Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Zoom should automatically use your camera, or you could just join by audio. We have a lot of chickadees and sparrows. I see a few cardinals and last week there were so many robins. I think I saw a mocking bird on the back porch getting dog food. And of course my favorite, there are still several crows. I saw a great heron fly over the other day. We have the redheaded woodpecker, I haven't seen any lately though. I think I am going to quit feeding the ones outside the back cat room window. Bear is going to go through the window or give himself a concussion if he hasn't already. Perhaps come spring he'll take care of those mocking birds, maybe Cori could teach him how...

    DH had the thought to close in at least part of the back porch. It's a rather large area, 30 x12ish. The motive is to give the dogs an indoor area to get out of the cold. They can go to the shed but insist on the porch unless it's raining because its a metal roof and noisy. I'd been advocating for closing in the porch for years... umm hmm, glad HE had the thought too.

    Still no phone. UPS doesn't even have a projected delivery date or time... ugh. I wasted $12 for next day delivery.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited February 2021
    @quilteryoyo what a frustrating situation! Damn heat pump people, just get your crap sorted!

    @swenson19 also frustrating!

    I've got a weird repair situation atm. I have this fancy travel mug I won off Instagram last year. Its leak proof and absolutely brilliant at keeping liquids warm for hours. Well the other day the plastic screw on the bottom of the button broke off and is lodged in the nut that holds it in place. I can still use the cup without all this, but it's no longer leak proof. So I contacted the company about a replacement. It took a few days to get a reply, but they very helpfully and promptly sent out a replacement nut, telling me to replace it but keep the button I already have. It's the button with the screw that broke! So I emailed saying thanks, that's not entirely what's wrong, the button is broken. No reply yet, because of course it takes several days for a reply.

    So Monday I'll get a new nut, cool. But still can't use the cup properly.

    More amusing than anything.

    My weight is annoying me. I had that drop, but over the last 7 days it's crept back up. I know, I know, trend is down. And I should have another drop soon. But its really bugging me that it appears to be creeping up! It was 67.4 in Monday and has crept up to 67.9 today.

    I have to keep remembering, trend is going down still. And i am sticking to deficit. So this won't last long. Lots of muscle fatigue atm = retained water. This is short term.

    I hate this about weightloss. Sometimes the daily grind is a real struggle.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Thanks @Avidkeo . It's so frustrating. I know you are frustrated about the mug too. They probably sent the part that "usually" breaks. I hope you can get it fixed. Sorry about the weight. It is a struggle, but you know the score. Just hang in there and it WILL go down.

    @swenson19d I was on a video meeting the other day, not zoom, and the little camera icon had an x through it and said the camera wasn't available when I tried to turn it on. It's cool that you have a lot of birds around. I like to watch them and need to do more of it. My late husband and I took up birdwatching as a thing to do together and we really enjoyed it. I just haven't taken the time lately to get back into it.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @Avidkeo re the weight... nothing scientific about this, but remember you've ramped up your mileage in recent weeks. At peak training my body seems to cling desperately to weight even if I'm still in a deficit... like 'we need this ran to run this far'. I know, shouldn't be possible but it feels that way. And then of course there's the extra water weight. I got through 2 litres of water on my run and cool down walk this morning!
    Dad phoned while I was doing my evening stretching. Said he felt fine after his vaccine, just a slightly sore arm. He hates needles though, and the oncologist has refused to accept the blood test he had last week claiming it was too early. So he has to have another one on Monday, contrast MRI on Tuesday and chemo starts on Friday. He's terrified, poor thing.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Sorry, I'm just not good at keeping up with y'all anymore! Such a busy group. There is a zoom meeting? I didn't see where it was posted, but I probably can't do it anyway.
    My weight is still in the range I don't like but not in the danger zone. I'm eating too much sugar! I got a thyroid test and that was fine. I think it is what I mentioned earlier -- I'm not moving as much since I'm not teaching and of course, too much sugar!

    @shanaber - saw the post about your dad dying in 1988. That's when mine died too. He had an unsuccessful double lung transplant. They did just the lungs but when they got in there saw that the heart was very damaged -- or the veins (?) that connect heart to lungs were very damaged I think and they couldn't get it to work. That night a person was brought in to ER who died that was a match for lungs and they gave him both heart and lungs but his body just couldn't handle it all. I think at that time he was the 25th person in the US to get a lung transplant. There were many heart/lung but not just lung. Not sure if they kept doing them or not. He was only 46 and had emphysema starting at age 39 - from a strange alpha one antitrypsin disorder.

    @quilteryoyo - sorry about the heat pump and electric company. And crying about it all. I think the stress of the past year is getting to everyone.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @eleanorhawkins I'm sorry your dad is so scared. Glad you got to talk to him and hope it is way better than he is expecting. Just so you know, I think they say the 3rd day after chemo is the worst.

    Thanks @ddmom0811 . This past year, last 3 months, has been really stressful for me. Sometimes, the smallest thing sets me off. Sorry about your dad. That's so young to pass away!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @ddmom0811 - my dad also had emphysema/chronic bronchitis as well. He was quite a bit older though than your dad. He had really bad allergies and asthma but continued to smoke. After being in the hospital for many months he had surgery to help with his breathing but also didn't survive the surgery.
    @quilteryoyo - sometimes grief comes out at the most unexpected moment. I am sure all the frustrations with the heat pump and the electric company was just one more issue you didn't need to deal with right then. I wouldn't want them to have a lock on my gate either. Hope you can get both of those settled next week.
    @eleanorhawkins - I hope all goes well with your dad. I am sure the thought of chemo and everything is juts overwhelming especially since it is so unknown.
    @avidkeo - you are doing great. How often are you weighing? Maybe better to not weigh so often? I mean you know a bit of fluctuation day to day is normal.

    We had our 2nd vaccines today. Even though dh had his changed they did take him today and said they thought it was an issue with the application because several people had a similar issue. So far we are both feeling fine. I am noticing just a little soreness in my arm again and hopefully that will be the extent of it.

    We got take out last night from our favorite Italian 'fast' place. They have great food and I have learned to ask for the sauces on the side. It was wonderful and very tasty but there must have been something in it that wasn't right. A few hours after dinner I wasn't feeling right and it all came back up. Once it was over with I felt fine and woke up feeling fine this morning. I was so worried even though I was sure it was food related, that I would still not feel well and not be able to get the vaccine. It does make me sad that I only ate about a third of my dinner and had to throw the rest away.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @ddmom0811 I sent you an email with the zoom meet
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 I sent you an email with the zoom meet
    Ha - I sent it to her too! 😁

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @shanaber Glad you got your second vaccine. Hope a sore arm is the only side effect. Sorry you got sick after eating your Italian food. I used to go to a restaurant near here and get their Chicken Alfredo. The last 3 times I got it, I didn't make it out the door before I had to rush to the bathroom. Something they changed - no idea what - gives me immediate diarrhea. I can eat other things there, just not the alfredo.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Sorry to miss the zoom meet! It sounds fun but today is the first day in two weeks I haven’t had to deal with other people and if I have to talk to anyone I will splinter into a thousand tiny pieces. I like the idea of it being a regular thing though, maybe another time.

    @quilteryoyo It’s so cool that you are doing the Backyard Bird Count. I gave some money to Cornell at some point so they are continually sending me emails and one of them was about the Bird Count. I want to do it but I’m not yet comfortable enough with identification. “I know it’s some kind of sparrow... or maybe a female something else... wait, how many are there?” I’m conducting my own private count as practice and I am super bad at it.

    Stuff we had today:
    House sparrows
    Chipping sparrows
    White throated sparrows
    Either a downy or a hairy woodpecker, couldn’t tell
    Red bellied woodpecker, male and female
    5 male cardinals and several females
    Wren, male and female
    2 pairs titmice
    A whole bunch of grackles
    Robins (eating cat food)
    Juncos, I think dark eyed but several different color variants
    We also have four big crows, some sort of hawk I never get a good look at, and Canada geese.

    Usually we also get house finches, purple finches, rarely bluebirds, goldfinches, indigo buntings, and Tennessee warblers. The weirdest thing I have seen at our feeder turned out to be a zebra finch! Someone must have had it as a pet and it got loose. It came around for two years and had a wife who was a regular house finch as far as I can tell, then disappeared. We also sometimes see a yellow and white cardinal who I am dying to get a photo of.

    Re: tears on the phone. I don’t know why people gotta be a way. I hate conflict and would probably be in tears too. It seems to me they can call you if they need to get in. What happens with our gate is if they haven’t been able to get in twice they mail you.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo I think the crying is part of the grief process. I had a moment like that at the PT. Why the heck do they think they can put a lock on your property to get to their property just because they want too? They aren't the police, fire or EMS. Non-emergency; no admittance. I agree a phone call or email or text takes far less effort than a key and a drive out there. Tell them "no means no".

    @rheddmobile wow I know nothing of birds, couldn't tell you past my aforementioned post, no male/female other than the cardinals. We seem to have a rise in Mississippi kites the last 2 years. There a little bird I use to see out at the park, I think It was a small bright blue bird. I don't think I'd ever seen such a bird and though it was a house pet that got loose. But I noticed there were 5-6 of them. It probably was a bluebird, just shocked to see one finally.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber I'm more amused than anything atm though it does bug me. It's been an interesting trend the last 2 weeks, big drop, slow increase or stagnant for 6 days, big drop. I am just trying to watch the trend, and that's beeb going steadily down, so all good I guess.

    Wonder if that means I'll have a big drop again tomorrow? I just miss the days last month it was just a nice steady drop
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo MRI rad report. Basically I have arthritis. Although it looks like this time the intraosseous lipoma is a vertebral hemangioma.

    It snowed here last night. Bear had to go out and smell the bird tracks. mg6c0xbhx9kx.jpg He was out for maybe 10 minutes with Beanie before deciding his paws hurt. Outside cat is is fine, I checked on her and replaced her ice with water. The collie Jack wants me to play with him in the snow. I need to rent him out to some neighborhood kids :)
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited February 2021
    @shanaber The bread looks good! yes, usually no snow here. I think by Friday we will have temps out of freezing. I mean, 1 and -3F (~ -20 C) are not temps I like seeing. Dh got extension cords to plug in a pet bed warmer for Noodle-doodle, I still need to do that. I think I am just going to have to give her water 2-3 times a day until it warms up. I asked her yesterday if she wanted to come inside the house and she growled. I asked again and got another growl. So fine hermit cat, stay in the shed.

    I bought a dutch oven thing, its round ceramic and for baking. Dh wanted breakfast and pretended to want my help so I would fix him something. Having just been outside in my coat that was a bit snug, I wasn't keen on food. But we argued/discussed over what to eat/fix anyway and he browned pork sausage and cut up onion and bell pepper and put them in the pot. I put pancake batter in there with some eggs. Who knows if it will be eat-able.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 wow that is a detailed report! That's impressive. Well you do have arthritis, and a slightly bulginf disc as well so those can be painful. Interesting breakfast concoction. How was it?

    @shanaber mmmmm bread.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Well im annoyed this morning. Have posted in the main thread but will post more here. Covid to follow.

    Yesterday was Sunday. We had 3 members of one household test positive for Covid. They live in Auckland, but travelled to the city I live in while they were possibly symptomatic. Its The UK variant. They are community cases, we haven't really had community cases in a while. So because there isn't a lot of information and because they were traveling around while symptomatic, the government has imposed a lockdown till Wednesday night, and will review it every day. For me this means no gatherings of more than 100 people. Meaning my race on Sunday is now im doubt.

    Now atm there are 2 outcomes.
    1: we get incredibly lucky and no one else tests positive. I'm holding out hope for this, but it's the UK variant, so very contagious. Sigh. If this happens, lockdown may be lifted on Wednesday.

    2: they find more community cases over the next couple of days and the country continues current lockdown, or goes stricter lockdown. Given one of the people attended high-school and was symptomatic, this is probably the likely outcome. Whether the whole country goes stricter or just Auckland, will depend on if we find any in the city I live in.

    So I'll be watching the next 3 days with my heart in my mouth. If we get no more cases, then lockdown may be lifted. If WR get more cases that are close contacts, then current lockdown will endure for a week or so. If they get cases in New Plymouth then we will see a strict lockdown again.


    My plan, I'll run the half anyway, even at our strict lockdown I can do a few laps around home. It won't be the same, but I may as well since I trained for this. And then I'll prepare for April. I'll be disappointed to miss out on the race atmosphere, but it's likely they will postpone for a few weeks.

    Will see.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo The breakfast was edible. I ate too much of course. I am cautiously relieved that is just arthritis, least until my doc phones Wednesday for his interpretation. Just arthritis and adjustment pain from PFDO (proximal femoral derotation osteotomy), can be managed if I go to PT and try er get to the pool. I will concede to use the "therapeutic" pool for old people and not try to swim laps like I am an Olympian. I might entertain strength exercises if the doc says to try some. I bruised my hand the other day. I was typing and it gets a sharp pain, the same one that the wrist had a subluxed bone, this time it bruised. swear. Who bruises just by typing?

    It is still snowing
    I almost think this is animal cruelty... bean and bear bird watching.
    I have nothing to do but share pics today...
    What's everyone else doing?