Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    @swenson19d - He looks beautiful and a bit like a goof! I think he will make a good pair with Beary!
    I am really sad about dd. It is hard to figure out how to help in general and with what she (and you) has been through it must be especially hard. Will she talk to your Dh or maybe a counselor where he works?
    @Avidkeo - your day off sounds wonderful! So fun!
    @bearly63 - you are crazy with that Peloton bike, riding it in the dark! You should have lit some candles for a candlelight ride!
    I don't think the Peloton workouts I have been doing would work with the Tread. I use the 'Outdoor' category so they don't talk in terms of the settings on the treadmill.

    I did run today!! It was hot and we had the driveway sealed today so I left Hobbes home. He made it very clear he was not happy being left at home!
    I used the peloton app again and did a walk/run workout once I got over to the trail. I was able to run most all of the run intervals and for the entire interval (one 6 min interval I had to walk a bit though). Once it ended I still had a ways to get back to my trail entrance so I started another shorter power walk workout and ran the 'power' intervals. It felt good and hamstring was fine. A little discomfort once I got home so I used the heating pad and that helped. Tomorrow is a strength day and I will probably find a fun workout to do along with some free weights on my own.
    During my warmup walk I was attacked by a wild critter:
    He attacked my shoes as I was walking then rolled over to play. We played with a stick for a few minutes. Such a cutie!
    Food was good today I just didn't eat enough again. I have got to do better! Oh and the scale was back up a bit again...
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    @Avidkeo What is porridge? Here it is oatmeal, or cream of wheat or grits. or perhaps even breakfast rice (milk, butter and sugar). Sounds like a good day swimming!

    @shanaber Good thought on the counseling. She's done a little before but I won't invest and stick to it. I may see if I can get her to consider a telehealth visit with one or at least check in with her PCP.

    It's 213am. Bean licked my hand waking me to let me know her food bowl is empty and I couldn't go back to sleep. I checked on Bear and gave him his snugglie blankie. He's claimed the spare room as his. And I can not proceed with converting it to a study area because dh is considering having those kids over for a few days at a time. Which would be terrible and I may just move out to the shed with Noodles. They are hours away, what an ordeal and I want my ZEN room. I have a dull headache still, my eyes burn (rosecea i think), and sleep hot- thanks hormones, or lack ther of.

    Food today
    lots of caffeine. There is nothing to eat so It's time to get creative with a one pot dish.

    I may have just had an off day. I didn't pay attention in class at all. I don't feel like my brain wants to engage coursework. Maybe I just have had too much sugar in my diet and its being lazy. Tuna sandwich then today!

    I may be tired now. OJ and a bit of apple cranberry pecan bread (that I made for the electrician guy that didn't make it due to weather). Now a local service will be out Friday. (lots of sugar).

    Night yall. Be well. Take time to make your world as small as it needs to be for your own mental health.

    @shanaber ETA that wild critter is adorable. Nice that your "attacker vibe" is innocently crazy!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @bearly63 That's awesome mileage! You are doing great!

    @swenson19d I hope you can figure out how to help DD. There's such a fine line between help and enable. Have you checked out any of the groups out there for caregivers... can't think of the name... al-anon maybe?

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @bearly63 That's awesome mileage! You are doing great!

    @swenson19d I hope you can figure out how to help DD. There's such a fine line between help and enable. Have you checked out any of the groups out there for caregivers... can't think of the name... al-anon maybe?

    I haven't DH says I should but I don't get the point. I feel it'd be a bunch of people complaining. I am not a people person and have such a hard time connecting. I noticed yesterday how the returning class all knows one another and is familiar, I'm just hanging all by myself. It's not age. There is one woman my age or older and she's bonded with the young'ns.

    You doing okay? getting some rest? How was the food and care?
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 porridge is oatmeal - just oats with water or milk, cooked then added toppings. I think helping DD get counselling is always a good idea. I'm like you and aren't a fan of group therapy, one on one is definitely best. That's not enabling, it's definitely helping. And I feel you on the classes. Im usually an outsider in classes like that. I hate it but then fewer distractions? I usually made a friend or two by the end, especially when the clique inevitably implodes.

    @shanaber love the critter! Haha.

    Well last night I was exhausted. So tired that my whole body felt like it was humming. I was asleep by 830pm, woke at 1030 for about an hour then slept till around 7ish. I'm still tired today but not the bone deep achy tired.

    The girls loved porridge for lunch haha. And the walk was great, they both went further than I expected and we had a great time exploring.

    I have been up and for a 7k run. Its getting really hot now so I need to get out early. I found todays 7k a little challenging, I'm still tired. And a bit sore from yesterday's strength. Work today, 10 - 1830. Already have food planned and packed.

    Tomorrow is my first real challenge since starting back. I go out of town for a night for work. I'm determined not to fall off. I'll be 19 days in a row tomorrow if I stick to plan, and getting to 3 weeks will feel amazing. So I've already thought about what food to have. It's just annoying cause I have to plan 2 lunches, dinner and breakfast. I'll work on it today.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @shanaber Hobbes does NOT look happy. He's so expressive. Bless his heart. Glad you had a good run/walk session and the critter attack.ended well. ;)

    @swenson19d Hugs to you. I agree with you about the kids. Keeping them a few days at a time seems very unstable for everyone. I thought al-anon might have some good tips on where to draw the line, but totally understand not wanting to be in a group that constantly complains. You do what's best for you.

    @Avidkeo Glad you got some rest. The hike looks like a lot of fun. You are doing great with you food and exercise!

    I had been concerned that CoVID would reduce the care I got in the hospital, but I think it was actually the opposite. Since they weren't allowing many heart surgeries, the nurse to patient ratio was actually better. Friday night my assigned nurses just had me and one other person.
    Food was decent, except for the breakfast turkey sausage and bacon. I've had some that was good. This was uneditable.
    Being at mom's I'm not eating the best, but it will be okay for a few days. Changes in food and routine really mess up my system. I'm proud to report....TMI coming...I pooped this morning. It's the little things. LOL
    Doctors orders are to walk 30 minutes a day. Mom and I took 2 walks today for a little over 35 minutes and about 1.25 miles.
    I feel I'm doing really good so far. Thanks for all your support.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @quilteryoyo- Great news on poop! Haha! And SO glad you are doing well.
    @shanaber Hobbes just cracks me up. Face is so cute.
    @swenson19d - I wish I had words of wisdom for DD.

    I’m eating a little too much still but doing lots of exercise and feel good.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo that's excellent news! Well except the breakfast. I can imagine what bad breakfast sausage is like. I had some questionable ones when living in the UK.

    Busy day today. 18 days done! Spent about 45 mins prepping food for the next few days. I have made lunch, dinner, breakfast and lunch. Whew. But all made and ready. I'll be going straight after work to the accommodation, and just staying there. Got a nice salad, and a couple of cold pasta dishes.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @Avidkeo You're doing great!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    I could not sleep last night. I was wide awake at 2 am. Very irritating. I took off anything I could that might be aggravating me...PJ bottoms, socks, band-aid over the jugular heart monitor place, and my heart hugger. That helped some. Wound up playing some Theda music and went to sleep about 2:50. But I kept waking up, getting up to pee, being fidgety. Not restful at all. They were giving me melatonin in the hospital, so I'm going to have someone get me some today and see if it helps.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo yuck, perhaps a nap. or perhaps you got a nap?

    @Avidkeo Still an inspiration to me! yay!

    I'm tired today. Class one got out a bit early and I tried to nap in my car before class 2. So so tired. Class again tomorrow.

    IDK what happened, but i sat down to finally phone them about resolving the update not updating and it's updated. okay ill take it. See procrastination can pay off.

    I managed 30 minutes of violin today. I think Ill go lay on the couch and watch tv (netflix). I have lots of assignments, but i am tired.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    I spelled the music wrong... it's Theta, not Theda. Any nap yesterday or today. I did get some melatonin. Hope I get a good night's rest tonight.

    I took a couple of walks today. One with Mom, was to my house to get a shower. I wanted to bring my computer back, so a neighbor came and picked us up.

    Still doing amazingly well. Hope it continues.

    @Avidkeo I hope you feel more rested tomorrow and get some of your assignments done.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey guys.

    Well so far so successful! Got up, went for a ride, did strength training. Work. And am now in the other town, an hour away from home.

    As I was leaving the usual desire to buy sweets etc was there. But I kept thinking to myself day 19. cant lose it now! I knew I had enough calories to have a small icecream, so I did that on the way over. Have arrived and the desire to go out and buy junk has mostly gone. I haven't had dinner yet (only just gone 5pm) so will get it soon. And I'll actually be under goal by 80 calories. I'm good with that.

    So yay!

    I have all my running gear, so will go for a run tomorrow morning. Then head back home. Friday tomorrow. Can't wait!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @Avidkeo You are doing great! I'm proud of you for sticking to your plan.

    I have been at mom's since I got home from the hospital on Monday. We stopped at KFC on the way home and my brother brought us each a "plate" of food - spaghetti, corn, peas, garlic toast, baked potato, and Cherry Yum Yum. I didn't think I would ever say this, but I am done with spaghetti/pasta for a while. I had spaghetti for lunch in the hospital on Saturday, I had Chicken Alfredo for lunch on Sunday - from the Black Olive (yum), had spaghetti with chicken Monday for lunch at the hospital before I came home (didn't eat much of it), and have eaten what my brother brought 3 times this week. There is still enough left for my mom and I to probably have 2 meals. Fortunately, we are going to trade my neighbor (my designated person at the hospital) the spaghetti for some bourbon cake (I think that's what he said it was). Sounds like a good trade to me. If my brother thought what they sent us was one meal, it's no wonder they are a tad overweight. That was an enormous amount of food.

    I told mom this morning we had to do better today. So, after a big breakfast, we are going to have a baked potato for lunch and Super Food Soup that I had frozen with some chicken for dinner.

    I took a half mile walk yesterday morning and then mom and I walked to my house and I walked a little more, so that I could take a shower, water the houseplants, and collect my computer to bring back to mom's. Our neighbor came and picked us up to bring us back to mom's.

    I'm doing great. Amazingly good, in my opinion. If it weren't for the the incisions and tape irritation and bruises and being a little sore, I wouldn't know anything had happened. I hope this continues, but know that the recovery is just going to take time. The doctor said no driving for 4 weeks and no lifting over 10 pounds for 8 weeks. I'll ask about exercise when I see him next Thursday for my follow-up.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo So impressed with your rapid made it look easy!

    @RunsOnEspresso I like that....going for good enough! Perfection is dangerous.....I let it derail me all too often.

    @avidkeo Keep going - hit that first goal and you are there! Great work!

    @swenson19d Hope you get the kitty....very cute. And I hope DD gets what ever help she needs.

    @shanaber that face on Hobbes is priceless! I have used inside runs outside on the Peloton app. I just try to run faster or slower. Its all good. I am loving the Tread. It came last week and both hubby and daughter are using it a lot. I have walked and run. It's just so smooth and easy on the body.

    @ddmom0811 It's great that your feeling good! I need to clean out my house from holiday sweets. They are killing me.!

    I am doing well with my exercise plan - in week 2 of a strength program, trying to do 2 days of yoga, ride or run for 30-60 5 days and one long ride 1 day a week. Baby steps

    Food - this is where my focus needs to turn. Need to log, need to get off sugar again. The Dry January (sat only if I want a drink) is going well.....sleeping so much better. I just have to start over with the food logging and focus on my protein macros. I step at a time.

    One last thing. If anyone is interested, I am posting a link to Mark Hymen's new Docu Series on Aging. It's free. You have a day or so to watch each episode. Just sign up at the link in the bottom of the page. He is amazing. Lots of science about functional medicine, the body, latest research. You might find it interesting. I sure do.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    First week of school
    I have gotten nothing done. I can't believe how quickly I forgot how crazy it is. I've spent the week getting organized. Which seems insane because my system is redundant and changing a bit this semester d/t the challenging material.
    Since I was COVID positive I have to go get another test wedneday in hopes that it is negative. If its positive that means no clinicals. Which kinda sucks, but as much pain as I've had it might be a blessing in disguise.

    I have had so little time to stay with the violin work. ugh... but if i cant go to clinical I might have some additional time. IDK I am sure i'll have assignments. oh an email just came out that my group does not need to be tested. yay! guess clinicals are back on for me! I will go get tested anyway, these things change hour to hour, day to day.

    Electrician will be here today for a reschedule. they flaked on us earlier, said they called and no one answered. nah dude. you bein' shady. Long lunch perhaps?

    I like my cat room/study room It's a mess but shaping up.

    ok I must figure out what I have to get done by sunday and how to organize it. I paid for a program for nursing students to help, but havent had the time to look at it. Wish i'd have found it in the break.

    jerks and tremors
    I decided last night that they were in fact caused by the duloxitene. The residual internal vibrations may resolve. If not I see my primary hip surgeon in April and I'll re-evaluate then. I am more concerned about the low back pain and leg aches. If i stretch I get muscle cramps in my chest/ribs, I hope that is just additional strain of being up and around (class m//w/r).

    Eat well!
    I have a recipe for a potato cabbage soup with leek, kilbasa. Walmart pick up takes 2-3 days now yuck. but I dont want to go or send dh because he buys not-food food.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @bearly63 Sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work.

    I agree @RunsOnEspresso ! Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

    Hope you have a great 3 day weekend @ddmom0811 !

    Hugs @swenson19d ! I hope the pain subsides. Good luck with school.

    I'm thinking about purchasing some Great Course courses. I got a magazine in the mail while I was in the hospital. They have a sale on and can get up to 5 courses for $35 each. I'd get DVD's so I could do them at any time. Thinking of photography, Spanish, Birding, Writing Creative Nonfiction, and Science-based gardening techniques. Do any of you have experience with Great Course? I thought for the price, even if I learn just a little, it would be worth it.