Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @noblsheep Happy New Year!

    Baozi with custard filling is one of my husband’s favorite things. I used to work next door to a restaurant which was supposedly a Thai restaurant but the owner was from some tiny mountain village in Fujian. He had a crush on me and would bring me special foods his wife cooked for him! My husband would joke about how I needed to flirt more to get more bao.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,101 Member
    @rheddmobile Thanks. I still haven't cleaned out my husband's closet. I have used a couple of his shirts to make things for the youngest grandkids. I could do it emotionally, now. I just don't have the motivation. I know that we all handle grief differently. That's why I was trying to be supportive of mom giving dad's stuff away. When I went down today, I brought a couple of his shirts home that I am going to attempt to make pillows from - one for me and one for her. Dad loved to fish and had a few t-shirts with sayings about fishing that she is going to keep. He wore them a lot.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all. Have just jumped on for a min, will go back and read soon.

    My oldest DD had her food challenge. She's definitely allergic to peanuts. 😭

    So first they did a little swipe of peanut butter on the inside of her bottom lip. She was a little hmmm not sure I like the taste, then over a few minutes was more blah don't like the taste and ended up stuffing a paper towel in her mouth. Now she has somewhat over the top reactions to new foods, so I gave her my phone to play with and that immediately distracted her and she settled down to normal.

    20 mins later they gave her 1/8 tsp of peanut butter on a cracker. First again she complained about the taste. Then she started trying to scrape it off her tongue. Then she started sneezing. And then dry retching. This took about 3-4 mins to happen, so not instant.

    They gave her antihistamines and prednisone and she settled within a minute or two.

    So yah. Was definitive. She is allergic to peanuts. No swelling or breathing issues, that's good. Just like over the top hay fever type reaction.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    @shanaber @noblsheep Well with the time difference perhaps we can do breakfast for lunch/dinner or something. I wanna try it even if it means a 4 am or 11pm call. Ill look for the PM. email is beheyb at gmail just in case.
    @quilteryoyo or anyone else interested?

    my new phone will be her any minute... I am trying to motivate myself to get kitten done so I can learn all about it.

    oh I came here to tell @Avidkeo I have rad report from xray. MRI probably tomorrow. It seems a word or two is left out. Osteoarthritis perhaps?
    and @noblsheep Yes 100 year old eggs are kinda gross. sorry. I saw a thing on how they were made ages ago and they are in my Chinese cookbook. I just dont think i could. Its too foreign. LOL!

    Yep mild osteoarthritis. So annoying but not enough to do anything about it.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Hey all. Have just jumped on for a min, will go back and read soon.

    My oldest DD had her food challenge. She's definitely allergic to peanuts. 😭

    So first they did a little swipe of peanut butter on the inside of her bottom lip. She was a little hmmm not sure I like the taste, then over a few minutes was more blah don't like the taste and ended up stuffing a paper towel in her mouth. Now she has somewhat over the top reactions to new foods, so I gave her my phone to play with and that immediately distracted her and she settled down to normal.

    20 mins later they gave her 1/8 tsp of peanut butter on a cracker. First again she complained about the taste. Then she started trying to scrape it off her tongue. Then she started sneezing. And then dry retching. This took about 3-4 mins to happen, so not instant.

    They gave her antihistamines and prednisone and she settled within a minute or two.

    So yah. Was definitive. She is allergic to peanuts. No swelling or breathing issues, that's good. Just like over the top hay fever type reaction.

    That’s not bad, not an epipen sort of thing at least. Wondering how much is psychosomatic but there’s no way to know without a blind test. At least you know she’s not likely to keel over from a mistake on a label!
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 586 Member
    @swenson19d I think MFP ate my PM. Resent.

    @shanaber That cookbook is so cool! I love how it nonchalantly asks you to "form dough around balls", I would probably fail that step really hard.

    @eleanorhawkins Congrats on the job!! As one translator to another, yeah machine translation is not very reliable. Sometimes I use it on really technical documents so the words are already there and I don't have to constantly look things up, but that's about it.

    And HA! on the story. I suppose that's why all crooked planning should be done by phone.

    @rheddmobile Happy Lunar New Year to you too! (I realised yesterday after talking about how Koreans have it too, that I should stop referring to it as CNY.)

    Ahhhh custard baozi. Another wonderful southern thing that northerners can't get right lol. I always found it interesting that all kinds of Asian food would get grouped together in NA and EU and everyone would end up making everyone else's dishes. Once tried to have ramen somewhere in Ireland. The shopowner was Korean, and once we d'oh'ed on that, we changed our order to kimchi soup and seafood pancakes.

    @AvidKeo Sorry to hear that the allergies are still there. I'm lucky not have allergies to anything ubiquitus like peanuts, but have enough to need to be careful in everyday coming and going. It's manageable but annoying.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,101 Member
    @eleanorhawkins So funny about the robber. Seems like people get caught by doing the dumbest things.

    @Avidkeo So sorry that DD is allergic to peanuts, but, as others have said, at least it isn't life threatening. I'm sure it's still hard to manage though.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Thanks guys.

    I'm disappointed because in my head she had put grown it. I'm relieved that it's just what it was and no need for epipen. And now we know for sure and I no longer feel like a fraud. While she had a reaction as a baby, she hasn't had anything in the last 5 years. So it was always I think she's allergic but not sure.

    Now we know yes she is. And her reaction is like hay fever. Cool. Pass the antihistamines please!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @noblsheep - You need to come to CA or even Seattle. We do have some pretty decent ramen shops (in LA) and Chinese food in general (SF). There have been such large Chinese and Japanese communities here for decades and more recently Thai, Philippine, Korean and Vietnamese. You can pretty much find whatever you like in those communities. Of course there are also all the 'fusion' places too that like to mix everything up.

    @avidkeo - I find it interesting that they tested her in that way and not with a scratch test. When dh was tested (not allergic to peanuts) he was very allergic to crab among other things and had a huge welt where they tested it.

    @eleanorhawkins - that is hilarious about the shopkeeper/robber. I am sure he is wishing he had put the phone in his pocket!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @noblsheep I saw the Zoom calendar. sat/sun 430PM -10PM Central according it is when I'd be available. most Tuesdays and friday's I'd also be available. I think that's 130 pm-7pm shana-time. @rhedmobile and @quilteryoyo and I are in the same time zone as I.

    I have a disability hearing today. Wish me luck that I convey accurate & relevant information and am able to articulate information. I'm not feeling specifically quick this AM. I think that's the pain. Perhaps a hot shower will help once I have a bit more tea.

    @Avidkeo I am not sure if peanut allergies can get worse over time? They give me a migraine and a $100 DNA test said I am likely to develop an allergy to them. I suppose it could be limited to the migraine, though.

    Phone was delayed d/t weather. I am achy today. How can I do nothing and feel like I worked out with Lou Ferrgino? I am tired. I need to find a way to keep my outside cats water thawed. I suggest a space heater to dh and he thought the risk of fire was too great and there are none to be had. So for now I have disposable hand warmers to strategically place. No idea if it's help since its like 9F.

    I got a photo of beans terrible abscess. It's so gross that i'll keep it to myself though. Its is the size of a quarter, (2.5cm) ^2 round, for the international folks.

    DD had a date yesterday.
    blind. she met on the internet. I made a pro/con list with her and was against her going out upon the frozen earth to meet a boy. Kody with a K, from lone grove ok, who has dead things on his fb page (hunts) and is 25 who is lonely and needs a friend, you don't know where he works, I cant talk to his mama... mmm no, I don't care if your 15 25 35 45 or 55. I'm yo mama and I get to veto your decisions.
    She survived. conveyed to him that I was psycho concerned about her. I gave her my bright pink taser, OMG she LOVES the taser LOL! good, because the pepper spray bought a year ago was never unpackaged and the taser is a much better option when someone is in your space. It also doubles as a flashlight.

    Ok think I am awake enough to make it to that shower and change these 4 day old clothes. Depression. what are ya gonna do? Just clinging to that "survivin' bus", its the one that comes after the struggle bus.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @noblsheep - You need to come to CA or even Seattle. We do have some pretty decent ramen shops (in LA) and Chinese food in general (SF). There have been such large Chinese and Japanese communities here for decades and more recently Thai, Philippine, Korean and Vietnamese. You can pretty much find whatever you like in those communities. Of course there are also all the 'fusion' places too that like to mix everything up.

    @avidkeo - I find it interesting that they tested her in that way and not with a scratch test. When dh was tested (not allergic to peanuts) he was very allergic to crab among other things and had a huge welt where they tested it.

    @eleanorhawkins - that is hilarious about the shopkeeper/robber. I am sure he is wishing he had put the phone in his pocket!

    She had the scratch test a month ago. Her wheal was small enough that they felt comfortable proceeding with the food challenge - it was about 3mm, half the size if her last wheal
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Had a great night last night. First time ever leaving the kids with an outside babysitter. They were good.

    Went to Russell Howard, he's a British commedien. Was fantastic.

    Am up, have eaten breakfast, about to go for my long run. I've decided to go run the walkway again. I was tempted to run at home but don't want a repeat path, and it's a great day for the walkway. I like an out and back. Also it's the best practice for next week which is an out and back as well.

    17k. Should be good!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    @noblsheep I saw the Zoom calendar. sat/sun 430PM -10PM Central according it is when I'd be available. most Tuesdays and friday's I'd also be available. I think that's 130 pm-7pm shana-time. @rhedmobile and @quilteryoyo and I are in the same time zone as I.

    I have a disability hearing today. Wish me luck that I convey accurate & relevant information and am able to articulate information. I'm not feeling specifically quick this AM. I think that's the pain. Perhaps a hot shower will help once I have a bit more tea.

    @Avidkeo I am not sure if peanut allergies can get worse over time? They give me a migraine and a $100 DNA test said I am likely to develop an allergy to them. I suppose it could be limited to the migraine, though.

    Phone was delayed d/t weather. I am achy today. How can I do nothing and feel like I worked out with Lou Ferrgino? I am tired. I need to find a way to keep my outside cats water thawed. I suggest a space heater to dh and he thought the risk of fire was too great and there are none to be had. So for now I have disposable hand warmers to strategically place. No idea if it's help since its like 9F.

    I got a photo of beans terrible abscess. It's so gross that i'll keep it to myself though. Its is the size of a quarter, (2.5cm) ^2 round, for the international folks.

    DD had a date yesterday.
    blind. she met on the internet. I made a pro/con list with her and was against her going out upon the frozen earth to meet a boy. Kody with a K, from lone grove ok, who has dead things on his fb page (hunts) and is 25 who is lonely and needs a friend, you don't know where he works, I cant talk to his mama... mmm no, I don't care if your 15 25 35 45 or 55. I'm yo mama and I get to veto your decisions.
    She survived. conveyed to him that I was psycho concerned about her. I gave her my bright pink taser, OMG she LOVES the taser LOL! good, because the pepper spray bought a year ago was never unpackaged and the taser is a much better option when someone is in your space. It also doubles as a flashlight.

    Ok think I am awake enough to make it to that shower and change these 4 day old clothes. Depression. what are ya gonna do? Just clinging to that "survivin' bus", its the one that comes after the struggle bus.

    Hugs. I love you being mumma bear. As for the allergy, often childhood ones can be outgrown, and we had thought/hoped that was the case but apparently not.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @swenson19d - I hope the hearing went well. Do you have to get paperwork from your doctors as well?
    As far as allergies go - dh did not develop his until he was in his late 20's early 30's (interestingly the same with his brother) and they have only gotten worse. We are able to control some but the external dust, pollens, etc. are impossible and it doesn't help that he always wants the windows and doors open for 'fresh air'. I have stopped trying to argue about it, he is the one who has to suffer with the consequences and I just make him sleep elsewhere and close the door.
    Love that you are involved with dd and keeping tabs. It is tough when their main social connection is over the internet and there is no way to know what they are really like. I don't have control with mine any longer but I do still question who she is seeing, where did they meet, what does this person do for a living... They never stop being our babies and we never stop being their moms!

    @avidkeo - have to say I am envious at your ability to actually go out to see live entertainment! So glad you were able to leave the kids with a sitter and enjoy it! I was looking back at the last time I went to a concert with my friends, June 2019. I don't think that will be happening again here anytime soon, maybe by the last quarter of the year if we are lucky.
    Hope your long run was great!

    @quilteryoyo - how are you doing today?

    I slept better last night. Didn't end up taking a nap and was exhausted when I went to bed. I did wake up this morning with the hamstring aching though and immediately put on the heating pad which seems to help calm it. It was also pouring rain when I got up when we weren't supposed to get any. I had calls from friends who were driving long distances today and wanted someone to talk to so I didn't end up getting out until after lunch. Hobbes and I just walked the neighborhood plus a little. I think this is just going to be the way it is for the foreseeable future.
    I have eaten better too, the last couple of days. Haven't weighed, not sure I even want to. I am making whole wheat sourdough bread tomorrow and sourdough waffles with the discard starter. I also promised Hilde some harvest bread with walnuts and dried tart cherries.
    I get my 2nd vaccine dose tomorrow afternoon and I am worried about the reported side affects. Hopefully I will be a lucky one and not have so many.

  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 586 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    @noblsheep I saw the Zoom calendar. sat/sun 430PM -10PM Central according it is when I'd be available. most Tuesdays and friday's I'd also be available. I think that's 130 pm-7pm shana-time. @rhedmobile and @quilteryoyo and I are in the same time zone as I.

    Let's say Saturday 8pm Central (which is tomorrow, right?... the international date line is confusing). @rheddmobile @shanaber @quilteryoyo joining? We could chill out, talk about food, and I could do something quick and easy.

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    noblsheep wrote: »
    swenson19d wrote: »
    @noblsheep I saw the Zoom calendar. sat/sun 430PM -10PM Central according it is when I'd be available. most Tuesdays and friday's I'd also be available. I think that's 130 pm-7pm shana-time. @rhedmobile and @quilteryoyo and I are in the same time zone as I.

    Let's say Saturday 8pm Central (which is tomorrow, right?... the international date line is confusing). @rheddmobile @shanaber @quilteryoyo joining? We could chill out, talk about food, and I could do something quick and easy.

    Yay! Sounds good to me. Anyone else interested? @RunsOnEspresso ? @Avidkeo ? I have stuff to make homemade egg rolls which I may be motivated to do.

    still no phone... dang weather.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber yes everything from all my doctors had to be submitted for the disability hearing. I am very lucky to have insurance who takes care of it all because they want social security to start paying me so they can deduct that amount. Their lawyers and case managers do all the leg work. I just affirm my ailments to the judge.

    I think dd is annoyed and flattered that I worry about her. When they were teens and wouldn't tell me anything we developed a "not dead" check in. Kinda heart breaking now. I told her I just can't fathom something happening to her too.

    Anxiety and depression.
    I saw an advert for some hdd-b, magnolia bark or something of the sort. And other ingredients. It may be a placebo but it may help some. Dd took some too.

    I ate too much today. Ice cream burger and chips and cheese.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    noblsheep wrote: »
    swenson19d wrote: »
    @noblsheep I saw the Zoom calendar. sat/sun 430PM -10PM Central according it is when I'd be available. most Tuesdays and friday's I'd also be available. I think that's 130 pm-7pm shana-time. @rhedmobile and @quilteryoyo and I are in the same time zone as I.

    Let's say Saturday 8pm Central (which is tomorrow, right?... the international date line is confusing). @rheddmobile @shanaber @quilteryoyo joining? We could chill out, talk about food, and I could do something quick and easy.

    Id have loved to join in, if for nothing else but good conversation! 8pm Central is 3pm NZ time (Sunday) and I'll be at work!

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Weigh in day, officially lost 700g or nearly 2lb. Stupidly I'm disappointed cause I lost down to 67.4 but went back up to 67.8, then down to 67.7 this morning wate? R weight fluxuations are weird! Trend is going down, and at expected rate of loss. Well slightly over expected loss actually but that's OK.

    Had a lot of food today - long runs help with that. Actually I'm increasing my carbs over the next week so weight will probably increase a bit. Not doing true carb loading, but a small amount won't hurt.
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 586 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    noblsheep wrote: »
    swenson19d wrote: »
    @noblsheep I saw the Zoom calendar. sat/sun 430PM -10PM Central according it is when I'd be available. most Tuesdays and friday's I'd also be available. I think that's 130 pm-7pm shana-time. @rhedmobile and @quilteryoyo and I are in the same time zone as I.

    Let's say Saturday 8pm Central (which is tomorrow, right?... the international date line is confusing). @rheddmobile @shanaber @quilteryoyo joining? We could chill out, talk about food, and I could do something quick and easy.

    Id have loved to join in, if for nothing else but good conversation! 8pm Central is 3pm NZ time (Sunday) and I'll be at work!

    Aw shucks. Next time then, maybe we could make it a semi-regular thing.