Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited February 2021
    @quilteryoyo Yes, the antidepressants are suppose to be taken daily to have any effect. I am rather sensitive to them and the one a week seems to help although it could be a placebo effect. I really would have liked to talk to the doc about it, but COVID... ETA I do feel that the jerks and vibrations are related, so I am at am impasse.

    Bear and Cori
    (stalling to start new week of assignments. exam 86, not an A but I dont care. I say that now but when it gets real that I take a B in an 8 hour class, I'll probably whine). Any way, those boys are doing well together. Bear loves to play chase and wrestle, Cori is a cry baby but seems to be learning that it's a game and they romped and chatted back and forth all through my exam time. It was cute. Bear is a whole new cat, he's very happy to have a little brother.

    I was going to weigh myself, but DH moved the scale so bob (roomba) could clean. No idea where it is.

    unsure. dd made egg bites with cheese and bacon. I had one. We have grapes and oranges which sounds like a good start, but I do have violin this afternoon and don't want tummy troubles.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    @swenson19d Is a phone visit with your doctor an option? Glad Bear and Cori are getting along so well. Hey, and 86 is good in my book!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @swenson19d Is a phone visit with your doctor an option? Glad Bear and Cori are getting along so well. Hey, and 86 is good in my book!

    yes, it is. But I have not made it a priority. I am going to try to manage until mid march, spring break.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Happy February Fools Day to all!

    Welcome @eleanorhawkins and @noblsheep.

    I am back into tracking which I haven't done for a long time....managed to stay within 5 lbs of goal weight. But now, I am focused on strength and recomping to gain lean muscle as I try to stave off bone density issues. That being said, I am really focusing on Macros, which I have ignored. A lot of Peloton friends are more knowledgeable and we are sharing ideas. I am sticking to a protein goal in grams, with carbs and fat making up the rest to get to my daily calories and adding back workout calories, but adding them back as fat and carbs so that regardless of how much I burn a day, I will always know where I stand with my protein goals.

    Its all new to me and I struggle to get enough protein because I love chocolate, wine, sweets, bread. But I am doing less crazy cardio and more strength so it calls for more protein. It will be a learning experience!

    @shanaber I agree with @RunsOnEspresso ....I remember late high school and on and not much before that....weird.

    @ddmom0811 Thin mints and SAmoas are my downfall!

    @quilteryoyo Sorry your missing your dad! It's just hard....
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 584 Member
    @shanaber Love the idea of that project! I should do something similar with my parents, they both had pretty epic lives and I really want to know more than the bits and pieces they told me (and I remember) from when I was a kid.

    @rheddmobile Ah yes the hamburgers. I think I know what you're talking about - a kind of street food thing we've got over here - but it never crossed my mind to make it at home. Hmmm. Going to think about that now.

    @swenson19d Recently I've been doing pomodoro timers, where I try to focus for 25 mins at a time, then get up and do something else for a few minutes before coming back and "resetting". That way even if I get distracted and start doing other stuff I only waste 25 minutes. Dunno if that might work for you?

    Great to hear about the cats! I read somewhere that having younger playmates around helps keep cats from getting too sedentry and stay healthy for longer.

    @quilteryoyo Hugs!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo love how you got to the 2.02! Isn’t that funny how things like that happen and are not random at all.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Love the explanation @quilteryoyo.

    Scales up about 1lb today. Them is the weirdness of scales lol.

    Stationery bike, weights and a Ride to work again. 7min flat. It's now faster to cycle than drive and park.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    Thanks ladies.

    @Avidkeo It's fantastic that your commute is faster riding the bike than it is in the car! The scale will eventually catch up with your activity and go down. Hang in there.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    How is everyone today. I hear its groundhog day?

    Scales continues its stubborn streak, up another 100gm (half a pound) this morning. I'm more amused that anything. My tracking is on point, so it's going to go down soon. And trend is still going down. That's all that matters.

    Not a lot to report atm. I'm glad to say I'm feeling just even. Not up, not down. Its a nice place to be.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Had to take a quick minute to post my before/after w/Invisalign! @shanaber and @bearly63, were right, it was worth it! This was 11 months. I had to wait a few weeks for the veneers to go over my two tiny "peg teeth" that are on the sides of my two front teeth on top. Got those this morning! Now that I see the before, I'm horrified I let them get that bad. LOL. I didn't think they were that bad. They really started moving and crowding in my 50s (59 now).

    Thanks for the advice on eating/tracking. I will do so!
    @bearly63 - it's hard to give up the cardio. I struggle but I keep reminding myself -- at least 2x a week to keep strong bones and it has done it so far. No bone loss.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @noblsheep Funny you don't think burgers when it's a staple here. 8/10 fast food options here seems to be a burger. I did use the study timers before, I have just resorted to telling myself "no". A looming deadline had motivated me today.

    @ddmom0811 love the change!

    I gotta make changes. Im tired of the belly roll in the way and tight clothes.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    edited February 2021
    @Avidkeo Glad you know that no matter what the scale says, you are doing great!

    @ddmom0811 WOW! That is a big difference. You look great. You are making me rethink getting them. But, my biggest issue is an overbite. The dentist said it won't help that much. I'll have to think about it.

    It's cold and snowy again today, so I walked on the treadmill again. I did 2.23 miles at 3.5 mph. I did the odd distance to make my monthly total and "even" number after yesterday's tribute to dad.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    noblsheep wrote: »
    @shanaber Love the idea of that project! I should do something similar with my parents, they both had pretty epic lives and I really want to know more than the bits and pieces they told me (and I remember) from when I was a kid.

    @swenson19d Recently I've been doing pomodoro timers, where I try to focus for 25 mins at a time, then get up and do something else for a few minutes before coming back and "resetting". That way even if I get distracted and start doing other stuff I only waste 25 minutes. Dunno if that might work for you?

    @noblsheep - I think you could do something like what we are doing. You just have to get their buy in to participate and then send them an email each week with a question they can respond to. They could do it together or each separately and just tell them to include as much detail as they can - it is good to go off on tangents as you remember things. We have enjoyed looking back and remembering fun times and different people in our lives. Dh is getting more into his college and professional years.
    On the pomodoro timers - that book on the brain that I am listening to just covered that as a way to become more focused. He talked about doing analytical meditation (I had never heard of it before) and then about the timer idea. Basically he said it helps to focus intently, then take the break to allow your brain to 'rest' for 5 minutes and they have found people are much more productive and creative.
    @avidkeo - I am pretty sure (prepandemic) a bike would be a faster commute here if you could do it without a car hitting you. For the most part LA is not cycling commute friendly but it is improving.
    @ddmom0811 - Wow! Your results are fantastic and you look awesome!
    @quilteryoyo - I love the numerology connection. We have something similar in my family but not quite to the same degree, around the number 5.
    @bearly63 - I struggle with getting more protein in too. I am thinking about not using protein products, shakes, bars, powders and the likes, and I am honestly not sure how I can do it. I am trying to cut out added sugars and oils like palm oil too and most of the drinks and bars have one or both or a sugar substitute like Sucralose which is also not good. If I am going to use anything the best option seems to be the powders as they have the least amount of added stuff in them.

    I was also reading that magnesium oxide and tart cherry juice are a good combination for relaxation, calming and better sleep. Has anyone tried them?

    We had agility last night and wow it took a toll on both Hobbes and me. He was SO excited I should have taken a video just to capture his vocalizations! The course was a lot of running for both of us and he still isn't moving much this morning. I did drop his jump height down to lesson the impact on his joints now that he is getting older. It immediately made my hamstring sore. Nothing I can change though to fix it for me though. I am sure it is the uneven grass surface and the stopping and turning required. Good thing I planned a short walk for later this afternoon and just some yoga and upper body strength training today.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    @shanaber Wonder if just cherry juice would work? I'm still trying to figure out sleeping post surgery. Glad you and Hobbes enjoyed agility. Hope your hamstring is better this evening.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    How is everyone today. I hear its groundhog day?

    Scales continues its stubborn streak, up another 100gm (half a pound) this morning. I'm more amused that anything. My tracking is on point, so it's going to go down soon. And trend is still going down. That's all that matters.

    Not a lot to report atm. I'm glad to say I'm feeling just even. Not up, not down. Its a nice place to be.

    Did Phil see his shadow or not? it was 60F here, so I'm guessing an early spring for us. 454grams/lb so that's just a quarter of a pound. I can't imaging worrying about anything less than a half pound, my weight fluctuates too much. You got this! recommit! I knew a girl (18-19) back in the day that played soccer and would do a 3 day fruit and veggie diet. I'd been thinking about that lately in addition to my soup diet when things get outta hand.

    @quilteryoyo I love the pic. Every kids has a picture of them with a giant spoon or a whole cake! It's just too cute.

    I got another zero today. I swear. Congratulations to me, I have one in every class now. One missed assignment, one not acceptable- I did it but didnt screen shot the "certificate", it said it would email and it didnt, so I did it again X6 assignments in one grade, and gave up and just copied the email of you did it, no certificate. ugh. fine. last one I missed completing 2 parts of 18. i have no idea how. it marked it complete on my end. BBBBBB's this semester! LOL. oh well I'm fine.

    Got my teeths cleaned. she made me cry asking about me/Alex.

    I want to eat but am not hungry. I think Ill eat 10 oranges and see if that wont do it.

    on new med. if not better in 48 hrs to call.

    has bile in her urine? doc tomorrow so hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this soon.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    @swenson19d Phil did see it's shadow, so 6 more weeks of winter. Sorry about the school woes. I would think that there would be a way to rectify those glitches and get credit. I'd be really upset if I did the work and got a zero for not completing it. But, B's aren't bad. I hope the new medicine helps Cori. I didn't realize DD was sick. Hope the doctor has answers.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    Sleep is still not back to normal, but is changing. I fell asleep fairly quickly last night, but then woke up about 2.5 hours later and couldn't go back to sleep for about 2 hours. I did rest quietly though, so I guess that's something. I think I just need to get back to my own bed and a little bit of a normal routine, eating included. I find that I have NOT been eating the healthy foods that I did pre-surgery. Just too lazy to cook and I've been having salted popcorn every night. That will stop soon because I'm almost out. LOL I'll get there. Just like healing, I think it is just going to take time.