Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @swenson19d The food gift was nice, but as expected, I was up 1.8 pounds this morning. At least I am still below 140. I'll take that and do better next week, hopefully. Sorry about the daughter drama. Glad all the cats are getting along so well. Has DD taken up with Cori yet?
    My mom bought these things called drain sticks a few months back. They seem to be working for her. Might be worth a try.

    I didn't sleep very good again last night. My problem is getting to sleep. Once I do, I sleep pretty good. But, I tried to settle down about 10 last night. It was almost 1 before I actually went to sleep. I didn't get up until 8:40 this morning, so I got plenty of sleep. It's just aggravating. Mom thinks maybe I should try the recliner again. I just want to sleep on my side again! Just a couple of more weeks, I think. I can do it.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    @quilteryoyo I am not overly invested in her drama anymore, just offering @eleanorhawkins support via "you are not alone" The clog is dd's problem. If she wants it cleared she can figure it. I should tell dh to leave it be and let her learn. She does love cori. He hasn't had diarrhea since yester AM's penicillin shot. yay! his rear looks much better too. I think the sleep position change could very well be the culprit.

    ETA mmm chai tea. I've been out for a week.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    The not alone support is very much appreciated @swenson19d , part of my trouble is I don't have anyone to talk to about stuff, apart from myself.
    Mini-me did actually last the whole session, and she confided later that he seems to understand what she feels/means even though she struggles to express it, so that sounds positive. Her father and I have a meeting with him on Thursday to see what he thinks, I got the impression there may be medication involved which is scary to think about, but hell if it works bring it on.
    The strawberries were yummy.
    @quilteryoyo not being able to get to sleep is horrible. I take melatonin and read a really boring book in bed, seems to work maybe 4 nights a week.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hugs every. Sounds like January has been a bit of a drain all around.

    I have 2 girls, currently 6 and 4. I do worry about their mental health as teens. I have anxiety, though not severe fortunately. I've always joked that I was never worried about having kids, I'm worried about having teenagers. I just keep trying a lot of positive reinforcement now, and open communication with them in the hope as teens it will help some.

    Weight was down 1kg this morning, so only 1lb (300g) above my weight a week ago. Whew. I was looking back and realise I'm following almost the exact same path as this time last year. Hmmm that went well till April. Should be better this time around.

    Are about 200 calories under goal yesterday, just wasn't hungry. May use those 200 today as it's rest day. I usually just skip breakfast on rest day since currently I get about 500 calories from exercise during the week, that I don't on rest day.

    Going to look at more houses today for mum, then a kids birthday party this avo. Should be interesting.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @eleanorhawkins - like @swenson19d mentioned I think the most important thing is to keep the communication lines open as much as possible and even if she slams the door in your face. It is important for her to know that you will be there and be nonjudgemental no matter what she says, or how mean or how much it hurts. Just remember it is often the hormones talking and has nothing to do with how she really feels about you. I'm not saying though letting her get away with being intentionally hurtful. She does need to know that that is not ok either. Is there something that she can do maybe even with you that isn't studying, but not the video games where she is cut off from most everyone? Maybe something sneaky educational (for example learning one new thing about another country, their food or culture), or doing something requiring movement, even learning to dance or making a funny video with costumes she could make? Or maybe she can 'earn' video time by helping around the house, cooking dinner even? This period will pass and she will be grown up but still your sweet little girl. She is in there but just figuring out who she is separate from you. When my dd went away to college she wrote me a letter apologizing for the arguments we had when she was in HS. I honestly didn't remember most of them by that point.
    @quilteryoyo - I bet it is the sleep position too. I can only last sleeping on my back for a little while and then have to flip to one side or the other. I don't think I would sleep well either if I had to stay on my back.

    Apples - our elderly friend ordered apples from the grocery delivery. 3 big bags of tart Granny Smith apples. Then decided she didn't like them so gave 2 bags of them to me. I made more apple compote and may make an apple cake but I just don't know what else to do with them (ideas?). Now she wants me to also take the 3rd bag ugh... I don't want them to go to waste but honestly I am at a loss. Dh wants me to make pie in addition to the apple cake because you know, we need more carb heavy sweet treats. He also went out and got donuts again this morning and I was listening to the book about the brain and what happens when you are inactive and have all that added sugar - definitely nothing good comes of it. I am finding the book fascinating and terrifying at the same time. It makes me worry even more about dh. I just hope he will read (listen to) the book too.

    So I made myself get up and out the door today. I have to stop moping around for no reason. Once I got out and moving I felt great, it was so beautiful out that I don't think you could help feeling great. I am making a plan for myself in February to move every day, either a walk and/or a strength workout or class, or a run (if I can). I would also like to get back to working out as early as possible so it doesn't feel like it takes over the entire day. I figure if I can do it for the month it will be well on the way to being a habit.

    I got in to see the sports ortho much sooner than I expected. I have an appointment on Wednesday afternoon.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @eleanorhawkins - like @swenson19d mentioned I think the most important thing is to keep the communication lines open as much as possible and even if she slams the door in your face. It is important for her to know that you will be there and be nonjudgemental no matter what she says, or how mean or how much it hurts. Just remember it is often the hormones talking and has nothing to do with how she really feels about you. I'm not saying though letting her get away with being intentionally hurtful. She does need to know that that is not ok either. Is there something that she can do maybe even with you that isn't studying, but not the video games where she is cut off from most everyone? Maybe something sneaky educational (for example learning one new thing about another country, their food or culture), or doing something requiring movement, even learning to dance or making a funny video with costumes she could make? Or maybe she can 'earn' video time by helping around the house, cooking dinner even? This period will pass and she will be grown up but still your sweet little girl. She is in there but just figuring out who she is separate from you. When my dd went away to college she wrote me a letter apologizing for the arguments we had when she was in HS. I honestly didn't remember most of them by that point.
    @quilteryoyo - I bet it is the sleep position too. I can only last sleeping on my back for a little while and then have to flip to one side or the other. I don't think I would sleep well either if I had to stay on my back.

    Apples - our elderly friend ordered apples from the grocery delivery. 3 big bags of tart Granny Smith apples. Then decided she didn't like them so gave 2 bags of them to me. I made more apple compote and may make an apple cake but I just don't know what else to do with them (ideas?). Now she wants me to also take the 3rd bag ugh... I don't want them to go to waste but honestly I am at a loss. Dh wants me to make pie in addition to the apple cake because you know, we need more carb heavy sweet treats. He also went out and got donuts again this morning and I was listening to the book about the brain and what happens when you are inactive and have all that added sugar - definitely nothing good comes of it. I am finding the book fascinating and terrifying at the same time. It makes me worry even more about dh. I just hope he will read (listen to) the book too.

    So I made myself get up and out the door today. I have to stop moping around for no reason. Once I got out and moving I felt great, it was so beautiful out that I don't think you could help feeling great. I am making a plan for myself in February to move every day, either a walk and/or a strength workout or class, or a run (if I can). I would also like to get back to working out as early as possible so it doesn't feel like it takes over the entire day. I figure if I can do it for the month it will be well on the way to being a habit.

    I got in to see the sports ortho much sooner than I expected. I have an appointment on Wednesday afternoon.

    I use Granny Smiths in stewed steel cut oats, and also in savory stews of other kinds. Both beef stew and pork, it really makes the flavor pop. You can also slice them and roast them with winter veggies such as squash, onions, and cabbage. Before I got diabetes one of my favorites was barley, kielbasa, onions, turnips, and Granny Smiths, would be fine for a diabetic with a smaller portion of barley.

    Gotta say from what I have seen my bg do in response to donuts I would rather eat a bug. I hope he decides to eat more reasonably.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Thanks @rheddmobile - I hope so too. We are making baby steps and I am trying not to say too much unless asked.
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 585 Member
    @shanaber Second the apples in oatmeal and stew. I use them in sweet & sour chicken wings as well. Or, when run out of ideas, I just slice them, add some cinnamon and microwave as a snack. For some reason cooked apples are just much easier to consume than raw ones.

    I have an aunt who raises livestock and just sent me 10+ pounds of donkey meat. Chunked and froze them, and now I have no idea what to do. It came with the skin intact and I suppose it tastes somewhere between beef and horse. (Sorry if this yucked anyone out.)

    Was potatoing and feeling like a waste of space all morning, but a friend just messaged me. Her car broke down today in the middle of nowhere, she'd been in a hurry to leave and didn't have breakfast, and the tow company was taking forever. She was freezing and really really hungry, and then remembered that there was a nut bar in her bag that I'd given her on Friday - she didn't want it because it's far too sweet and she hates nuts, but I insisted because she forgets to eat all the time, and who knows when this stuff comes in handy. And I suppose it came in handy.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    You are doing great @Avidkeo ! You are NOT going to go astray in April this year. We'll help. (Just remind us, cuz we are getting older. :lol: ) Hope the house hunting and party went well.

    @shanaber Granny Smith is my favorite apple, but I tend to let them spoil because I am too lazy to eat them. LOL Don't know why it seem like such an effort to cut and core an apple. Anyway, have you considered freezing some? Mom freezes apples all the time and uses them for cooking later. Sounds like you have a great plan for Feb. You can do it. Hope you get good news from the sports ortho.

    @noblsheep Eating donkey and horse are not a thing here. I guess I would try making a stew, since it is cubed and should taste like beef of some sort. I'm glad your friend had the nut bar. It sounds like that was a real life saver. I try to have at least one protein bar with me at all times. You never know.

    I still didn't sleep the best last night. Well, I actually slept okay, once I got to sleep at 1 am. I had tried to settle down for sleep at 10:30. Last night part of my issue was an itch on my shoulder blade - you know that one spot that you can't reach. I got my back scratcher. It helped for a minute or two, than itch again, scratch, repeat. I finally got up and managed to get a little anti-itch cream on the area. That helped and I finally slept. By getting up late, I am managing to get about 7 hours of sleep anyway, so I guess that's okay. Hopefully, once I can sleep in my bed, things will be better. Three more weeks!

    I have noticed that I have a sweet tooth lately. That is normally not my thing, but I have wanted something sweet after meals for a couple of months. Since I don't want to have candy/cakes/cookies laying around, my go to is homemade honey granola. I was out, so mixed up a batch this morning. It is cooking now and smells so good. What is your go to when you need a sweet fix?

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @noblsheep Ya it isn't common to eat donkey and I'm not sure if its even legal, but horse is at least legal as of a few years ago, few is ~5-10. I think the most of the horse is sent out of the country. My brother and I would find horse in WWII rations though. I remember feeling lucky when we found a tin of it (but we thought it was pig or just didn't think about it at all). You're a good friend for sneaking food in your girls bag!

    which reminds me,
    I ate so much yesterday. I was tired and moody and sad. I suppose it could be PMS or whatever the equivalent is when one is approaching menopause. DH was a butt and I slept in the cat room, I'm so sore this morning. the count down to the doc begins. 9 days. I'd been sort of looking at hip replacement info, thinking since that's what the doc wanted and I pushed back, it's time to eat crow and just say "if you think that what's best, then it's what I want to do". I'm not doing anything else this summer anyway.

    sings at dd's door. He loves her too much. (trying to remember it's cute not annoying).

    @shanaber I like green apples in stew and curry. I never thought about microwaving them @noblsheep, I will remember that. Of course you could do tarts instead of a pie, just put them in muffin tins, perhaps make a healthy pie-like dish for your backsliding dh? haha. I know you told us the book already but would you mention it again? I promise to write it down and not just think that I'll remember it this time.

    plans today
    3. study for exam
    1. finish work due
    2. clean boxes of poo
    4. start long assignment
    5. violin? I doubt I get to violin- but it could happen specifically if dh leaves.
    6. and perhaps get the floors again since the litter and poo feet are constant. Cori does have diarrhea still.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Well proof that a few bad days cannot completely derail you, weigh in this morning was 68.1kg!
    That's 3.6kg since 1 Jan. Wonderful result. Given I was aiming for 2kg, almost double that is great*

    (* I know, a decent portion of that is water weight. So that's why not worried about a big number for one month. Just incase someone reads and worries).

    Feb shouldn't be too much of a challenge. No trips till the end of the month, and that's doing a HM.

    Had one call out last night so work at 1030.

    Random question, I cycle to and from work. It's only about 20 mins max, or 150 calories. Would you include that in your daily allowance? I'm thinking yes, because my trend is already showing I'm eating 50 fewer calories than I could with my current goal. 200 calories a day on top of a 500 calorie deficit at my size sounds like trouble. I want to lose weight, but want to do it safely.

  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Well proof that a few bad days cannot completely derail you, weigh in this morning was 68.1kg!
    That's 3.6kg since 1 Jan. Wonderful result. Given I was aiming for 2kg, almost double that is great*

    (* I know, a decent portion of that is water weight. So that's why not worried about a big number for one month. Just incase someone reads and worries).

    Feb shouldn't be too much of a challenge. No trips till the end of the month, and that's doing a HM.

    Had one call out last night so work at 1030.

    Random question, I cycle to and from work. It's only about 20 mins max, or 150 calories. Would you include that in your daily allowance? I'm thinking yes, because my trend is already showing I'm eating 50 fewer calories than I could with my current goal. 200 calories a day on top of a 500 calorie deficit at my size sounds like trouble. I want to lose weight, but want to do it safely.

    Maybe eat half of them and give it a week or two... if you're still losing faster than you want to be then up it a bit more?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    You are doing great @Avidkeo . I would count the calories you burn biking to work and back in my daily allowance.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Thanks for the apple ideas! These are not great apples. They look good on the outside but when I started peeling and cutting them for the compote they had weird 'bug' spots deep into then and all over that I ended up having to cut away. The compote is really good and delicious in oatmeal. It is apples, pecans and raisins and I suppose I could make more of it and freeze it. The idea od microwaving with some cinnamon all sounds good. I love to core and slice an apple, usually honey crisp and have with peanut butter for a snack.

    @noblsheep - growing up my dad was a hunter and we had a freezer full of game. With the venison which we ate instead of beef, they cooked it in basically the same way you could beef. With fowl it was mostly cooked like chicken or turkey, etc. I would assume the same would be true with the donkey. I would try stew as well but if it is tender maybe it could be smoked or bbq'd? The only thing I am wondering about is the skin... not sure how that would work. Will you need to take the skin off before cooking with it?
    I too always keep a protein or granola bar with me just in case. I am not a huge fan of granola/nut bars either but they usually stay fresh longer and are definitely handy when other food isn't available. Glad your friend had the one you gave her handy. Maybe she can think of something to leave in the car that she likes better that won't spoil or go stale.
    @swenson19d - that is sweet that Cori is 'singing' at dd's door! It will be interesting to hear what your doctor recommends. I have known several people who have had THR and it was very successful. I just don't know how that would work with all that you have already gone through. If it can get rid of the pain and allow you to be more mobile then that would be a success I think.
    The book is 'Keep Sharp: How to build a better brain at any age' by Dr Sanjay Gupta. I am listening to the audio book but I think I am going to order the actual book so I can go back and reread (and probably highlight) different sections.
    @quilteryoyo - To be honest when I want something sweet it is usually dark chocolate and I have a bunch in the refrigerator. So I just break off a piece and have it with a little red wine or a coffee.
    @avidkeo - you are doing great! I don't do the whole eat back my exercise calories but take more of a TDEE approach that was set by my nutritionist a while back although that does try to account for what you expend on any given day. I like @eleanorhawkins approach of adding back half and see how that goes and adjust as needed.

    So for Christmas this year dd 'gave' us a project to document our lives. It is an app sort of that sends us a question each week and we can write about our childhood, school, parents, add pictures, etc. So far it has been pretty fun although dh doesn't tend to remember as much from before his dad died when he was about 13. We end up discussing our questions (we each have different ones) and that seems to help us both remember more little details as does pulling out picture albums. At the end of the year all of the stories are consolidated into a printed book for each of us which she will get. The other good part is it has given us a project to work on during the whole stay at home requirements.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Well proof that a few bad days cannot completely derail you, weigh in this morning was 68.1kg!
    That's 3.6kg since 1 Jan. Wonderful result. Given I was aiming for 2kg, almost double that is great*

    (* I know, a decent portion of that is water weight. So that's why not worried about a big number for one month. Just incase someone reads and worries).

    Feb shouldn't be too much of a challenge. No trips till the end of the month, and that's doing a HM.

    Had one call out last night so work at 1030.

    Random question, I cycle to and from work. It's only about 20 mins max, or 150 calories. Would you include that in your daily allowance? I'm thinking yes, because my trend is already showing I'm eating 50 fewer calories than I could with my current goal. 200 calories a day on top of a 500 calorie deficit at my size sounds like trouble. I want to lose weight, but want to do it safely.

    Maybe eat half of them and give it a week or two... if you're still losing faster than you want to be then up it a bit more?

    I agree with this.

    @shanaber I remember very little of my childhood. I remember mostly late high school and on with some flashes from before.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I looked it up because I had never thought about eating donkey - apparently it tastes something like beef, but gamier. Since I have friends who are donkeys it would bother me, but I don’t expect others to feel the same.

    Apparently it makes really great hamburgers?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @shanaber I love that Christmas gift. I had started to video mom and dad talking about their lives, but didn't get too far. I regret not getting more of his stories before it was too late. I do have a cassette tape where he told a lot about his childhood a few years ago. I need to find that and see if I actually have a machine that will play it.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Hugs to everyone! We are a mess but I think that sums up the whole USA and I guess rest of the world right now. It's all just so crazy. @eleanorhawkins - so sorry for what you are going through with your DD. I was a teacher the last 20 years in a high school, but taught mostly boys, and honestly they are easier to deal with than girls at that age! I rarely had to deal with parents but I would sometimes be amazed to hear a parent complaining about their child when at school he would be perfectly fine. This year I'm not teaching (except I am teaching at a college online just one class) but still working at the high school and all my teaching friends are so stressed out. It's a mess for the kids and teachers! I really worry about how far behind every kid is going to be after this past year. They simply are getting less material in.

    Weekend was fairly successful as far as not eating so much junk but I was up a pound this morning and now I am one pound away from not being normal BMI. WHAT!? I can't believe it. This is just shocking to me because I've maintained since 2014 and suddenly the past 3-4 months I'm gaining. I really don't think I'm eating that much more junk so my metabolism must be changing, my thyroid med might need to be adjusted or maybe I'm hallucinating and I really am eating that much more. Actually eating that many GS cookies was something I've not done in years so I think it may be the latter.

    I lifted on Sat and ran after that. Then ran 4 miles today. Will be on Peloton in the am! I mean if you look at my exercise log I look like a maniac.
    One good and bad thing -- I've got a week long meeting ... I'm on a committee working on our reaccreditation and we are behind so 3 of us are stuck in a conference room all week. So I think it will be a good week to chug water (I've not been drinking enough) and not snack!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @ddmom0811 You know a BMI measurement isn't useful in athletes because it can be falsely high. I would recommend a different metric for you to gauge your health. Even if you have gained some fat, I can't believe that you'd be considered unhealthy with all the strength training you've done. My BMI is 20-21 but my body fat percentage is (probably) >30% (DXA). That indicates, with a lower BMI and higher BF, that I need to add muscle not lose fat (but diet is easier than exercise rt now). So maybe spring for a DXA scan (covid allowing) and decide what the numbers really mean. Just my 2 cents.

    @rheddmobile Donkey friends! we have one in the neighborhood, he's kinda noisy. I think he's a guard donkey. They put them with livestock, apparently they are territorial and keep coyotes at bay. I grew up watching green acres and some other show i cant recall where the donkeys were just lovable stubborn pals. Not sure what I'd think if it were in a stew. I was offered bear stew once and passed. I like buffalo, but they seem sacred to me and I don't eat them.

    assignment due today done
    delegated cat litter and roomba PM to DH, he also gave Cori his meds today
    started long assignment
    no violin- i did look at it 3 times
    Still studying last minute- review, for 9 AM exam.
    Not too bad of a day really. I am tired. I did take an antidepressant today. I can't seem to decide if I want to stay on them or not and just take a day here and there. But I can't focus at all, I "work" for 10-15 minutes and them am doing dumb stuff (amazon, google, reorganizing something, I spent 30 minuted trying to rename a folder and it wouldn't let me because it was in use, then I restarted my computer and it still wouldn't let me. so i made a new folder and moved the content... just dumb stuff and not focusing.).

    I ate too much again today too.