Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @swenson19d I hope you get some answers from the hip doctor. I need a hair cut too. Since I can't drive yet, it will be a couple of more weeks. It doesn't look too bad after I wet it and comb it, but boy do I have crazy bedhead in the mornings. Glad Cori is feeling better. You are the first person I know that actually enjoys MRIs. It takes all of my energy to not scream and claw my way out of one. Too closed in for me.

    @Avidkeo Great job on logging and not going over by much. When I have those "I have to eat everything I see" days, I don't even bother to log.

    @bearly63 Yeah for a productive day. I did the same thing with my pantry a couple of years ago. I had items from 2006. Yikes. I hope the Hip Ortho can give you some answers.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @swenson19d - love the picture of your babies... I saw it last night and left it up on my screen so it was the first thing I saw when I opened my PC this morning! Made me smile - they are just so cute! I would love to have a cat too, don't want to deal with the litter box and DH is very allergic. When dd had the Sealpoint Siamese we had to give her weekly baths to keep the dander down so it didn't bother dh. She eventually came to like them but after those first few, my hands and forearms looked like I had been in a bad fight!
    Did dd's PCP do any bloodwork or anything? I hate it when doctors are dismissive and just say 'everything's normal' when clearly you don't feel right. I hope she does see the GI and the OB/GYN I it could be her hormones are off.
    I don't know how you and @bearly63 deal with the constant pain. I have only had mine a few months and it is making me crazy. The last few days with my knee on the other side hurting too, made it impossible to get comfortable to sleep. There is no position that works.

    I did talk to dd about what the sports doc said about continuing with walking/running and she said it is true with most tendon/muscular injuries and especially arthritis. Her favorite ortho doc that she consults with says 'motion is lotion' which is similar to what I was told years ago by my ortho about keeping my joints moving despite arthritis. So @bearly63, unless there is a specific issue that they don't want you to move, I would keep moving as much as you can tolerate.

    @quilteryoyo - I bet having Tippy home will make you sleep easier too! I know when Hobbes isn't here it is hard because I keep listening for him.

    @avidkeo - I have never really thought in terms that I need to exercise today so I can eat more. I just try to stay within my guardrails for my different levels of activity. Today is a rest day but I may do some strength work just to move a bit and because I haven't done enough of that this week. But it is also super bowl so we'll see.

    @bearly63 - I need to clean out my pantry too. I did a partial clean out not too long ago. I find I buy ingredients for something I am making at the time and then the leftover sits and doesn't get used. Typically I decide to make something that uses the ingredient and then find it is expired!
    I had to laugh about the laundry! I have gotten into the habit of just leaving things in the dryer. They don't get folded and put away until I need the dryer for something else I have washed.

    Hair - with the shutdowns here I have not been able to go, since before March, to the place where I have gotten my hair cut for several years. I had planned actually to go in March since it was at the end of December 2019 that I was there last. Then that wasn't possible so I figured I would just wait not expecting that the shutdown would be so long. I finally broke down and had the lady who colors my hair cut it too. She just does a basic trim and adds the layers but doesn't cut it in a way to help control the curl. My hair is now longer than I have ever had it, I think in my entire life mostly because I would get fed up with those in between lengths and I would cut it off. I put it in a pony for running but now have to loop it up so it doesn't hang down on my neck/back and get all sweaty. I may hate it when it starts getting hot overnight but for now I am enjoying it.

    Food has been good the last couple of days. We had Mediterranean last night from a favorite restaurant and I got my usual chicken kabobs. They give you 2 with meat and one veggie so I always order an extra veggie and have 2 meals. I talked to dh about maybe making them on the bbq one of these days. It is a pretty healthy meal for both of us (he gets rotisserie chicken).
    For the SB today I made a big batch of turkey chili in the slow cooker so that should be healthy meals for a few days and some will go in the freezer for later.

    It was hot here yesterday (80F) and then cold overnight (40F) so woke up to thick fog this morning. Once the sun is out I need to get out and harvest tangerines. We have so many again this year! I will take some to the folks at agility class and see if the neighbors want some as I don't want them to go to waste.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber that was a wake up. I had the obsessive "I need to exercise so I can eat more" last year and that's how I got injured. Doing a 9k walk on a rest day so I could eat more. Honestly my plan is probably a little aggressive at the moment - 500 calorie deficit - I want to give it 2 more months then I'll drop it to a 250 calorie deficit. Which means a few Sundays that are the problem. I do so much exercise and walking around it's not an issue any other day of the week. Sunday tends very sedentary, and just around the house, so lots of food options. Maybe I can make a thing of taking the kids for a hike on Sundays or something. Active rest so to speak. I'm still in the process of changing my mindset. It's challenging after 4 years at this.

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber wow, I guess there is something to not being in a population dense area. I’ve had my hair cut just as often as I want since last March. Absolutely no issues. Funny you kept a peek at bear and cori! Only bath I do is with a warm wet wash cloth when they (Bean usually) get so dirty from rolling in the dirt. Bean doesn’t seem to be feeling well. She’s 12ish I think, and heavy. She has a sebaceous cyst that everyone wants off, but me, so I will try to get Dh to take her next week. He took off work, ugh... I’ll never get anything done. Anyway, I’ll get her checked out, she’s just so lazy and struggling more to get up on stuff... but sure the vet will tell me that she needs to lose weight. Which she is on diet food but sneak eats the regular kibble.

    Way to keep at it @Avidkeo ! I told dd that “diet” meant eating food that make you go poop. It kinda makes since, high fiber and unrefined. I just ate ben and Jerry’s, sure I’ll have a headache later and be hungry and have no calories left.

    @quilteryoyo hmm, I worked with a guy that had to take a Valium for MRI’s. Mine is always hip/back/leg and my head isn’t in there usually. I do remember one or two that I was in it head first and it was oddly snug. So I can see it being a bit unnerving. Bet, I’d still fall asleep though.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I have only had one MRI that I can remember and that was for my knee. It wasn't an issue for me. I am a bit concerned about this next one because of the pacemaker even though the one I have is supposed to be safe.

    @swenson19d - Hilde has always had a cat or two inside and outside and some of the outside strays later became inside cats. Every single one of them have become obese and developed diabetes, even though she only feeds them a special prescription kibble. I am convince she is somehow giving them something else too. But then they get no real activity inside and rarely even move around much.

    Dh has the pre super bowl show on and they are showing scenes from previous super bowl performances. I wasn't paying attention and then Whitney Houston was belting out the Star Spangled Banner and it gave me chills! Wow what a voice she had!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @shanaber I thought having Tippy home might help me sleep too. But, the first night I kept hearing her move around. I've always slept pretty light, so the "new" noises would wake me up. Then, last night, she licked me on the nose at 2am and woke me up, then walked to the door. She never does that unless she really needs to go out, so I got up and we went out to pee at 2. It had just started snowing. Then, when we came back inside, she wanted some loving. Afterwards, I tried to lean back in the recliner and she tried to jump up and sit on my lap. So, I decided to lay on the couch. She jumped up and laid with me for about 45 minutes and then went over to the love seat. I stayed awake while we were both on the couch, for fear that she would step on my chest. Then, she licked my nose again at 6. This time, I didn't get up and she laid down beside of me. It'll get better. Things are just different for both of us right now. Good news is that I did sleep better, when I wasn't awake.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber understand your nerves about the MRI. If its any help the MRI techs are very very careful, especially with pacemakers. And if they say its safe, I'd be happy with that.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Wow, I didn't realize I hadn't been here since 2/2! I had 50 messages to go through. Read through quickly. Sorry no time to reply to everything!

    I had a really busy week at work. I was in a meeting the entire week 8-4 and then I would have to catch up on my regular work after that. Then in the evening I had to grade and handle the online class I'm teaching! Forgot if I mentioned if I didn't accept a class I would lose my adjunct professor role, and I want to keep it because ideally I will just do that online in the future. These are just 8 week classes but this is while I'm taking the data analytics online (almost done class 7/8). And now the university asked me to teach a class the next 8 weeks. I took it because it's an easy class to teach/grade.
    So, whew! It was just an exhausting week. There wasn't much time to eat anything and I did go down two lbs last week, but then this weekend... oh well!
    I was so tired and burned out Friday night I had too much wine. Woke up with an awful headache Saturday and didn't drink the rest of the weekend. I'm back home now from condo(Sunday around 7pm) but DH still there for one more night. He decided he likes to drive straight into work on Mondays. I don't like that. I need to do Pellie in the morning! Had a nice 4 mile run today and then DH wanted to walk so walked 4 with him!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    Wow @ddmom0811 ! I was worn out just reading about your week! I hope it calms down just a little bit.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Aww, my poor beanie will be going to the vet tomorrow. We all noticed she wasn’t quite herself and dd just noticed her hip is swollen and she is in pain, not just being grumpy. Poor girl.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    Aww, my poor beanie will be going to the vet tomorrow. We all noticed she wasn’t quite herself and dd just noticed her hip is swollen and she is in pain, not just being grumpy. Poor girl.

    Awww noo! Hugs!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Woah @ddmom0811 that's exhausting! And I understand about the wine. Oddly I've turned into a bit of a teetotaler. I enjoy a drink, and will have half a beer from time to time, but mostly I'd rather use my calories on other things, like chocolate bahaha. I kinda miss alcohol.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @swenson19d I hope Beanie is okay and they can make him all better.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    Good news: The heat pump people showed up today.
    Bad news: They made a mistake, which I can forgive. We all make mistakes. They were indeed scheduled to replace the indoor coil (so should have come on Friday), but, when he checked it out today, he discovered that the indoor coil was fine. The outdoor coil has the leak. He even had someone else come out to verify. So, they have to order an outdoor coil and come back out once it gets here.
    Good news: They were able to replace the Freon out there, and it shouldn't leak out, so am no longer on emergency heat.
    Good news: Tippy was friendly with the repairman, after he approached her correctly. She doesn't like men too much, but is getting better.

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Bean update.
    I was loading her up to take her to the vet for a drop-off appointment. She hates going, runs from the sight of the carrier and it takes two people to get her in the crate. Tag DD in this scenario. I'm cat wrestling trying no to injure her and have to say the heck with it and brace her between my ribs and forearm applying pressure to her hip. Might be kinda gross for the squeamish- not a photo
    DD gasps, "oh mom!" I figure she was just cringing because I was being rough with her. Bean does not get in the crate. DD says "oh it was an abscess" it was a projectile release all over me, my floor my bed. It was a very large abscess, golf ball size. I try to clean her up before its in more places but she is successful in the get away and hides behind the couch.
    I am so happy it was an abscess, but have you smelled an abscess before? I phoned the vet and I'll just take her in Wednesday and try to keep antibiotic on it. Thank baby cat Buddha. I thought the worse that it was hip and she needed a hip replacement or was going to lose the leg. Of course the abscess could still be an issue with it's location and a piece of tissue with a hard bit came lose. Perhaps she had a foreign body in there.

    @quilteryoyo Well least you are off emergency heat. Cute that Tippy is protective of you, men typically aren't animals favorites, least not in my bunch. Except Bean, she loves dh too much and i am jealous.

    Noon and I am just getting sorted. I cancelled violin so I can clean the mess and wash the bedding.

    My scale was down again today below my oh no weight. Dh even mentioned that he hasn't gained much even though he eats terrible and isn't running. I think it's time to change the battery. my clothes tell another story.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 yay for just being an abscess and eewwwwwww. Definitely know that abscess smell. My best friend is a GP and LOVES lancing them, and even she says the smell is awful. Clings and lasts days.

    @quilteryoyoI yay for the good news stuff, and glad there is more good than bad. Still annoying about the repair though but at least you are off emergency heating.

    Just stepped on the scales, and 0.5kg (1lb) down! Yay! 67.4 this morning. I'm so very happy with that. Kids are in school and I'm working shift, so I'm planning a long bike ride this morning. I'm going to ride from home down to the walkway, ride along and ride home. Usually I take the car to the walkway, but I think I've built up endurance enough to manage the ride home. It's basically straight up hill to my house but a fairly gentle climb. Will see. I'll follow that with some weights. Then work at 3pm. Whew I'm exhausted thinking about it but kinda excited!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hmmm change of plan. Finally got up and opened the curtains. It's dark and brooding. Rain is imminent. I don't want my first big ride in the rain. Call me a coward.

    So stationery bike it is. Oh well
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I have been having trouble with windows and am back to entertaining switching to Apple. I looked at laptops today and almost got one, but the 2700$ price made me think a little harder and I just saved it for later. I do have the iPad and can do a fair amount from it and my laptop is just over a year old. In the middle of windows -iOS there is Microsoft but apple is stubborn and won't access my one drive.

    I haven't had an apple user tell me they hate it. I think I'll make the switch eventually, I entertained a smaller one 13 in for taking to class and on the go. My new one is nicknamed the beast. I don't need 2 laptops and the iPad. I'm just being a ding dong.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @swenson19d Oh no! I can't even imagine trying to clean up that mess. But, if it has to be something, I guess an abscess is the best thing to be. Glad someone's scale is down. I think mine found it.

    @Avidkeo Yeah for the weight being down. Like I told @swenson19d I found it. I'm was a little over 140 this morning, my oh no weight. Gotta do better this week.