Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @elise4270 I wanted the garmin for ease but it was twice as much and only available in white. And like a week to get it. Impatience won out. 🤣

    I finally got a half marathon done. I tried a HoneyStinger ginsting gel. Not a fan. While I was trying to choke it down & sip water my mouth piece came off my vest and water was gushing out. I'm holding gel in one hand & trying to stop the flow with my other hand. I then had to quickly finish the gel so I could fix my water. Good thing I was already walking at this point. Lol
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Elise4270 Try to give yourself a break on the weight and food. Own it and move on. Today is another day.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Yeah for getting the HM done. I bet you were a sight trying to get the water to stop gushing out. Sorry, but the picture in my head makes me laugh.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited June 2020
    @elise4270 please be kind to yourself. This is such a hard time to be going through and you deserve some self care.

    @RunsOnEspresso yay for HM!! What an annoying thing to have happen. I have visuals of your fingers all gooey while trying to fix a gushing tap haha.

    Well I'm peeved. Half way through my 5k this morning, calf niggle returned. I noticed that if I really concentrated on activating glutes and hamstrings the niggle would ease, but if I just ran my normal way it returned. Its not overly painful but definitely there. Cannot ignore it.

    So I should be sensible, take the week off right? Actually probably make that 2 weeks, since I'm on holiday next week. It still gives me 17 weeks to train for the marathon.

    I'm just getting so so frustrated.

    Yesterday I ate maintenance. I'm still snacking a lot in the evening. Sigh. Holiday in a week. Can't wait.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    Sorry that your calf is still giving you problems @Avidkeo . That is so frustrating when you thought it was all better. Where are you going for your holiday?
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo I was laughing at myself. It was like what the heck? @Avidkeo That is exactly what happened! Good thing the water helped wash away some of the sticky. I had to wait for my hands & mouthpiece to dry before I could really get it fixed.

    @avidkeo Maybe you need to do some glute activating exercises before you run? Get them fired up so you use them more? *Not a doctor, do not play one on tv, and did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    edited June 2020
    @RunsOnEspresso - I got the Withings+ scale after @ddmom0811 recommended it. I really like it and it is super easy to set up and use. All the information gets integrated into the Health app on my iPhone or I can look at the trends in the Withings App.
    So funny about the gel and the water! I hate gels/gu's they are just so sticky! Ugh!

    @Elise4270 - best pickles are Bubbies! Sauerkraut too. Yum...taste like homemade! can't argue on mayo since I don't eat it and Frenches mustard is good when I don't want a good German mustard. Dh who only uses ketchup will only use Heinz too.
    I am sorry you are having tough days. I think they will come and go for a long while, just don't be too tough on yourself. I always figure getting outside is good when I am having a rough day.
    ETA - we are waiting for the earthquake to hit, also because 2020... after the big one in Mexico south of us and a big one just NE of us the likelihood increases 😱

    @avidkeo - I posted this in the Challenge thread too - have you had a gait analysis done by the PT? Maybe something has changed or is out of sorts there that is contributing to the calf issue?

    Food - just like on rest days I find myself wanting just carbs and then at the end of the day trying to figure out how to get in some protein that I didn't have all day. Yesterday I mostly just snacked all day and then we got Mediterranean take away. Chicken and veggie kabobs - so, so good and I have enough for another meal. This morning dh ordered from the Cuban bakery before got up so I had part of the scone he gave me, they are definitely a weakness. I had my usual yogurt for lunch and we are having steaks for dinner again. I found some that he had put away and forgotten about that really need to be eaten or they will have to be tossed.
    I am afraid to get on the scale. I am sure it is going to be way up since I am moving so very little and I am sure the carbs are just making themselves at home in my body. Two weeks is a long time to go doing nothing. I read in the support group that most were not allowed to really go back to running/working out for at least 8 weeks after the initial 2 week recovery - so 10 weeks total. Yikes, I hope not.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @shanaber I'm pretty sure my dad was told that he could go back to all of his usual activities a lot sooner than that. We made sure the doctor knew that meant sawing wood, doing things on the tractor, and other farm work. He was okay with all of that. I would think running would be okay sooner - maybe not heavy lifting or doing a lot of things where your arms are above your head. My advice is to talk to the doctor about it and follow his directions. You really don't want to have complications. Can you get out and walk now?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ugh. I forgot the earthquakes.... We had a few about 4-5 years ago when they were drilling in an area. They made them stop drilling, which couldn't be why, but was.

    Lots of geckos out. A little windy and thoughts of a thunderstorm loomed, but pleasant. I walk funny and am rubbing hot spots on the bottom of my "good" foot.

    Ate home cooked veggies, but cheated and added a bit of ramen noodles. Still better than the poor choices previously made. Headache today, probably revenge of the snickers ice cream bar I know not to eat but DH still gets me one...
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Sundays are usually my 3rd lifting day but I think after doing a half today I'll move it to Monday.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso hmm maybe that will help. Bridges right?

    @shanaber he analysed my gaid and said it looked good. Looked at yh9wear on my shoes, everything looks good. He even said I have a really good long distance runner gait lol.

    Hmmm today I'm wearing my old work shoes and I'm half way through my shift. The pain in my calf has gone.

    Now I wonder if it actually was the new shoes irritating things?? Definitely a possibility... Tomorrow is a rest day, going swimming. Will see how I am Wed, may just take it off and if still pain free Friday, try a gentle run then.

    Always shoes in my experience!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo There's a few different ones. And having a mini band or hip circle helps too. Here's few exercises

    If you Google glute activation there's tons of articles.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - I think anything you are feeling is totally normal. Don’t beat yourself up.
    @shanaber - I hope you get good news from doctor but I guess it’s still another week away. Yikes on earthquake!
    @avidkeo - that would be crazy if it was your work shoes.

    I had a ton of carbs myself tonight after dinner. Brownies and ice cream. Luckily I had to put Invisalign in so stopped. :smile:
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo we are going skiing! Well going to the snow and will attempt skiing lol. I've never ski'd outside, and my last skiing experience was 15 years ago. My kids have never even seen snow.

    I'm meeting up with a friend who is amerikiwi. She grew up in Pensylvania, so knows skiing, so should be fun regardless.

    And I won't be at work for almost 2 weeks!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - no walking, no nothing for 14 days post-op. So nothing until after the 10th (technically the 8th). However, tomorrow I get to take a shower! WhooHoo!

    @elise4270 - They have found that the drilling for oil or shale and injection of water and/or gas can definitely result in earthquakes. Here it is just the normal slippage of the underground. I follow the USGS Earthquake site and the quakes around the pacific plate. Slippage one way generally reflects some movement on the other parts of the plate. Right now there is lots of activity all around the plate.

    @avidkeo - I hope it is something as simple as the shoes you are wearing to work!

    I decided I needed to get up and do a little more today. I got some laundry going and also worked a little bit in the yard. Picked some nectarines to keep them from the critters. Also ate a few that I had brought inside to ripen and they were so good.
    This one was hiding up in the tree and is pretty much perfect and almost ripe. Yum!oeba5mig2jy9.jpeg
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @quilteryoyo - no walking, no nothing for 14 days post-op. So nothing until after the 10th (technically the 8th). However, tomorrow I get to take a shower! WhooHoo!

    @elise4270 - They have found that the drilling for oil or shale and injection of water and/or gas can definitely result in earthquakes. Here it is just the normal slippage of the underground. I follow the USGS Earthquake site and the quakes around the pacific plate. Slippage one way generally reflects some movement on the other parts of the plate. Right now there is lots of activity all around the plate.

    @avidkeo - I hope it is something as simple as the shoes you are wearing to work!

    I decided I needed to get up and do a little more today. I got some laundry going and also worked a little bit in the yard. Picked some nectarines to keep them from the critters. Also ate a few that I had brought inside to ripen and they were so good.
    This one was hiding up in the tree and is pretty much perfect and almost ripe. Yum!oeba5mig2jy9.jpeg

    Drool! I love Stone fruit!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    @Avidkeo That sounds like a wonderful trip. The kids will love the snow. I really enjoyed skiing the few times I went. I do have a piece of advice for you...if it is sunny, be sure to wear sunglasses, but not the reflective type. On one of my first trips I didn't wear sunglasses on day one and my eyes were so bloodshot at the end of the day, it was awful. So, I bought those cool reflective sunglasses for day two. We came home that evening and I woke up about 2 in the morning, feeling a strange sensation on my face. I went the mirror to look and almost had a heart attack - my nose was really sunburned, to the point of cracking open and oozing and my lip was swollen up to where it touched my nose. I went to the doctor the next day and it was what they called sun poisoning. They really couldn't do anything about it, but it was painful and just awful looking for a few days. Now, I make sure to put sunscreen on my nose if I don't put it anywhere else, as it burns at nothing. I always worry about developing skin cancer from that episode. So, I guess a second piece of advice would be to wear sunscreen. Enjoy! I think you will love it.

    @shanaber Glad you are feeling like doing a little more and I know that the shower is going to feel so good. Is DH going to wash your hair for you? The nectarine looks delicious.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    edited June 2020
    @avidkeo - I 2nd @quilteryoyo on this. People don't realize how reflective the snow is and you can get a really bad burn. We always wore a zinc oxide based sunscreen across our nose and under our eyes. I have had sun poisoning a time or two (not from skiing though) and it is no fun. Playing in the snow sounds like it will be awesome as will being off work for 2 weeks!

    @quilteryoyo - I hadn't planned to have him wash my hair, I think I can do it one handed. Also I have a sling for my arm but it doesn't go around my waist. I am mostly wearing it at night so I don't raise my arm in my sleep. So far I have only slipped up and tried to reach for something with my left hand once. I was finding it made my neck and shoulders sore if I wore it all day.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I feel like my garmin is charging slower than it used to. I also have to plug and unplug it a few times. It looks like there might be dirt/skin in the watch/plug. Tried a qtip but it didn't really get in. I'll figure out something another time. I've got *kitten* going down at work.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Good scale news. I forgot to weigh Sunday morning - which is rare for me. But we were watching a dog and when I woke up I immediately went to check on him and drank my Athletic Greens so then didn't want to weigh after that. (good grief, that would be an additional 4 ounces!) Anyway, we had take away Indian on Saturday night and take away Cuban last night. All that salt! Also I bought a Toblerone Frozen cake and had 2 pieces and ice cream last night. So I figured I'd be way up. I was the same as Sat morning! For me to be at 148 on a Monday is really good.
    BTW the Toblerone cake is not worth it. Not very good at all. I love ice cream cake - especially DQ ones. But this just wasn't all that special (Though I will finish it).

    I wonder if I am coming out of menopause. I am cold a lot and I haven't been cold in years. I used to be sleeveless and be hot all the time. Now I need a jacket again. Jeez, it was only like 10 years. I need to track when I have hot flashes. I still get hot and cold at night, but I think it's more cold than hot now. This afternoon is mammogram and bone density. I want to see some good numbers on the bone density test after all these years of lifting weights!

    Same old smoothie for breakfast. In my menopausal state I can't remember if I mentioned I've been soaking steel oats in almond milk overnight and then adding them to smoothie. Very good and makes it more filling. It does have a lot of calories with all the fruit I add and I could probably cut some, but for now, I'm making it like I have been.
    And same old salad for lunch. Currently it consists of spinach, carrots, celery, beets (just a few), broccoli slaw (bought in a package), tomatoes (if they have fresh ones I'll buy those but usually it's those little sweet tomatoes), grapes, and then 1-2 hard boiled eggs. Oh! Also, those cute little peppers that are very colorful. I find the best way to cut those is from the bottom up and then you don't have to worry about seeds. It is such an ordeal to cut all that up, that on Sunday night, or Monday morning, I make 3 of them. Then Wed night make 2 more. I have tried making all 5 but I don't like how some of the cut vegs look by Friday. I've had this at school for years and even working from home continuing the tradition.

    Dinner is left over Indian. Now that I've rejoiced on scale, it will shoot up 3 tomorrow. :wink: