took an antidepressant today. I'm doing worse each day rather than better. Of course, I've been somewhat distracted with plans and getting word that the monument we chose is in stock and can be set in 2 weeks, is wonderful but it's also a reminder of the finality. I also have to let go of the urn. I don't want to. I am really starting to feel guilty for not being a better parent. I know I probably shouldn't. I think my parents were "bad" and I "managed". I'm sure the best of parents lose kids to mental illness. But, the "what if" game gets me every time.

    I made veggie korma and rice. I think I'll try to cook every other day and make it a veggie/fruit/grain day only-aka no meat.

    Church and cats, blah blah blah...
    DH didn't go today. I didn't ask why, maybe he was too tired to make 8 am mass 20-30 minutes away. The cats get hungry about 4am. Then continue to be pests til 6. Usually they get booted outside, but we had a storm and then they aren't really interested in going out. It doesn't help that Bear eats the old cats food and then he's bugging me because he's still hungry... ugh so I have to take him to the garage tool bench and feed him. Then Beanie wants to play or is lonely and yeowls and bring you all of her toys... and DH grumps about the loss of a bit of sleep. Honestly, I can go to bed early and don't mind getting up at 4-5 am with them all. But DH is up til 1 and keeps me up... haha! It's a no sleep cycle!

    still not trending down at all. I am eating 2500 calories a day or more and just laying around, so...

    Leg bone
    I told DH i was doing better than the last rodding, I can walk better. He made a face. What? How can you not think I am walking better than before? He said I need to use my crutches and not gimp around. meh.
    Eta knee - leg swelling is getting better. Line represents where a screw is.

    carry on carry on.