Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    What a nightmare @RunsOnEspresso . Hope you have it straightened out. I just don't understand people...
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Under desk cycling is fun! I have to drink cold water because I get too hot. But that’s good, I need to drink more.

    @RunsOnEspresso - what a pain! I have LifeLock and have for years because my DDs identity was stolen when she was 18.

    More tomorrow!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso that sounds awful. All that makes me nervous about getting mine stolen. I may have to check in to those protective services.

    New cat still has no definitive name. He gave Beary his intestinal parasite, looks like coccidiosis again. They both have diarrhea. Yuck. Luckily I have some flagyl left and bought panacur from a Canadian vet supply back when they first had it, just in case they got it again. The new cat is a champ at taking meds. Bear, not so much and I’ve yet to give him dose no. 1. I just noticed it and need Dh to help. Any way there is hope the the new cats behind is just large because he has inflammation. I wish Dh and I could agree on a cat name. He is a dairy fiend, cheese, milk, ricotta. I shouldn’t have any problem getting him to eat yogurt for that nasty tummy of his. Beary seems to enjoy cat company more than people company, I’m jealous.

    I laid down to snuggle the cats and took a good nap for 7 hours. I guess that’s not a nap. I feel like I can go back to bed and sleep, I’ll probably be up at 5 but that’s ok.

    Triscuits with tomato and ricotta, then Cheerios with frozen blueberries. Not stellar but not terrible either.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @ddmom0811Glad you are enjoying the under the desk cycle.

    @swenson19d Sorry both cats are sick. Hope you can get Beary to take his medicine so they both get better soon. I'm also glad they are getting along so well. I'm sure Beary will come back to his first love once the novelty wears off. :lol: I hope you were able to sleep last night after that "nap."

    I napped from 10:30 to 11pm. Got up to brush my teeth and then slept horrible the rest of the night. Didn't go to sleep until after midnight, up a lot and awake from 3 - 4 for no apparent reason. Since I've had the surgery, I've been alternating between sleeping pretty good one night, not so much the next. Last night was supposed to have been a good night. Oh well. Maybe tonight will be better. I may try sleeping on the couch and see if that helps. My surgeon wants me to sleep on my back, which isn't my normal position. So, I have been sleeping in my recliner. I'm thinking the couch is small enough that it won't give me room to roll over on my side, but I'll be flatter. If I catch myself on my side, I can always get back in the chair.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    @quilteryoyo That's maddening to not be able to sleep well. Did you ever get some melatonin? does it help any? Youre not running so perhaps your body just has no idea what to do with the energy it didn't expend. More walks?

    I think Bear needed an age appropriate buddy for a long time, these two are inseparable now.
    Monkey see, monkey do bird watching.
    I did get dose 1 down bear last night. I think I've decided just to call the new cat Coriander. I told dh he can give the cat his own buddy name. Sure that'll be fine, the others have nicknames and it's not outwardly confusing to them.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @swenson19d I did get melatonin, but haven't taken any yet. Several people have told me it gives them nightmares, so I am saving it for if I have another episode where I am just wide awake with seemingly no chance of going to sleep. LOL I'm hoping it will get better. It's just irritating that I am sleeping during the day, and before I settle down for the night, but once I do settle down, I seem to wake up. Oh well, there could be worse things.
    Glad you got medicine down Bear and that they are getting along so good. Cute birdwatching picture.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo The chrysanthemum sleep aids gave me nightmares. I haven't tried the melatonin. You took it in the hospital fine? I think once you get the all clear you'll get back to your normal sleep with exercise and all. I took that long nap and slept last night. odd. Maybe I was just tired.

    Cori answered to Coriander, so it is. yay! He's quite comfortable now and his personality is emerging. He still growls at his a n u s. Poor thing. I am sure it hurts. It is quite comical though.

    Dh went to church. His old friend is a pastor and he was needing some out-of-the house time. We argue about politics and just don't agree on anything, which is fine to me but he gets hurt that I don't agree. I grilled him yesterday over substantiating his fear driven views with zero evidence. I know we all have our own fights, his may be politics but all day and night, hours and hours on the internet, in this "conspiracy" (it may be or not), is unhealthy and makes for an unhappy spouse. And I have so little give-a-kitten in me right now.

    ...anyway he's left me to study for the day. Perhaps I'll put on some healthy food! (before he brings home something). LOL!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Yes, @swenson19d I did take melatonin in the hospital with no issues. But, I also didn't sleep much in the hospital, so not sure if that is a fair experiment.

    I bet Coriander growling at her butt is funny. Glad she is acclimating well. I hope DH found some solace at church. Being obsessed about anything isn't healthy, in my opinion. I hope you were able to get your school work done.

    A friend took me to the grocery store this afternoon so I could shop for myself and mom. It was nice to get out and about a little.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Glad you got out for groceries. Getting back to a bit of normal is good. Although with the recent loss, normal isn't normal anymore, is it.

    I am the slowest at school work. Swear I've been chipping away at one assignment all dang day and am about half done. I did get cat litter half done and gave Cori medicine x2 and I still have to get Bear's 2nd dose for the day. I was going to disinfect the floors but my mop was ruined, ugh. oh well another day. Dh got a replacement head. And I washed the poo blankie.

    Didn't someone mention Aussie bites? Dh brought some home and I would like to eat all of them.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hi @ddmom0811!
    @quilteryoyo - I know I have a hard time sleeping when I don't run or do some sort of heavy strength workout. Walking doesn't seem to help much and I have a difficult time falling asleep no matter how tired I feel. I usually try doing relaxation exercises and sometimes they help but often they don't. Lately staying off my computer and phone for an hour or more before bed time does seem to help though.
    @swenson19d - I love the cat stories and pictures! Hobbes is a pro at not taking medications. He pretends to and then you find them somewhere unexpected on the floor. Even if I wrap them in a piece of cheese, he manages to eat the cheese and spit the pill out.
    The only person I have really dealt with about conspiracy theories is my brother and he has been spouting them for years. Lately he was really bad. I don't have the patience to deal with him much and can't imagine dealing with it day in and day out. It is probably good for both of you that dh went to church. My brother started sending me emails with links to videos and I would reply with sites that dispelled the theories. We went back and forth a few times and he finally stopped sending me things. I just felt like I couldn't let them go un-refuted.

    I mentioned Aussie Bites! They are so good! I do limit myself to one per day though I could eat more.

    I ran a bit today. It was cold for us, in the low 50's at noon with a cold wind. It felt amazing! Unfortunately my hamstring didn't like it as much as I did. I will take and Aleve tonight and see how it feels in the morning. I finally have a follow up call with my PCP to review the x-ray findings that I don't think are actually related to the issue at hand.

    I am listening now to the Sanjay Gupta book on the brain and brain health. I am finding it so interesting. Right now he is talking more about how the brain works and later sections are more about how to keep it healthy and help to improve our brain function. I also love his voice!

    Sourdough... I am in starter hell! I keep feeding it thinking I am going to make bread. I save the discard to make 'something' and now I have so much! I am going to make bread tomorrow and I am thinking I will try making sourdough waffles Monday night for dinner.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber Does he read his audiobook? I was thinking of adding the ebook to my library wish list
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - Yes - he does!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    edited January 2021
    @swenson19d You are right. Before Dec I had hoped for some semblance of normal again. With dad's death, I now know that isn't going to happen. It really is going to be some "new normal" yet to be defined. But, I still have hope for a time when I can get out without a mask and maybe hug some of those people I really need to hug. Love the picture of Beary and Cori. Too cute.

    @shanaber I did sleep a little bit better on the couch last night, but not the sound, peaceful sleep I had hoped for. I'll thankfully take what I got though. I am awful about playing a game on my phone until I start falling asleep. I know that probably doesn't help the situation.
    Funny about Hobbes and the medicine. I don't have any problem with Tippy, but I put hers in peanut butter. I think that would be harder to get around. Have you tried that?
    Yeah for the run. I hope your hamstring isn't too sore this morning.
    My Master's Degree is in electro-optics. One of my favorite classes was a pattern recognition class where we talked a lot about how the brain works and all of the weird issues it can have.

    My heat pump is on the fritz yet again. I noticed last night that it wasn't keeping the temperature up. I used emergency heat last night and called them this morning. Fortunately, it isn't too cold today and they are able to come out around noon to work on it. I think there is a hole they haven't found that is leaking Freon. And, I think they know they messed up once because I never got a bill for the last visit, which was only a month after they had replaced the coil. Hopefully they will actually fix it today. If not, I may go with someone else the next time there is an issue.

    Also, I received a notice in the mail on Saturday that I have a registered letter that has to be signed to pick up. I don't know what it is...they didn't put on the notice who it was from. I have an inkling that it is from the IRS. If so, I am NOT going to be happy. My neighbor is going to take me to get it this afternoon, after the heat pump people get done.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all.

    I'll go back and read, haven't caught up yet after the last few days.

    Sunday I ended up throwing everything to the wind and just enjoyed myself. Ate all the treats. It was nice having one day. I estimate I ate about 1600 over goal. Consequently today's weigh in is 1kg (2.2lb) over where I was Saturday morning (Tues here). Not worried, it will drop in the next couple of days. Its comforting to be in a place where I know one day won't cancel out all I have achieved.

    I also had a reminder that I cannot manage other peoples emotions. Mum ended up leaving a little bitter and disappointed. She came for an open ended visit, max of 2 weeks, but DH was a bit over her by the end of 1 week, so I'd suggested she went home Tues. That would have been 1.5 weeks. Instead of being understanding, she got all upset and said she wasn't made to feel welcome.

    Additionally I'm planning a big trip in April, down south with my kids. The intention was mum would join us, and over Christmas I also invited my best friend, who has twins only a year younger than my youngest. Mum was a bit put out, and eventually decided not to come. She said her reason was "we would have more fun without her". I was quick to say that the things we would do would just be different. Friend and I are big on getting the kids into tramps and walks etc. Where mum's more of a sit around and enjoy a relax by the pool with a book type of person.

    So that was a disappointing way to end her visit. I keep feeling some guilt. But at the end of the day, her emotions aren't my responsibility, and getting upset about us asking her to leave after 1.5 weeks, and my inviting my best friend along on MY holiday is on her not me.

    Baby steps.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    @Avidkeo people are hard to manage. I guess your mum doesn't have friends her age? I assume it's easy for her to forget the demands of a young family and preserving their routines. Be good for her to grab a friend to go with you on that vacation so there is balance and your aren't responsible for her too.

    Kudos for setting boundaries and communication. I set bout with my mother and it turned out we had different ideas of life goals and acceptable behavior around kids. We went our separate ways.

    @shanaber How can you eat just one of anything? It nothing or all of it for me, LOL! Hobbes and the medicine! He's too smart!. Bear just drools the liquid stuff all over the house, it makes him drool, but not Cori. Champ of all medicine! Haha.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @Avidkeo It sounds like you are handling life really well. Family relationships are hard. I'm all for taking a day to eat whatever I want every now and again. If I think I can't have something ever again, I will eat it or bust. I guess that's the rebellious teenager I never was coming out as a 61 year old. LOL
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Today is Dhs birthday so we both took the day off and stayed an extra night at beach. We got there late anyway because we had appt for MIL and her BF to get vaccines on Sat morning. That went okay but stressful with the two of them. We take them back in three weeks. Hopefully they won’t run out!

    @Avidkeo - sounds stressful with your mom. And she’s trying to lay on guilt so don’t accept it.
    @shanaber - Hobbes. Lol. Book sounds good. I’m in the middle, or beginning really, for book club book. Homegoing.

    We went to an outdoor place to eat lunch today. It was on the water and very windy and not crowded at all so it seemed safe. However i got iced tea and at one point they asked if I wanted a refill. I said yes and the waitress brought a pitcher and filled it from there. And it touched my glass! DH says you can’t catch it that way but I didn’t touch it after that. Stick with bottled water even tho I hate the plastic.
    I thought there were no refills anywhere! I know it’s airborne but it just seems like if she filled someone’s glass, touching it, and then immediately did mine....

    We finally rode bikes at the beach. dH bought a bike and I used one of the bikes that came in the storage locker. It was fun! We rode an hour in a strong headwind going out. And then flew back with tailwind.

    Ate too much most of the weekend but I’ll be fine this week at work. And a four day week!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @Avidkeo - I agree family relationships can be tough and mother/daughter can be the worst! I do think you did what was best and it is important that she realize inserting herself in the middle of your family isn't always going to work. I can't imagine her canceling the vacation with you and your friend and kids unless she thought there would be no time for her to just relax. Heck I would go, tell you all to go off and have a great time while I just relax by the pool with my book, see you when you get back!
    @quilteryoyo - I have tried peanut butter and somehow he gets it off and I will find the pill later in another room. Fortunately he doesn't have to have pills very often!
    So what exactly is Electro-Optics?
    @ddmom0811 - Happy Birthday to your dh!
    I am shocked about the water pitcher! That would be terrible without CovId! They should never touch the pitcher to anyone's glass, talk about transmitting germs!

    I am baking bread today! 1 loaf of sourdough and 1 of maple/walnut sourdough. Hilde gifted me her oh so fancy, never used bread maker so I used it to mix the dough for the sourdough, then baked it in the oven. The maple sourdough uses the discard starter and is more like a quickbread. I am making it completely in the bread maker. Not sure how it will turn out as the bread maker mixes it for the longest time... I think it is going to be fun making all kinds of bread. Just need to get some more flour now!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @ddmom0811 Happy Birthday to your DH. Sounds like you had a great day celebrating. I would probably be a little leery of the refill too.

    @shanaber That maple/walnut bread sounds wonderful. I look forward to a report on it.
    Electro-optics is a branch of electrical engineering that uses light, instead of electricity, to transmit information. It's faster and more compact. Mind you, this was a "new" thing in the early 1990's. My thesis was using lasers to try to have better pattern recognition of targets. Things have changed so much since then, the things we did probably looks like we were coloring with crayons, out of the lines. LOL But, without that, we would not have learned and be where we are today.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Ew @ddmom0811 . I never even thought about it before COVID, which is still gross. I don't want one molecule of anothers mouth germs. yuck. I wont drink out of a cup anyway. It better be bottled or disposable. I don't like the smell of cups.

    @shanaber I still need to get Beary today for meds. I had him watch me give Cori his and he just shook his head (figuratively). I can get the pill down (1/4th a pill actually), but the liquid wormer is as if I am feeding him soapy rabies. Just all foamy and slobbery. The litter boxes are less full today so perhaps well be diarrhea free soon. yay!