Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @Avidkeo Sorry about needing the fillings. I hate getting those. That's a very pretty place for a bike ride. Fingers crossed that your DD can tolerate peanuts this time!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Grrr lost my post...

    Bean is good
    I didn't cook
    I know 4 word in Mandarin
    I have friends (in school) that are from Nepal, I love other cultures
    I bought an iPhone be here Friday .

    And good luck with the nuts @Avidkeo .
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 585 Member
    @swenson19d Sorry you lost your post! May I ask which 4 words? Hope you love your new phone! Which model did you go with?

    Black or green tea are both fine for eggs, I usually use Lipton teabags because they're cheap, always lying around and easy to clean up. Does your kumquat tree have fruit? I think I've heard of people making beef stew with them. And if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life I'd go for dumplings too.

    I wish we were closer and I could just hop over to your place and cook something.

    @rheddmobile Oh yeah I forgot that Korea does Lunar New Year too. (Japan used to as well but that was cancelled in the 19th century.) I had to look up dumpling soup, and was like ohhhhhh because we call it wonton soup over here and for some reason us hardcore northerners keep thinking that wonton and dumplings are different things. Kinda like how Eskimos have dozens of different words for snow or something. :D

    As for the carbs, I think that eastern Asia food in general is just really carb heavy. Probably because grains are easy to grow and everybody used to be dirt poor so meat was scarce. My dad says when he was growing up kids only had eggs on their birthday as a special treat.

    @eleanorhawkins Hugs. Congrats on progress. Congrats on your dad's first vaccine. Recently I've been eating all the food as well so today I decided to put a bunch of fruit on the table in hope that I'll reach for those first instead of going to raid the pantry.

    @Avidkeo That looks like an awesome ride! Good luck on the peanuts.

    Today is New Years Eve and I'm going to make myself the closest dinner to the kind we had at home as I can. Traditions need to be upheld. Will take pictures of that.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    noblsheep wrote: »
    @swenson19d Sorry you lost your post! May I ask which 4 words? Hope you love your new phone! Which model did you go with?

    Black or green tea are both fine for eggs, I usually use Lipton teabags because they're cheap, always lying around and easy to clean up. Does your kumquat tree have fruit? I think I've heard of people making beef stew with them. And if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life I'd go for dumplings too.

    I wish we were closer and I could just hop over to your place and cook something.

    I tried to teach myself Mandarin 8 years ago or so, no idea why, I had no one to speak it with. ni hao, xie xie, ma (mom) and if i remember right, ma (horse). I cant remember the accents on the ma or ma or ma and which is which. I might remember more if I saw it again. I still have intro learning CD's I keep thinking about getting out. I think I've learned all the German I want with no one to speak it with, least for now. But currently nursing school and violin is keeping me busy.

    I got the 12 mini because YES! a smaller phone. I may hate it. I already "just remembered" I have pixel ear buds that will work but without all the features. oops. I just listen to school stuff or Crime Junkie podcasts, maybe music now an then.

    The kumquat tree was doing so well for a while, so much fruit. Then it just died back and is now an 8-9 foot stick with thorn and no fruit. I'll trim it back and see if I can get it to be a tree again. No idea what happened. Alex was the first to eat the fruit off of it, so I think it was mourning his passing.

    I might learn to love to cook if I had a cooking buddy haha!
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 585 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    noblsheep wrote: »
    @swenson19d Sorry you lost your post! May I ask which 4 words? Hope you love your new phone! Which model did you go with?

    Black or green tea are both fine for eggs, I usually use Lipton teabags because they're cheap, always lying around and easy to clean up. Does your kumquat tree have fruit? I think I've heard of people making beef stew with them. And if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life I'd go for dumplings too.

    I wish we were closer and I could just hop over to your place and cook something.

    I tried to teach myself Mandarin 8 years ago or so, no idea why, I had no one to speak it with. ni hao, xie xie, ma (mom) and if i remember right, ma (horse). I cant remember the accents on the ma or ma or ma and which is which. I might remember more if I saw it again. I still have intro learning CD's I keep thinking about getting out. I think I've learned all the German I want with no one to speak it with, least for now. But currently nursing school and violin is keeping me busy.

    I might learn to love to cook if I had a cooking buddy haha!

    German has been on my to do list for years, but right now Japanese is on the top of that list. If you ever want to pick up Mandarin again we could language exchange.

    I'd love to be somebody's cooking buddy! No idea how that would work though.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    I need to go to bed but started reading and couldn't leave without talking about dumplings! Years ago I worked with a lady who was born on the mainland but raised in Taiwan. When we had potlucks at work or any special occasion Jean would make fresh dumplings. Like stay up all night making them so she could bring them in fresh in the morning! OMG they were so delicious! I also found out years later that she was vegetarian but made pork for all of us. Her mom also brought her seeds from a special Chinese hot pepper plant that she then grew and would make sauce from - spicy but SO tasty! We have lots of Asian markets and restaurants here but I have never had dumplings as good as hers!
    Also she made little buns with black bean paste inside too. My daughter was small and absolutely loved them. She had no idea it was bean paste at the time and I'm pretty sure she thought they were chocolate!
    She also taught me how to make Chinese knots and still have some that she made me for good luck.
    @noblsheep - do they make soup dumplings there? These are rather round, with the dough twisted at the top and have hot soup inside. When dd and I went to Vancouver we ate at a dumpling house and that was a specialty. If I lived there I think I would eat there every day!

    One of my favorite places to shop is the 99 Ranch markets - pretty much anything you could possibly want for cooking they have there. They are not close to me but I should drive there once we can get out more and check out their dumplings!

    I wanted to take German in high school but my mom said it was not useful, take French which was totally not useful! Spanish would have made the most sense for living in CA.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber I think Spanish makes the most sense in the US and here too. Tuesday at my MRI a woman waked in and was in the wrong place but spoke very little english. One kind woman just relied on her knowledge of a few words and told the lady "sietie"- my next life I'll spell better, 7 and pointed up. I could have done that but feeling that I needed to be fluent before even trying... so unhelpful. I wish the elementary education focused more are on music and languages (not 13 years of "English" class) when our brains could soak all that up. I think something so simple as learning a language young would fracture some of this, er what I perceive as ethnocentric culturism that is pervasive. I kinda muddled that avoiding outright saying that I think it'd help with self-righteous attitudes towards other people. Dont get me started so early on my perceived injustices of the world.

    I really need dumplings in my life now. @shanaber I know what you are talking about with the soup dumpling. I saw them on a show (the extent of my cultural awareness is Netflix). Could absolutely live on them. Sooo @noblsheep what's the weather like where you are? I'm planing my retirement to various locations apparently with out the funds (day dreaming).

    Food and people are important. not a whole lot else matters. I learned that watching Ugly Delicious, on Netflix..

    Happy New Year, yet?
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited February 2021
    noblsheep wrote: »
    swenson19d wrote: »
    noblsheep wrote: »
    @swenson19d Sorry you lost your post! May I ask which 4 words? Hope you love your new phone! Which model did you go with?

    Black or green tea are both fine for eggs, I usually use Lipton teabags because they're cheap, always lying around and easy to clean up. Does your kumquat tree have fruit? I think I've heard of people making beef stew with them. And if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life I'd go for dumplings too.

    I wish we were closer and I could just hop over to your place and cook something.

    I tried to teach myself Mandarin 8 years ago or so, no idea why, I had no one to speak it with. ni hao, xie xie, ma (mom) and if i remember right, ma (horse). I cant remember the accents on the ma or ma or ma and which is which. I might remember more if I saw it again. I still have intro learning CD's I keep thinking about getting out. I think I've learned all the German I want with no one to speak it with, least for now. But currently nursing school and violin is keeping me busy.

    I might learn to love to cook if I had a cooking buddy haha!

    German has been on my to do list for years, but right now Japanese is on the top of that list. If you ever want to pick up Mandarin again we could language exchange.

    I'd love to be somebody's cooking buddy! No idea how that would work though.

    I doubt I could teach you any german. I usually just talk to the cats or occasionally answer dh in German just to annoy him. So if ya want you could share a weekly lesson here? something simple. or we could communicate email or however. I'd love to have a lesson.

    I wonder how feasible it's be to do a once a month Zoom or the like, cooking a meal together. hmm?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    I wish that they would teach a second language in elementary school too. We had a daycare director a couple of years ago that was fluent in Spanish. She would teach the kids songs and they caught on right away. I just googled and there is a lot of differences of opinions out there, but it looks like pre-puberty is the optimal time for learning a second language and some say before the age of 6. I tried French in college. That was a disaster. Imagine French with a very heavy Southern Accent. LOL My teacher was Russian, but lived most of her life in Germany. I'm not sure where her French came from, but when she got mad at us, we never knew what language was going to come out of her mouth. LOL
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    I'm in a down mood today. After yesterday's gorgeous weather, it's a rainy mess today. Mom is going through my dad's clothes and giving them away. That's ok. For me, it's a little soon, but I know we are all different. She said that her and dad had talked about it and he wanted someone else to use them if they could. Sounds like him as he would give someone the shirt off of his back if that was the only one he had.

    Anyway, yesterday she washed up his coats and jackets to give to my friend who lives in Nashville so he could take them to a Thrift Store he likes in Nashville - if no one he knows can use them. I was looking through them and saw one that dad wore A LOT. I asked her if she was giving away the coat that he wore all the time. She said yes. Someone else could use it. I sort of pretend pouted, but told her it was okay. The more I thought about it though, the more I just couldn't see that go. So, I called my friend and he is going to take it out of the stuff he has and leave it at mom's for me today. I don't know why I need that, but I feel I do. I talked to mom about it and she was sorry that she gave it away if I wanted it. I am going to go down later today and go through some of his other clothes to see if anything strikes me as something I would like to keep. I can't think of anything right now, but didn't think that coat would evoke such emotions either.
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 585 Member
    edited February 2021
    Happy Chinese New Year everybody! Here's my one-person celebration meal.
    The green thing is called Laba garlic, and I don't have enough chemistry to explain why garlic turns green when pickled in rice vinegar in the winter. And the black thing on the far right is called century eggs and was once ranked by CNN to be the most disgusting food in the world. (shrugs)

    @shanaber She sounds like an awesome person! My mother would make dumplings for potlucks too and everyone loved them (although I do remember that she added salt twice on one occasion, but luckily they were pork and carrot so we got away by adding some more sugar). I don't think I've ever had black bean buns though, we usually use red beans, but I suppose they taste 90% the same. I've got some red bean buns in my fridge right now, I'll show y'all tomorrow.

    re: soup dumplings. It's really amusing how badly these things translate across languages, because we don't think of those things as dumplings at all. They're a type of baozi - stuffed buns? anyway the ones with soup inside are great but I somehow manage to scald the tip of my tongue every time lol. They are usually found in and around Shanghai, not so much in Beijing.

    @swenson19d I agree that Spanish makes sense. I lived in Miami for a little more than a year when I was 5-6, and picked up enough of the language to hang out with the neighborhood kids, and then moved away and forgot it all. When I visited Finland a few years ago, the landlady told us that all schools teach Swedish from the start, then English from grade 3, and most kids add a third foreign language around grade 9. Finnish people are really proud of their multilingual abilities.

    The weather in Beijing is reasonable but the humidity here is always super low. It rarely goes under -10 C in winter, and summers go up to 36 C and not much more. But we get sandstorms in spring and the air quality is still bad sometimes, albiet getting better. Since we're one year out from hosting the winter Olympics, I'm guessing the AQ for the upcoming year is going to be amazing.

    Cooking via zoom sounds like an awesome idea! I'll PM you.

    @quilteryoyo From all the immigrant kids I knew when I was young, I agree that pre-6 years is about right if you want them to achieve entirely native pronounciation. Kids who came to the States later than that picked up the language just fine but usually had some sort of noticable accent.

    LOL at the Southern Accent French. I had an English teacher from Malaysia in high school. Had no idea what the dude was saying half the time, his accent was so thick.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @quilteryoyo - my nieces are multilingual, or were. Not sure how much they remember of their early languages. Their mom is from Luxembourg and speaks French, German, Luxembourgish but learned a bit of English in school there as a requirement. She also took Spanish at the community college when they were living here for a while. The girls from the time they were tiny spoke all of those but not Spanish and later learned Arabic because they grew up mostly in Dubai and the UAE. My SIL said with the Romance languages once you know one well, learning another is fairly easy, not sure I agree with that though. It was funny that they somehow knew we and their dad only spoke English and their Grandma in Luxembourg only Luxembourgish.

    Also my dh was taught Spanish starting in kindergarten. She is essentially fluent and took the AP test for Spanish and got a 5 on it so didn't need to take a language in college. She ended up taking conversational Spanish for fun and took 2 years of Latin. I think it makes it so much easier to learn languages when they have that early start. Having her around when we went to Cancun and to Costa Rica made a huge difference 😁 Interesting though that she uses an interpreter with her Spanish speaking patients these days because she is not confident using it in the professional setting.

    I need to get back to Duolingo and work on my Spanish some more! Have you all tried Google translate? I use it sometimes to text to my housekeeper or to write a note to our gardener. They both speak English but Spanish is so much easier for them. When I was working we had people all over the world (customers and support people) so the company used a translation program for our Help Desks that translated text messages to the what the user had specified as their local language. So I could type and see a message in English and the person in India or Africa or Mexico would see it in their chosen language. They were working on one for voice too but it was not implemented before I left.

    Like @swenson19d - I think learning about different cultures and history is so fascinating. In some ways to see how much we are alike and also how we do things differently. I mean when I took world history it was mostly focused on the UK and Europe. Not really World History at all.

    I thought of zoom too but then there is the big timezone issue. I think @noblsheep is 16 hours ahead of me and 14 ahead of you.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Definitely keep anything you think you may want. Stuff can be donated later, there is no rush. I wonder where all of Alex's stuff is, what I might want to hold on to. His dad probably gave everything to crazy nd the stuff he had at her house, who know. I'm just glad I didn't send him all his clothes and belongings when he was in Georgia. The cat room is turning into a shrine to Alex. But if that's what I need right now, everyone else is gonna have to be okay with that. It was his bedroom for a while. Whatever you is okay, advocate to be okay right now.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited February 2021
    @shanaber @noblsheep Well with the time difference perhaps we can do breakfast for lunch/dinner or something. I wanna try it even if it means a 4 am or 11pm call. Ill look for the PM. email is beheyb at gmail just in case.
    @quilteryoyo or anyone else interested?

    my new phone will be her any minute... I am trying to motivate myself to get kitten done so I can learn all about it.

    oh I came here to tell @Avidkeo I have rad report from xray. MRI probably tomorrow. It seems a word or two is left out. Osteoarthritis perhaps?
    and @noblsheep Yes 100 year old eggs are kinda gross. sorry. I saw a thing on how they were made ages ago and they are in my Chinese cookbook. I just dont think i could. Its too foreign. LOL!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @noblsheep - your New Year's dinner looks delicious - minus the eggs. I worked early on with a couple of guys who loved them, but no thank you!
    So the company where we had the potlucks was very multicultural and a very close knit group even though we worked in 2 different locations. We had an awesome admin and she started asking everyone to bring in recipes for foods they brought to the potlucks. She typed them all into the pc in her 'spare time' and then made it into a cookbook (circa 1992!). We sold it as a fund raiser for a charity we all were supporting and it was overwhelmingly popular. So all this to say, I went to look up the bean paste recipe and it was with red bean and lotus seed paste. I really need to revisit some of these recipes!
    I took a picture of the recipe:

    @quilteryoyo - I have my dad's leather flight jacket that he wore all the time too. He passed away way too young in 1988. I think it still smells like him. He was a lifelong smoker (likely reason for his early demise) and I suspect that smell is in the leather. When I miss him and I still do, that jacket brings me comfort. I used to even wear it sometimes. It fit me when I was heavier. Also dd has the jacket from our neighbor, Hans who was like a grandfather to her. I think that connection is just comforting.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Thanks for the support ladies. I knew you would understand.

    As for learning to cook, I'd love to be on the zoom if I can figure out how to turn the camera on on my computer. It seems to be on the fritz. LOL

    CONGRATULATIONS @eleanorhawkins ! That's great news! What type of content will you be writing?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Congratulations @eleanorhawkins!! I hope it works out for you!
    I do agree about the translators. I thought about it after I posted. I usually use it for pretty simple phrases and the first couple of times I tested it with a friend to see how it translated.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo @shanaber
    Mostly Spanish news for expats, which at the moment will be a lot of boring and depressing covid stuff but I've done very similar work today so have a bit of a nose for quirky stuff. One of the first things I've done today was the arrest of an idiot shop manager who planned a fake armed robbery with another guy by text message and the robber dropped his phone as he ran away, leading the police straight to them. D'oh!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I'm in a down mood today. After yesterday's gorgeous weather, it's a rainy mess today. Mom is going through my dad's clothes and giving them away. That's ok. For me, it's a little soon, but I know we are all different. She said that her and dad had talked about it and he wanted someone else to use them if they could. Sounds like him as he would give someone the shirt off of his back if that was the only one he had.

    Anyway, yesterday she washed up his coats and jackets to give to my friend who lives in Nashville so he could take them to a Thrift Store he likes in Nashville - if no one he knows can use them. I was looking through them and saw one that dad wore A LOT. I asked her if she was giving away the coat that he wore all the time. She said yes. Someone else could use it. I sort of pretend pouted, but told her it was okay. The more I thought about it though, the more I just couldn't see that go. So, I called my friend and he is going to take it out of the stuff he has and leave it at mom's for me today. I don't know why I need that, but I feel I do. I talked to mom about it and she was sorry that she gave it away if I wanted it. I am going to go down later today and go through some of his other clothes to see if anything strikes me as something I would like to keep. I can't think of anything right now, but didn't think that coat would evoke such emotions either.

    I’m pretty sure my mom never did clean out one closet full of my dad’s stuff. She finally asked me to do the other closets since she couldn’t handle it. My dad was three times as big as I am but I still wear his Sherpa coat sometimes. My husband, on the other hand, there were some clothes that would have worked for him but he just couldn’t bear the thought. Everyone is different I guess. Hugs to you.