Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning guys.

    Wow you guys are chatty!

    I had an amazing holiday with my mum and 2 girls. We got to the snow, had a maddening time where nothing really went to plan but had fun anyway. I ate EVERYTHING and now weight 72.4kg, so have undone all the work I had done since January. I feel awful. I feel fat, and drained and fluffy and guh.

    I tried running but calf muscle wasn't having it last week, so took another week off. Will be testing it later today, and am back on the eating well wagon.

    I'll go back and read some posts now.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @Elise4270 I have mental illness in my family. My father’s first wife was institutionalized and my half-siblings have various diagnoses from addiction to bipolar to paranoid schizophrenia. My sister lost her adult child to drug use and then possibly committed suicide a year later. From the outside looking in what I notice is that it’s hard to give a child what you don’t have. There’s no lack of love in that side of my family, but there’s a lack of modeled behavior, a lack of coping skills, and a whole bunch of brains that just don’t always do what their owners wish they would. No one is to blame and everyone is doing their best. You did your best with what you had and what you knew at the time. Alex did his best. Wishing you peace.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    edited July 2020
    @Elise4270 The knee does look a lot better. That's great. I hope the antidepressant helps. Grief is hard. Have you tried writing in a journal about your "what if's"? I found that helped me work through them in my own head.

    @Avidkeo Glad you had a nice holiday, even if it didn't go as planned. I'm sure you really didn't eat that many calories, so some of that weight should come off fairly quickly. Hope your calf muscle let you run today.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    @Elise4270 The knee does look a lot better. That's great. I hope the antidepressant helps. Grief is hard. Have you tried writing in a journal about your "what if's"? I found that helped me work through them in my own head.

    I need to journal it. I have a baby book of his I can add too. I just can't bring myself to do it yet. I'll read the old entries and be miserable. So maybe I should start a new one. This would be a good exercise to do sitting out at the cemetery. I can ugly cry and wail all alone instead of silently crying under the covers for hours every night.

    ETA ...and thanks @HonuNui :heart:
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @elise4270 biggest biggest hugs. I wish I could be there to wrap you in a warm healing hug, blanket or what ever you need. You are an amazing parent and did what you could. Mental illness is so so incredibly hard. I am glad you are doing what you need.

    Your knee looks pretty good, glad the surgery seems to have gone well. Please use your crutches lol. Look after yourself. There is nothing wrong with putting yourself first to heal.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    I read all the posts since my last....lots happening.

    @elise4270 The leg looks so much better than the last pic. Baby pun intended. Cool that you got a new cookbook....just keep trying to eat healthy and move a little. Love what @rheddmobile posted. As parents, we could literally never feel good about every decision we made with our kids. We can only do as good as we got. This has saved me with looking at my parents they were formed as adults and how they parented us to the best of their abilities. So far from perfect. I worry that our imperfections will manifest themselves in our kids. I just try to have these open tough conversations with my kids so they know that we are aware and that they can choose differently.

    @shanaber Thanks for the article...will read. What a crazy experience. Glad it seems to have resolved and you are feeling better. Happy anniversary!

    @Avidkeo Sounds like a nice vacay and being flexible worked out! You will get back into a routine and be good to go.

    As for textbooks....what a racket. As part of the "skin in the game" attempt at parenting, we paid for lots of college but made them pay for parts, textbooks being one of them. Amazing how resourceful they become when its their money :D They did some renting, a little purchasing, some ebooks and some illegal downloads (I didn't want to know but this is a thing).

    Long hot weekend. Did a scary ride on Sunday but survived....a very mental challenge. Hill climbing is like running a much mental.

    plan to stretch, roll, do some strength and maybe walk a little....legs/glutes are sore.

    need to cook and it needs to involve veggies.

    Have I mentioned my lack of love for Mondays...... :/
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    Ohhh got my new vegetarian cookbook, Plenty by Yotam Ottolenghi. I am really pleased so far having just found it browsing Amazon. Lots of recipes and out of the 10 or so I thumbed thorough only one is something I can eat, tofu. I will have to get creative with cheeses that aren't available and I noticed one calling for orange blossom water and thought @shanaber and @HonuNui are lucky. I can manage to substitute these few things. The book is organized by main vegetable. So if you want a mushroom dish there is a section, or peppers, onions or eggplant... and there are stuffed onions with tomato and feta. hmmm...

    I signed up for a student nursing conference.
    It's virtual. I think it'll help me engage the upcoming semester. I wanted to run for student leadership, but covid messed all that up. I am about to let my participation in the Red Cross lapse, but... I probably should get that done today so I don't regret it and have to go through the trouble of reactivating and updating my hours (through donations and support- too gimpy to actually participate, so far).

    uhh no plans. I bought veggies and stuff yesterday. Dh had to stop and buy chips and canned bean and cheese dip to counter a healthier meal. My hips a bit grumpy, so I don't really think cooking is going to happen today. But I need to make a plan.

    I have PMS (might be why I've be crying so much more), the scale is at 130.1 (59kg) today. 124 (56.4) is my "oh *kitten*, do something" weigh. Happy weight is 117-120 (53.2-54.5). I think that puts me right back (about) pre-surgery weight. So that's a bit of motivation, sure add swelling and PMS, means maybe I am trending down a bit.. haha! Maybe... With that, I really want some fat homemade pancakes with bacon in them smothered in butter! Maybe there is a caulipower pizza in the freezer that will suffice. @ddmom0811 Did you like the cauliflower pizza? I am not pizza picky at all.

    Thank you for all the support. I'm sure I'll get a handle on myself eventually. Until then, I appreciate your words that bump me back on the path to healing.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - we both liked the cauliflower pizza! I think someone on here, maybe you, had mentioned it and that's why I had it in the freezer since March. I think what you are going through is normal grieving. It's got to hurt, it's part of it. As @rheddmobile said, you did the best with what you had. There is so much suicide among young male adults - I just read Elvis Presley's grandson who was around the same age. It's a nationwide problem and I'm so sorry it was Alex. It's just awful. It's going to take time. :heartbreak:

    @quilteryoyo - yes, it's a private Catholic school, and that's why they buy them. Not sure if other private schools do it the same, but I think so.

    @bearly63 - ha! Yes I don't want to know about illegal downloading either! As a CS teacher I was always reminding students about computer ethics.

    Working a lot, scheduling, which continually keeps changing, meaning a ripple effect of moving kids schedules.

    Weight okay. Haven't exercised yet today but plan on sometime before dinner. First break I took is now to catch up with you all!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    The suicide text help is a thing! yay! 741741 in the US
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber How are you getting along?

    @quilteryoyo The mower love bites healing?

    Did good yesterday. We had the last of the korma with nann rather than rice, and cauliflower mac and cheese. Scale is linear. Today? We have some frozen organic pot pies, lots of calories little food. Unless DH brings something home- he had a work in doc appointment this AM.

    ooch.. plan to rest a bunch, maybe find where I left those crutches and use them. I haven't been doing anything, but trips to kitchen/bathroom might be straining muscles.

    time for my netflix nap...
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all....

    @elise4270 that book sounds pretty good. I don't love cauliflower crust that what you mean or is it actually normal crust with cauliflower on top?


    did a short ride today to celebrate a Peloton friends 2200th ride and her was hard. 30 minutes of HIIT intervals and hill climbs. You can really get a work out in 30 min. I then went and walked to get some weight bearing in. It was warm!!!


    Made fish tacos last night - the best recipe I have found from the NYT. So good. I have made healthy versions with baked or grilled fish but hate to say it....the fried fish is better. With a fantastic chipotle sauce and homemade pico de gallo. I'd ride many miles for those!!!!

    Tonight.....lemon zucchini pasta with some chicken...looked good and light in this summer heat.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 The mower "love bites" are doing well. I'm surprised they didn't turn a dark black and blue. No really any darker than the original pictures. I'm thinking it could be because I iced them that night. It's just odd to me. Not the way I'm used to bruises doing. The areas are sore to the touch, but weight bearing - walking, running, tennis, doesn't seem to bother them. So, I have zero excuses for not exercising. BTW, having a linear scale day is always a win in my book. As long as it's not up, it's a good thing.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    We took my cousin's furniture to the assisted living facility today. Wound up having to buy him a new bed frame. So, it took longer than I expected. We didn't get home until around 2 and had left at 8:30. We stopped and bought take out for lunch - Kentucky Fried Chicken meal. Dad had been wanting that for a while. It was good, and surprisingly, not that high in calories. But, since it was late eating, I'll probably just snack the rest of the day. I really need to run, but I'm also really tired. Not sure if I'll talk myself into a run this evening, after it cools, or not. I may just make it a rest day and try to get to bed earlier tonight.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi all - took a bit of a break over the weekend and then yesterday was just a busy day so I am way behind...
    I have mental illness in my family too. My middle brother is paranoid schizophrenic and refuses medications of any kinds. He had multiple attempted suicides when he was younger and then he started to self medicate and I always thought I would get an overdose call. Now he has gone the other way and won't take anything except herbs and CBD which he researches exhaustively. Some days he is good and others not. I have learned not to call him and let him reach out to me. That way I typically get him on a good day. I thank heaven for my cousin who lives near him and makes it a point to check on him. He is really the only one who can calm my brother down.
    I am glad the suicide text is a real thing in the US and I hope the get the simple 3-digit number available too. Unfortunately I think depression and mental illness is such a problem, especially in this country where people still don't want to talk about it.
    @elise4270 - being a mom is something new to all of us and we make so many mistakes and definitely don't get everything right. But we do the best we can and that is all can do. Some ar fortunate to have moms or others with experience available to help and others like you and I don't and we figured it out as we went and try to learn from what we see as the mistakes our parents made. I know you did the very best you could and that Alex loved you very much.

    @bearly63 - I am so impressed with all your cooking. I seem to be stuck in a rut. I think I would like to try some new recipes then always forget to get the ingredients at the grocery store (or even to remember to add to my list). It doesn't help that dh is not an adventurous eater at all. He has specific likes and doesn't branch out much.

    @quilteryoyo - it seems like the arrangements for your cousin are falling into place! I think you will be a lot less stressed (and tired) once he is settled.
    So glad your lawnmower love bites were not more serious and seem to be healing well.
    Other than the chicken being fried I don't think it is too bad. What gets the calories up are the things like coleslaw, gravy and sauces...

    I went to agility class last night and ran with Hobbes. I was pretty worried about it but the NP said it was fine. It was still so hot but we did ok and Hobbes was SO excited to be there. We had 3 runs in class and at the end of the night I was wiped out. I had also walked a bit in the morning, trying to get in around 3 miles if I can just in our neighborhood.

    I seem to be healing fine and no real problems. I did notice after my walk and agility class that my shoulder and neck were so tight and sore. Not sure what it is from but I must be holding it differently; that and not being able to reach or stretch overhead. I was thinking how much a really need a massage! Since that isn't even a possibility especially with the new shutdown orders I just took and Aleve instead and wow, did I feel better this morning.

    This morning I went grocery shopping instead of walking so I will get out for some kind of walk this evening when it cools down.

    No breakfast really but had leftover chicken and veggie kabobs with a bit of rice for lunch.

    Our local restaurants are having SoCal Burger Week with special burger meals this week so we are going to try one tonight from one of our favorite dine-in restaurants. We haven't been there of course since at least January so hoping to help support them a bit and enjoy a great burger. It is a steak and seafood place so we have never ordered a burger. I will definitely need a walk to burn off a fraction of the calories!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I was shopping online at Costco today and looking through the lotions, etc. They have the La Mer eye cream and soft cream moisturizer. They are member only items though and I have no idea if it is any cheaper than getting it at Macy's or wherever and for sure won't include any free samples.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - oh wow, that's interesting about the La Mer! I will look. Though I have a lot right now. Glad you felt better and you even ran some. What do you mean by NP said it was okay?

    Off topic:
    Normal long busy working day. Awaiting Orange County FL to delay the opening of schools, PLEASE! We follow what they do.
    Looking online at lots of condos on the beach. We are getting more finicky and expensive! Looked at Flagler last weekend but now moving toward south of Daytona or north of Daytona. The weirdest thing. When we were driving back from Flagler last weekend as we passed by these huge mansions I said "John Travolta lives in one of these I think". Later that night I saw his wife died of breast cancer that morning! I didn't even know she was sick, not that I knew of her. It was just an odd coincidence.

    On topic:
    Weight still in the 147s -- must be the no drinking. I can't drink and work -- it's too logical of a task.
    Did a 3 mile run on TM and a core work out - 15 minutes - wow, it is tough!
    Food was Hello Fresh Chickpea tacos. Delicious!! Yes, the cauliflower pizza is referring to the crust. It was shockingly good. I'd get it again.

    Tomorrow is Ella day!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    edited July 2020
    @ddmom0811 - NP is the nurse practitioner. When I saw her Friday I asked if it was ok to do the little bit of running that I do in agility class and she said it should be fine.

    I hope your Orange County is more reasonable than ours... Can't believe ours voted 4-1 to open schools here with no masks and no social distancing, none, not at all. Everyone I know, parents, teachers, administrators from public and private schools are just shaking their heads wondering what are these people thinking.

    No burgers for us. The burger week meals at the restaurant we were going to was only for lunch and dh didn't want to go anywhere else for a 'good' burger. I didn't want In-n-Out. He ended up getting junk food (Del Taco) and I had leftover carnitas with black beans and a few tortilla chips with melted cheese.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @shanaber Glad that you were able to run the agility with Hobbes. I'm sure he was glad that you were doing it with him again. Sorry about the soreness. Glad Aleve helped. I did have some of the potatoes and gravy and slaw too. But, my weight is only up half a pound this morning, so I'm happy with that.

    @ddmom0811 Have fun with Ella today!

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey guys.

    Been reading a bit in the background, hoping to catch up this week.

    I did my first HIIT/strength workout yesterday and DOMS have already set in. I have a handle bar in the toilet, and boy am I glad it's there, my glutes and hamstrings are talking to me. I forgot how hard these workouts can be. It's been almost 2 years since I did them all the time - it's how I lost the initial 20kg.

    Im thinking of buying a exercise bike. It would be excellent cross training for when I'm back running, and for now it will be good to help keep my cardio up. Thinking I'll hire for a few weeks first, then buy if I actually use it. Sound smart?

    Eating, been good the last 2 days. Was way under calories yesterday but just wasn't hungry so wasn't going to force it. I'm just taking day by day and going back to what worked for me when I lost the first time. Back to basics.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo I think an exercise bike is smart. Any kind of cycling helps, I think. I took about a year off of running when I first had back/ hip /nerve pain and biked exclusively; I noticed when I returned to a bit of running my cardiovascular system was in better shape.

    I are depression ice cream yesterday. My hip hurts. The pain meds don't work anymore and I figured " who cares". Todays food? ugh IDK. The scale is still linear after the ice cream last night. DH bought BBQ yesterday too. I need to choose wisely today.

    I keep forgetting to take the antidepressants... I guess I feel like I deserve to feel *kitten*. It's complicated. For some reason I thought of Luciano Pavarotti this morning and am listen to an album with my new ear buds that are amazing. It quiets the soul.

    The (so far), official word here is some face-to-face classes with masks, hybrid classes and online. I haven't heard yet where the nursing classes will land. I assume hybrid. Clinicals are still undecided as facilities are not letting visitors/student in yet... Perhaps we'll have to go back to learning on each other. LOL!

    @shanaber I'll put my DH on the cosco la mer! He recently bought a membership.