Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning all.

    @swenson19 you got this. Hope the test is negative!

    @quilteryoyo never heard of Great Course, but it's definitely a good time to try I guess.

    It's 545am. I'm having some breakfast than will be out the door. I'm excited!

    Weighed in, lost 1kg (2.2lb) this week!! I'm coming to realise I regret eating food, rather than feeling like I missed out when I don't. There was chocolate and cookies at work. Didn't have any. Wasn't really tempted. Because there will ALWAYS be more. And they weren't anything special.

    My mum is in town for a visit. Will take her out for lunch. Probably a burger for me. And no won't have dessert. Had it last time. Wasn't any special. I'm looking forward to going out with my mum and kids.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    @quilteryoyo I think DH has done one, he had something in the mail from them. I'll ask him later. He's in a mood and i can't bother him during work hours. He asked about dd and school and got ugly. I get it, she needs to be pushed to move forward. I am just over being put in the middle. He should talk to her if he needs to say something. I'm trying to manage myself right now, I can't manage her too. He's right. She's 25 and need to get with it, school or work or he's taking the car. I officially have a 16 yo I guess. How awful to be 25 and lose the car because you are not productive? sheesh.

    I have a hello fresh box arriving today... @shanaber did you do that? I thought I goofed the cancellation but it doesn't seem so. I saw another service that has premade food. I thought that might help dh stop buying junk and since I'm out of the house 3 days a week, he'd eat a little better.

    Week one and I feel so far behind. I'll keep chipping at it.

    I found a walmart 20 miles away that will do the pick up today and I dont have to wait 2-3 days. It's where Alex died, I think I can manage it, I may cry but thats fine. DH said that store is bad about getting everything. I'll take my chances, most of it is produce anyhow. And the more they get, the less I have to get.

    I bought all the stuff today! screen protector for my laptop, an electric toothbrush, some supplements.
    Then I added an ugly brown leather like rectangle ottoman to my walmart order because I need a foot rest in my cat study room. I'm on one end of the couch and bear is on the other. He's tuckered from watching the leaves blow violently outside. ohh update- they got everything. substituted my 2lb carrots for 2 1lb bags. I say that's a win.

    bear buddy
    Dh decided against it, but still sends me "look at this guy" kittens. So... IDK man. Yesterday he wanted a 300$ russian blue (hmm thats cheap), but someone got to it first. Good. The little rat was only 6 weeks old. He's too little to be away from mama and I wont be here to baby it.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all.

    11.5k done! Felt amazing. Now at the restaurant waiting for my earned burger and fries. Mmmmm.

    Official weight update day. 69.1kg! And today is day 21. So 3 weeks I've stuck to it woo hoo. And I've lost 3.1kg in that time! 6.8lb! I'm absolutely stoked with that.

    So next goal, to get to the end of January sticking to goal. It's 2 weeks. I can do this!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    Yes! You've got this @Avidkeo ! You're doing great.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited January 2021
    @quilteryoyo Several years back I was gifted a great course. I enjoyed it. Our library also offers them but I haven't gotten around to watching any. I have a lot of video courses I've purchased elsewhere I'm trying to watch.

    ETA mine was online and photography. I believe it was with Joel Santore (spelling?). Easy to follow and he's a great teacher (saw him at in person conference later).
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - we got a Great Course on wine and it was excellent, very detailed and in-depth. Not sure it helped me understand wine tasting any better but at least I understand the terminology they throw around.
    @Avidkeo - you are really doing great! What kind of eating plan did you decide to do? Have fun with your mom there!
    @swenson19d - I didn't send the box, actually didn't know you could do that or I would have. I messed up and didn't customize what we are getting this week in time so hopefully dh will eat what it has.
    We have had good luck this week with grocery delivery. I used Instacart for Costco and got pretty much everything we and Hilde needed. Same with the grocery store. The only thing we didn't get was fresh broccoli which I think is a strange thing for them to be out of.

    It is HOT here - 94F today! With wind and 8-10% humidity. I hate it so much, especially in January. I want winter to be at least cooler if not rainy. So no run and I am so sore from my Thursday workout so no additional workout. I am calling it a rest day. I worked on a puzzle and did paperwork stuff.
    I was reading today that when you are older and going through menopause or after, you need to change up what you eat away from caloric based eating to more insulin based with more protein because you become more carb reactive. Also changing to shorter workouts (shorter runs, short intense strength training) and more rest to get cortisol levels down. The theory is you no longer have the estrogen to work against the cortisol so longer duration activities drive up cortisol and w/o estrogen it results in the body going into fat storage mode. The shorter workouts result in the cortisol working with other hormones to burn fat and build or maintain muscle. Makes me wonder where my cortisol levels are now when they were so low before.

    I am hoping to get out for some short walk or run early tomorrow. If my hamstring is feeling ok it will be a short run, otherwise a walk.

    Dh is getting the vaccine tomorrow. I could not get an appointment and he didn't think to sign me up with him. By the time he got me up and I logged into the system all the appointments were gone and when I have tried since none have been available. I am going to go with him though and see if maybe they will do me at the same time. If not at least I know where I am going and what to expect assuming I can eventually get into the system to make an appointment.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber no plan. Just sticking to calorie goal, and filling up on fruit and Veges first. Mostly trying to get enough fibre and protein then not worrying about the rest.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - thanks for the info on the Longevity series. I have only seen the first one, but plan on watching this weekend.

    @swenson19d - You sound like my high school students each year when they came back in January. Some of the top students would take a few weeks to get back in the swing of it. You can do it!

    @quilteryoyo - I did a Great Course years ago. I don't remember exactly what it was it was so long ago. It was on CDs then. I liked it. I used to enjoy perusing the catalog imagining all the things I would take.

    We are all into learning, and I think it's @swenson19d who inspires us! I am on the 6th of 8 courses in the: IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate on Coursera. I flew through most of them but this 6th course is a little tougher, but I'm loving it.

    I realized that as a non-teacher, I am not burning nearly the # of calories I was when teaching. Makes sense - I taught 3-4 periods a day and during each of those 50 minutes I rarely sat down. I do have a standing desk and even a balance board but it doesn't burn calories like walking around does. So I'm thinking of one of those under the desk bicycle things. A TM would be even better but I don't want to spend that amount of $ when I don't plan on working many more years, unless it is from home.

    Weight is stable, still higher than I want but I am feeling good in this body (for some reason). It's kind of a mental thing - just telling myself I'm good. And my clothes fit!

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber I really enjoy your diet change information! Mine seems to be going the opposite, eat worse as I get older!

    I have a headache from studying today. Only 2 more assignments, I think, to do by tomorrow midnight.

    Hello fresh
    hmm I suppose they didn't cancel or perhaps thought to tempt me with a box. DD will probably eat two of them. The third I could eat, but don't eat flour tortillas or black beans, wheat/empty calories and black beans don't like me.

    @Avidkeo I think I am on day 2 of eating better. I'm not logging, just making better choices and not snacking since I am too busy with class work.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 go you. That's a good way to do things. Hugs on the headache. Study is HARD.

    I'm doing really well today. Mum has suggested KFC for lunch. I said no, because we have plenty of food at home and don't need takeaways. We then popped to the supermarket to get stuff for dinner (burgers). She said, do we want chocolate. I immediately said no, we have chocolate at home. She's hinted going out for lunch again and I've said no each time.

    So it's 1pm, and I've planned and stuck to calories. Yay. I'm working shift again this week. So dinners will be fine. I love mum but she's such an enabler when it comes to poor eating. I usually give in. But not this time! Day 22 now.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @Avidkeo Good for you sticking to your plan! Enjoy your time with your mom.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I didn't get my run in yesterday. Something came up that I had to take care of. Anxiety and depression got the better of me, didn't eat well or log food.

    I'm feeling better today despite waking up because the neighbors dog wouldn't stop barking and then again at 5 am when the power came back on and all the smart house lights turned on. The smart stuff is great until the power goes out. LOL
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I was wondering about all that smart stuff. I think I’d love it. I guess it all connects to the internet? We have 2 battery back ups for glitches in power that will cause us to lose the internet, so we can continue work/school uninterrupted.

    Ugh the dogs. Mine bark too. They will just stand there and bark at deer or possums. Shame on the owners not trying to address it. We er I throw them treats and talk to them, dh yells “shut up”. I can’t say who is more effective. But I am not a yeller and they are doing the dog thing. I need to get them cleaned up and try to transition them to coming in a bit. One day one will leave the other.

    No one has touched the hello fresh yet. If by Wednesday it’s still there, I’ll see if a fellow student wants it. Dh bought stuff for chili and lasagne. Not what i am trying to eat, but its not chips and brownies.

    He’s clingy. I guess he always is, I just think he is lonely. But we got him for Noodles who had a fit and moved out over it. I don’t think bear will be that way. I am just about committed to check the shelter tomorrow, assuming they are open. I’m tempted to ask on fb.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hey anyone interested in a FREE ASL online class? Our local School for the Deaf is offering it.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @ddmom0811 - wasn't me with the Longevity series. It was @bearly63 😊
    I didn't know that IBM was offering online courses. That is great but I don't think I need them any longer. I should find something other than Duolingo that I got bored with.
    @avidkeo - You are doing so great with your mom! How is she handling it? Hopefully going along and being supportive?
    @RunsOnEspresso - glad you are feeling better! this morning! We have smart lights too but have never had our power go out. I will need to remember that issue.
    @swenson19d - I love my smart lights! I have them on a schedule and can turn them on/off from my phone. I like it in general but especially when we are traveling and I can manage them so it looks like someone is home. I also bought an outdoor smart control for our Christmas lights. They are expensive but ours have lasted a really long time and I bought them on sale at Costco.
    Do you have Nextdoor? I ignore most of what is posted on ours (people freaking out because some kid is riding a bike by their house in a hoody, etc..) but there is a section for pets and people share puppies and kittens available for adoption. Might have more than on FB.
    Also I asked dd about the menopause/hormone/food connection and she said in general it was a good approach for anyone but did not think there was any scientific evidence (or even research) that would back it up specifically for menopause. Honestly I don't think there is much research on menopause or its impact on food/caloric requirements or active women.

    Food - I am focusing on eating more/better and we are still doing the IF, sort of. Dh has seen a 30-50 point drop in his blood sugar (I think that is what is being tested?) when he tests it at home.
    Today I am making IP split pea and ham soup and maybe some sourdough biscuits. I got starter going and the biscuits use the discard and are really good and easy. I am hoping to try making some bread this next week when it cools off again.

    I posted this in the challenge discussion so thought I would put it here too.
    Dh and I got our 1st dose vaccine yesterday:
    They have opened up a mass vaccination 'pod' in an offsite Disneyland parking lot. Dh was able to get an appointment when they opened it up for anyone over 65 but was unable to add me to the appointment as the website was supposed to be able to do. I went with him anyway and they were able to add me in. It was actually an amazing sight with 5 lines of people stretching out as far in front of us as we could see and almost as far behind us (we ended up right in the middle of our line). It was hot out but they had us mostly in the shade.
    The guy doing our registration told us they were expecting to vaccinate over 4000 people yesterday and will be ramping up to as many as 10,000/day. My dd who is helping with a vaccine drive thru in Seattle was very impressed. She said they thought they were doing well with 200/day but they don't have the space there to handle many more people/cars.

    The lines continue beyond the fence rail in the picture and the white tops off in the distance are the registration and vaccination tents.
    Followup dose scheduled but not confirmed.
    The process was incredibly well organized and moved along smoothly. We were there about 45 mins before the appointment time and waiting in line. Right about the appointment time we started moving and were vaccinated within 30mins. Because we both have had adverse reactions to other medications we had to wait for 30 mins afterwards before we could leave. No reactions so far other than a pretty sore arm. Now I am hoping they will have vaccine for our 2nd dose when it comes time.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    @shanaber I agree, not much research has gone into hormonal changes in women. I hope that changes for the next generation. I be they will be surprised how different women are with age. I will have to check out the next door, I’ve never heard of it. And check out some smart stuff! ETA nextdoor app isn’t available here.

    Dh made lasagne with beef and seasoned pork. It good but not good for me!

    I think I am caught up on school work. Except reviewing online lectures. If Dh ever leaves, to go run, I’ll get some violin practice in. He says the quiet electric violin bothers him during the week. Hmmm, this after saying it never bothers him even with the louder wooden one? Men.

    I haven’t checked on the vaccine. I feel a little guilty taking it when there is someone else that might benefit before I do.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber yeah shes being pretty supportive. Occasionally wants a treat or something but responds well when I say no. And I do just say no.

    Went for an easy 5k this morning. And it was very easy. Barely broke a sweat. Got rained on at one point.

    Already have all of today's food organised, and picked out. I'm working shift this week again. Its only 4 days. Thank goodness. I still feel tired from the last lot of shift I did.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Glad you are feeling better today! It always amazes me at the things I "miss" when the electricity is off.

    @shanaber That's great news on your DH's blood glucose levels! Also glad you got your first vaccine and it was so well organized.

    @swenson19d Glad you are caught up on your school work.

    @Avidkeo Glad you had a nice easy run this morning. You're doing great food wise. I hope your shift work isn't too stressful this time.

    I came home about 4 this afternoon. I'm doing great. Hope I can do a few things around the house - promise to not overdo - and start eating better. Food has been awful this past week. I dread seeing what my weight is in the morning. "They" say that there is always some water retention from surgery, so I will blame that for anything I have gained. LOL
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Yes, the smart stuff connects to the wifi so if power goes out it does too. The nest is fine but lights are connected to google home. Our above cabinet & pot shelf lights flash red & green so it feels like a Christmas rave 🤣

    We saw why our power went out. Someone took out a power pole down the street about 3 am (I get emails when power goes out with area and expected time from power company). I told DH a drunk probably hit something and I was right. Well, can't say for sure drunk but 3 am and hitting power pole? Odds are good.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Glad you are feeling better today! It always amazes me at the things I "miss" when the electricity is off.

    @shanaber That's great news on your DH's blood glucose levels! Also glad you got your first vaccine and it was so well organized.

    @swenson19d Glad you are caught up on your school work.

    @Avidkeo Glad you had a nice easy run this morning. You're doing great food wise. I hope your shift work isn't too stressful this time.

    I came home about 4 this afternoon. I'm doing great. Hope I can do a few things around the house - promise to not overdo - and start eating better. Food has been awful this past week. I dread seeing what my weight is in the morning. "They" say that there is always some water retention from surgery, so I will blame that for anything I have gained. LOL

    I gained about 10lb after my c-sect. All the fluids they pump you with! My face looked like a water balloon. So yes, don't be shocked. After major heart surgery it's bound to be the same.