Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo yeah, good job I'm a saint cause oh boy was there some temptation to throw it over his head!
    I was still toying with postponing the dr appt for a couple of weeks to see if it goes down on its own. Then he phoned.... "hello it's dr Rodriguez, you have an appointment tomorrow but it's going to be a busy day so I'm phoning my favourites on the list this evening instead! What's the matter, darling?"
    Oh hell lol. Anyway, he said to go in and let him "have a feel" on Wednesday afternoon and he'll refer me if he sees fit.
    All so uncomfortable since these phone appointments. He is WAY too friendly and affectionate, whereas in person he's very sort of professional and clinically distanced.

    We all have our comfort zones. I think I am the same way, In person I have no idea how to be, but txt, phone I feel a bit safer.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @eleanorhawkins I'm sorry about the lump in your breast. Glad you got to talk to your doctor so quickly, even if he was a little "familiar," and going to have the lump checked out. Did he say anything about your hormones?

    @Avidkeo So sorry about the scale. That's so annoying. I do recall someone on here saying that they always weigh more after a long run because their muscles retain fluid, I guess. I'm sure that is the case with you.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited February 2021
    @eleanorhawkins I'm sorry about the lump in your breast. Glad you got to talk to your doctor so quickly, even if he was a little "familiar," and going to have the lump checked out. Did he say anything about your hormones?

    @Avidkeo So sorry about the scale. That's so annoying. I do recall someone on here saying that they always weigh more after a long run because their muscles retain fluid, I guess. I'm sure that is the case with you.

    Well on queue today I've started spotting, confirming that period is indeed on the way. My uniform feels really loose today, so definitely water. Its OK. Ill get there, probably have a massive woosh in the next few days. I'm just hanging out to be below 68 again bahaha.

    Just looked at my v weights a month ago when my period was last due, and I had 6 days where the scale stayed the same, then suddenly dropped 2lb so trust the process is my motto!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I have gotten so frustrated with that type of 'communication' mixup that I now make sure I confirm back to them the expected date and time. At least that way they know what they have said is up for interpretation.
    @eleanorhawkins - we had a good friend years ago who got into cooking because he was fascinated by the physics of making sauces, i.e. whisking to make a vortex and then adding the other ingredients at just the right moment. Maybe you should have everyone in the family pick a night to cook but they have to cook something for everyone, so something you and your daughter will eat and something he will eat. It only worked for me with the dd, as I mentioned my dh doesn't cook either although he will bbq.
    I think I would be uncomfortable if my doctor spoke to me that way too. My pcp is a woman now same age as me and she and I always end up talking about our kids who are about the same age. Hope the lump is just a cyst to be drained and nothing more serious.
    @bearly63 - I use Strava on my Apple Watch and it synchs to my Strava account. Poking around on the Strava website though I do see on my profile page a link to 'connect to MFP' and from there it takes you to MFP and asks for permission for Strava to have read and write access to your food and exercise diary. Maybe she needs to do that?
    I also use Tera's but I haven't tried cooking anything with it. I am thinking maybe some healthy muffins or something that I could add to powder to? I am also 'trying' to eat more eggs. I know they are so good for me but I have a hard time with them unless there is toast and avocado involved. The greek yogurt is pretty good and I am going to go back to making lunchtime salads with chicken. It was my go to when I lost before.

    Saw the sports ortho yesterday and really like him. He is or seems very young but was great at listening to what the issues were then asking questions and offering opinions.
    Good news first - knee... I wanted to get a new brace and was hoping I could get the requisite referral so the insurance would pay for it this time. He was funny as he admitted up front that he wasn't a fan of braces in general and when he saw what I had basically said 'think about it, there is some padding and a couple of thin strips of plastic. How much support do you actually think it is providing? Basically its a placebo affect.' He did say if it made me feel better to wear it then do so. Also other than the arthritis in the left knee they look great. No bone on bone or even close even with the torn meniscus.
    My hip joints also look great, no issues whatsoever.

    Not so great news - hamstring... I explained that my PCP thought it was related to the calcification seen on the hip xray. After discussing where, when and how it hurts he did a lot of poking and pressure testing and is sure I have torn the proximal hamstring and that it is not just tendonitis. I will be going for an MRI once approved and based on how bad the tear is he will determine treatment or possibly surgery. He asked if I was still running and I smiled and had to admit I had been trying to. He didn't say not to but said I really need to listen to my body and stop if it hurts.

    I did ask if he thought it was an overuse injury which I would find odd since it happened after the pacemaker implant when I wasn't really able to run much. He said nope and that I wouldn't like his answer. Mostly caused by aging. Apparently around age 50 and above the prevalence of tears, especially in women (welcome to peri/menopause), is very high. He sees many torn rotator cuffs and other tears when nothing out of the ordinary was done that would have caused one.

    I am going to keep walking and doing my cross training with limited lower body workouts and maybe running if it feels ok.

    To make this post even longer I have to mention the apple cake I made. It is from a really old recipe given to me by a friend maybe in the early 80's. I like it because it has a ton of sliced apple in it but I haven't made in a long time and was shocked by the recipe. It called for 2 cups of sugar! the same amount as the flour! and a cup of oil! 😳 So I halved the sugar and used half greek yogurt, half oil and it turned out great. Next time I will cut the sugar out completely because I don't really think it is needed with all the sweetness from the apples. I may also replace all the oil with yogurt too.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @shanaber I couldn't decide whether to like or hug your post. Glad you got some good news from the ortho and that you are going to get an MRI so you know what the next step needs to be. I love apple cake. The modified recipe sounds yummy...well, the other one does too, but who needs that much sugar?
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    @eleanorhawkins I'm sorry about the lump in your breast. Glad you got to talk to your doctor so quickly, even if he was a little "familiar," and going to have the lump checked out. Did he say anything about your hormones?

    @Avidkeo So sorry about the scale. That's so annoying. I do recall someone on here saying that they always weigh more after a long run because their muscles retain fluid, I guess. I'm sure that is the case with you.

    Well on queue today I've started spotting, confirming that period is indeed on the way. My uniform feels really loose today, so definitely water. Its OK. Ill get there, probably have a massive woosh in the next few days. I'm just hanging out to be below 68 again bahaha.

    Just looked at my v weights a month ago when my period was last due, and I had 6 days where the scale stayed the same, then suddenly dropped 2lb so trust the process is my motto!

    @quilteryoyo as he immediately said to go in and see him I decided to broach the hormone topic there. Will give me something to talk about while he gropes!

    @Avidkeo I always see an upwards fluctuation on the scale when I'e worked muscles hard enough for them to ache. Also, my weight goes up 1kg around the middle of my cycle and drops back down about 1 day in to my period. Every. Single. Time.

    @shanaber ugh. Hugs. I hope he can find ways to deal with it.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member

    @quilteryoyo as he immediately said to go in and see him I decided to broach the hormone topic there. Will give me something to talk about while he gropes!
    Hahaha. I needed this laugh this morning.

    URG! Not a happy camper. I slept pretty good again last night - yeah! But, I had to set the alarm so I could get up early to open the gate for the heat pump guys. Did that and am talking to my mom when the phone rings. Of course, I'm expecting them to say they are on their way. But, it's the least I think that is who Cameron is, saying that due to the weather and impending rain, they can't "open up the system" to replace the coil. If they do, and it gets wet, it will ruin the entire thing. Can they push me out until Monday? I said, ok, but I thought it was the indoor coil that they were replacing, not the outdoor one. He says, let me look. Oh, it might be. If it is, we might be able to get to it late this afternoon. He's going to check and let me know. Seriously. If it weren't under warranty I'd get someone else to fix it. Why is everything so difficult? (BTW, it has crossed my mind that they are putting it off because it us under warranty and they aren't going to get any money from me. But, I guess they do get paid for their labor by the company.)
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @eleanorhawkins None of us are perfect. Two days is not going to totally derail you. You've got this. Glad you have a plan for your DD that you feel comfortable with and hope she does well with it.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hugs @eleanorhawkins as @quilteryoyo said, no one is perfect and we all have hard days. Been there more times than I can count!

    And @quilteryoyo I would be so so mad with those guys. That's incredibly frustrating and frankly rude. This could have all been sorted when the job was booked!

    I left a long report in the other thread, long run done, and done well.

    Weight this morning was the same as other days. Still hanging out for that woosh... Day 6 today so Trust the process!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @Avidkeo If it wasn't under their warranty, I would have already gotten someone else to fix it. He never called me back. I called him at 2 and asked. It will be Monday, first thing. So frustrating.

    On a good note, Tippy's home! :smile:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @eleanorhawkins - those one or two days don't define you. You can get beyond it. It is definitely hard sometimes and we have all had them.
    @quilteryoyo - I would consider talking to another service company and see if by chance they would honor the other company's warranty. I would also report the original company to the BBB or whatever organization TN has for managing consumer complaints.
    Tippy looks so happy to be back home with you!

    My weight is back up again after holding steady. I am sure not being able to run much is not helping and I am thinking about my PCPs comments about losing a few pounds. I have to make some changes to make that happen so I spent a great deal of time today looking at my calories and macros. I am going to cut my calories back and also realign my macros specifically to reduce the amount of fat.

    @swenson19d - How are you doing? How is your dd doing? I hope she is ok and feeling better.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Thanks @shanaber . If they don't come Monday, I will do something. The first time was an honest mistake. Yesterday was a different story. I get you about gaining weight from being less active. I'm up a couple of pounds too. I'm trying, but not as hard as you, to make sure I don't go any higher.

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber DD never really got answers. She was told to see a GI specialist and the OB for her gynecological concerns, unpredictable cycles. I told her I'd go with her to a GI specialist if she wanted, but she isn't keen on being run around. The PCP wasn't concerned about any of her complaints, all is normal to him.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all.

    No change on the scale. I remain hopeful. It WILL drop. Eventually.

    Today is rest day, so skipped breakfast and had fruit with yoghurt for lunch. Dinner is left over lasagne from last night, DH is going out so ill have an assignment for to do for my team leadership course I'm doing. It's due Friday and I haven't really done any work on it.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited February 2021
    @Avidkeo how are you liking the shorter hair cut? Still happy with it? I am 2 seconds (not really but plotting) from cutting mine. My hair is almost pony tail length, well I can get most of it up other than the layer on the right.
    I am not sure what I’m going to do with it.

    I have the hip doc appointment Tuesday! Wow that snuck up so fast. I have a research class and have spent all evening in his publications for an assignment. I am willing to just do what he wants. My leg aches at night and I just wanna pull it off at the hip so it won’t hurt. Lol, what an odd desire. Oh well upside is I might be able to find a place and get my hair cut the same day in Dallas. I really do hate how long it it.

    Ate everything and I am sure my scale is a liar. It is either 125.8 ish or 128.5 ish. Maybe I should change the battery because it feels like 128 ish.

    Bear and coriander
    Still doing well. Seems this last antibiotic has fixed Cori’s diarrhea finally. He’s a strange fellow. He’s a pest. If he wants food, not the kibble, he walks under your feet and leans against you, just a pest. I almost broke something 3-4 times already from tripping over him. He snuggles under the blanket like Bear does, but insists on biting me. Beary is like an old man compared to him. Cori’s a good buddy, his personality is coming through finally. They still romp through the house and bear has taught him all the wrestling moves.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 I loved the short length, didn't really like how I looked with it. Too soccor mum I guess. Now it's an annoying length. Too short to put up, and long enough to get in my face. I've taken to using clips to clip it out of the way, and by the end of the day my fringe (bangs I believe lol) is all over the show.

    Short hair is GREAT! As long as you keep cutting it. I can't be bothered with that, so am growing it out again lol. I miss being able to just throw it all in a pony.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Had an annoying day today. Skipped breakfast, had a big lunch. Went out for a couple of hrs. Then around 3pm found half a block of chocolate (probably about 30 grams worth, wasn't big) and ended up eating the whole thing. Sigh. Then had an overwhelming urge to eat all the things. Ended up eating a small piece of slice I had cut already so knew the size.

    I tracked everything and was only 100 calories over target so not bad. Given the other day I was 150 under, I call it even.

    I find Sundays hard. My goal is only 1200, so without any exercise I don't have much give in the calorie goal. But rest day means rest right? I cycle Tues and Thurs, adding Sunday just so I can eat a bit more seems crazy right.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning!

    I feel like I had a productive Saturday....I cleaned out my pantry because it was out of control. I am embarrassed to admit that I threw away 2 large bags of old expired foods. Some dated 2012. I literally missed 9 years along the way - I blame parenthood. I am also incredibly lazy and regressing from Adulthood. I don't like putting away laundry either. I blame it on my new found fitness routine.....I am getting younger in every sense of the word🤣

    @quilteryoyo We have had same issues with repair guys etc. So frustrating.....hang in there. Cute pic of you and Tippy! You look fantastic. Glad the sleeping is returning.

    @Avidkeo I weigh myself after a long ride and put on weight even though I sweated buckets. It's so weird. The key is you are pretty dang consistent and even on a eat the chocolate day, you tracked it. A win in my books.

    @swenson19d If I wasn't so allergic, your adorable pics would make me a cat person. Hop the hip gets some help. seeing my hip guy on Tuesday....I am so over it all....

    @shanaber Well the good and bad news....I am glad you are finally getting a real diagnosis so you can solve the problem. I just had a meeting online with friends fitness coach/ nutrition guy. He walked us through the process of setting our macros for our personal goals. It was very helpful. I am now going to try to realign my thinking from calories to hitting my macros for two weeks and see how I do. It's a mindset and it will force me to plan my daily food better to get my protein.

    @eleanorhawkins I am glad the therapist has a plan for your daughter. This whole generation is struggling right now in so many ways. Hugs

    It has been a year since I started into my journey of hip flexor pain. Was running more, it started hurting. I went to Airossti thinking just a muscle issue. Didn't help, maybe hurt it more. Went to a sports med physical doctor (they don't do surgery but focus on injury, movement and pain management) . Discovered the stress fracture. Blamed it on bone density but we really don't know if it was overuse. Did my 12 weeks of no impact with my new fav friend Peloton. Went back 2 more times due to continuing pain, told it was just edema and took NSAIDS. Did physical therapy and chiropractic to deal with imbalanced strength...started strength program. And here we are. Still in pain which does come and go....but enough to limp. I am finally going to see the Hip Orthopedic doc. I just want an answer and expect it to be " you are have arthritis and inflammation due to age and small wear and tear labrum issues" We can give you a shot in the hip and you will eventually get a hip replacement. I just need to know....I can handle it but I am always thinking "Am I doing more damage" I refuse to sit around doing nothing unless they tell me it will help.

    Off to do a 2 hour ride. hahahah.....Happy Sunday
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo I bought pony tail holders, bobby pins and headbands anticipating a way to keep my hair out of my face for clinicals. We will be written up and dismissed for the day if our hair is not tidy and out of the way. I get it, hard to administer meds or start an IV with hair in your eyes. I just keep waffling on short/annoying mid-length, I don't think I could do long. If I let it get much longer, I may consider a perm or wavy -do.

    @bearly63 "Life is a highway...
    There ain't no load that I can't hold
    Road so rough, this I know
    I'll be there when the light comes in
    Just tell 'em we're survivors"

    The hip highway struggle is real. I've been at this since March 2012. My pain is better overall, but I have lost the ability to do anything for longer than 10 minutes d/t pain. We can be hip replacement buddies. I had the steroid shot in the hip joint a few times, the experience is okay, mine is usually done by a dern cutie or a super nice fellow who offers so much support I wanna hug him. The calmer my hip is the less it hurts, so expect if your pain is high and tissues are inflamed it might be "hold your breath, or breathe slowly". They usually remember I do well with distraction. In addition to the steroid shot in the hip they will probably add dye and send you to the MRI to get a good idea what's going on. I love the MRI, it's nap time, meditation time, time to drift with the pulses. Hey, perhaps I'll have another one soon.
    From the research I'd been trying to assimilate in to an assignment, women just get a bad deal with the hip issues. I decided I don't care if I have to do the THR twice because of my age, I am eager to redefine my existence outside of chronic pain.

    The cats seem to be less allergenic than others, esp Beary. So perhaps you could get a couple russian blues. ;) Dh isn't even allergic to him. And we have 5 hepa air purifiers in the house to help with all allergens. I couldn't manage without Bear-bug. He's my support animal.

    ok... assignments.